How to become kinder. 10 effective tips from a psychologist

One day, almost every girl comes to the realization: “I want to become feminine.” However, is it easy? How to become feminine if you haven’t thought about it before? In the article we will tell you in detail how to achieve this state, what are its features and advantages. Femininity is a special power of the fair sex, and you can find it too. How to do it?

What does "femininity" mean?

After studying Ozhegov’s dictionary, you will learn that femininity is softness, tenderness, and elegance. Many people do not have these traits, while others deliberately refuse them. Example: a girl who dreams of getting married really wants to become feminine. A person who has 100 people under her command is trying to look confident and stern.

Wikipedia says that you can become feminine by having a number of certain qualities: tenderness, emotionality, fidelity, fragility, sincerity.

If you ask any man whether he likes faithful, gentle women, he will probably answer positively. Fragility and emotionality are less in demand. More often, a man looks at external attractiveness, which is part of femininity. Usually such girls evoke a feeling of awe and respect. They try not to swear in front of them; they want to protect them and show care.

Many of us understand that becoming feminine means gaining strength. Quality does not need to be artificially portrayed - it is given to women by nature, just learn to develop it.

Excess tenderness - is it good or bad?

Thanks to the feeling of tenderness, a woman can truly get closer to her lover and stop feeling lonely. But tenderness can be both strength and weakness.

Any person has a limit when constant attention and affection towards him ceases to be perceived positively. An overabundance of tenderness forces a person to pull away in order to be alone with himself for a little while.

At this moment we are no longer talking about tenderness, but about some completely different feeling. After all, tenderness presupposes a response, tenderness is expected and accepted with gratitude. If a woman puts the desire to express her own feelings above the personal boundaries of her partner, there is more love for herself than love for him. You should never deprive your loved one of personal space, otherwise your feelings will only irritate him.

This “violent” tenderness can be compared to the way people treat animals. They are touched by the sight of a defenseless creature, hug it to themselves and pass it from hand to hand. At the same time, hardly anyone thinks that the animal also has feelings and desires that it cannot express.

In such a situation, a person relies only on his own feelings, believing that if he feels good, then his partner also does not experience any negativity. In fact, the feelings of two people do not always coincide.

Remember that a woman’s tenderness is the ability to feel her partner, responding to his caresses, and to be in harmony with each other.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

How to become feminine and attract men: tips

Often we want to become feminine to improve our personal lives. Men really pay attention to such people.

Tips to help you achieve the desired quality:

Sense of style

External image is an important point. Study your wardrobe: what you wear, how you look. If you want to attract a successful man, you must look like the wife of a successful, respectable man. Nose piercing, extremely short shorts, a T-shirt over a naked body - this will attract the attention of the opposite sex, but not those of its representatives that you would like to attract. Don't create an image of a fleeting adventure. Show other qualities: elegance, simplicity, grace.

What things to choose for a girl who wants to become feminine? Shades: not flashy, but not faceless either. You should not “get lost” in your things, they should decorate you. Opt for calm but rich shades. Bright colors are more appropriate in summer, and without going overboard. Make your image light and memorable. Emphasize it, create your own style. A man should notice you and remember you. It is important to be not only stylish, but also well-groomed - more on this in the following paragraphs.

Internal state

Do you want to become feminine? Be attentive to your inner state. Does your life bring you pleasure? Do you thank her for the experience you receive? How often can you be found in a depressed, gloomy mood? Do you often feel like a squirrel in a wheel? It is difficult to become feminine if you are constantly moving from one stressful state to another. You don't radiate positive feminine energy. I want to subconsciously distance myself from you, and it’s all because of your internal state. Some people make excuses that they can't get rid of it. You can! Want it!

A man is drawn to a woman who radiates inner peace and self-confidence. He reaches out to this energy, craves it. It would be preferable for you to spend time with a kind, “easy”, positive person than with a whining, dissatisfied, detached person. Learn to create a mood for yourself and those around you. Maintain a feeling of joy, be in harmony with yourself. Cheer yourself up with good literature and funny videos. Do things that bring pleasure, peace, joy.

Communication style

Are you able to carry on a conversation with anyone? Are there a lot of filler words in your speech? Do you tend to make endless pauses in a monologue, filling them with meaningless sounds? Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist? Is it fun to talk to you, or does the conversation often go “nowhere”? Do you have any topics on your mind that you can discuss with your man or are you waiting for him to entertain you with conversation?

If you want to become feminine, get rid of the “talk about nothing” manner. This often irritates the interlocutor and creates a feeling of wasted time. Forget about questions regarding his financial situation - the income level of the interlocutor should not worry you. Do not tell him gossip about your girlfriends, do not ask for details of his former relationships.

What questions are undesirable? Give up the idea of ​​finding out his plans for his personal life - whether he is going to get married, how he sees his wife. He will feel that you want to take his wife's place, and this will either stress him out or push him away. Allow the man to be in doubt, worried, and not defensive. Avoid sensitive philosophical or religious topics. When expressing an opinion, do not insist on it; if you see categorical disagreement, gently change the topic.

Let's talk about acceptable topics on dates. Focus on topics that evoke positive emotions and pleasant memories. Questions about hobbies and past interests are encouraged. Discuss sports, culinary preferences, vacation spots, art, world news.


They say about some women: “It’s all written on her face. That is, the interlocutor openly shows the feelings she is experiencing at this moment. Some people call this “sincerity,” but in reality this quality can make life very difficult. In some cases there is no problem: we rejoice and a smile lights up our face. Nice to see. Imagine a different type of “sincerity.” Do you hear a man say that he likes to eat tomatoes sprinkled with sugar? Is there a grimace of disgust on your face? Do you think such sincerity is appropriate? No, this is uncivil behavior.

The ability to manage emotions is a great art, and it is learned. How to move to different levels of emotional states, use facial expressions and gestures? You need to learn to restrain your first emotions. In the situation with the tomato, another emotion would be more appropriate: good surprise. Completely different reactions - a completely different response impulse from a man. Women who are able to control themselves, be restrained, mysterious, but at the same time demonstrate a rich palette of emotions, arouse great male interest. Practice self-control techniques.


Significant life sphere. If you want to be respected and valued by society, don’t be lazy to develop and be in demand. This gives inner confidence. Have you outlined a certain path in life, do you have goals? To what extent have you realized yourself in different areas? Do you attend exhibitions, trainings, listen to webinars, are you interested in culture and world news?

It is difficult to become feminine without having a serious hobby or favorite job. No hobby? Immediately find something that interests you: dancing, drawing, poetry, history, sports, cinema. Don't be afraid to learn new things, try different activities. Take time to read, read different literature, look for something that will “hook” you.

Constantly improve, move to a new level of development, be interesting to others. There are no changes around if there are no changes from within.

When you find interesting hobbies, begin to visit other places (exhibition halls, theaters, etc.), other men will begin to appear nearby - of a different level, higher than before. If you want to become feminine, choose the “woman-wife” model. Are you hoping to start a family? If you want to become a wife, you should be seen as a wife.


Etiquette appeared for a reason, it is an element of communication and a way of conveying some information about yourself to the person with whom you interact. The rules of etiquette are often neglected, perceived as some kind of restriction on freedom of expression. But in reality, it is a tool that will serve you many times if you learn how to use it. Impeccable manners are:

  1. Tact
  2. A sense of proportion and appropriateness.
  3. Self-esteem.
  4. Respect for the interlocutor.

Possession of manners creates an aura of nobility around a woman; they indicate education, emotional maturity, and a sign of a lively mind.
Having manners does not mean being “mannered.” A person who acts according to etiquette behaves organically, otherwise etiquette loses its meaning. So don't be afraid to turn into a fake society doll, this is nothing more than a stupid stereotype. Sign up for a trial lesson

How to become a more feminine and well-groomed girl

It is impossible to become feminine without taking care of grooming. How to achieve it?

  • Daily shower
    . Is this point surprising? Many women neglect him. Maintain personal hygiene at all times. Choose suitable shower products - shampoo, gel, soap. It is important that they have a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma.
  • Skin care
    . Remember about moisturizer and body lotion. Smooth, pleasant to the touch skin is associated with femininity. Apply care products to your body and face. Choose creams according to your skin type. There is no point in using a cream that leaves your skin peeling or causing acne - choose the right products.
  • Nail care
    . Many women ignore nail care, believing that men do not pay attention to it. This is mistake. The interlocutor pays attention to your hands, just as you pay attention to him. Fingers should be well-groomed. This doesn't mean you should grow your nails long and paint them a bright color. They can be short and colorless - a clear varnish or a good manicure set is enough. Manicure is not about bright colors, but about well-groomed nails. Try to match your nail polish to your entire look. Clear varnish is often a safe bet.
  • Hair Styling
    . Pay attention to this daily. Comb your hair thoroughly and massage your scalp with a massage brush for better hair growth. Remember about styling. They don't have to be fancy - that's even unnecessary. Go for simple yet elegant hairstyles. Forget about bright elastic bands and hair clips if you have already graduated from school. Do you notice by the end of the day that your hair becomes greasy at the roots? You cannot ignore untidiness - if necessary, wash your hair every day, use dry shampoo. The oiliness of the roots is noticeable to you, which means it is also noticeable to those around you.
  • Experiment with hairstyles
    : braids, ponytails, elegant buns. This will help you become more feminine and well-groomed. Don't know how to do hair? Videos on the Internet will help you.
  • Remember about perfume, deodorant
    . An important point for a person who wants to become feminine. A pleasant, alluring, unobtrusive smell can attract a man to you, even if his back is to you. You think you don't need it and you smell good without it. This is often the opinion of people who do not feel their smell (this is natural), or who are embarrassed to tell about it.
  • Deodorant must be used daily; you can choose a fragrance-free option
    . It's minimum. It would be a good idea to choose a perfume that others will associate with you. Choose a pleasant and unobtrusive scent. Go to the store and “get to know” different scents. An important rule: perfume cannot be a substitute for soul; with this approach, disaster awaits you - do not think that others will not notice your “trick”. Perfume is applied exclusively to clean body or clothing in small quantities. How to apply? On pulse points: wrists, neck, area behind the ears. The subtle aroma of perfume should be noticeable to the interlocutor only when he is directly next to you. Surely, you have heard the rule: if you smell a pronounced aroma of perfume on yourself in the evening, then others have already managed to suffocate.
  • Makeup
    . Many women want to be “natural”, so they ignore decorative cosmetics. This is not always a plus. A little makeup is enough to significantly improve your appearance. In addition, decorative cosmetics have a protective function. If you have expressionless eyebrows, eyelashes, or uneven complexion, then at least a light CC cream, mascara and eyebrow pencil will save the situation. Practice applying light, weightless makeup. If you are ready to go beyond the listed cosmetic set, then choose a shade of blush, eye shadow and lipstick that suits your color type. If you do not want to look like a clown or evoke other undesirable associations, maintain moderation in applying cosmetics.
  • Language of the body
    . Freeze right now! Evaluate your posture from the outside? Can we call her graceful, elegant, feminine? It is important to maintain posture and grace. A woman who walks with a straight back, does not slouch, does not mince when walking, does not keep her hands in her pockets, does not constantly look at the floor, makes an appropriate impression. Do you know how to present yourself correctly, move beautifully, or are you constrained and constrained?
  • Learn to control your own body and attract men with grace
    . Is the lifeless statue about you? Give up this image! Gesture, forget about static. Work on your gait and your usual postures, analyze how you look from the outside.


Taste determines some of your interests, for example, literature, cinema, painting, food, preferred types of recreation, etc. Bad taste is not a death sentence, but it may well spoil a good impression. Good taste, on the contrary, will complement the list of your advantages, and in some cases will attract attention to you. The realities of modern society are such that a person with a good taste in music or cinema often has no one to talk to, and an interlocutor with whom you can discuss an unusual film becomes something of a gift from fate.

How to become a nice girl: appearance and character

What features of appearance and character characterize a feminine girl.

Let's consider these features in separate paragraphs


  • Clothes that suit you
    . Buy clothes that fit you well. If you're tall, you don't have to put up with sweaters whose sleeves are short, constantly pulling them up to your wrists. And if it’s low, don’t wear jeans that drag slightly on the ground. That is, choose clothes in accordance with your height and figure. For example, if you know that you have several folds in the waist area or a tummy that is seriously annoying you, then do not choose tight dresses. The point is not even that the thing will emphasize these features and make a negative impression. It is possible that a man will not pay attention to the “flaws”, but he will probably notice your gloomy mood or lack of self-confidence. Don't wear something that doesn't make you feel 100 percent attractive.
  • The character of a feminine girl contains restraint, accuracy, and self-discipline
    . Keep a diary that contains plans for the week or month, adjust it regularly, and stay organized.
  • Feminine girls are characterized by politeness and friendliness
    . Treat the people you interact with kindly. Don’t take out your bad mood or dissatisfaction on them.
  • Eliminate swear words or rude, hysterical intonations from your conversation
    . They don't make you look good.


Despite modern trends in which debauchery and accessibility predominate, men do not consider painted, half-naked “beauties” as future wives or at least pleasant conversationalists. Yes, such girls attract attention, but this happens only because they declare their availability. A defiant appearance is the simplest way to attract an individual of the opposite sex; it is widespread in animals, as is defiant behavior. Men who are interested in something more than sex will be more likely to be deterred by such appearance than to be attracted. Moreover, even if you have natural femininity, obscenity will not be able to emphasize it, but it is guaranteed to humiliate and devalue it.

How to become a gentle and elegant woman

A woman's elegance manifests itself in many ways. Elegance is part of etiquette. Be careful in everything you do. Pay attention to how you eat. How well do you know the rules of etiquette? At any moment you can find yourself in a society where it is needed. It’s one thing when you know the rules of etiquette, but you prefer to ignore them, and it’s completely different when you simply don’t know them.

If you want to look elegant, pay attention not only to clothes, but also to shoes. Choose the most feminine models in which you will feel comfortable. Allow yourself occasional shoes with heels, but if they are uncomfortable for you, wear elegant low-heeled models.

Do you think that you lack tenderness in your character? It can be developed. How to do it? At the very least, start watching romantic films and reading books about love. Read articles on relationships more often, read stories with a romantic twist.


Often problems with femininity arise in girls who cannot relax and be themselves. Trying to put on a mask of someone you are not leads to falsehood in everything: from the manner of speaking and behavior to behavior in society. Falseness always catches the eye and spoils the impression. It is better to start the path to achieving femininity with internal liberation and self-acceptance.

Theater and film actresses take this path, because this is the only way to stop playing falsely. When you see a feminine heroine in a film, know that the actress is not playing anything, she is just liberated, and therefore organically exists in the role.

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