How to get your relationship back with your loved one: 10 steps to get your love back after a breakup

Sometimes spouses who are in severe conflict, with a lot of resentment and anger at each other, come to us for consultation. But later it turns out that this is only one part of their relationship. The other is... love, tenderness, affection, care and a sense of the value of the other spouse. But it is much more difficult for them to talk about these feelings. And when spouses stop talking about their love, the meaning of living together is lost.

If the breakup happened at the beginning of the romance: we draw conclusions

It often happens that a couple breaks up at the very beginning of a relationship.

Women have a much harder time dealing with a breakup with a loved one.

This happens for a variety of reasons:

  • opposite characters;
  • unfinished relationships in the past;
  • mutual claims;
  • jealousy;
  • different social statuses;
  • treason.

If the separation occurred due to a quarrel or resentment, then, of course, you need to understand the situation and draw conclusions for yourself. Very often people show their own pride and do not be the first to reconcile, be it a man or a woman.

If your partner is dear to you, then there is nothing wrong with that; on the contrary, the initiative to renew the relationship and solve the existing problem indicates that you care about the person. This is a bold step.

But if a man doesn’t react at all and ignores you, then you should think about it. Perhaps he doesn't need it at all. If a person is interested, then despite the offense or quarrel, he will make contact.

A common problem for many couples: women idealize men, endowing them with qualities that are unusual for them. After a short period of time, the true character appears, and then problems and disagreements arise.

Sometimes everything is more prosaic: people realize that they are not suitable for each other and break up

The girl cannot understand where the guy she fell in love with went to. This often happens because when meeting and at the beginning of a relationship, a man wins a lady, shows his best features, and when he realizes that he has achieved his goal, he relaxes.

There is no need to think that a person will change radically, change his habits and character. No. There will be no fundamental changes; it is impossible to re-educate an adult man.

Sometimes everything is more prosaic: people realize that they are not suitable for each other and break up . Don't be upset if this happens: in a couple of years, such a breakup would bring more pain and disappointment.

Say the "Marriage Contract"

In every relationship there is an unspoken “agreement”. It may contain items regarding what joint goals you have, what each of you is responsible for in the family, how it is customary to communicate with each other, how to show love, what distance in a relationship is acceptable to you, etc. Unspoken agreements are rarely voiced, agreed upon or discussed. Both spouses evolve and change, and the original contract may not meet the needs of the spouses today. And then the agreement needs to be revised. Think about your contract, write down its clauses together. Discuss them. Are each of you satisfied with them? Are the requirements appropriate for the situation? For example, initially you had an unspoken contract about a shared wallet. But this agreement was made a long time ago, when there was little money in the family. Perhaps now each of you has a need to share finances, but you are silent about it, and don’t even know that your half wants the same thing as you. Remember the parable about how two elderly spouses discovered the mistake of a lifetime at their golden wedding. The husband thought: “All my life, taking care of my wife, I gave her the crust of bread that I love so much, today I can finally eat it myself.” The wife thought the same thing about the bread crumb. After that, they found out that the wife liked the crumb all her life, and the husband liked the crust.

If the relationship was serious, is it possible to restore it?

It is much more difficult to survive a breakup if the relationship was long and serious. First of all, before you decide to try to reach reconciliation, you need to think carefully about whether this is really necessary?

Maybe love has long outlived itself, and you were just together out of habit. If you are confident in your feelings, then you should understand the reason for the separation.

You can try to reunite in the following cases:

  1. They separated amid misunderstandings and domestic quarrels. Life together often collapses when people do not discuss important issues, but accumulate it within themselves. You need to learn to talk and listen to your partner, and make mutual concessions. If a man also experiences feelings, then he will enter into dialogue and return the relationship realistically, the main thing is to not make the same mistakes again.
  2. The reason was jealousy. Often, to attract attention, women make their loved one jealous, but not all men understand such an impulse and as a result, the couple may separate. Another option: the guy or girls are too jealous by nature and any attention from the opposite side is perceived as betrayal, then you should change your own behavior, pay more attention to your lover in order to avoid such problems.
  3. The relationship worsened with the birth of the child . According to statistics, most divorces occur during a woman’s maternity leave. A new family member appears in the house, the spouses begin a different life, which directly depends on the child. This is accompanied by internal and external changes in the wife, and postpartum depression is common. These factors negatively affect the quality of the relationship; more often than not, it is the man who cannot stand it and leaves. It is possible to renew the union, but both partners need to work on it. We need to learn to help each other, distribute responsibilities, spend some time just the two of us. In severe cases, it is advisable to contact a family psychologist.
  4. There is little time to be together . People sometimes break up by mistake, assuming that they have become uninteresting to their partner. Modern life moves at a frantic pace and there is little time left for personal relationships. If feelings remain, then it is better to arrange a short weekend or honeymoon for your partner to feel the passion again. Perhaps this will be a new start.

What not to do to make your husband fall in love

If you do not want to completely kill your husband’s love and speed up the breakdown of the relationship, do not swear under any circumstances, do not raise your voice or throw tantrums. Don't blame a man for lack of attention.

Don’t be offended for any reason, ignore the unpleasant phrase or laugh it off. If your husband forgot about a significant date, don’t be angry.

Organize the holiday yourself by inviting a man to join you.

Do not blackmail your spouse with children, sex, home comfort or food. Otherwise, you risk alienating the man completely. Don't turn children against their father. Do not deny your husband intimacy.

Don't burden your spouse with useless conversations. Do not discuss pregnancy, childbirth and all kinds of gynecological problems. Build your dialogue wisely. Ask the man about his working day, achievements and failures, talk about something interesting to both of you.

Don't highlight your husband's shortcomings. Trying to correct long-established habits will only make you angry. If, after several years of marriage, a man has not learned to put dirty socks in a laundry basket or smoke only on the balcony, then all he has to do is accept it or perceive the situation with humor.

Do not perform procedures to improve your appearance in front of your husband. Depilation, applying masks, even innocent makeup scares off most men. Many representatives of the stronger sex believe that a woman’s beauty is natural and does not require adjustments.

Don't discuss relationships with parents, children, or mutual friends.

Solve any problems that arise directly with your spouse. Intervention by a third party will only make the situation worse.

If you broke up because of your betrayal: the most difficult option

Cheating is what many men and women cannot forgive.

If you had a permanent lover, then in order to get your husband back, you need to prove your love

But if women, especially married ones, still try to save the family and take their husband back, then the opposite sex regards such a mistake as a betrayal and humiliation of their own dignity.

Is it possible to try to save the union after this, to return the former love?

Much depends on what kind of betrayal took place:

  • a long affair with another man;
  • casual affair;
  • connection with a former lover;
  • only hugs and kisses, no intimacy;
  • virtual flirting.

If you had a permanent lover, then in order to get your husband back, you need to prove your love , shower him with affection and attention. But even this is not a guarantee that the spouse will forgive.

It’s a little easier if the connection was accidental, out of spite or in revenge on the partner. But even in this case, a desire for reconciliation on both sides is necessary.

Sometimes, due to lack of attention from their husbands, women open accounts on social networks and flirt with unfamiliar men.

Of course, this can lead to a breakup of the couple, but this type of “betrayal” is the most innocent, and if both partners listen to each other’s claims, solve everyday problems, misunderstandings and mutually make concessions, then the old relationship can be resumed.

Advice from a psychologist: how to avoid divorce and improve relationships with your husband


Find common interests. Most likely, your couple is overwhelmed by everyday life and financial worries, but it will be great if you diversify all this with truly exciting hobbies. You can start skiing or rollerblading, go to a shooting club, play sports together, and the like.


Spend time together more often. Sometimes it is important to give your attention exclusively to each other. This is not about sending the child to grandma and lying down in front of the TV (although this can sometimes be greatly missed). Treat yourself to an unforgettable evening - dinner in the bath, spa treatments, erotic massage and much more.


Give each other unexpected and pleasant gifts and surprises, guess wishes, offer unusual pastimes, improve yourself physically and spiritually.


Be one team. First of all, each other’s opinions regarding situations that affected your young family should be important to you. Do not involve older relatives, children, or friends in solving problems. This way you can maintain trust and respect.

What you need to consider: nuances and important details

Before returning to your old relationship, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

You should not try to get your man back if you broke up for the following reasons:

  • your partner raised his hand to you and beat you repeatedly;
  • you are not ready to change your lifestyle, desires;
  • your partner puts strong psychological pressure on you and humiliates you;
  • you do not match in temperament and character.

A family, a relationship between two people, is the daily work of a man and a woman. If one person constantly makes compromises, and the second only takes advantage of this and manipulates it, then it is unlikely that a good union will result.

Help from professionals, or not just the work of lawyers

So, the birthday is coming and you have met again. Don’t rush to move to a new level, remember yourself in the romantic period for the first time, “bring out” the best of the best from it. Let the relationship develop gradually, enjoying every meeting, every moment and plans for the future.

And these plans may include... a second wedding! No, you shouldn’t smile, because this is a completely understandable desire. However, what is better to do: just sign again or start the procedure for restoring a previously broken marriage? Here, each couple should decide this issue independently, but if there is no information, it is better to seek advice from an experienced lawyer. He will give complete information on the issue - and you will make a decision!

But a lawyer is not the only specialist who can help yesterday’s family recover. Practical help from a psychologist will really help make new relationships bright, interesting, and strong. And this is all for decades!

Mistakes girls make when restoring lost relationships

The breakup of a relationship leaves a strong emotional mark on the soul of every person.

Many girls make a lot of mistakes out of resentment:

  • they try to make their ex-partner jealous by entering into a new union;
  • they bombard their partner with calls and messages, literally not allowing him to breathe, which only irritates the man;
  • they cause trouble for a man at work, tell him some personal things, or post unpleasant photos and videos online, thereby cutting off the path to renewing the relationship;
  • many people mistakenly think that a person will change dramatically after a short break, but in practice, after two or three weeks everything repeats itself, and the couple is again on the verge of breaking up;
  • girls, trying to once again win the attention and affection of their beloved, completely adapt to him, and when the goal is achieved, they again repeat their past mistakes.

We return trusting feelings

The first stage of restoration work within the family must begin with the resuscitation of the main aspect - trust. There are several rules, following which, you can safely count on harmony and peace in marriage.


  • nag, criticize and challenge your husband’s actions that are not related to you;
  • make performances and tantrums in his presence;
  • manipulate a partner for your own benefit;
  • challenge his decisions in public, expressing his superiority;
  • blame your husband for all the problems of the family, the world and your own sense of self;
  • give ultimatums, threaten divorce/take away children/commit suicide;
  • remember past grievances, sins and skeletons in the closet;
  • disturb the peace and independence of a loved one;
  • punish by ignoring, lack of sex, cooking, washing;
  • leaving the house with things without warning;
  • put relatives in your defense.

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