Straight into the heart. How the first viewers appreciated the film “Sky” about the fate of a Russian military pilot

When you're in love and trying to figure out whether it's mutual, your emotions can drown out common sense - and now you're already wishful thinking. Instead of replaying the words he says to you a hundred times in your head, pay attention to other, less obvious signs that he cares about you:

Watch your body language

You can learn what another person is thinking and feeling by carefully observing their body language. Surprisingly, girls have about 50 signs that they are interested in a guy, while guys only have 10. What does this mean? You only need to watch for a few key signs!

The most common one is how much he looks at you. If you see his eyebrows rise when his eyes fall on you, this is the main sign that he likes you. If he maintains eye contact and his arms and legs are facing your direction, this indicates that he is interested enough in you. Does he start fixing his hair or his shirt when you walk into the room? If he subconsciously thinks about his appearance, it means that he wants you to find him attractive.


Igor Petrenko said that it was very difficult to get used to the role of Oleg Peshkov.

– This is not some artist’s fantasy - I had to play a real person. The film was watched by Oleg Peshkov’s relatives and fellow soldiers. Such a high responsibility did not allow me to relax a little, to “behave” on camera. We tried to take the film seriously,” the actor shared.

Gelena Peshkova, in a conversation with a RIA Voronezh correspondent, admitted that she was very impressed:

- I really liked the movie. It is not only about my husband, it is about military personnel, about pilots who defend their Motherland. And as long as there are such men, real men, we will always have a peaceful sky above our heads. This is a feature film, not a documentary, so there is a lot of fiction. I am grateful to the Ministry of Defense, the film crew, the actors, Leonid Agutin, who composed a new song for the film - it gives me goosebumps. Thanks to them for the memory of Oleg Anatolyevich and all the fallen servicemen.

The son of Oleg and Gelena Peshkov, Alexander, is also delighted with the film. He watched the film not only in the finished version, but also in the rough version. And from the very beginning of filming I perceived Igor Petrenko as a loved one.

“I supported Igor and worried about him. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the film crew and personally to Igor Kopylov,” said Alexander.

The head of the Lipetsk Aviation Center, Lieutenant General Yuri Sushkov, noted that military pilots in Lipetsk live the life shown in the film.

– At our aviation center we do not prepare people for heroism. They live and serve in such a way as to behave with dignity in extreme situations. Oleg Peshkov and Konstantin Murakhtin showed this,” Yuri Sushkov emphasized.

Navigator Konstantin Murakhtin admitted that while watching the film it was very difficult for him to relive the tragic events of 2015. The major summed up his impressions with one phrase – “aerobatics.” He noted that the film will appeal not only to military pilots.

– The film turned out great – in the truest sense of the word. Oleg and I were the ones who entered the military school during difficult times for the country. As shown in the film, people were leaving – not only cadets, but also officers. And the people who remained in aviation were in love with the sky,” said Major Murakhtin.

Murakhtin with his wife Albina

Military pilot-researcher of the Central Research Institute of the Air Force of the Russian Ministry of Defense Evgeny Flenov believes that the film “Sky” is comparable to the legendary film “Only Old Men Go to Battle.”

“We haven’t made films like this for a long time.” It turned out to be a good movie about everyone - the officers, the pilots, the technical staff. With such people we will win any war,” noted Evgeniy Alekseevich.

According to pilot Nazar Dmitrievsky, from a professional point of view, the film “Sky” turned out to be very sincere.

– This is a film about a feat, about those people who walk with us shoulder to shoulder in the ranks, those people who teach us and pass on their experience. I am sure that this film will inspire many guys who aspire to be Russian officers to great feats. Why "Sky"? The sky personifies serenity and boundlessness; the sky is an element that cannot be embraced. This is the inner element of people, their worries, their feelings and emotions,” summed up Nazar Dmitrievsky.

Catch your eye

Guys try to look at girls subtly when they think you can't see it.
If you can catch his eye when you look back, that's a good sign. More confident guys hold eye contact longer. If you want to check if he is interested in you, try this: look at his face for 3-4 seconds and then look away. Look back in a second. If your views intersect, then he is definitely interested in you. Remember that there are also shy guys who are embarrassed to make contact first, but if he really likes you, he will continue to look at you. When you are in a group and he jokes, in moments when everyone is laughing, his eyes will constantly check if you are laughing. This is a clear sign that he wants to impress.

Why does a married man make eye contact?

The first question that comes to mind is: why doesn’t the person who paid attention have the courage to simply speak? Most likely, the stranger is not free and is checking the availability of the lady he has his eyes on. He finds her sweet and attractive, wants to make sure that the young lady is open to communication, ready to become a lover. I don’t mind going with him to “have a blast” and continue the evening drinking alcohol.

Attention! Often a rude look in retaliation confuses the womanizer, and he turns away. If a pervert perceives a girl's interest as a signal of readiness for sex, and suggests privacy, then perhaps it is worth teaching him a lesson.

Check physical contact

A guy who is interested in you will always find a reason to touch you: touch your arm, bump your legs, or even accidentally hug you. Watch what happens when you touch. If you put your hand on his neck, will he move away? Or, conversely, will he try to increase physical contact?

Don't forget that if he is a little shy, he may flinch and shrink a little from your touch. This doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Just keep watching.

Why does a man avoid looking?

A representative of the stronger sex who looks at a woman's body longer than at her face experiences lust for her. He finds her body "hot" and attractive. The macho man stared to imagine what the friend looked like without clothes. This type of attention cannot be called a signal of love.

Although there is nothing wrong with wanting a young lady, a man who is feeling affection tries to make sure that his non-verbal language does not make his girlfriend feel awkward. He will either “softly” gesticulate or admire from the side.

Sometimes a young man may avoid meeting eyes because he is not in love, but is forced to look at an acquaintance because of her popularity in the company, among other guys. Studying her appearance, he is only trying to figure out what makes the nymphet so popular.

Attention! Some experienced pick-up artists are cunning and do not want to impose themselves prematurely; they try to interest an attractive person before inviting her on a date. They wait for a positive signal from their friend, remaining silent for some time. Strategists are either afraid of rejection or don't want to make fools of themselves. Watching from afar, they expect that they will stand out with their indifference among the crowd of admirers of a popular young lady.

Perhaps the scammer just wants to make the lady feel awkward.

Important! If a lady has ever had a showdown with a colleague, he actively shows attention in order to even out the situation and make the employee feel awkward. Perhaps a business partner is seducing just to win an argument.

Look for differences

If a guy is interested in you, he may start to behave differently than he does with others, especially when you are in a large group. For example, showing yourself as a protector by unconsciously placing your hand on the back of your chair. There is another interesting and, as it seems to me, completely illogical tactic that some guys use: start flirting with other girls. Luckily, this tactic is easy to spot: just watch if he glances at you when he's talking to someone else. And if he also stops talking to her when you leave the room, then everything is obvious.

The right to choose

The film is based on the tragic story of the death of Oleg Peshkov and the amazing story of the rescue of his navigator Konstantin Murakhtin. Their Su-24 aircraft was shot down by an air-to-air missile from a Turkish Air Force fighter on November 24, 2015. The crew ejected. But when the pilot Oleg Peshkov was descending by parachute, the terrorists shot him in the air. Konstantin Murakhtin landed on enemy territory, hid from the militants and was rescued.

Members of the film crew came to the premiere of the film in Lipetsk: director and scriptwriter Igor Kopylov, actors Igor Petrenko, Ivan Batarev, Sergei Gubanov. Igor Petrenko in the film played the role of Oleg Soshnikov (whose prototype was Oleg Peshkov), the young actor Ivan Batarev played the role of navigator Konstantin Muravyov (his prototype was Konstantin Murakhtin). Sergei Gubanov embodied in the film the image of Major Zakharov, who heads the SSO (Special Operations Forces) detachment.

Along with the military pilots and their son Alexander, Oleg Peshkov’s widow, Gelena, also came to the premiere of the film. Her prototype in the film was played by Maria Mironova.

“Sky” is a truly spectacular blockbuster, with breathtaking scenes of military aircraft piloting, explosions and special effects. But at its core is a real feat. Oleg Soshnikov in the film is not a superhero at all, but a simple man who loves his family and fatherland. And when he is faced with a choice - to stay with his family or fight terrorists in Syria - he chooses the second.

This choice was prepared by the previous decisions and actions of Oleg Soshnikov. In the early 1990s, he did not quit (like many other cadets) from the military school in search of a more satisfying life, but stayed, deciding to become a military pilot. He has to make a choice even in adulthood: between military aviation and civil aviation - with a high salary and a beautiful life. Oleg Soshnikov chooses service and officer duty.

The first and most demanding viewers - military pilots and members of their families - received the film with a bang. The women wiped away their tears.

Gaze frequency and duration: how to understand signals

The duration of looking at a partner within European culture has different meanings, depending on the nature of communication. The following types of views are distinguished:

  1. Social - medium duration, aimed at the eye or mouth area.
  2. Business - direct, long-lasting, expresses the desire to reach an agreement.
  3. Intimate - intermittent for women, long-lasting for men. Used to attract the attention of an interested person.

A direct gaze directed downwards at a partner is a signal of threat, a warning of an attack. This is how dominant individuals look, seeking to assert their position. In friendly and business communication, a challenging gaze should be avoided so as not to accidentally provoke aggression.

What does winking with one or two eyes mean, frequency and speed of blinking

Winking during business communication is unacceptable. This is an informal gesture that is only allowed by people in informal relationships. A wink is a signal to the interlocutor that an agreement has been reached, encouragement, and assurance of one’s support. In Asian culture, winking is a form of insult.

The frequency of blinking speaks about character: frequent blinking indicates uncertainty, a tendency to submit, rare blinking indicates self-confidence, arrogance. Before assessing the blink rate, you should find out whether the interlocutor has vision problems. With myopia, frequent blinking is an uncontrollable symptom that is important to consider.

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