The power of thought or how to attract a person from a distance

In recent years, there has been a lot of information on the Internet about the possibilities of thought, its power and ability to materialize events. Is it really? The other day a friend came to me and asked how to attract a man at a distance with the power of thought. She really likes him, but is not eager to get closer to him.

The girl turned to me with this question, because a couple of months before this event I tried a psychotechnic that helped me improve my relationship with my loved one. We quarreled over his relatives, but this is not a reason to break off relations.

I taught her a simple mental technique that helped her too. In this article I want to share my knowledge with you, maybe it will help you improve your relationship or get to know the man you want better.

Possibilities of thought

Psychotechniques, with the help of which another person will think about you even when at a great distance, help with separation. These techniques will also help shy girls who do not want to seem intrusive.

The speed of thought is several times faster than the speed of light, this is a scientifically established fact. It spreads in space almost instantly. This means that with the help of thought you can very quickly change circumstances and events. Does this phenomenon explain the instant healing of sick people by Jesus Christ?

He was also able to instantly turn water into wine when he came to the wedding. In the light of recent scientific discoveries, these actions no longer seem fantastically unrealistic. On the contrary, it makes you think about using your thinking capabilities for the benefit of yourself and others.

Thoughts are material and they can change the surrounding reality. American philosopher R. Emerson argued that the world is controlled by thoughts.

And if we remember that man was created in the image and likeness of God, who created the universe with thought and word, then a logical question arises: why not use these abilities? A person may well create his own reality, of course, without encroaching on the laws of the universe.

Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the fate that people believe in is created by themselves: the subconscious.

The subconscious accumulates information, experiences, thoughts and desires. So they are the building material for destiny. That is, we reap the fruits of our own mental activity, but we attribute this to some invisible entity called “fate.”

We have been given the power of thought to attract a person from a distance. You just need to use it. This will work at the level of his subconscious, somewhat similar to hypnosis. Is it sinful to manipulate another person through indoctrination? It's up to you to decide.

If a man does not love you of his own free will, then it is unlikely that you need to have a close relationship with him. This won't end well. So think for yourself.

Techniques to make a man think about a woman

How to win him over if you just met him

If the acquaintance took place quite recently, and you are already completely and completely in the power of a man, then you probably really want to conquer his heart and thoughts.


This is where all the points described above come in handy: mystery, care, good mood.

And of course, it is always worth remembering that a man loves with his eyes and it is very important for a woman to look good and well-groomed.

It is also necessary to take into account that resorting to a neckline or very short skirts, for example, is also not worth it, since they will no longer cause anything other than thoughts of intimacy. And this is unlikely to contribute to the fact that your relationship will somehow develop in the future.

But a feeling of slight jealousy as a certain method of charm is very suitable.

A man will probably feel nervous if you start flirting with someone else or unexpectedly leave a date. He will definitely have a reason to wonder if you have someone else vying for your heart.

This technique will force your man to take some more active actions.

in relation to you, and, accordingly, will make him think about you constantly.

Visualization technique

How to attract a man with the power of thought, make him remember himself? There is a simple psychotechnic for this. You need to guess the time when a person will fall asleep, but you can’t sleep yourself. Lying on the bed, you need to completely relax all the muscles of your body and remove all thoughts from your head.

You don’t need to erase them, just stop looking at the thought stream. Your target is a man.

After completely relaxing the body, you need to imagine the person’s face as clearly as possible. The more details you provide, the better. This applies to skin moles, wrinkles and other features. Then you need to imagine that you are moving inside his body, immersing yourself in him and taking possession of his consciousness.

You need to imagine as vividly as possible that you are him. It is advisable to imagine his feelings, merge with him and become one. After this, you need to give the command as specifically as possible: “You need to call Veronica” or “I really want to see Nastya, I miss you.”

Commands should be spoken in the first person, as if he were speaking to himself. You can’t say “Call me”: it’s not clear to whom “me”?

How many times should I say these commands? Your inner feeling will tell you when it’s time to finish. You may fall asleep while performing the technique. Therefore, it is advisable to perform it after getting ready for bed.

How to act, how to influence a photograph with the power of thought in order to attract your loved one?

An equally interesting way is to use photos. This method of instilling thoughts at a distance is suitable when a person is very far from you. Moreover, as we have already said, this method is more suitable for a beginner.

Try not to be disturbed by anyone and sit comfortably. You should be comfortable, and every cell of yours should relax. Once you are focused on the object, start sending signals to it. Remember that the result cannot be doubted. You must be confident in him.

Mental suggestion technique

How to attract the man you like with the power of thought? You can try the technique of mental suggestion. A man needs to be instilled with the idea of ​​love, desire, anything. for example, instill in him “You love me” or “You want to be with me.”

For suggestion, you need to create an energy channel for transmitting information. Just imagine how a blue ray comes out of your forehead (third eye area) and penetrates the man’s forehead. The channel has been created. It can convey not only thoughts and emotions, but also images (pictures).

The technique can be used both with visual contact with a person and at a distance. But the man must know you by sight; this number will not work with a stranger. It is believed that this technique came to us from ancient Egypt.

Another modification of the technique looks like this. You need to stay alone in the room so that no one suddenly comes in and disturbs you. The best time to practice is before bed or late evening.

You need to sit comfortably in a chair or on the sofa and relax so that there are no muscle tensions and extraneous thoughts. All thoughts should be directed to the object of influence - a man.

When you are ready, imagine a stream of green or turquoise energy emanating from your solar plexus and directed towards the man. Your energy should penetrate his solar plexus and envelop his aura.

You have created a communication channel. Now transmit whatever you want through this channel. These can be feelings, images, thoughts. Everything you convey will be deposited in his subconscious. He will think about you day and night. But provided that you already know each other and he knows you well.

How do you know if the method worked? By response. You should feel a response of warmth through this channel. If it appears, then your energy has reached its destination. If you are interested in how to force a person to write an SMS or letter with the power of thought, then this technique is well suited. But best of all, it conveys the feelings and desires of close contact.

With its help, you can make a person experience an incredible craving for the object of passion, even drive him crazy (in the good sense of the word).

How to influence a person’s subconscious and instill thoughts in him at a distance without his knowledge?

So, in order to instill thoughts at a distance, it is important not only to learn how to do it correctly, but also to master the technique:

Thought suggestion technique

  • First, prepare the room. The conditions should be comfortable for you. The environment should help you relax.
  • Prepare yourself. Take a comfortable position, turn off everything that may distract you. Focus on your breathing - inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 8 counts.
  • Tune in to the person . Imagine it - how it looks, moves, feel it. To make it easier, look at his photo.
  • Only when you have tuned in to a person and it seems to you that he is nearby, then begin telepathic influence . Send him a clear request. Confidently, firmly, as if you won’t accept refusal, make a request. It's better to do it out loud. You must not just say, but feel what needs to be done. Allow 3-4 minutes for this stage, but no more.
  • Now get out of your state. This is important to consider because you have to come back to yourself. Give yourself a hug or a pinch. Look around at familiar objects.

After completing the procedure, it would be nice to rest. To do this, take a walk, drink tea, in general, do something that feels good to you.

Mental Simulation Technique

Write me

How to force a man to call with the power of thought or write SMS? You just need to imagine that these actions have already happened. For example, you can draw a response window on a piece of paper, and in it the text of an SMS or post on a social network. You just need to do this with faith in the result.

The energy of doubt is much more powerful than the energy of faith, and therefore can easily destroy any good undertakings.


How to call a person with the power of thought? A large mirror will help with this. Walk in front of the mirror - moving closer and further away. Remember your image in the mirror as it comes towards you. Also imagine how the person you need comes to meet you halfway.

The brighter and more imaginative you imagine this, the sooner the desired meeting will happen. Remember that our thoughts change reality and simulate new events.


In an esoteric store you can buy a small bell and use it to attract necessary events in life, for example, to attract a man. Ring a bell (or imagine that you are ringing it) and realize that these sounds attract the right person to you.

Repeat this technique daily, maybe several times a day.


How to create in a person a strong desire to see or love you? There is an ancient technique based on similarity.

You need to create in yourself a strong desire for something, for example, hunger. Hold out in this state (extreme hunger or thirst) for as long as possible and think that the right person wants to see you just as much. Then satisfy your hunger and think that the man will also be happy to meet/date/acquaintance, etc.

Method of unobtrusive influence at a distance without orders: features

How to inspire thoughts in a person?
In fact, it is quite difficult to instill thoughts at a distance, but everything can be learned. Often people want to learn to act gently, and not in an orderly manner, as if injecting their thoughts so that the person thinks that these are his decisions,

In this case, the technique itself is the same as the previous one. The only thing that is different is your phrases. They should not be commanding, but softer. You should kind of plant thoughts in your head, for example, “I should like to eat something,” “Maybe I should call Natasha?” and so on.

Let's turn to the knowledge of the past

There are many examples in history of how the desire power technique works. In most cases, it is identified with many fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Such an association with a clear example allows you to feel the possibilities. It’s worth remembering any of them, where the hero says the words: “I want!”, “I wish!”. They are the ones who push us to realize our plans.

Both in legends and in reality, the main method of the technique is visualization, which allows you to compare three stages in chronological order: plan-thought-result. This is how you work on yourself. Indeed, in a particular case, the intention is the desire to hear a man; a thought is a force that forces another person to a certain extent to do something, and the result is a ringing bell. If you do not create three key stages, then there will be no result.

From the point of view of science, we are committing a kind of deception on the brain; we allow the possibility of not distinguishing the real from the unreal. This is beautifully presented in the words of the great Albert Einstein, who pointed out that “Imagination is the display of the upcoming events of life.” He knew what he was talking about, just as a woman knows that the call will take place. But not only visualization matters; there are several other important processes that affect the power of thought. Each of them has an effect that corrects the power of desire and suppresses uncertainty.

What to write to a man so that he thinks only about me: examples of phrases

You should not call a man, especially if he is at work. Love SMS can also have a positive impact on the development of your relationship. This is a great way to remind yourself.

It ’s better to avoid using diminutive words and call by name:

  1. If a loved one is preparing for some important event, phrases like: “I believe in you”, “I wish you good luck - you will be the best!”, “You are my hero!” would be appropriate.
  2. Words of gratitude after a joint event: “Thank you for pampering me,” “It was unforgettable,” “Thank you for the evening.”
  3. During a serious relationship, you can write bolder SMS: “You are the best!”, “Thank you for existing!”, “Sweet dreams for you, my love!”, “I miss you, I want you!”.

How does it work?3

For three to four minutes, you don't need to do anything other than breathe deeply and try to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. This is called “entering the alpha level.” According to the owner of the channel, it is in such a relaxed state that we have access to the subconscious and the forces hidden in it.

After you've relaxed, pick up your phone. Now you need to visualize the notification of a new message from a man down to the smallest detail - imagine the sound with which the phone notifies you about a new message, imagine the name of your loved one, you can even imagine the beginning of the desired message.

No pink hearts or kissing birds - paint an image of the message in your head as if you were seeing it in person. You should try to imagine this “picture” by first looking at the empty notification window on your phone, then closing your eyes.

You need to do this for about a minute, and then “connect your emotions” - imagine your delight and happiness when you see the desired message. Saturate yourself with these emotions, taste them. And then thank the Higher Powers, your subconscious, your imagination.

The girl advises doing this practice in the morning and evening, from one to three days.

The most difficult thing, in our opinion, is to take this seriously and not reproach yourself for stupid behavior. In the end, it has been said more than once about the power of the subconscious and the fact that thoughts are material, so why not try to take advantage of the benefits of the Universe?

The reviews are left by real women, and there are many of them, and all of them (women) are of different ages - from ten-year-olds to fifty-year-olds. Some thank the girl and share their experience, others lament that, as always, they have everything in one place.

Who makes the strongest connections?

It has long been no secret that the strongest connection at the mental level is formed between parents and children, as well as between lovers. Often the same relationships can be observed between friends, especially if they have experienced a lot together and the friendship has been tested by time.

Please note that in the above relationships, the emotional sphere plays a leading role. After all, you love your child not for anything, but simply because you love him... This is probably why a mother always, as they say, feels in her heart if something happened to her child. And a loving son or daughter also clearly senses the state of their parents.

Why is this happening? It is obvious that dry calculation or relationships built only on mutual benefit will not allow a mental connection to develop between partners until such time as emotions - sympathy, respect, affection - wedge into their life together. They will slowly melt the ice crust that does not allow you to build sincere relationships and subtly sense your partner, and after this, a mental relationship will develop.

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