Principled people are... Behavioral characteristics, definition and interesting facts

Again we undertake to consider the human principles that were already mentioned in the previous note. In fact, this article was supposed to be part of the previous one, but due to its rather large size, I decided to separate it.

Many people ask the question: what is better, to be principled or to be unprincipled? We will try to analyze each of the concepts, find out their pros and cons, and finally, determine what kind of person a person should be.

So, from the previous article we already know that integrity is a kind of core of character, a set of rules and beliefs from which a person tries not to deviate. It is logical to assume that unprincipledness is a quality completely opposite to principledness, and accordingly is described as the absence as such and neglect of any beliefs.

There is a lot of discussion about whether it is better to be principled or unprincipled. Both in one and the other capacity have their pros and cons, and it is very important to find a middle ground on which you can balance, while simultaneously showing your moral stability and the ability to be flexible in certain situations.

Some argue that being principled is better, but look at what this characteristic brings with it.

Basic concept

Principled people are individuals in whom a certain core of behavior is fixed, which they adhere to always and everywhere. A person has a set of his own rules and beliefs, which he uses under any circumstances.

There is also the opposite meaning - an unprincipled person. This is precisely the person who does not have a specific formed model of behavior. It’s quite easy to put pressure on such people with someone else’s opinion.

Positive sides

Is a principled person good or bad? There is no exact answer to this question. In him, just like in any other person, there are a lot of positive and negative qualities. In total, there are seven main advantages:

  1. It is very difficult to impose your opinion on such a person. He always has a clear, persistent “working” position, which he adheres to throughout his life. Most likely, people respect him for this.
  2. Despite the fact that the circumstances around this person will always change, he will continue to correspond to his demeanor, this will allow him to always stay afloat.
  3. Such people never doubt themselves. They are confident that everything will go according to their rules.
  4. The psychological object will usually achieve great success in life. It is quite difficult to scare him off with something, and it is almost impossible to convince him.
  5. Principled people are the most reliable individuals. If they say that they will do something at such and such a time, then you can not doubt them. They will cope with this task no matter what, so as not to contradict their behavior.
  6. The individual has formed a “steel” character. For this, his relatives, friends and colleagues will respect him.
  7. Life is easier for such a person. He always has the right way out of the situation for any situation.

Based on the description of all the positive qualities, it is not difficult to create a sociological portrait. What does “man of principle” mean? This is a self-confident person who cannot be influenced by someone else’s opinion.

What does it mean to be a person of principle?

We often hear about ourselves or other people such phrases as “follow the principle”, “be principled”; these phrases have become firmly established in everyday life and are used almost every day in the most ordinary conversations. Principled people are those who act exclusively in accordance with their beliefs and life attitudes. But this does not mean at all that actions in accordance with personal principles can be 100% appropriate and their positive or negative coloring depends on the beliefs held by a particular person.

What is integrity? For example, a person’s life attitudes presuppose that he fights for the truth, knowing that this fight will bring some problems, but nevertheless does not abandon his principles. This behavior can only be approved, the person did not chicken out, was not afraid of troubles, we can conclude that the truth for this person is more important than his own comfort and well-being.

Negative qualities

There are also several negative aspects regarding this person:

  1. Such people almost always have enemies. Not everyone shares the same views on what is happening.
  2. Often such individuals become “slaves” of their behavior. Perhaps they sometimes want to take a slightly different path, but they cannot afford it, since an incorrect step would be contrary to their principles.
  3. A principled person is some kind of obsessive psychotype who wants to instill his “ideal” opinion in absolutely everyone and is not ready to give in. Often communication with him becomes unbearable.
  4. There was an opinion that if you always adhere to the established behavior, you won’t have to “strain” your brain once again. This may soon lead to a stop in intellectual development.
  5. Such people become bad colleagues with whom it is difficult to work well.

As a rule, it is easier for such psychological objects to live alone than with those who do not take into account the principles they impose.

Examples of displaying integrity

It is worth noting that integrity is quite multifaceted and can be characterized by different types and types. The simplest examples include the principles of always keeping your word; never be late for meetings; don't spread gossip. Another common principle is the desire not to borrow or lend. Integrity can also refer to moral categories, for example, the principle of a person is never to change.

However, in addition to fairly positive manifestations of integrity, one can also identify irrational options when a person’s principles are based on stubbornness. This often occurs when a couple or friends quarrel, after which they cannot make peace due to strange principles. Such situations and manifestations of integrity greatly complicate a person’s life. In addition, irrational adherence to principles can manifest itself when a person is reprimanded about his professional activities, but he does not seek to admit his own mistakes.

To ensure that integrity does not become irrational, it is necessary to analyze and take into account what is happening, and not just rely on your desires and thoughts. However, in some cases, integrity greatly prevails over common sense, and a person continues a series of wrong actions, simply indulging in his own ideas. In such situations, pride trumps all other thoughts and feelings of a person.

Opposite concept: positive qualities

Unprincipledness is the opposite of principledness. People endowed with this quality also have several positive aspects:

  • This is a very free person. They do not have a developed manner of behavior that they have to adhere to in absolutely any situation. They can decide for themselves how and when they will act.
  • It is pleasant to communicate with such people and easy to cooperate with. They can always change their minds and listen to what their colleagues or acquaintances tell them.
  • They constantly have to think, since new circumstances for them force them to develop a completely different manner of behavior.

An unprincipled person is “easy-going.” His soul is always open to new experiences and unknown impressions.

Corporate culture – what does it consist of?

Typically, a document with these principles is called a mission or statement of corporate ethics and culture. The issue of culture in a particular company is considered in several ways. First of all, these are the very values ​​that we have already talked about. These are statements that explain what we believe and why it happens. If values ​​begin to acquire a leading position in importance, then they turn into principles. A principle is a guide to action in each specific situation; it is characterized by the following features. This is the ability to clearly show how to act, this is openness to all employees of the enterprise, this is continuity in action and consistency in decision-making based on these provisions. In accordance with the principles, mechanisms of behavior of employees within the framework of functioning at a given enterprise are formed. As a result, such conceptual documents as an enterprise's personnel management policy, standards and regulations of conduct, a description of production procedures, as well as codes of conduct in the company appear.

The Opposite of Integrity: Negative Qualities

Every individual has positive and negative qualities. Those people who do not adhere to any principles are no exception. In total, there are several negative aspects:

  • It is difficult to rely on such a person. For example, you asked for help: he responded to this request, arrived on time and completed his task efficiently. This does not mean that if you ask him to do something again, he will react the same way.
  • The opinion of such a person often changes. He is subject to other people. Today he will firmly insist on his point of view, and tomorrow he will change his position.
  • Unscrupulousness is a rather dangerous quality from a psychological point of view. You can expect anything from such a person.

Thus, it is possible to create a psychological portrait of this person. A person is a “slave” of his mood. One day he is having fun - he is ready for new discoveries and experiments. Another day he will turn into a boring guy who is not interested in anything that happens around him.

Psychologists' opinion

What do experts think about integrity? Prudent people cannot consider a person with an inflexible mind to be sane. After all, integrity is also a character trait of a tyrant who does not want to compromise his principles. All our rulers partly share this quality. But they have to develop it in themselves in order to maintain the authority of the country. Thinking people need to use their brains. Yes, sometimes it’s difficult to make a decision anew every time. After all, when you have a template in your head that you can live by, it’s somehow easier to think. But it’s worth understanding that if you follow the same path, it’s difficult to achieve happiness in life.

Imagine if people had an inflexible consciousness, they would still believe that the earth is flat.

What is integrity in psychology? This is loyalty to established moral principles and beliefs, the direct implementation of these ideas in life. A person cannot call himself principled if his actions are at odds with his words. Psychologists say that people who have a strong belief in something are highly suggestible. This is neither bad nor good, take it for granted. After all, it was on unshakable faith and unquestioning submission that our society was based for a very long time. Naturally, there were always people who went against the rules. But there were also those who unquestioningly obeyed the requirements and were accustomed to taking everything at their word, without checking or thinking about generally accepted truths.


What do you call a principled person and an unprincipled one? This image can be “broken” into several components.

honestyalways honest, first of all, to yourselftwo-faced both in front of himself and in front of others
opennessalways closedalways open
supportyou can always count on himyou can't always hope
variabilitynot ready to changeready to change
communicationnever listens to other peoplealways listens to other people

Compliance and integrity are human character traits

November 20, 2013

The Bible also speaks about the flexibility or complaisance of a person - hit him on the cheek, offer the other. What are we talking about here? I know from experience that many people do not accept this principle, taking it literally. Imagine that some kind of street hooligan comes up to you and slaps you in the face, and you, smiling, turn your head, turning your other cheek.. But who would tolerate this?! The woman will be indignant (at best), the man will fight back, the child will cry...

Of course, this should not be taken literally. The meaning of this principle is not to respond to the offender in kind, not to become like him. Otherwise, how will you be better than him?!

To control your anger, you need to have remarkable inner strength and endurance. How many people can boast of this? Such character traits can be acquired either by proper parental upbringing in childhood, or by painstaking and routine work on oneself. But people are mostly lazy, and much more often you will hear an expression like “well, that’s just me, what can I do.” Without even suspecting it, a person thereby signs his own sentence of weakness and sacrifice.

Integrity or rigidity of character

But traits of character that are principled can be found at every step. Even the baby often screams and demands his own, throwing his parents into hysterics. Probably, in similar circumstances he has already managed to achieve his goal, so he uses his previous experience. Later, acting according to the same scenario, he achieves more and more benefits for himself through his adherence to principles and exactingness. Growing up, he doesn’t even assume that other people also want something and are waiting for something. From him as well.

Is it easy for a principled, inflexible person to live in society? Of course not. It is precisely this rigidity of character that often quarrels with strangers and close people and forces him to leave his usual place of work or residence. Even if this does not happen, it causes distance, accumulation of grievances, isolation from the outside world. A fundamental reluctance to forgive offenses clearly affects health, first psychological, then physiological. The words “I will never forgive” are a heavy verdict on one’s fate. And it’s the person who refuses to forgive who has a bad time. For the most part, the offender is not tormented by feelings of guilt, but simply forgets about the offense. Although it is absolutely impossible to say, of course.

But this is an extreme. More often than not, rigidity of character is veiled under rigor and exactingness. By the way, spinelessness is the other side of the coin of integrity, i.e. facing oneself. “I can allow anyone to push me, but on principle I don’t want to respect myself!”

Strict upbringing has always been welcomed in society. It is this that allows one to grow a strong-willed, strong person. But rigor and rigidity are not the same thing. If the teacher demands blind obedience, the subject or lesson of life will be learned, but only at the level of the mind or body. Strictly but fairly - the principle of education based on emotional communication, understanding, respect.

Flexibility or Flexibility

Now let's get back to flexibility or complaisance. There is a popular proverb - a flexible chick sucks two mothers. This attitude towards the world is based on acceptance, and proceeds from the fact that there is no good and bad, there are no bad and good people. Every person, every animal or plant is equally valuable for Nature and for God. Just because someone doesn't like someone doesn't mean they're better. Everyone has the right to their own opinion and vision. By respecting people from this angle, we show flexibility of character.

A person perceives information better figuratively, which is why flexibility is often compared to water, and rigidity to stone. Water, thanks to its unique structure, envelops any object, the same stone, either absorbing it or leaving it through evaporation. The stone is so straight that it is not able to hug either water or another stone. Two stones collide and simply fly apart in different directions. And no one will feel better about it. In addition, water, acting gently and systematically, is able to trim the sharp corners of the stone and make it more streamlined.

Another, no less striking example for understanding can be given by comparing a rubber rod and a wooden stick. The rubber will bend under pressure, but will not break. Having withstood the blow, she will later be able to restore her form. A hard stick resists much longer, but there can always be a force that exceeds the resistance. The result can be predicted...

The same thing happens with people. Perhaps not so tragic, although everything is relative.

Understanding and accepting your character traits is the first step on the path to recovery. And then the following steps are needed - small, but everyday. Those who wish, look for ways, and those who do not, find excuses.

Do you want to change your principles to flexibility?

In conclusion, I offer another psychological view of character flexibility from Leo zavalkevich:

And the lyrical sketch “Water and Stones”:

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Believe it or not…

Interesting Facts

  • There is a simple way to understand whether a person is principled or not. The speech of a principled individual will be filled with phrases: “I am sure of this,” “I always do this,” “I said it will be like this,” and others.
  • It is difficult for such individuals to establish communication even with the closest people.
  • Principled people are selfish. As a rule, in most cases, they are unhappy.
  • An unprincipled person is the most unreliable.
  • Principled people are negative characters who always stick to their own opinions in order to satisfy their demands. They rarely think about the feelings of others.

How to develop integrity in yourself?

There are a few simple rules:

  • Learn to say no. This is not about selfishness at all, but about the ability to refuse people when their requests go against your interests. You can read about how to develop this skill in a separate article.
  • Actively express your own position. You can’t always follow society’s lead. A person of principle is always true to his own convictions.
  • Form your principles based on your goals. There is no need to strive to show integrity based on the fact that it seems masculine, or feminine, or fashionable. No, let the principles serve only your goals, and not a way of self-affirmation or increasing self-esteem.
  • Constantly adjust your own principles. Principles remain important only if they contribute to the achievement of specific life values, otherwise they are a burden. Therefore, it is extremely important to adjust them to a specific situation.
  • Always follow your own principles. Remember your beliefs and stick to them even in the most difficult situations.
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