How to behave correctly with a man: 7 golden rules so that he is afraid of losing you

A characteristic feature of many women is the desire to keep a man near them. Let him be yours, love only you, carry your bags, buy your shoes, pamper you, feel sorry for you, hug you. Even if at some point you no longer need him, it’s still nice to know that he’s nearby. But here’s the problem – your partner doesn’t always like to be with you all the time, lose freedom and not look at other girls. How to make a man afraid of losing you - advice from a psychologist for different occasions.

In this article:

A man who is afraid of losing youAdvice from a psychologist

How to behave correctly with a man so that he is afraid of losing you: golden rules

In former times, divorces were rare.

Women tend to be attracted to those who strive for new heights

The reason was not the desire to save the marriage, but tradition. The number of divorces today shows how easy it is to ruin a relationship. This is caused by a simple misunderstanding of the partner’s psychology. The psychologist's advice will tell you how to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you.

A man has a dynamic mindset, he needs development, striving for goals, competition, and pursuit. The absence of this provokes degradation. A woman, on the contrary, is static, creates comfort, arranges space, and establishes contacts with others. You cannot demand from your partner what is not inherent in nature.

To understand how to behave correctly with a man, reconsider the question.

They lose what they have already received. His wife is nearby, but interest in her is gradually decreasing. A man is afraid of losing if he could not truly achieve; a woman remains an unsolved mystery for him, a mysterious multifaceted personality. If she is one step ahead, the man will really become afraid of losing her.

Important! There is no need to strive to create in a marriage a feeling of fear of losing the family. Healthy relationships are not built on fear.

There is no need to put restrictions

It is important for men to feel in charge and responsible. At any age, they strive for independence and manifestation of masculinity. If the opportunity is taken away, the stronger sex acts in two ways. Submits, degrades or rebels.

Even reasonable prohibitions repel and provoke people to do the opposite. Remember your boy classmates: how difficult it was for them to maintain school discipline. If the teacher did not motivate, but forbade, the boys were the first to not complete the assignments and fool around. The same thing happens to a man in adulthood.

Before marriage

If you want to master driving, then before you get behind the wheel and turn on the ignition, you should go through a certain period of training.
This statement can be applied to any type of activity, but for some reason it is often not taken into account by those who are planning to start a family - divorce statistics are freely available. It is necessary to prepare for family life before it begins, during the period of courtship and choosing a future spouse. It is vitally necessary to carefully observe, find out, and do not hesitate to ask questions to a person who claims to be a future husband and father.

The main mistakes that a woman makes at the courtship stage, and which cool or completely negate the interest and respect for her on the part of a man:

  • The woman takes on the leading role in the relationship, looks after the man, tries excessively to please him, to demonstrate her economic talents; she makes dates, pays bills, gives gifts to a man, in a word, leads him in the dance.
  • A woman furiously in love turns a blind eye to all the shortcomings of a man, to his disrespectful attitude, bad habits, ridicule - all so that the man does not leave, even if he has not yet thought of leaving.
  • A woman in love mistakenly believes that a man will change after the wedding and the strength of her love will contribute to this.

The above illusions are cultivated in the female mind by cinema and completely disappear in the first years of marriage.
Under the pressure of everyday difficulties, problems associated with giving birth and raising children, the first intoxication passes, and the woman finds herself face to face with a man who is of little interest to her, who does not respect her and generally has a huge set of negative properties and habits that were invisible before marriage and not subject to change by the power of her love. Basic recommendations during the premarital period:

  • Approach the choice of your future husband with a clear head.
    Ask people whose opinions you trust to evaluate your future chosen one, point out his positive and negative sides.
  • Carefully observe a man’s behavior towards other women who are significant to him
    : mother, sister, ex-wife. Do not flatter yourself if he is rude, irritated, insults other women - over time, this fate will not escape you.
  • Give the man the opportunity to look after you for a long time.
    There can be no question of any respect for a woman in marriage if a man got her without effort. The higher your activity and interest during dating, the faster a man will lose interest in you.
  • Test a man:
    you must be completely sure before marriage that the level of moral development, life principles and upbringing of a man will allow him to become a good father and a caring, faithful husband. A man who wants to “live for himself” and “get everything from life,” because “he deserves it,” is simply obliged to resign before it’s too late.

What to do in case of a quarrel, how to behave?

Conflict is normal . How to behave correctly in order to solve it and not spoil the relationship?

Set three hard nos:

  1. Do not try to insult, highlight your partner’s weaknesses, past failures, or touch a nerve in any other way.
  2. Quarrel in private, without witnesses.
  3. Find a compromise before bed.

A man is repulsed by a woman's scream, harsh categorical statements, rude words . If you feel overwhelmed, wait 15 minutes. Focus on your mind, not your feelings. Be clear about the result you are trying to achieve. Convey to your partner exactly the essence of your complaints and wishes.

Men prefer to solve a specific problem rather than talk about abstract situations. Tell him what doesn't suit you and he will make efforts to resolve the conflict.

Anatomy of jealousy: from theory to practice

Insanely beautiful!

A self-respecting woman will look impeccable in her own garden. Don't wear old, faded things: of course, they are comfortable and loved, but they don't make you attractive. And forget about the “everyday” robe. It is worn in the morning when getting out of bed and in the evening before going to bed. You need to constantly comb your hair beautifully, do pedicures and manicures. If you wish, you can apply light makeup.

If you haven't done this before, start immediately. Your husband will either decide that you have someone else and a feeling of jealousy will make him reconsider his attitude towards you, or he will again become interested in you as a woman.

You do this, but your husband doesn’t care? You don't know much about male psychology - men love innovation. Change your image, perhaps your previous image was not effective or relevant enough. Buy new clothes and shoes, jewelry, perfume, be sure to go to the hairdresser, visit a cosmetologist or homeopath. Change, but not for him, but for yourself! Only this will work.

When going out in public you ALWAYS look “A+”. Confidence, well-groomed appearance, a toned figure and your own style of clothing will inevitably attract men's attention to you. They will look back at you, and this, if not immediately, will gradually begin to make your husband jealous.

Advice! Always adhere to these rules, even if you are not going to leave your apartment or house. Believe me, your husband will be very pleased to look at you. And it will become a constant reminder that such a woman is a tasty morsel for other men.

Without you, the world is not nice to me?!

Is your husband the light in the window, your world and the meaning of your life? Congratulations, soon you will have to look for a new “window”, meaning and peace to boot. A man does not appreciate a woman who completely dissolves in him. This is the psychological characteristic of most representatives of the stronger sex. He appreciates someone who has her own goal and the ability to be happy on her own.

Find a hobby: creativity, sports, music, dancing, tourism, cooking and start improving your skills. You will have energy, a new circle of acquaintances and your family life will be transformed. And if before the man was not afraid that you would leave him, now he will have to quickly reconsider his point of view.

“Blackmail by leaving”: a very bad way to make a husband afraid of losing his wife

Any person can be manipulated. A whole science in psychology studies ways to persuade others to agree with your opinion. Although it's fun, should it be used in a family?

A man is repulsed by a woman’s scream, harsh categorical statements, rude words

Women who lack wisdom tend to show their husbands that he may lose her, hoping to renew his interest. The manipulation truly demonstrates a woman's desire to leave. In addition, her husband will consider her unreliable, eccentric, and will expect a trick.

Cheap manipulation

On the Internet you can find mind-blowing recommendations for regaining the attention and respect of a “cold husband.” They are associated with trips to fortune tellers, techniques for inciting jealousy and, in essence, are cheap manipulations over the will of another person.

A manipulator is a flawed, neurotic person who achieves his goals with flattery, helpfulness, the desire to cause jealousy, vigilant control, power suppression, in a word, anything but patience and respect for the feelings of another person.

It is much more honest, although more difficult, to talk about everything honestly and, if necessary, distance yourself for a while.

How to behave with a man in bed before and after a quarrel

The quarrel becomes a thing of the past as soon as a way out is found. Do not remember grievances or suspicions.

In bed, avoid the following topics:

  • unsaid claims;
  • doubts about honesty;
  • new discontent.

If after a quarrel the desire for intimacy has not yet arisen, say directly that you are worried about what happened and are not in the right mood.

Don't let conflicts affect your intimate relationships.


Most modern people suffer from one form or another of neurosis.
Thus, a neurotic in love strives for complete undivided selfish possession of another person, wants to dissolve in the object of his passion without a trace, without thinking at all about how this will affect his wife. In this case, there can be no talk of love; on the contrary, they talk about unhealthy dependence. Neurotic women are jealous and subject to emotional storms, they strive to control every step of a man, follow him with their tail, forgetting about their own lives. All of the above actions on the part of a woman are a surefire way for her husband not only to grow cold and stop respecting her, but to even go on the side in order to get rid of unbearable oppression and control.

Despite the closeness of the spouses, distance must be maintained in family life.

Some tips for maintaining your attractiveness in marriage:

  • Don't become complacent after the wedding.
    This concerns the appearance and grooming of a woman.
  • And again about the benefits of distance:
    a man should not be present when applying makeup, hair styling, depilation, not to mention more intimate hygiene procedures.
  • Don't become a caring mother for your husband.
    Take it as an axiom: if a wife raises her husband as a son, she is preparing him for another wife.
  • Do not visit your husband's men's company.
    Have your own social circle, personal interests, personal time.

Relationships with his friends and relatives

You don’t need to make his friends your enemies, even if they don’t suit you in some way. Yes, perhaps you don’t like his friend’s dark humor, their common passion for football and monthly visits to the bathhouse are annoying.

Be wiser! No one forces you to love and accept them with all your heart. Think about it, if they are his childhood friends or classmates, then the length of their communication is longer than the duration of your relationship. And if their friendship has endured for years and decades, then perhaps they are not such bad guys, these same friends.

Try to maintain a good relationship with them, cook a delicious dinner for them, respond with a smile to the next joke, be polite and friendly in communication.

As for relations with his relatives, this topic is so extensive that a separate article can be written. On women's forums there are a huge number of “scary” stories about the terrible relatives of their lover. A separate topic is where his mother appears as the main villain.

But let's be honest: if his mother is not a marginal person, but an average woman who simply worries about her son and loves him with all her heart, then why not try to make friends with her? Show care, attention, show concern, try to do something pleasant at least occasionally.

Rest assured, your concern for his mother, polite communication with her and tact will not go unnoticed. A man will appreciate your efforts and will always respect his beloved woman who treats his family with dignity.

Love yourself

Dear women, remember: self-sacrifice has long been out of fashion, especially in the love sphere. The more you protect your spouse from everyday life, shouldering all the responsibilities on your fragile shoulders, the more he will move away from you. Think for yourself: is it really pleasant for him to come home and see his tired, half-asleep wife with a distorted face and drooping eyes? Of course not. If you don’t know how to make your husband jealous and afraid of losing his wife, the first thing you must do is. This is how to love yourself. And as a result, spend more time on yourself – charming and attractive.

The husband will immediately pay attention when the wife starts dressing beautifully, doing new hairstyles, and visiting a manicure salon. To whet his interest, often spin in front of the mirror in the evening, smiling mysteriously. In the morning, when getting dressed for work, also spend a lot of time admiring your reflection. Don’t forget to ask your spouse if you look good today and how he likes your appearance. Believe me, this is one of the most effective ways to make a husband afraid of losing his wife.

Emotional shock to relationships

When the relationship has already gotten used to it, has become calmer and there is no former passion and emotion in it, the couple becomes bored with each other. And many women are beginning to be interested in the question of how to make a husband become jealous and begin to value his relationship with his beloved wife more?

Experts in the field of family relationships argue that for married couples, an emotional reboot or shake-up from time to time is useful and necessary. And the most striking of its manifestations, as is known, is jealousy. But for some reason women don’t like this feeling when they themselves have to be jealous. But with zealous interest they are ready to learn ways to induce a husband to these emotions and make him jealous of other men.

“No” to overprotection and control

A man needs personal space. Time that he can devote to communicating with friends, hobbies, or simply wanting to be alone with his thoughts. One. Without a wife.

And at such moments a woman feels abandoned, offended, unwanted and unloved.

What to do? Option two:

  • by hook or by crook, leave your husband at home or go to a meeting with him, risking causing irritation on his part (yes, he will stay at home so as not to offend you, but mentally he will be where he was going);
  • let go of your loved one with a light heart, and go about your own business.

There are many options: meeting with a friend, watching a movie, handicrafts, shopping, cafes, theater, beauty salon.

Isn't there any joy when your husband is not around? But this is already a problem, but not his, but your personal one, since no man is capable of being alone with his wife all the time - and this is normal.

And the fact that you dissolved in him is not very good. Try to step back, because the world has not come down like a wedge on your husband and his needs - there are many interesting areas of life in which you can realize yourself.

Think, shake yourself up - the solution will appear on the surface.

The other extreme would be endless calls and SMS messages, for example: “What are you doing?”, “When will you be?”, “Are you coming soon?”, “Have you eaten?”, “Why aren’t you answering?/You’re not picking up the phone,” etc. .

And this irritates men. Especially if it is repeated every five minutes.

At first he will answer normally, a little later - with nervousness, in the end, he may simply turn off the phone, plunging his wife into wild horror called “Something happened to him!”

Slow down. After all, he already has a mother, and he had enough control in childhood . Of course, you shouldn’t completely neglect calls, but you need to do this in moderation to make your husband want to call you himself.

How to understand that a man has fallen in love? We understand the signs by which you can understand what feelings a man has for you.

To make a man always attracted to you, you can use natural aphrodisiacs. They can be found in the form of drugs for women in pharmacies in your city.

How to plan a family budget for a month? We offer a convenient version of the table.

Watch the video - what to do to make a man appreciate you:

Be a "mystery woman"

This phenomenon is best illustrated by the phrase of the unfaithful husband from the movie “The Bat”: “A wife is a read book. It can be stored, protected, bound, but reading it is no longer interesting...” As sad as it is, it’s true – men don’t last long near “read books”...

If there is always something left unspoken, unspoken and under-proven in a woman, then a man will be kept close to her by curiosity - what else will she discover, and what else will surprise her? Simple, “at home” and completely understandable girls are convenient for men, but... sooner or later men start to get bored.

Sometimes surprise your man with something new about yourself. Of course, not a new cutlet recipe! And, for example, the fact that you decided to go to salsa. Or you read some interesting book and want to discuss it. Or painted it purple. Or you bought a tent and are going to the mountains.

This can be done in a less radical way. For example, invite him to go shopping, and take him away for the weekend to a country house, with fishing, barbecue and a swimming pool.

In general, sometimes break the predictability of your actions and desires! More improvisation, imagination and positivity - this is what will keep your relationship afloat for many years!

Help magic

Often women turn to otherworldly forces, not knowing how to make their husband afraid of losing his wife. Magic, they believe, will help consolidate the results obtained after using the other methods mentioned above. I present a popular ritual that is easy to use and does not require large expenses. It's called "Candle for a Loved One." To do this, buy a white candle in the temple, anoint it with any aromatic oil, while thinking about your spouse. On paper, write your wish: “I want my husband to be jealous and afraid of losing me.” Place a candle in a candlestick on a scribbled piece of paper.

Looking at the flame, you replay your dream in your head and imagine how it comes true. Whisper the appropriate words. What kind of phrases these will be - you decide for yourself. The main thing is that they are sincere, heartfelt and come from the heart. Then you burn a piece of paper with a wish over the candle, and scatter the ashes in the wind. This is one of the strategy options - how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife. The conspiracy can be carried out for another purpose, only different candles are used for this: yellow - to calm jealousy, red - to evoke love, blue - to get rid of problems, green - to gain well-being.

Throw off the shackles and loosen the leash

It doesn’t matter how long you and your partner are together, but he definitely needs one thing - freedom! Don't give him constant attention. Let him have his own space and create it for yourself. When a person understands that all your thoughts are only about him and nothing else interests you, he will stop being afraid of losing you, because he will understand that this is impossible.

Make a rule to spend at least once a week or month the way each of you wants. Let your chosen one finally meet with old friends, sit with them over a glass of beer, discuss the latest automobile innovations or play billiards. Perhaps he will want to retire and go fishing. In a word, loosen your leash, allow your man to breathe more deeply and tug him less often over trifles on simple weekdays.

At the same time, do not be jealous, do not arrange an inspection check of his phone or email at the first suspicion of interest in other women. If he wants to cheat on you, he will do it without you finding out.

Try to turn this situation to your advantage, and subtly make it clear that he is not the only thing in your life. For example, if he warned in advance that he would go out with friends, do not call him, constantly asking where he is and with whom. If it becomes completely unbearable, send an SMS with kind words or a funny emoticon. This will raise doubts in his soul, why you didn’t call him yourself, and what so interesting things you are doing without him. If he asks about this, answer with an innocent look that you watched a film that has interested you for a long time, but, unfortunately, your man still hasn’t found the time to watch it together.


Why not. Take it and come home with a gorgeous bouquet. When asked who gave it, smile mysteriously and answer: a fan. Or just shrug it off, arranging flowers in the best vase. This will not only make him jealous. Such an act will cause a flurry of emotions. A man, feeling a rival, even a conditional one, will try to oust him, so he will begin to pay more attention to his wife and spend time with her. And this is exactly what we need.

How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife? Keep intriguing. For example, often “rummage” through your mobile phone, as if re-reading someone else’s messages. And don’t forget to smile mysteriously - this is your main weapon. When watching a film, pay your spouse’s attention to the main character: how handsome, well-groomed, athletic, fit he is, and so on. At the end, summarize that these are the types of men you like, excite your fantasy and arouse sexual desire. The last saying about physical attraction will be a test shot.

The way to a man's heart lies...

Everyone knows the saying that the way to a loving man's heart is through his stomach. And no matter how funny it may be, the old saying is still relevant. So why not listen to the wisdom that has been around for hundreds of years?

A man whose dinner is cooked by his woman feels something like the call of his ancestors. After all, thousands of years ago, this is how women fed their male hunters around the fire.

Yes, he comes in the evening not with a killed mammoth, but with a briefcase. But dinner prepared by the woman you love always has a touch of sacredness. Don't neglect this factor.

There is no need to dive into the study of cookbooks. Learn to cook a few simple dishes. Most men are often not picky about food, the main thing is that it is tasty, satisfying and a little varied. And for sophistication you can go to a restaurant.

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