How to become a successful person - 18 tips, stories of successful people

To become a successful person is to find your true calling, your favorite job, which will not cause despondency and a desire to run away from pressing problems. Looking through glossy magazines and television news gives nothing but an awareness of your own failure. Everyone can get out of their conventional comfort zone and try to make their life more interesting, both from a moral and material point of view.

Success rate

Historical data tells about people who have made a dizzying career and started from scratch.

From the outside it seems that most of the favorites of fortune did not have to make any serious efforts to achieve their goals; they received everything from the moment of birth. It doesn’t matter whether a person was born into a family of middle or high income; without the desire to change, nothing will be achieved.

Average statistical data indicates what people think the phrase “becoming successful” means:

  • achieving your goals;
  • faith in one's own strengths, abilities, actions;
  • decent wages that will bring pleasure;
  • well-groomed appearance;
  • ability to combine family and work;
  • recognition in society, universal respect;
  • possessing the makings of a leader.

The positive qualities of a successful person include his hard work, patience, endurance, ability to insist on his own, and entrepreneurial spirit. A smile is the last indicator of success. A dissatisfied, eternally gloomy face will cause subconscious denial among future companions.

People don’t like sadness - for them, such behavior indicates chronic failures of a novice entrepreneur, and the result will be a refusal to conduct joint projects.

Key Points and Principles

Achieving success is not an easy task that requires effort, diligence and confidence from a person in realizing his plans. In order to achieve this, you need to act every day and actively move towards your goal and gain experience. It is worth understanding that sometimes mistakes will be made, it is important to learn to benefit from them and move on. You should definitely live by these principles:

  1. Be confident in yourself, in the reality of all your desires.
  2. Don't put off until later what you can do now.
  3. Don't wait for better times, act today.
  4. Positive thoughts attract positive events into life.
  5. Comprehensive personal development increases the chances of success.
  6. There is no place for laziness in the life of a successful person.
  7. Strict discipline is a direct path to success, luck and prosperity.
  8. Constantly search for new talents and abilities.
  9. Follow the rules of proper nutrition.
  10. Become the best in your business, do what you do best.

This technique is known in psychology: if you want to become successful, rich or happy, you must behave as if you have already managed to achieve this. This principle has helped many famous people find themselves in life, but psychologists recommend making an individual choice of existing methods.

Detailed tips

Becoming successful means:

  1. Read more and continue studying - good quality literature enriches vocabulary, develops memory and imagination, and allows you to comprehend the initial stages of human psychology. You cannot stop there: a school certificate, a diploma of secondary specialized or higher education provides only the basics, the rest of the knowledge is accumulated from third-party sources. There are a large number of seminars and advanced training courses. To become successful is to constantly develop, without allowing yourself to fall behind in life.
  2. Rest on time - the lack of desire for painstaking work indicates general fatigue of the body. Trying to force yourself to work will lead to backlash and many mistakes. As a means of relaxation, you can use walks in the fresh air, watching interesting films, listening to music, visiting exhibitions, etc.
  3. To bring any event to completion - success directly depends on the complete implementation of ideas. Temporary stops due to extraneous factors should not serve as a reason to abandon the original goal. Changing course is allowed in case of constant failures - in this case, you need to reconsider priorities and draw up a new detailed project plan.
  4. Going in for sports - regular training in a fitness club, on home exercise equipment, will improve the functioning of the cardiovascular department and will not allow the body to make reserves for future use. An active lifestyle allows you to be distracted from work issues for a while and prevents insomnia.
  5. Avoid despair and depression - loss of faith in one’s own strength, a state of hopelessness are the privileges of losers. Under any circumstances, you need to remain optimistic, not reproach for occasional mistakes and look into the future with hope.
  6. Don’t be afraid of obstacles and mistakes - any difficulties build character. Overcoming extraneous issues will allow you to gain sufficient experience for subsequent ideas. For any success you have to pay with unpleasant moments and failures.
  7. Don't do work just for the paycheck - money is not a strong motivation. For a while they will be in first place, but later they will turn into a source of despondency. A person is happy only when the work of his hands brings joy to him and those around him. A careless attitude hinders the development of a business project.
  8. Do not shift the blame to the environment - for all minor and major mistakes, only one person is to blame: who calculated the business project. Shifting blame and responsibility onto other people's shoulders is a sign of bad taste. In this case, it is better to stop, analyze the situation, draw conclusions and go into battle again.
  9. Don’t get carried away with the past - constantly rethinking old failures will quickly plunge you into a depressive state. In this way you can achieve one thing: lose faith in your own strength. In your free time, it is better to sort through pleasant moments in your memory - this will give you the additional vigor necessary to carry out the project.
  10. Remember the needs of your family and yourself - any action should carry some meaning. Success is a component of a fulfilling life, in which the main place is given to family values. The key goal of many famous people was the desire to get out of the social niche in which they were born, to climb a few steps higher.
  11. Be able to set specific goals - only those who know what they need come to the fulfillment of their desires. It is better to break global goals into several secondary ones, and clearly implement the planned plan.
  12. Eating right – the performance and health of the body depends on the balance of the menu. The brain constantly needs to be recharged with useful substances, like the whole body in general. Unhealthy food will quickly lead to excess weight gain and heart problems.
  13. Work consistently – trying to do a hundred jobs at once will lead to chronic fatigue syndrome. The human brain does not work well in multitasking mode - it is better to do them step by step, with maximum quality.
  14. Reflect while planning - before starting the next action, you need to carefully review all goals. Only after this can you begin to implement the business plan - such a strategy will reduce the likelihood of errors.
  15. Create an accurate schedule - a certain amount of time must be allocated to work. Systematic implementation will help you get into a normal rhythm, not be distracted by foreign objects and perform it with the required quality.
  16. Form a team - involving outsiders in your own project will allow you to rethink your goals. Team play allows you to more successfully implement business projects and achieve the intended success.
  17. Know how to make material resources work - simply collecting money into an account does not give anything. They should increase in volume due to constant turnover. Only the movement of money allows you to achieve your goals and become quite successful in your circles.
  18. They are not afraid to start doing everything all over again - having gained the necessary experience from previous mistakes, a person knows where he miscalculated. It’s not possible to start from scratch - past projects are a good basis for creating something worthwhile and reliable.

Getting rid of bad habits and eliminating dependence on alcohol, tobacco and nicotine products will help you maintain clarity of mind for many years.

How to develop character

Only those who have learned to correctly formulate goals and set priorities can become successful. Otherwise, even two lives will not be enough, so you will have to try to select the necessary things. Plus, you will need to master time management. Without a clear distribution of tasks, it is easy to get confused and overwork. Then you'll have to start over.

Tips from popular people:

  1. When you fall, get up.
  2. Take risks.
  3. Believe.
  4. Follow your dreams.
  5. Set big goals.
  6. Take action.
  7. Look for opportunities.
  8. Motivate yourself.
  9. The main thing is patience.
  10. Manage your time wisely.

As you can see, they coincide with the character traits discussed above. This once again confirms the objectivity of the recommendations given. Everything revolves around the same characteristics, and we only adapt our abilities to suit our own lives. It will not be possible to single out “main” traits; in some people, for example, a third of the traits are more pronounced, and in others, half. But both categories are capable of achieving success if they begin to develop what they lack.

The Steve Jobs Story

Steve Jobs is a child of the family of Paul and Clara Jobs, who was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955.

The natural parents abandoned the baby due to his youth and insufficient readiness to raise him. Guardians completely replaced his family.

According to the recollections of Steve Jobs himself, he was distinguished by a specific character, which was the reason for several temporary exclusions from attending school. Thanks to his unique abilities, he entered the fifth grade of school, immediately moving from fourth to sixth. As a teenager, Steve loved to tinker with his guardian in the garage, spend time repairing the car, and went to a radio amateur club.

He had a craving for technology since childhood, and during the same period he met his future partner, Stephen Wozniak. Together with him, Jobs created an analogue of a satellite phone, allowing him to connect with telephone network subscribers around the world. This blue box cost about $100 and sold well.

After completing his secondary education, Steve continues his studies at a fee-paying college, but the subjects he studies during the first semester disappoint him. Succumbing to teenage maximalism, he leaves school and tries to live independently, without financial support from his parents. A year later, after wandering, his resolve weakens, he returns home to California.

Parents do not pay attention to the impulses of youth, Jobs goes to work at a company that produces video games. At that time, he had a new dream - to visit India as a pilgrim. The tourist trip ends with a return home to the previous place of work. Atari developers made good money, which allowed Steve to continue to engage in third-party development.

The first attempts to create the famous Apple began in the garage of Steve's parents' house. Together with Wozniak, he assembled a personal home computer that met the needs of customers: a complete machine, not individual parts sold in electronics departments. The friends received their first orders from a store that specialized in household appliances.

In the process of further research, the first device that supported color graphics was invented. Investors were found to expand the company, the company's staff increased, and the transition to large-scale production of technical innovations began. The enterprise's profits amounted to approximately $200 million, representing a rare success in innovative technologies.

After a while, the development of the Macintosh began - a device that combines a standard personal computer with a system unit, keyboard and monitor. The evolution of the Macintosh family became the progenitor of modern laptops, at that time the software was developed for Apple by Microsoft. A little later, another brainchild of geniuses saw the light of day - the iPad laptop computer, which became a breakthrough in the world of computer technology.

In parallel with the development of new computer technology, the company began producing music gadgets - iPods. At that time, they aroused interest among the target audience and began to be considered a symbol of style and convenience. The demand for the music player quickly outweighed the costs of its creation.

The iconic mobile phone iPhone became the next stage in the development of the corporation. Having combined all the achievements available at that time and developed the latest software, the company released expensive and prestigious cellular phones. The next steps were improved computers and iPod tablets, which are still very popular among the population.

The original design, style and thoughtfulness of all the little things have become the hallmark of Apple Corporation. In Jobs's biography, in addition to working for the famous company, there is time devoted to the production of animated films. The computer genius's total fortune is estimated at $7 billion, 2 of which are in Apple shares.

October 2011 became a day of mourning for admirers of Steve Jobs - the brilliant developer died of cancer. Faith in his own strength allowed him not only to become successful, but also to fight the disease for a long time, not to allow him to give up and accept the inevitable.

Start small

You must clearly define the end goal. The path to achieving it may not be easy and may take an indefinite period of time, so it is important to accurately and carefully paint a picture of what will happen as a result.

At the same time, do not become a slave to your goal. Of course, monotonous progress towards the end point is commendable, but it is also important to be able to adjust your activities in case of sudden changes in life circumstances, without remaining hostage to your tasks or completely abandon the idea if it has become irrelevant. Next, I will give strategies that will tell you how and what you need to do to be successful and become independent.

The Warren Buffett Story

Warren Buffett was born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, to businessman and famous politician Howard Buffett.

From the age of six, Warren tried to engage in small-scale business activities based on the resale of Coca-Cola drinks.

At the age of 11, he took on the role of a stockbroker. Having bought shares of one of the companies with his sister, he waited for their growth on the stock market, and received $5 in net profit. The small success was overshadowed by a further increase in stock prices - the first life lesson for Buffett was the concept of patience and the ability to suppress panic as the basis for working on the stock exchange.

At the age of thirteen, he filled out his first income statement - at that time he worked part-time delivering printed publications. The expenses column included a wristwatch and a bicycle as tools necessary for work. He invests the material resources accumulated during this time in the purchase of a small plot of land, which is then leased to a local farm.

The Buffett family's move to Washington is associated with their father's victory in the elections to the US Congress. The future investment genius studied at Columbia University in New York. Warren Buffett, in addition to successful investments in little-known projects, is famous for his apt phrases:

  • You don't need genius to invest well;
  • I always believed that I would become rich myself and throughout my long life I never allowed myself to doubt it;
  • idiotic reasons for purchasing securities include the fact of their active growth in price;
  • It is better to buy an amazing company at a worthwhile price than a worthwhile company at unrealistic prices;
  • the further away from credit cards the better;
  • asset selection should not be related to politics and macroeconomics;
  • price means payment for goods, cost means what a person ultimately receives;
  • at low tide it becomes immediately clear who is naked in the water - the phrase referred to enterprises that seem successful in a stable economic situation and collapse at the slightest crisis.

Society considers Warren Buffett to be a conservative, rather prudent and economical person. He is reluctant to get involved with high-tech projects, claiming that he has little understanding of them. Any criticism for reasonable caution receives a worthy response from the legendary man in the style: “If you are all so smart, then why am I rich and not you.”

June 2010 surprised fans of the famous investor: he transferred almost $37 billion to the accounts of five charitable foundations. This act was recognized as one of the most generous acts towards charity in the entire history of its existence.

What does this concept mean?

There is no specific answer to this question. Society characterizes this concept with recognition, wealth, prosperity, a prestigious position or a successful career. Everyone puts their own understanding into this term. All of the above options are correct. The ideal formula for a “lucky person” is to do what you like, while having enough time for love and travel. After all, this is the main wealth of any person. It is not replenished and goes away. Therefore, we need to think about whether it is worth spending it on those things that do not bring moral and physical satisfaction?

The Bill Gates Story

Bill Gates is the developer of the immortal Windows operating system. Born in Seattle, Washington, USA, at the end of October 1955. His family included a mayor, a national bank vice president, and a successful lawyer. The basic personal qualities were passed on to Gates along with the genes of his ancestors. The childhood period of the genius is characterized by a lack of interest in games with peers, unsociability and increased shyness; he was not a leader among his friends.

Bill Gates studied at a privileged private school, where teachers immediately noted his innate logical thinking and high ability in the exact sciences, especially mathematics. As a fifteen-year-old teenager, Bill created a computer program that was designed to regulate traffic. The fee for it was 20 thousand dollars. His talent did not go unnoticed; two years later he received an order to develop software for dam energy distribution.

Biographers include interesting facts from the life of the creator of Microsoft:

  • selling a million copies of the first version of the Windows operating system within one month;
  • obtaining a diploma from one of the most prestigious universities in the world - Harvard;
  • love of swinging - Gates claims that this is one of his favorite activities;
  • the wedding of a computer genius took place on one of the rented islands in Hawaii;
  • he earned his first billion at the age of 31;
  • According to experts, Microsoft generates revenue of 6.5 thousand dollars every minute.

What thoughts hinder growth?

There is a factor that significantly slows down development - incorrect thinking. Having overcome it, you can safely reach a new level. The main “mantras” that slow down the path of a successful person:

  • "I can't do this." This false judgment has destroyed many talents. You should always try, no matter what doubts “eat” you. If something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t despair, collect information, analyze errors, learn and try again. From the second, third or fourth time you will definitely be able to achieve your goal.
  • “I’m tired of everything, I don’t need anything.” A complete absence of positive thoughts is a road to nowhere. Sincerely wishing and rushing forward is one of the main keys to overcoming yourself and achieving success.
  • "I must". Even if you have to limit yourself, make some sacrifices, then you do it of your own free will, for yourself, and not otherwise. Nobody can force you.
  • “No change, no progress.” It’s not true, life does not stand still, everything is in motion, you just have to open your eyes wider. You must try to change it according to your own desires.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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Becoming successful means not only achieving your goals, but also the ability to overcome the main opponents of getting what you want.

Psychologists have identified a number of things that counteract the rapid onset of improvement in business:

  • The influence of fear - most citizens are afraid to make drastic adjustments to an already established life. Uncertainty hinders further movement: a person subconsciously fears difficulties, possible failure in a business project, an uncertain future. The best way to overcome your fears is to do exactly what creates them. Each subsequent step will be easier; only by confronting your fear can you become successful.
  • Reluctance to grow up - a direct refusal to take responsibility, attempts to shift problems onto the shoulders of loved ones and work colleagues speaks volumes about the child’s behavior. To become a successful entrepreneur, you need to cast aside childish thoughts and urgently begin to grow up - you need to accept your responsibility for life and actions, and not be afraid of the consequences.
  • Creating a type of busyness - fussiness and attempts to do several things at the same time, lead to the destruction of even the most successful project. Only painstaking work and cold calculation will help you become successful, develop your enterprise and securely consolidate it in one of the niches of the sales market.
  • Victim complex - constantly blaming others for your own failures helps you lose control over the situation and life in general. Despite minor and major troubles, it is necessary to continue moving and strive to achieve your goals.
  • Inferiority complexes – increased interest in the opinions of others about one’s own person degenerates into an obsession for many. Instead of creating his own life principles, a person strives not to differ from close people, helping himself to remain within his social stratum. Expressing your opinion is another step towards success, and not rebellion, as school teachers tried to explain freedom of thought.

We bring novelty

It is only within the filter through which we have to view the world that facts matter. This filter is based on past experiences as well as beliefs.

We all have our own filter, it consists of life experience, our habits and attitude.

These three components ensure the safety of our lives. We perceive our present through the experience of the past, and act based on the past.

But there is an offer! While maintaining your knowledge and being aware of your habits, you need to add something new, something that has not yet happened in life: new acquaintances, knowledge, sensations, and start living in a new way.

With the advent of novelty, the question of where to get the strength for success will not arise; everything new inspires a person, this is our nature.

Way to success

The difficult road to future recognition follows a standard step-by-step algorithm:

Finding your calling - a banal call to action implies finding something that will appeal to your soul and not cause negative emotions. You can become successful only by doing work you love, from which you don’t want to tear yourself away. Working under pressure has never given anyone a sense of satisfaction; it quickly becomes boring and provokes a search for a new job.

Calculating plans to achieve the goal - after determining your favorite activity, you need to start planning future steps to get what you want. To begin with, you can set a monetary limit - exactly what amount will be satisfactory by minimum standards, what steps will have to be taken to receive it every month, etc. An approximate schedule is drawn up for the coming year, with a detailed description of all future actions.

Studying other people's experience - those individuals who have reached a certain level in their chosen field should be of interest. This tactic will help reduce the likelihood of accidental errors and reduce the waste of time and effort. You can look for specialized courses, sign up for a master class with a professional, watch recordings with advice from successful people.

Changing your usual environment - reducing the time you spend communicating with people who constantly spoil everyone's mood, whiners, and non-stop complaining about life - will reduce their negative impact on your emotional state. Constantly spending time with such individuals suppresses any innovative ideas and impulses to change your own life for the better. It is better to communicate with persistent people who believe in their own and others’ strengths, filling everyone who is close to them with positive energy.

Getting out of your comfort zone - every person has habits that prevent him from living a normal life. And this is not always drug, alcohol or tobacco addiction. The love of empty conversations for many hours, excessive passion for computer games or watching TV steal precious minutes. Drawing up a strict daily routine will allow you to take time away from meaningless activities and devote it to achieving your intended goal.

Planning - the correct distribution of all income in the future will allow you to receive a small capital. It includes the family budget, refusal of loans, involvement in various financial pyramids and other frauds. Dubious combinations do not provide a way to increase material resources - swindlers sing sweet songs in order to lure them out of gullible citizens. Increasing the level of financial literacy takes place with the help of specialized literature and watching video lessons from a specialist in this field.

Creating a diary of your own successes - any achievement, even the most minimal, is entered into the diary. Periodically reviewing your notes is a good motivation before taking a new step on the complex ladder of success. Like attracts like - the more victories, the fewer defeats. An emotional charge is achieved through self-confidence: a lot has already been done, a couple of steps are left to achieve the desired result.

Elimination of loans and debts - any loan eats up most of the income, unnoticed by its owner. The monthly losses amount to round sums, which can be saved for the future by saving them in a savings account. The best way to spend that kind of money is to invest it in your own business project.

Investment - money must work for its owner; the presence of a certain amount requires its reasonable investment. Before starting an investment, you should carefully study all aspects of the issue, identify possible risks and exit options with minimal losses. You can become successful by investing in real estate, stocks, securities and business activities.

The ratio of work and rest time - this point is often forgotten in the pursuit of increasing material wealth. A mistake affects your health, and a constantly ill person cannot become successful. Too much time will be spent on suppressing exacerbations of chronic diseases, visits to the attending physician, and there will be additional expenses for medications.

Patience and self-confidence - the road to big money and success is thorny. At the beginning of the journey there will be mistakes, failures and blunders, and certain financial losses. Famous personalities also went through all these difficulties, but did not fold their arms and did not let everything take its course. It’s easy only in a fairy tale – it’s precisely because of this that wealthy people can be counted on one hand. Persistence, self-confidence and the desire to achieve your dreams are the main driver for a prosperous life.

Useful materials for those who want to become successful

I want to recommend you some very popular courses. They are suitable for any person, regardless of the field of activity that he has chosen. The courses will help you set your priorities correctly, determine your goals, learn to motivate yourself, and also develop various useful skills.

Goal setting

Description. You should definitely start with this course. The teacher will tell you how to correctly define short-term and long-term goals, figure out what kind of life you want to lead and what will truly make you a happy person.

There is not a lot of material here; it is packed into six lessons. After each lesson there are practical exercises that must be done. Don't move on to new material until you've finished the previous one.

Another advantage of the course is that it is very motivating. In addition, information is presented not only in the form of boring text, but also in video format. The developers also presented part of the theory in the form of interesting tables and diagrams.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 990 rub.

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Description. I especially recommend this course to you. It is unique in that the program is tailored to your profession. You register, indicate what field you work in, and Vikium responds by selecting for you the thinking skills that are needed first. For some, communication is important, for others - creative thinking, for others - memorizing information, and for others - the development of emotional intelligence.

Very often, people themselves do not know what skills they need most for success. Vikium's individual approach will help you solve this problem. In addition to the course materials, you get premium access to all project pages. If you have already visited it, you are probably convinced that there is a lot of interesting things there.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 2,290 rub.

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Effective Communication

Description. Generally, success in almost any field requires a team effort. You need to communicate with people, negotiate, solve problems and conflicts. The course “Effective Communication” will teach you this; it is suitable for people of any gender and age.

There is more material here than in the previous course. The training lasts 30 days, includes 33 video lectures, which are accompanied by 26 unique practical exercises and six test tasks.

You will know not only about communication techniques, but also how to read the true thoughts and feelings from the face of your interlocutor. According to teachers, during the classes, each student develops his emotional intelligence well, learns to control his emotions, and influence others.

Off topic, but... I especially recommend it if you have children. Especially teenagers.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 1,490 rub.

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Emotional intellect

Description. This course is dedicated only to the development of emotional intelligence; it does not develop communication skills. The program is suitable even for teenagers. The teacher will teach you to understand a person’s emotional state and find the right approach to him.

In twenty lessons you will perfect the skill of reading emotions, I guarantee you that.

According to the author, the course teaches you to easily and quickly navigate in any tense or already conflict situation, to notice which people sympathize with you and which are hostile.

The program also helps to accelerate career growth (especially for managers), understand microexpressions on the faces of loved ones or even strangers, and easily understand all the emotional manifestations of a person.

Author: Oleg Kalinichev.

Cost: 1,490 rub.

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Description. I advise you to take this course because mnemonics are needed everywhere. After mastering all 16 lessons, you will know how to easily and quickly remember even very diverse information. You will be able to remember the names of all employees, phone numbers or bank cards. For those who need foreign languages ​​in their work, the course is especially necessary.

There are many free simulators on Wikium for practicing your memorization skills. The course teachers will recommend them to you during the learning process, do not neglect them in any case. Ideally, train every day.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 1,490 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training


Everyone dreams of becoming a successful, rich and respected person, but only a few complete the difficult path. The first failures force most aspiring entrepreneurs to give up their dreams and remain among the mercenaries working for a salary. The World Wide Web provides opportunities that did not exist literally 20 years ago: increased professionalism, exposure to interesting ideas. Seminars, specialized courses and video lessons allow you to understand the nuances of almost all known specialties and professions. It is enough to study the prepared material, outline a business plan and you can start your project.

What do you think needs to be done to achieve success? Write your opinion in the comments and mark the article :)

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Author of the article Victoria Pchelinova Freelancer, creative and business

Common Misconceptions

Very often the concept of “success” is confused with professional success in the narrowest sense. Simply put, this word refers to prestige and money. Professionally successful people always occupy high positions and are completely devoted to work that they do not really like. These people are known by sight, they are respected in society, but nothing more. Leaving all their strength at work, they do not develop in other aspects of social life.

As for professional success as a positive phenomenon, it is characterized by the following principles:

  • A person enjoys work and achieves personal goals.
  • He earns exactly what he needs.
  • He always finds time for a good rest and communication with friends and family.

To-do list

Things don't always go according to plan - don't be disappointed, you should stay inspired all day. Lack of motivation is faced daily by specialists in all fields: leading top managers, professional athletes. Often, following a developed scheme turns out to be difficult and boring. But motivation is the main driver of progress. It is worth understanding how and what kind of people support the desire to move forward and achieve success in life. You need to set yourself up wisely, convincing yourself that the result will bring benefits. Ask yourself: why do I need this and what will I get?

Find the correct answers: If I do this, I will go on vacation with my family, buy a car, buy an apartment, or become slim.

What is your motive?

Each person has his own motivation on the path to prosperity. Some are motivated by faith, money, power and recognition, while others are motivated by the process of struggle, competition, revenge and social justice. The secret, if you want to succeed in life, is simple - you need to clearly understand what inspires you and what frustrates you and leads you astray. You need to protect yourself from the latter. Find what you like and move on to the top!

General Eisenhower's principle

The method was developed by the American president and is designed to divide tasks into several types:

  • important and unimportant;
  • immediate and non-urgent.

A table appears, the suppression of blocks of which characterizes the priority of actions.

UrgencyUrgentlyDo it yourself immediatelyDelegate to others
Do not rushPlan and execute on your ownDon't execute (trash)

It makes no sense to build such a matrix for each situation, but it is still worth learning the principle of dividing things by priority.

Level of social success

Just as at school or college there are excellent students and C students, so in adult life there are socially successful and unsuccessful people. Social success has four factors, for each of which you can give yourself a score from one to five and check what level of the social ladder you are currently at:

  1. Money

    In order to consider yourself socially accomplished, there must be a constant influx and increase in cash flow. Money making skills must also be developed. Everything can be lost, but a successful person has the ability to independently restore the desired financial level.

  2. Status

    The position of a person in society. The method of earning money does not always give the desired status. A drug dealer may be very rich, but he cannot gain respect in society, or only by hiding the true source of income.

  3. Energy

    If all your life energy is spent on making money, it is difficult to talk about personal success. A workaholic is not the same as a successful person; emotional burnout also does not contribute to a feeling of fullness in life.

  4. Time

    A successful person should have enough time for life: for travel, hobbies, children, family, for himself.

Feng Shui: the environment affects your financial condition

Feng Shui really attracts money. This does not mean that you will lie on the couch all day long and your wallet will be replenished. But any of your actions and intentions will be rewarded with money.

The main rule of Feng Shui: “If you buy a new thing, throw it away or give it to someone else. There are no piles of dresses you don’t wear or cups collecting dust on shelves.”

Several principles that attract money:

  1. Place a bunch of Chinese coins in your wallet or on your desk. For 20 – 40 rubles you can buy them on Pandao.
  2. Place the Ganesha figurine on your desktop.
  3. Light an aroma lamp with mint, orange, and patchouli oils 2-3 times a week.
  4. Don't put boxes under your bed.
  5. Don't hang pictures with waterfalls. Water represents money. Flowing down is akin to ruin. But fountains and sounds of water contribute to enrichment.

Add mint oil to 27 candles and light. Close your eyes, imagine how golden rivers flow towards you. Say: “I deserve the best! I'm rich". The candles should burn out on their own. Repeat the exercise for a week. It will cleanse the house and open money channels.

It's strange, but the more you help others get rich, the better off you are financially. And greedy people and skeptics always suffer losses. How do I help others? I give out coins tied with a red ribbon to my family and friends to attract money, I write articles for the blog so that people switch to remote work and forget about their need.

Exercises that will get rid of the psychology of poverty

Perform 2 months every day to feel the results.

Allow yourself to be rich, get rid of envy

When you start working on a goal, the critic inside you says: it won’t work. Since childhood, our family has given us attitudes towards poverty: “the rich also cry,” “for the sake of big money you have to sacrifice happiness,” “oligarchs are bad people.”

Let's replace negativity with confidence in success with a simple exercise:

  1. When you don’t believe in your strength, sadness from the lack of money and opportunities takes over you - relax.
  2. Imagine that you got rich, bought and did everything you dreamed of.
  3. Remember the rich people who were envied. Now you have more money than them. You favorably direct financial flows to them until they are satisfied.
  4. Now watch how the flows directed to others return threefold. The more you give, the more you receive.
  5. Give thanks for everything you have, say: “I am worthy of wealth!”

Do the exercise every time you have bad thoughts.

Replace negative beliefs with positive ones

Find a quiet and peaceful place. Close your eyes. Imagine a negative belief as a phrase with a picture. It gradually changes to positive along with the words.

Reinforce the exercises with films, books, stories of friends, where there is a belief opposite to the negative one.

Set up your brain for success

Imagine that you are in a fairy tale. You need to get to your castle. But suddenly obstacles appear in front of you: walls with poisonous spikes reaching to the sky, hungry predators, evil sorcerers. You can deal with them in any way: become invisible, walk through walls, breathe fire.

The exercise will teach you that you can emerge victorious from any situation in life. You will not give up at the first obstacles and will open a million-dollar business.

Talk like a millionaire and become one: 15 words and phrases for your vocabulary

What surrounds you is the result of your thoughts and words. If you speak like a poor person, then the problems will only increase.

Millionaire's Dictionary:

  • conversion ← waste;
  • I can afford it;
  • I am worthy of a luxurious thing, soon it will be mine;
  • with every step I get closer to my goal;
  • I’ll use this money to go around the world, etc. ← I’ll save it for a rainy day;
  • my investment is returned threefold;
  • every investment brings benefits;
  • I attract money;
  • I am surrounded by better opportunities;
  • enrichment, saturation and expansion;
  • I live in abundance;
  • thank you for…;
  • I work at will;
  • I have enough time to do all the planned things;
  • my capital is growing every day.

Stop talking and thinking like this and magical changes await you:

  • terrible;
  • I do not have enough money;
  • I was not born into a rich family, I will not become like that;
  • All rich people are thieves, but honest people can’t earn that much in a lifetime.

When you change your vocabulary, interesting financial ideas will come to you. Some will seem stupid - don’t be lazy to write everything down.

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