20 SMS from people that can cheer you up for the whole day

Photo: UGC The best holiday gift is vivid impressions. That's why birthday pranks are so popular. If your friend appreciates good humor and loves good company, then you can make this day memorable for a long time. All you have to do is choose a suitable draw and persuade the participants. And then it’s a matter of technology.

Every person wants to remember their holiday as something special, fun and bright. If you want to provide your friend with unforgettable emotions, then find out how to play a prank on the birthday boy. Here are the best jokes:

A couple more ways to entertain a VK girl

Cheering a girl via SMS or VK correspondence is not so difficult if there is a certain connection between you and you like to communicate.
The best way is to tell a funny story from your life, but not one where you looked stupid. Also remember a couple of jokes, help make the situation ironic. When a girl can look at the situation from the other side, more simply, her mood will rise and she will forget about what happened. How can you still cheer up a girl in contact? Tell jokes with hidden compliments, which everyone will appreciate and will become a new round in the development of your relationship. A good alternative is jokes with meaning, which broaden your horizons and allow you to take the conversation to another steppe, to distract you.

Regardless of how you decide to tease a girl, there are unacceptable situations:

  • Don't try to be a clown and insert phrases like this into every sentence;
  • There is no need to use a lot of slang and unclear words;
  • You should not bring up the topic of sex and sexual relations;
  • Talk about people with disabilities or past ridiculous situations, otherwise it will make the situation worse;
  • Talking about past relationships;
  • You shouldn't talk while drunk, nothing good will come of it.

If you don’t know how to tease a girl in correspondence, in a kind but funny way, go to her photographs or pictures. You can leave funny comments, chat and supplement the correspondence of others with pictures. It’s enough to use your imagination and be creative.

Another way is to talk about simple things, developing the topic to the point of absurdity, coming up with unrealistic development scenarios. It makes both of you happy and uplifting. You can even go to community groups where people share funny events from their lives, and send them to a friend. Try different methods and understand how to cheer up a girl by correspondence.

If you are at a loss for how to cheer up a girl in contact, go to special humorous public pages. A couple of funny pictures or videos will cheer you up without much effort. Especially creative people can personally shoot a video of themselves and send it to a friend. This will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to cheer up a VK girl? Individual approach!

You can figure out how to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad, but not all methods will work. It all depends on the situation, your relationship, the character of your friend. If some people don’t like dark humor, others treat it ironically and may make similar jokes in response. It definitely works for all types of women - creativity, videos and pictures, funny stories from your life. The rest is an individual approach and the ability to “feel” a person.


26. Draw a picture. Your artistic abilities are absolutely not important here.

27. Make up a story. It can be a good fairy tale or a chilling thriller. The main thing is that it captures you.

28. Make something with your own hands.

29. If you can, play a musical instrument. However, if you don’t know how, nothing prevents you from extracting rhythmic sounds from surrounding objects.

30. Come up with a comic with yourself as the main character. You can use your own sadness as a starting point. For example, invent the superpower of tears or despondency.

Such entertainment will help you look at the situation in a less serious and tragic way.

31. Color the coloring book.

32. Make a vision board by cutting out illustrations from magazines or newspapers that reflect your dreams. Glue them onto a piece of cardboard or whatman paper and hang them in a visible place.

33. Print out your favorite photos and make an album out of them.

Personal presence

Unfortunately, sometimes troubles happen when neither a friend’s kind word, nor a funny anecdote, nor admonitions that everything will be fine will help to lift the mood. If you see that a misfortune has happened to a person and it is very difficult for him, the best thing you can do is to come, provide all possible assistance and support him with your presence.

You don't know what to write to a guy in an SMS message to cheer him up?

We'll give you a hint! Memorize or rewrite!

  1. What's going on with your phone? I dial your number, and they tell me: “The subscriber is unavailable because he is having sex. Please wait your turn!”
  2. See you later, my beloved prince! I stocked up on oats, so you (you and your horse) won’t be late tomorrow!
  3. Your shoulder is my favorite pillow! It’s convenient to whisper gentle words in your ear! You are the best person!
  4. Cute! Do you know that by pressing the buttons on your mobile phone, you kill thousands of different germs? Show mercy! Take your fingers off the buttons!
  5. You remind me so much of a cactus... Just as unshaven and always growing near the computer (laptop) screen!
  6. I don't like weekends so much! As soon as I start to get ready for “get-togethers” by the fireplace (in a rocking chair, with a cup of coffee)…. I'm starting to remember that I have neither one nor the other, nor the third!
  7. I'm happy that you received my message! And I became even happier when I imagined that you had read it completely. Along with this SMS, I am sending you a piece of my heart. It will definitely warm you even in the most terrible cold!
  8. Greetings! I am an SMS ordered to give you two billion of the most romantic kisses!
  9. My days were illuminated by the moonlight of your eyes... I dream of being with you always, and now (every hour).
  10. I'll send you a message. Let it tell you for me how madly I love you. Only time will prove my feelings.
  11. Hello, my dear! Awoke? Get the message quickly! Forgive all insults, don’t sulk! Get dressed, put on your shoes and call me...
  12. SMS is a bridge (between me and you). Short messages guard all love. Receive my news and keep it in your heart. Feelings are fragile twigs. Don't break them, dear!
  13. Hello! Now a Doctor named Lyubov is writing to you to prescribe a hot and fiery kiss.
  14. I look at the night sky, completely dotted with stars.... And I mentally whisper words about unearthly feelings for you. I want all my love to be heard in your heart. Let me kiss the tips of your white wings, my dear angel!
  15. Did you know that I am a psychic? I just know that tomorrow I will miss you much more than yesterday... My intuition agrees with me!
  16. You alone have always been my paradise! Life without you is like hell. I’m ready to shout to the whole world about how much I love you! Message me if you want to hear it….
  17. You and I have been friends like this for a long time... Become a husband soon! I will be the best wife, my dear angel!
  18. My dear little man! I wish you would turn into a teddy bear so I could take you to my bed every night!
  19. Don't worry! I won’t freeze even when everything around is covered with a thick crust of ice! Your true love warms me...
  20. She lived her whole life like a small animal - unhappy and downtrodden. With your feelings you turned me into a flower... Beautiful, bright and open.
  21. The restaurant is located in Sochi. A male visitor shouts indignantly at the waitress:

Are you crazy?! I didn't order anything... Except for a few kebabs! Why did such a score come up?

Man, the kebabs are cooked on the Olympic flame!

Message options

I bring to your attention examples, SMS texts or short messages on a social network that will definitely bring a smile to the young lady’s face.

  1. “You are the thief of my heart, you must be apprehended.”
  2. “I can’t wait any longer for you to call me and I’ll come rushing.”
  3. “Save me, otherwise I will die without your love.”
  4. “Getting out of bed in the morning with memories of your eyes.”
  5. “I’m writing a message. Guess who? The most beautiful creature on our planet. I’m very happy that it’s with me.”
  6. “Your image is always before my eyes. Thank you for filling my life with happiness and my heart with endless love.”
  7. “It’s very cold outside, but the memories of you warm my soul. I am very happy that I have you.”

You can write something similar in your own words. The main thing is that the meaning is similar, and your message is only positive and will definitely bring a smile to the young lady’s face.

How not to communicate with a guy on the Internet or via SMS

You shouldn’t get too carried away with ignoring messages from a young man - otherwise he will quickly lose interest in you, not feeling a sense of reciprocity of communication. Don’t burden him with your problems and be able to feel the mood of your interlocutor - sometimes it happens that even if you are in a bad state, you need to support your young man, whose problems are more serious than yours.

Another important rule for correspondence with a guy you like is to not impose yourself on the young man excessively. If you constantly write SMS to a guy with offers to talk or meet, you keep asking where and with whom he is now, your relationship will most likely end soon

A man should feel that the girl is confident in him and trusts him, while respecting his personal time and space. These simple rules will help make your correspondence enjoyable and not spoil your relationship, but, on the contrary, develop and strengthen it.

How to prank a friend on his birthday: “Shock content”

One of the most effective but tough jokes will be appreciated by lovers of good jokes. All you need is a duplicate of the birthday boy’s phone. An inexpensive dummy will do. How to cheat a friend? Do this:

  1. Ask for his phone number for an urgent call.
  2. Substitute it discreetly.
  3. Loudly and colorfully sort things out with your “opponent” over the phone.
  4. Finally, shout out a strong expression and then forcefully throw the dummy phone at the wall.

While the birthday boy is in shock, quickly bring him gifts and say congratulations.

On a date

The following tips will help improve a girl’s mood by inviting her on dates:

  • An active lady will be well entertained by a bike ride, a trip out of town, or a walk in the park.
  • A young lady with an eccentric character should be invited to a club, to a fun party with friends.
  • Invite a girl with a delicate inner structure and a penchant for creativity to the cinema, the theater, or an exhibition.
  • Invite a young girl to spend the day outdoors, at an amusement park, go to the zoo, or an ice cream parlour.
  • If a lady loves animals, visit a cat show, a pet store, buy her a “live” gift.
  • When a beloved is not just sad, but angry, accumulating negative emotions, she needs to throw them out. Invite a girl to paintball, to a shooting range, or go karting.

The arsenal of male tricks for a fun date needs to be used skillfully. Before the meeting, get yourself into a cheerful mood and be in a good mood.

Take the following recommendations into account:

  1. Learn to easily tease your friend, joke. It’s not difficult to say a barb, but to pronounce a joke correctly so that the girl doesn’t get offended is a whole skill. Work on the quality of your humor constantly.
  2. Improvise. Cheerfully talk incessantly, even nonsense. Notice the little things that you see around, successfully find the words to answer the lady’s questions. If the dialogue starts in a cheerful tone, the girl will definitely not be bored.
  3. Remember a funny incident from your life. Tell your beloved, laugh together at the absurdity of the situation.
  4. Come up with a harmless prank. You can buy a helium balloon, inhale the gas and confess your love to a girl.
  5. Make a date with a lady in the park and come for a walk dressed as a dog or a clown.
  6. Organize a competition. For example, eating ice cream at speed. Of course, the lady should win.
  7. Turn into children for a while. Blow soap bubbles, ride on carousels, run races.
  8. If today is your beloved’s birthday or name day, arrange an unexpected celebration. You can connect her friends to the party online via Skype.

Now you know how to cheer up a girl on VK, via SMS, in correspondence and on a date. In addition to the tips listed, use your personal charm, connect your innate sense of humor, then your lady will never be sad.

How to prank a person: “Be careful, police!”

Do you want birthday jokes reminiscent of American action movies? Then equip a special forces squad that will grab the birthday boy in the midst of fun in a cafe or when leaving the house.

Everything must be real:

  • a uniform;
  • equipment;
  • detention.

The friend will be turned to the wall, searched, charged and bombarded with threats. The birthday boy will not notice the catch until the very end, when everyone begins to congratulate him and wish him a speedy “rehabilitation.”

Raising a good mood for a girl who is a pen pal

Women are particularly capricious. A sophisticated soul is not so easy to unravel, but how to cheer up or calm an angry girl is a secret for many men.

There is universal advice for everyone

No matter what the girl is, attention and sincerity are important for everyone. Any woman will be delighted with a love message written sincerely, specifically for her

If a girl appreciates humor, you can safely send funny messages with jokes, funny pictures or videos. It is desirable that the content be as personalized as possible to the girl’s tastes and preferences.

By the way, you can shoot interesting videos or take photos yourself. What will be captured there (playing with your favorite kitten, sunset outside the window, a smile, a declaration of love made on the street) does not play a special role. A girl will appreciate creativity.


18. Meditate for 10 minutes. Or simply sit up straight, close your eyes and take 10 slow breaths.

19. Take a bath with essential oils.

20. Have a 20-minute yoga or stretching session.

21. Ask someone to give you a massage. Or make it yourself. A massage chair in a shopping center is also an option.

22. Buy a bottle of good wine and savor it slowly throughout the evening.

23. Pop bubble wrap, stick your hand into peas (beans, lentils) like Amelie, or get pleasant tactile sensations in another way.

24. Let off some steam and scream.

25. Finally go to bed early and get some sleep!

Let's cheer up

If you want to cheer up a young lady with whom you have been communicating for some time, a classmate, classmate or work colleague, you want to cheer up a girl on VK or on the phone, then you should listen to the following advice.

  1. Say good morning. Be sure to lift your mood for the whole day. In addition to the actual words, you can add a beautiful postcard, for example, with a cute cat basking in the sun, with a snowdrop breaking through the snow.
  2. If you notice that the young lady is in a bad mood, she is sad, then you should not question her to find out the reason for what happened. If a girl wants, she will tell you everything herself. Your task is to switch the young lady to something positive. For example, invite her to answer some strange question that is very important to you at the moment.
  3. Send a colorful postcard with an interesting poem, a funny video or a funny melody to your wall on a social network.
  4. Send a video in which you appear in an interesting image. Say something funny or optimistic. You can also send videos showing funny situations with pets or kids.
  5. Send the girl a beautiful song, comment on it, for example: “listening to this music, I think about you.” You can also send a poem, especially one written in your own hand.
  6. Delight them with a virtual gift that can be accompanied by a humorous comment.
  7. Write an interesting joke that will definitely bring a smile to her face. To do this, you need to take into account the girl’s characteristics and her sense of humor.
  8. Give the young lady new impressions. Invite her to a movie or to some event, maybe even to the circus.
  9. Remind me of some funny incident that happened in your joint past, if virtual communication was preceded by personal communication. Send a collage of photos that capture this moment, if available.
  10. If you communicate closely enough and for a long time, send the young lady two photos. The first will be your old photo, the second will be a photo that you take on purpose, making a funny grimace. If possible, you can wear some cool outfit or cap. You can make a collage from two pictures, and leave a comment under it: “Find five differences.”
  11. Wish the young lady a good day. Ask her to smile as often as possible. Follow this request with a cheerful emoji.

If you want to cheer up a girl, avoid writing very large messages; it is better to give preference to short SMS.

Fun Prank: “Hard Choices”

This birthday joke is perfect for a holiday program. Explain to the birthday boy that he must choose the better of two beautiful girls. To do this, both beauties sit on a dummy bench. Pull two stools apart and cover the space with a blanket, creating the effect of a bench.

The girls sit down at the edges, and the birthday boy, making a difficult choice, sits between them. At this moment he fails, causing wild laughter from the guests. To enhance the effect, place a container of water under the blanket.

These are the kind of jokes you can use for unforgettable friendly congratulations. Choose a suitable prank to forever go down in the history of a person’s vivid memories.

Original article: https://www.nur.kz/leisure/entertainment/1662469-kak-razygrat-druga-na-den-rozhdeniya/

Causes of bad mood

First you need to find out what led to the decline in mood. I will now list the main reasons; they are not always on the surface.

Problems at work/school

A person spends most of his time first in educational institutions and then in the workplace. It is not surprising that we take everything that happens there to heart. Problems with superiors, conflicts in the team, heavy workload can seriously spoil your mood.

Health problems

Health is a very fragile thing, if you neglect it, expect trouble. Naturally, physical illness cannot but affect psychological well-being. If a girl gets sick, your support will help her only in combination with seeing a doctor and eliminating the original cause.

Dissatisfaction with your appearance

For girls, appearance is a sore point. All you have to do is see yourself in the mirror in poor lighting and that’s it – your day is ruined. All these photoshopped bloggers are adding fuel to the fire. Compared to them, ordinary girls seem flawed.

Quarrels with loved ones

Conflicts can unsettle anyone, and it is quite natural to feel sad in such a situation. If the person is really close, most likely, reconciliation will come very soon, and the good mood will be restored by itself.


A common cause of low emotional levels. To enjoy life, you also need energy, and sometimes there is simply nowhere to get it.

We figured out the reasons for the girl’s bad mood, what to do to lift it? First, understand a few points so as not to get into trouble and not aggravate the situation.

  1. Do not pester the girl with detailed questions, moderate your curiosity. You need to speak and act delicately, without invading its boundaries.
  2. Don't discount your friend's experiences. There is no need to say that her problems are far-fetched and not worth a damn, that in Africa children are starving and in general we will all die - this is only so-so consolation.
  3. Don't try to “please” the girl with your problems. She will either get angry at your inattention to her, or begin to worry about them too.
  4. Don't look for reasons in female physiology. For some reason, many men like to blame all their troubles on PMS or lack of sex. Even if such a thought has crossed your bright mind, do not voice it. With your words you can hurt and worsen an already bad condition.

Bad jokes

Trying to show off your wit, remember how not to joke with a girl:

  • Don't try to make fun of her when you're not sure that she will understand and perceive your humor correctly. An offensive joke can alienate someone you know. Remove the joker from your circle of friends on VKontakte;
  • If she doesn’t speak slang, she won’t like jokes with slang words;
  • When meeting, avoid joking on sexual topics that smack of vulgarity;
  • Make fun of ex-lovers, their quirks, habits and shortcomings. A girl may have similar qualities. She will consider jokes a personal insult;
  • Don't laugh at tragic news events and people getting hurt. Your friend will perceive you as a callous and cruel person.

To communicate with women, stock up on a collection of jokes. Please note what jokes you should not tell to your chosen ones:

  • Vulgar, containing obscene words;
  • About women's stupidity;
  • About blondes (if she is a blonde), about brunettes, redheads, informal girls;
  • About fatties and ugly women, so that your friend cannot take the joke as an allusion to herself.

The Internet offers many examples of witty short stories on various topics. When joking with girls, do not forget about a sense of proportion and tact. Sometimes guys are not able to come up with a good joke or remember a funny anecdote, so they start making faces and making jokes on Skype, trying to make a girl laugh. This behavior has the opposite effect.

Listening to music together

It is known that many compositions have a powerful healing effect. They are able to influence the general emotional background, evoke positive thoughts, and even change physical well-being for the better. How to cheer up a girl by correspondence? You need to invite her to plunge into the world of mysterious sounds, to feel something sweet and amazing in it. Listening together can bring people incredibly closer and begin a romantic relationship. Often, the emergence of mutual feelings occurs when future partners share some kind of emotional experience with each other. If music captures both, there is a great chance of finding something more than just communication.

Thus, it is not at all difficult to cheer up by correspondence. To do this you need to make some effort and include a little imagination. Girls are amazing and mysterious creatures. They sense falsehood from afar, but are attracted by genuine sincerity. If a guy tries a little and shows delicacy, the result will be satisfactory.

A girl is like a flower, a tender and vulnerable creature. She cannot live even a day without affection and attention. The mood of a young lady often changes: at first she is kind and fluffy, and the next minute she is capricious and sad. Absolutely anything can be a reason for a bad mood: problems at work, fatigue, a sidelong glance from a passerby.

How to cheer up a girl with words

Every man should understand that even a strong and unapproachable woman at heart is like a kitten that needs affection and care. Sometimes there are cases in which it is more advisable to leave your beloved alone with her thoughts, so as not to fall under the hot hand. But where is that fine line between comfort and indifference? Let's figure it out:

There is no universal method to cheer up a girl: everything is individual. It is better to have several backup options in order to correct the situation in case of failure. We tried to select techniques that will definitely help you:

  • Offer your loved one help. Let her rest. Ordinary actions: going shopping, cooking a light dinner, cleaning the apartment -
    can tip the scales for the better.
  • If a woman asks for silence, then hug her and be silent.
  • Offer to watch a movie at home or go to the cinema. Choose a comedy film for relaxation together that will not burden you with unnecessary worries.
  • Distract her by talking about a vacation, an interesting trip, or upcoming pleasant plans for the weekend.
  • The best way to cheer up is
    shopping. Just don’t even think about mentioning buying groceries or household items. A woman should spend this time on herself, and you keep her company.
  • A trip to a beauty salon helps to get rid of depression. Book your loved one for a manicure or to see a stylist, paying for the services in advance.
  • Prepare a hot bath for your loved one with foam and aromatic oils. Lavender, orange, patchouli, mint, rose and ylang-ylang oils are good for relieving stress.
  • Offer to give your loved one a relaxing massage.
  • Don't forget about treats. Believe me, a bar of chocolate can work wonders.

How to cheer up a girl over the phone

Do you have a girl you would like to console, but she is not with you right now? You want to pull her close and kiss her. However, only a mobile phone is at hand. In this situation, we recommend writing a text message or calling:

  1. Ask what happened the way you would if you were nearby.
  2. Make her feel supported despite the distance. Say that you would like to be there to kiss and console, promise that everything will work out.
  3. Don't rush to give advice unless she asks for it.
  4. Tone of voice is very important in a telephone conversation, so speak gently and with a smile.
  5. Try to distract by telling a good joke or moving the conversation to another topic.
  6. You can send a photo or video together, and the girl will be pleased that you keep such photos.
  7. Write text messages with jokes or anecdotes. Good humor will help you quickly cope with female melancholy.

Remember: only you know your girlfriend best and you will certainly find a way to console her.

What to do if the girl you love is in a bad mood? This can be done quickly and easily, in different ways, which we will certainly share with the reader. In our article we will give examples of how to cheer up a beauty and how to evoke positive emotions in her.

How to cheer up a girl - if you don't know the answer to this question, we'll tell you the seven best ways to do it.

Top 7 ways to improve your chosen one’s mood.

Useful things

57. Clean your house.

58. Throw away all the trash that has collected on the balcony, mezzanines and other places where useless things accumulate.

59. Rearrange your apartment.

60. Finally get your computer in order.

61. Remove from friends on social networks all users who do not interest you or annoy you. It would also be a good idea to clean out your email and unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings.

62. Start learning some useful skill.

63. Donate money, items, or time to charity.

How to cheer up a guy you like via online correspondence

Make someone laugh with funny pictures and videos

Sometimes, when communicating with a guy on the Internet, a girl may come to the conclusion that the topics for communication have been exhausted, and in order to continue full-fledged communication, she often has to take a break for several days. Otherwise, the dialogue may simply become sluggish, which, of course, will not benefit the nascent relationship at all.

It is important to note that if your relationship is not yet very close, then avoid vulgar videos and pictures - you may be misunderstood. This kind of material is especially inappropriate if in real life you are a very modest and calm girl

Also, you should not send memes related to a topic that is unfamiliar to your interlocutor (about your favorite TV series, for example). Usually, funny pictures with animals, or those that illustrate typical scenes between a guy and a girl, are a safe bet.

Cheer up with emoticons and light dialogue on VK

Sometimes, just talking to someone is enough to lift a person’s mood. If you suspect that your interlocutor is upset about something, then start an unobtrusive and lightly distracting dialogue with him. You can talk about events that might interest him - for example, an upcoming concert or the release of a certain film. You can tell him that you visited some event, and you think that it would be interesting for him to be there too - briefly tell him about where you were. React to his jokes quickly, send back surprised or laughing emoticons. True, it’s better not to overdo it with the latter. Sometimes emoticons become the end of any conversation, since not every interlocutor can figure out the answer. That is why you should use emoticons mainly in combination with some phrase. You can also amuse a young man with a fresh joke found on the Internet.

Send your favorite song and find out about his musical preferences

When interlocutors begin to look for “common ground,” they often try to find out more information about each other’s tastes and determine in which areas they have the most in common. Of course, musical preferences are an important aspect of the lives of many people, and for many it is indicative.

Send your guy one of your favorite songs, accompanying it with the question: “Do you like to listen to this or is it not your type?” If it turns out that the young man likes this composition, then you can send something else in the same spirit. Also ask what kind of music he prefers to listen to, show interest in his musical preferences! However, do not forget about politeness and a sense of tact - if a guy names you bands or compositions that you don’t like at all, then you don’t need to answer something like: “Oh, I can’t imagine how you can listen to this” or “No, no , such horror is not for me! Be tolerant and respectful of other people's tastes, and in the above situation you can answer like this: “Interesting music! I usually listen to a different style, but there’s definitely something in these songs.” Believe me, guys don’t react very well when they start making fun of their tastes or anything related to them, however, neither do girls.

If you really like the music that a young man is passionate about, do not hesitate to write to him openly about it. Ask if he has any other similar compositions in his “arsenal”. Subsequently, you can mention that on the road you listened to the songs that he sent to you and now you often put them on “repeat” - such a confession will undoubtedly please any guy.

Activities outside the home

46. Take a walk around your neighborhood or go to a park.

47. Open a map of your city and blindly select a location. Go there and find something interesting there.

48. Take an unfamiliar public transport route and look at the city from the window.

49. Feed ducks, squirrels or pigeons - any non-dangerous living creatures you find within the city.

50. Go on a photo walk. You can simply photograph the city and people, or come up with an unusual theme. For example, photographing red-haired strangers or beautiful cracks in the asphalt.

51. Open the poster, select an interesting event that is taking place that day, and attend it. Performance, concert, exhibition - at your discretion.

52. Go to the pool or gym.

53. Visit a place you've been wanting to go to for a long time. It could be a flea market, a museum, an unfamiliar area of ​​the city - the choice is yours.

54. Complete the quest.

55. Get to your usual place using an unusual route.

56. Ride a bike, skateboard or roller skate.

If you are embarrassed to write first

Get over yourself and stop being shy. Your shyness will definitely not attract him in any way. And do you know why? Because shy girls achieve little in life. Shyness can be felt just as strongly (even from a distance) as insecurity.

Wait for him to write to you himself. But keep in mind that you will have to wait a very long time. The worst thing is that you may not wait. And then you will be angry with yourself, but anger will not help.

Get this guy out of your head. And you will solve many different problems at once. You won’t have to worry, think about how and what to write. A cruel way, but there are others.

Ask your girlfriend to write to him (on your behalf). But make sure that you don’t write anything unnecessary. Otherwise you’ll blame your girlfriend if she writes everything her own way.

How to Cheer a Stranger

Let's look at how you can cheer up an unfamiliar girl by correspondence.

  1. Cheer up by writing a message accompanied by simple emoticons.
  2. Please the young lady with a cute picture. These could be kittens or other animals (preferably cubs), flowers.
  3. Leave a humorous comment on the wall. This might intrigue a girl. If the young lady pays attention and wants to chat, start the conversation with a funny story that supposedly happened to you. But it's better not to lie. Therefore, if there is no such story, tell a story that you read on some website.
  4. Give a girl a compliment based on what you know about her. Nice words will definitely lift her spirits.
  5. A stranger will not remain indifferent if you are able to tell a story with a dose of self-irony.

To cheer up a man, write him a nice SMS.

You can send short SMS to your loved one, but with meaning

  • “I want to always be the main reason for your happiness!” “Every time my phone rings, I hope it’s you.” Lovers are two happy people in a world of loneliness.” And even though sometimes love takes away pride, it gives wings.” “If you feel discouraged, then into the appropriate arms.” “The heart does not choose just anyone, it feels native.” “Sometimes it happens: the body is in one city, but the heart is in another” - It’s appropriate to write when you and your boyfriend are in different cities. “Nothing warms you up on cold nights like thinking about you.” “I don’t know what the end of our story will be, but I definitely like the plot.” “There is only room in my heart for one man, and he is reading this text message right now.”

Funny SMS to cheer you up

  • “Don't look for the perfect girl. I'm home". “A hundred cute pandas are no match for your charm!” “Of course, everyone has cockroaches in their heads, but yours are the cutest!” “Darling, if you don’t answer me in 5 seconds, you will owe me 100 kisses when we meet. Well, I didn’t have time!” I dedicate to you, my cat, these beautiful lines: “Pur-muurr-meow, Mur-meow, Muuur!” "Hello! I'm a text beggar! Write something sweet to your beloved, she misses you!” “Dear subscriber! Your debt is 1000 kisses, please return it.” “Do you know why I love you so much? Because it doesn’t work out any other way.” “A small, gentle hippopotamus is looking for affection and something to eat... Will you help me?” "Looks like you're facing jail time - someone stole my heart and you're the only suspect."

SMS to a man in your own words

  • Darling, could you get away from my thoughts for at least a couple of hours? I need to work, but I just can’t concentrate! I don't have enough words to tell you how wonderful you are! There is only one thing left to do - wait for you, and show it with your kisses! Come quickly! I may not be a princess, but you turn my life into a real fairy tale! Thank you! Only recently I realized that I don’t care what the weather is like outside – thanks to you, it’s always sunny in my life! You are like a Bounty to me – my personal piece of heaven. I hope that today will bring you many pleasant emotions! I love you! As a child, I was told that there is nothing sweeter than honey, but then I did not yet know about your kisses. Having met you, I realized that I was, after all, born under a lucky star. Darling! You're more intoxicating than any alcohol! Smile! I’m sending you a thousand kisses with this SMS, I’m really looking forward to our meeting.

Simple joys

1. Watch a funny video on YouTube.
2. Listen to your favorite music.

3. Cook something delicious.

4. Treat yourself and order your favorite food to take home.

5. Read a book.

6. Dance.

7. Sing your favorite song. But only incendiary.

8. Watch a good movie.

9. Watch a good old sitcom.

10. Play with your pet.

11. Buy a bouquet of flowers and place it in a visible place so that it pleases the eye.

12. Drink delicious tea, coffee or other drink.

13. Take a series of selfies with funny facial expressions. Alternatively, take a photo in a photo booth.

14. Come to work in a nice outfit.

15. Buy something inexpensive that can lift your spirits. It is better that its cost does not exceed 50–100 rubles.

The point is to find a gift for nominal money, and not to make an impulsive purchase.

16. Recite your favorite poem or excerpt from a play with feeling.

17. Fool around in an anonymous or video chat.

Funny SMS for a guy to cheer him up

To make funny SMS cheer up your boyfriend and for him to respond to you, send them to him when you know that he is free and not busy with important things.

  • Imagine, I went fishing today. I caught crucian carp and perch. But only you are the fish of my dreams.
  • If you're in a bad mood, my SMS is designed to cheer you up! Did not work out? Then come, I’ll pick up everything you need.
  • I want to make you an offer. Would you like to go with me...on vacation?
  • You and I are like Bonnie and Clyde, Winnie and Piglet, Harry Potter and his wand!
  • All I have to do is clean up the mess, and I'm ready for the marathon.
  • The most pleasant time of the day is when you meet me after work.
  • Honey, could you pick me up after work? I forgot my mortar and broom at home.
  • There are 8 hours, 480 minutes, 28800 seconds left until we meet. 28799…28798…28797…
  • When I'm sad, I think about you and smile. I hope this SMS brought a smile to your face too.
  • Of course, I understand everything, but I also need to work: how to drive away thoughts about you?
  • When you don't smile, there is only one little penguin in the world who is sad. You don't want to torment the poor bird, do you?
  • Today I learned that there is a belief that all thin people are witches. I'll go eat before I burn you at the stake.
  • Today you and I will do something unusual, exciting, something that you love to do for a very long time - we will play a console)
  • No type of coffee charges me with so much positivity and energy as thinking about you.

SMS to lift your spirits

Funny SMS jokes for a guy are the same funny SMS that lift your spirits and show a sense of humor towards each other for the two of you.

  • I want us to have more in common. Let's get... a kitten?
  • I bought myself a T-shirt with a photo of the same football player who missed yesterday. Tonight you can take revenge on him for his loss.
  • Today I will give you a suitcase of money. There is a sale of animated gifts on Odnoklassniki :)
  • Darling, I don’t know how to tell you... Well, in general, I took a test... and it turns out we are the perfect couple!
  • Today you didn’t let me sleep, gently biting my ear and buzzing something passionately... Where are you, my mosquito?
  • I want to be a ray of light that illuminates your path even on the stormiest day.
  • You are my bunny, I am your ray of light! There is no cooler couple in the world for you and me!
  • I want you and me to become birds. Preferably migratory. And they flew to the sea for a couple of weeks.
  • Today I caught the bride’s bouquet quite by accident. Dont you want to say me something?
  • Today you will find hugs, treats and one non-stop “donimka”.
  • Let's take it to the next level? Let's “like” each other on VK!
  • I want it so much... I want it so much, I can’t bear it... I want to lift your... mood!
  • Smart. Affectionate. Sincere. Thrifty. Gentle. Playful. Brave. b
  • For your sake, today I’m even ready to watch 22 men in shorts running across a field.

Help in word and deed

The life of one of the heroes of our story, Andrei, has fallen on hard times. Or rather, an economic crisis struck, which deprived him of his favorite job. Finding a new one turned out to be difficult, so Andrei had no choice but to send out resumes, spend his savings on rented housing and indulge in depression.

It’s good that there were wise friends nearby who understood: Andrei needed to be rescued. And they developed a whole help system. To begin with, they met in a quiet place, where they talked frankly. Andrei honestly spoke about his problems and admitted that he did not know how to live further. A fellow student and confirmed bachelor Semyon offered to move into his apartment for a while - of course, free of charge.

Svetlana, who works in the HR department in a small but stable company, promised to recommend Andrey for a temporary vacancy. And a former colleague Igor suggested to his friend that he go to the mountains for the weekend to get some fresh air and unwind.

Thus, the young people, without knowing it themselves, followed several important rules for helping a friend. Among them:

  • give the opportunity to talk. Man is a social creature, and he needs to share his experiences. During a monologue, it is best to periodically insert encouraging phrases like “everything will be fine,” “hang in there,” “we are with you,” etc. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to appear as if you are interrupting an upset friend.
  • help change the situation. Both a trip to a cafe and an invitation to the mountains are a great way to get out of the shell of your worries, look at problems from the outside, listen to practical advice, and most importantly, understand that you are not alone.
  • provide real help. Real friends are simply obliged to fulfill this point if there is a real opportunity.

For soul and body

Stress and apathy always take over both the body and our emotions at the same time. Therefore, both physical exercises and psychological methods will be effective in combating them.

  1. Take a shower . The feeling of freshness lifts your mood. You can get a massage effect from jets of falling water. The most suitable in this case would be a contrast shower.
  2. Use breathing techniques . We don’t notice how, under stress, we literally lose our breath, which leads to a lack of oxygen. Or, on the contrary, it may become more frequent, which also disrupts its rhythm. The most basic action is to take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Over time, you can master longer breathing techniques that will help improve your physical condition and free yourself from negative experiences.
  3. Relaxation (relaxation) . This method is based on the use of special exercises, when you take a comfortable position, focus on sensations in different parts of the body and imagine pleasant images. For example, you can imagine how you are swaying on the waves or lying on the beach, and a pleasant warm breeze blows across your body.
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