Liberation - 15 tips on how to become a liberated person

Liberation is a state characterized by motor physical mobility, in which a person has a reduced level of self-criticism of his own behavior, and especially of its external manifestations. Liberation is important for understanding the characterological make-up of a person. So, for example, people of a misanthropic type are less liberated than everyone else. Such trends are explained by the need for the number of contacts and a general assessment of the world.

In many ways, the feeling of liberation originates from emerging muscle tension that blocks the natural flow of energy and reconstruction tendencies in the individual. The more muscle blocks the human body has, the more similar blocks there are in the sensory and psychological spheres. This means that in order to increase the level of emancipation, it is necessary to work with the help of bodily therapy or other indirect bodily techniques.

Liberation implies communication without social masks of desirability and artificial attractive images, includes spontaneity of behavior and expression of feelings, is comparable to a feeling of freedom and the ability of a person to be anyone, and therefore real. This state implies open interaction with the world, without calculating benefits or manipulating one’s behavior. Relationships with reality imply perceiving it as a friendly, open and interesting platform for expressing yourself and getting to know others.

What is liberation

Liberation is a state characterized by physical mobility, in which a person’s self-criticism in relation to his own behavior, and especially to its external manifestations, decreases. This is important for understanding a person's character traits. For example, people with a misanthropic personality are less liberated than others. Such trends can be explained by the need for greater contact and a general appreciation of the world.

In many ways, the feeling of liberation is associated with the resulting muscle tension that blocks the natural flow of energy and restorative tendencies in the individual. The more muscle blocks the human body has, the more similar blocks can be found in the sensory and mental spheres. Thus, to increase the level of liberation, it is necessary to work with body therapy or other mediated bodily techniques.

Liberation involves communication without social masks and artificial attractiveness, includes spontaneity of behavior and expression of feelings, is comparable to the feeling of freedom and the opportunity to be anyone, and therefore is real. This state involves open interaction with the world, without calculating benefits and manipulating one’s behavior. A relationship with reality involves perceiving it as a friendly, open and interesting platform for self-expression and meeting other people.

The mutual exchange of sensory experience with the world and its inhabitants matters. Thanks to such manifestations, a connection with the surrounding society and natural space is born, and a person lives a full life. The opposite is the state of being rooted in the sensory sphere, when a person cannot show his true reactions, desires, needs and emotions in relationships with people. This condition largely limits not only emotions, but also impoverishes social interaction and human adaptability. People who do not know what liberation is gradually lose contact with their environment, become increasingly alienated from it, and over time begin to fear the ease and spontaneity of other people.

Ease of communication in any situation and with any person is the main external sign of emancipation.

Liberation manifests itself in all areas of human behavior and interaction. It can be intimate and bring a lot of pleasure, because there are no fears or complexes in it. It can also be expressed in full performances, without the pressure of projection or the feeling of excessive power. A liberated person will communicate equally freely with people of any age, creed, religion and status, because his behavior is always based on his own inner orientation and experience, and not on labels, positions and masks that define our roles in society.

Why do we feel constrained?

Most often, emotional prohibitions are associated with children's complexes. The girl is afraid of seeming funny or misunderstood, of hearing laughter behind her back, or of encountering gossip.

You must understand that there have been times in every person's life when they have had to feel shame. You need to forget about these memories and treat them as funny scenes from the past.

A great way to boost self-esteem, especially in a stressful situation, is to imagine others in funny poses, wearing funny costumes, tripping or falling out of chairs. If everything is in order with your imagination, uncertainty and fear will disappear, giving way to laughter.

Of course, in overcoming shyness it is important not to go to extremes and not become obsessed. There is a huge difference between a liberated girl and a boorish one. A liberated person feels confident and aware of his virtues. He knows how to value himself and does not encourage disrespectful behavior towards himself.

Every third resident of a metropolis currently experiences problems communicating with other people. It is difficult to find a person who would be completely satisfied with communication with the people around him. In every company, in every situation, at every event, there is bound to be a person with whom, for one reason or another, it is difficult to establish contact. For many people, this is a real problem, because it is known that it is easier for a sociable person to start new relationships, make friends and find a prestigious job. With the question “How to become more sociable in contacts with people?” Many people turn to a psychologist because they cannot find a way out of the current situation on their own.

A healthy degree of emancipation allows you to build new contacts with other people

Emancipation and Sociopathy

You may have heard of the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder or sociopathy. Simply put, a sociopath is a person whose conscience does not work.

This term has already become fashionable and is actively promoted in cinema. Images of relatively calm, although not the most realistic, sociopaths: “Dexter”, “Hannibal”, “Sherlock”, “Dr. House” from the television series of the same name. They are depicted as strong, even brilliant individuals. And viewers unconsciously believe that being a liberated sociopath is even cool.

In movies, almost every homicidal maniac is portrayed as a sociopath. A sociopath is like a predator in a herbivore's pasture. He feels neither pity nor compassion, and views the ideals of kindness of other people as convenient levers for his manipulations.

Sociopathy occurs when a person is abused from an early age instead of receiving care and love. He was not pitied as a child and was not taught to feel sorry for others, so he perceives other people's need for pity with cold indifference. Since childhood, in the mind of such a person there has been the conviction that one cannot count on love in this world, as if it does not exist.

However, sociopathy does not mean inevitably committing crimes - a person can lead a socially approved life.

So, 15 ways to become liberated and relaxed in behavior and communication:

Start with the body

As mentioned above, it all starts with the inner parts of yourself. Your soul is the key to success on the path to emancipation. It is there that the very free man lives. You can start working with the body in a dance class. After time and a couple of lessons, the body will become flexible and obedient, which will give you a lot of pleasure and freedom from life. You can also visit a theater studio and take theater speech lessons. By learning to express your thoughts correctly and move well, communication problems will go away like never before. You will be able to select the intonation and timbre of your voice to suit the nature of the situation.

Love yourself

Everything starts with yourself. If you don’t love yourself, your body or face, what can we even talk about being relaxed? You must love yourself with all your shortcomings and complexes. Some of them can be corrected, for example, go to the gym or just start running. Analyze yourself, write down those qualities that you think you would like to improve. Set your priorities and start changing yourself.

Make a list of things you don't like about yourself

Not the society you are in, but specifically you. Start with a simple list and make a plan on how to work with it. However, if the list is very huge, there is clearly low self-esteem. And she is to blame, not you. Start raising it and put it at the top priority of your list. People with low self-esteem will not be able to function among others for long.

Don't think about what people will think or say about you

You don't have to worry about what people think or say about you. It’s better to remember what they tell you, so that if something happens, you can use their spoken words against them, even though we do not recommend doing this.

Listen to what they tell you

No, this does not contradict the previous point. Here you should listen to what they are saying in general, and not just about you. If you understand that you enjoy communicating with this or any person, then you will automatically become comfortable. If not, you can at least reduce your time with this person or stop communicating altogether. It all depends on you.

Don't forget about Dale Carnegie's rule, which is not manipulation, but a very necessary thing - a simple smile. Smile, especially if you wish, call your interlocutors by name and ask questions. But try not to seem intrusive.

Experiment with communication

Not only with people, but also with companies of similar interests: from artists to businessmen. You will not only learn to feel yourself in different societies by communicating with such people, but also expand the range of topics for conversation. In addition, you will understand that every person, profession and lifestyle is unique and has the right to exist.

What is sexual liberation?

Today one thing, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow, if health allows and there is a desire, a third. Is this behavior towards women (men) sexual liberation? Or is this already promiscuity? This is not an easy question. Of course, finding the line between sexual libertinism and promiscuity is as difficult as finding it between porn and erotica. But there is one.

If we talk about men, most of them, in fact, have always been sexually liberated. This is their hunting nature. In every sense of the word. Even being married, a man is not against sexual pleasure with an unfamiliar woman if this does not entail any consequences or additional obligations. But what about the woman? What exactly is a woman’s sexual liberation?

We must recognize that sexual liberation is the freedom to choose a partner. Living under the dictates of parents, the Communist Party or conventional (and outdated patriarchal) morality is completely rejected and unacceptable. Sexual freedom is independence from external opinions, and therefore internal freedom.

Sexual liberation is fashionable. This is in keeping with the spirit of the times. This is a woman’s challenge to men that their rights are equal, that they are no longer assistants and “friends of men,” but equal individuals. And they don't want to value their virginity for the only man in their life. Moreover, women do not want just one man in their life.

Sexual liberation is a manifestation of the right to sexual satisfaction, not only to give pleasure to a man, but also to receive it. And achieve this in every possible way. Sexual freedom is the rejection of taboos in sex.

How to become more relaxed in communication if you are inferior or uninteresting?

Try to mirror people

But not completely, of course, but to go with them in one step. With his speech and movements. If you are on the same wavelength as the person, you will become much more comfortable and comfortable around the other person. In addition, this increases the chance of trust in a person, i.e. to you.

Talk to yourself

We take a chair and go sit in front of the mirror and start chatting with ourselves. We begin to praise ourselves, but without fanaticism, and at the same time keep track of how you move, what kind of gestures and facial expressions you have.

No, these are not signs of schizophrenia, talking alone with yourself is useful, scientists have insisted on this, and we actually wrote one interesting article. You can read it below:

What benefits do you get from communicating with yourself in the third person?

Listening does not mean remaining silent all the time.

Sometimes it is necessary to interrupt interlocutors so that the dialogue does not look like a monologue. But this must be done in appropriate situations. If you constantly interrupt the other person, you will only make things worse. They will think of you that you don’t know how to listen and they will try to have less conversations with you.

The ability to be interesting in communication is another guarantee of freedom. Learn to carry on a conversation, so your tightness will disappear over time. Expand your vocabulary and horizons of topics. Classic books are very suitable for this, but also follow trends, not only in fashion, films or music. Include various industries here: IT and technology, video games, science, medicine or even psychology. Develop a sense of humor. Learning to joke is not so difficult; try to see something funny in any situation. Prepare several expressive and beautiful phrases for greeting, communication and farewell. However, be careful with some jokes, you need to understand which ones are really funny and which ones can offend or even offend a person.

Analyze other people

In other words, watch how they behave. This is necessary not only to mirror a person, but also to understand what kind of cockroaches they have in their heads. Each person is unique and differs in some way from the rest. They all have their own complexes and difficulties. They may also be imperfect or vulnerable. There are misfortunes in life and a little pressure, which means you are not the only one.

Don't be afraid to look ridiculous

Any person finds himself in stupid situations, in particular those who work not with papers in the office, but with people. And if you find yourself in this situation, you don’t need to think about it for years and cry into your pillow. React adequately to the situation: if others can get into it, then they simply do not have the right to ridicule you. Be self-ironic. Believe me, it pays off in the long run.

Be yourself

All you have to do is be yourself. You should not pretend to be a stranger by putting on the mask of an uninhibited person. Because over time this will become noticeable, and you will be treated differently. Be real - it will always make you an interesting person. Real and sincere people are more charismatic than those who wear fake masks. Look for yourself in this gray environment, and do not fit into its framework.

Stop following the herd

A bit of a harsh title, but that's how it is. If you want to be uninhibited, it is important to stop following what the herd follows. Unfollow celebrity accounts, stop reading negative news, stop watching television. More positivity in life, reduce negativity to a minimum. Avoid a society in which you are prescribed how to speak, walk, read, or what to listen to, etc.

Get out of your comfort zone

Sometimes, to become relaxed, it is enough to leave the den. Your box is holding you back from learning something new. Not only material or spiritual things, but also simple communication. You should not be afraid to attend social parties or events.

“Only those who know how to communicate will survive in this world.”

(c) Ruslan Shalimov, founder of “ Hard - Life ”.

Sign up for a master class or club

If you yourself cannot become relaxed for some reason, go to some master class or sign up for a club. Here you will be helped to deal with your problems, and you will also surround yourself with people who are overcoming the same thing as you.

How to become relaxed and liberated in bed?

Other ladies are concerned about this very question. They may be outgoing, beautiful and sassy, ​​but when it comes to bed, they want the sex to be over quickly. What is the problem? In your body, of course.


go to the mirror and look at yourself, most often we like what we often see in ourselves.

Believe me, the fact that you have gained 2-3 kilograms, or you have thin and crooked legs, slightly protruding cheekbones on your face, all this is too subjective for men, they will not notice it unless you say it yourself.

Be confident in your appearance, you should like yourself no matter what you are. Take care of your body, buy the best and most beautiful lingerie that will highlight your strengths, don’t be afraid to spend money on aromatic lotions and balms, visit fitness and beauty salons, even if you won’t make love today.


, don't be too relaxed in bed. This will come naturally when a loved one appears nearby. Once you feel free with him, you will forget about it. The fact that you change sexual partners every week and often experiment in bed matters will lead you to even greater tension and disappointment.

Don't disdain the Kama Sutra or porn films. Yes, on the one hand, this is disgusting, but no one is forcing you to repeat what it is like to be on a professional intimate stage. Just so you will understand that in bed all the means that are used there have a right to exist.

Ask your man what he would like in bed and tell him about your desires. You didn’t come on the radio to tell the whole city what your sexual preferences are.

Being uninhibited and free is a great pleasure.

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