Methodological material on the topic “Mechanisms of influence in the process of communication”

Methods used for effective communication

  1. It is necessary to create a calm environment and stop being nervous, as your state is instantly conveyed to your interlocutor or audience to whom you need to speak. You also need to create conditions in which nothing distracts you from the conversation or attracts the attention of the audience.
  2. First, convey your situation to your interlocutor and give the person the opportunity to express his opinion about his attitude towards it. Based on this information, you can now express your opinion to your interlocutor or opponent. Having learned in advance a person’s attitude to a particular topic, it is much easier to influence a person.
  3. Another effective communication method is inclusion in the situation. Tell the person a story from your life with a similar ending.
  4. It is very important to learn not to judge a person, not to label him. Try to understand what he says without distorting and interpreting the information in your own way. To do this, do not hesitate to ask questions: “Did I understand you correctly? What did you mean by this? etc"
  5. If you need to convince a person, tell him several stories from your life with the ending you want. In your speech, refer to authoritative sources of information.
  6. Help the person draw the right conclusions and tell them all the advantages of solving a certain problem with a new method. Be direct about your intentions and voice your proposal.
  7. After the end of the negotiations or speech, say that you enjoyed communicating and you intend to continue cooperation. Regardless of the outcome of the conversation, you are ready to provide help or service at any time.

Rules of business conversation: what not to talk about during negotiations

The peculiarity of a business conversation requires adherence to the following principles:

  • dosage of information;
  • expediency;
  • cooperativeness;
  • veracity of information;
  • clarity of thoughts;
  • the desire to understand the interlocutor’s thoughts;
  • taking into account individual characteristics.

All participants must follow the rules of business conversation. Business negotiations do not touch upon extraneous topics, focusing around specific activities. But at the same time, it is important to take into account ethical standards and norms of behavior in order to make communication productive and comfortable.

The Impact of Nonverbal Communication on Effective Communication

The human subconscious perceives non-verbal signs as more sincere. A person perceives more than half of the information from non-verbal sources. Therefore, it is important to learn how to use nonverbal methods of effective communication.

  1. Repeating the gestures of the interlocutor helps to quickly establish contact and build trust.
  2. Keep a distance of at least half a meter so as not to violate a person’s personal space. If you are not seeing each other for the first time and contact has already been established. You can touch the person or pat him on the shoulder.
  3. While talking, do not touch your nose and lips . People perceive these gestures as signs of lying.
  4. Postures and gestures during a conversation should be open . This demonstrates your goodwill and sincerity.
  5. Try not to speak quickly or slowly , not to speak too loudly and to pronounce your words clearly.
  6. Do not use the particle “not” , it turns the interlocutor against you. Say better: “I agree with you, but...” than “I don’t agree or you’re wrong.”
  7. When listening to your interlocutor, lean forward a little and nod periodically . This is a sign that you agree with your interlocutor and are ready to cooperate.

What does understanding mean during communication, and how to achieve it?

Due to the subjectivity of views during a conversation, misunderstandings may arise. The views of individuals are of a subjective nature - people can understand different things under the same terms, but believe that the interlocutor shares their opinion. Misunderstandings cause conflicts. Most often it arises due to differences in age, level of education, and religious views.

To avoid misinterpretation, interlocutors should clarify controversial points. When discussing potentially conflicting topics, it is important not only to express your point of view, but also to take into account the opinion of your interlocutor. Conversation is a means that should be used consciously.

Effective communication from a psychological point of view

A person learns to communicate from early childhood. Communication helps a person survive. There are people who know how to establish contacts from childhood. But knowledge of the essence of the psychology of communication helps every person to better understand themselves and those around them, to receive joy from communication, from receiving new information and benefits from friendly and business communication.

You need to be able to communicate correctly with any people, even those who are arrogant and aggressive. Let's look at the main aspects in psychology that help make communication effective.

  • A person must be self-sufficient, understand his worth and the value of his personal opinion. In turn, also understand the value of the interlocutor’s opinion. Respect his view on life.
  • When the interests and desires of the interlocutors coincide, communication goes smoothly. But how to behave when a conflict is brewing?
  • When communicating, a person should feel comfortable and relaxed
  • Don't be afraid to express your feelings and emotions. Shyness, stiffness and uncertainty make communication boring and uninteresting.
  • When communicating, it is important to show care and respect for both yourself and your interlocutor.
  • Interest in the conversation and your curiosity gives the interlocutor the opportunity to tell more about himself. You should always try to find positive qualities in people, then interest in the person will manifest itself.
  • Openness and sincerity in communicating with loved ones is simply necessary. Otherwise, any conversation loses its meaning.
  • You need to learn to accept yourself and the other person for who they are. In this case, you can not be afraid to remain yourself and not adapt to the opinion of another person. Both you and he have the right to your point of view. If you are too emotional, then do not engage in conversations about politics, religion or other ideological topics.
  • Work with emotions . Meditation practices will help you with this. It is necessary that you can maintain inner peace and personal space.
  • Keep your distance, depending on how familiar you are with the person . Do not violate your own or others' personal space.
  • Communication is not only pleasant friendly conversations, but also the opportunity to conduct business and resolve issues . Therefore, you must take into account the character traits and profession of your interlocutor. A teacher will always teach, a person in power will command and control, a doctor will look for diseases.


With retroflexion, the boundaries of our space are directed inside ourselves. In other words, a person treats himself the way he originally intended to treat other people.

An old joke will be appropriate here for demonstration. A guy is waiting for a girl. Date. Naturally, I bought flowers. Waiting. The girl is late. The wait drags on. And while he’s waiting, thoughts like these are running through his head: “Now she’ll come and say that the flowers I bought are not the right ones, that my shirt is the wrong color, that I’m not standing like that, and so on.” . When the girl finally arrives, he throws flowers at her feet and says: “You know, screw you if you’re so smart,” and turns around and leaves. The girl stands in bewilderment.

Actually, this is a vivid example of this mechanism, when a guy hid his uncertainty in the internal dialogue between himself and the girl. That is, he actually thought out everything he feared for her and came to a conclusion. Whether it really happened was no longer of interest to him.

Diseases such as asthma, various pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases are a direct consequence of retained and suppressed energy within oneself.

Methods of effective communication from Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie is known throughout the world as the author of the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” The methods of effective communication recommended by the psychologist are very popular, as they are relevant and useful for everyone. Let's look at the main ten methods of effective communication:

  1. Be a good listener. Before expressing or imposing your opinion, it is better to hear the opinion of your interlocutor on a certain topic. This will help not only to win the person over, but also to anticipate his reaction to a particular topic in advance.
  2. Show sincere interest in the interlocutor , ask him questions. In this case, he will express as much information about himself as possible. This will build your trust and help you redirect the conversation in the direction you want.
  3. Behave diplomatically , do not get carried away with criticism. Talk more about the fact that you agree with the interlocutor, but in some nuances you think a little differently. Speak softly and do not focus on the person’s shortcomings. Ask questions so that the interlocutor answers them in the affirmative. This way you will achieve agreement during the further conversation.
  4. Never argue. Listen to other people's opinions and show respect. Perhaps you really did not take into account or overlooked something. There are never winners in an argument. Everyone has their own opinion, but it’s worth hearing the opposite opinion.
  5. If you want a person to do something, then you need to make him want it. Awaken the person's interest and desire to achieve what you need.

    When fishing, without thinking about my own preferences, I bait the hook not with strawberries and cream, but with a worm. © Dale Carnegie

  6. Don't try to convey your idea to the end . Unobtrusively talk about your idea, and let the person get excited about it and develop this idea. Let him think that she belongs to him. Then he will selflessly want to bring it to life.
  7. When listening to a person's problem, put yourself in his place . This will help you quickly understand and understand its essence.
  8. Never give orders , it hurts a person’s self-esteem. It’s better to ask him questions, and let him decide for himself how to cope with this or that task. This develops creative thinking and relieves you of resentment from your subordinates.
  9. Tell the person how valuable and important he is . Self-love and a sense of importance are great incentives to work.
  10. To draw attention to your ideas, present them in a bright and visual way. For example, like in advertising. A boring presentation with graphs and numbers will leave everyone indifferent. A strong presentation will draw attention to your idea.

Dale Carnegie's methods of effective communication help people become more successful and influential communicators, avoid conflicts and disputes, and gain confidence in their words and actions.

These include: infection, suggestion, persuasion and imitation.

Infection. In its most general form, it can be defined as an unconscious, involuntary susceptibility of a person to certain mental states. It manifests itself through the transmission of a certain emotional state or, in the words of the famous psychologist B.D. Parygin, mental attitude.

For example, applause at the performance of a popular actor can act as an impulse, after which the situation will develop according to the laws of “contagion.” Another example is “cheering” in stadiums during sports competitions. In addition, the leaders (formal and informal) of any group represent a model of an amplifier of a certain mental mood that can arise in the group.

It has been experimentally established that the higher the level of personality development, the more critical is its attitude to the impact and thus the weaker the effect of the “contagion” mechanism.

Suggestion. This is a purposeful, unreasoned influence of one person on another. With suggestion (suggestion), the process of transmitting information is carried out based on its uncritical perception. The phenomenon of resistance to suggestive influence is called counter-suggestion. Suggestion is made by directly instilling mental states, and does not require evidence or logic. Suggestion is an emotional-volitional influence.

The effect of suggestion depends on age: children are more suggestible than adults. Tired, physically weakened people are more suggestible. It has been experimentally proven that the decisive condition for effective suggestion is the authority of the suggestor.

Belief. It is built on using logical justification to achieve agreement from the person receiving the information. Persuasion is an intellectual influence on the consciousness of a person through an appeal to his own critical judgment.

Imitation. Its specificity, in contrast to infection and suggestion, is that it involves not simply accepting the external features of another person’s behavior, but reproducing the features and images of the demonstrated behavior. Since we are talking about the assimilation of proposed models of behavior, there are two plans for imitation: either a specific person, or the norms of behavior developed by the group.

Analysis of communication as a complex multilateral process shows that its specific forms can be very different. In order to understand how a person is included in these processes, what he contributes to them, it is necessary to consider how specifically the processes of communication are revealed in various groups, as well as in various activities.

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  1. Social and psychological mechanisms of influence in the process of communication. Cheldyshova
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  4. Nonverbal means of communication. Part 1
  5. Nonverbal means of communication. Part 2
  6. Mechanisms of interpersonal cognition. Cheldyshova
  7. Essence and characteristics of social diagnostics
  8. Main types of questions, their characteristics
  9. Contents of the socialization process. Cheldyshova
  10. §2. Contents and objectives of the Social Work Technologies course

Psychology of dealing with arrogant people

In life we ​​meet different people, and we must be ready for any communication. Often on our path in life we ​​encounter insolent people - these are people who behave shamelessly and arrogantly in order to achieve their own goals and benefits. They don't take anyone's opinion into account, don't care about other people's feelings, and believe that they are always right.

You can behave differently with arrogant people. For example, respond to rudeness with rudeness, ignore, manipulate, put in place. It all depends on the situation and who is in front of you. Being rude to your boss will be fraught with danger, for example.

  1. The first thing you need to do is not be afraid to say no. You need to be tough and not fall for any persuasion or manipulation. If you don't understand the refusal, start ignoring it.
  2. Try not to stoop to the level of insolence, no matter how much you want to be rude. This way you will be involved in his dirty game and are unlikely to be able to verbally defeat a born boor.
  3. The main goal of an insolent person is to throw you off balance and force you to do what he wants. So try to remain patient and calm. Drive him crazy with your calmness and let him go looking for another victim.
  4. Never allow anyone to violate your personal boundaries and mind their own business. You have every right to protect your personal space.

You must understand that all methods of effective communication are based on understanding yourself and your interlocutor. You must learn to understand people, understand who you are dealing with. In any case, respect, acceptance and awareness of the value of each person are the basis of successful communication.

Topics: Networking, Public Speaking, Relationships

How to tune in to the same wavelength as your interlocutors?

The general mood in the company of interlocutors is formed due to a chain reaction - the mood is transferred from one person to another. In order to get within the given framework of the discussion and not accidentally create a conflict situation within the group of interlocutors, it is important not to join the conversation right away. First, you should familiarize yourself with the topic and assess the attitude of the participants to the subject of conversation. You can't change the subject, or at least try to do it abruptly. It is important to monitor the interaction of your interlocutors and take into account their emotional reactions.

Problems arise when communicating: how to identify and avoid them

The main problem of interpersonal communication arises when interlocutors pursue different goals. For one of them, interaction is a means of obtaining benefits, for the other it is a search for emotional intimacy. The inability or unwillingness to correctly identify the purpose of the conversation causes misunderstanding. The greater the difference in the views of the interlocutors, the higher the chances of an unproductive conversation that causes a negative reaction from all participants.

Psychologists believe that to avoid problems in communication, the mutual desire of the interlocutors is sufficient. A friendly attitude and attention can smooth out the initial awkwardness.

The main task of conversation, the main functions of verbal speech

Communication should be pleasant; its main goal is to enjoy the interaction. The main condition for comfortable interaction is the ability to be in the same verbal field.

To increase mutual understanding, verbal communication should be supplemented with non-verbal means: facial expressions, posture, gestures. The correct choice of non-verbal means helps to satisfy the basic needs realized through communication: emotional exchange, intellectual saturation.

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