How to force yourself to study - tips and tricks

Blues and laziness prevailed with the onset of autumn? Don't even have the strength to go out with friends? And what can we say about school... Hurry up, catch a selection of recommendations from Umskul and study to the fullest!

How to force yourself to study? Let's say right away that the question is not an easy one! Sometimes we all get so tired of routine that apathy and reluctance to get off the couch defeat even the strongest motivation. Understand that this condition is normal for everyone. But the main thing is to pull yourself together in time and not extend unplanned vacations, otherwise the outcome could be very sad. Well, let's move on to super tips from Umskul that will help in the battle against laziness.

PS thanks to them, not a single student forced his brain to study perfectly and with pleasure!

Understand what you're missing

Assessing the advantages and disadvantages is important in any matter. Let's give a simple example: an eleventh grader decides to quit preparing for the Unified State Exam in October and stops studying. By his decision he deprives himself of:

a) admission to your dream university;

b) time spent with like-minded people;

c) the opportunity to realize your first serious goal and show your real abilities.

The list can be expanded endlessly. Remember: you will always have time to give up, but getting out and forcing yourself to study is a real feat!

Why do burnouts of this kind occur in principle? The fact is that you really like to set global goals at once. For example, if you conquer a mountain, then immediately Everest, if you take the Unified State Exam, then by 100 and no less.

Train yourself to walk towards your hundred in small steps. To begin with, read the paragraph and solve at least a couple of tasks. A long, but healthy and measured path, and especially in comparison with stress and lack of sleep, motivates you to start exercising from that very day.

Sign a contract with yourself

You do not need a lawyer to implement this method. You need to be honest with yourself and take a little time to think. First, think about what motivates more - reward or punishment? Once you have found the answer, follow these steps:

  1. Set goals. State in writing what you want to achieve in your studies.
  2. Make a plan to achieve these goals.
  3. Determine the reward with which you will reward yourself after their implementation, or choose a punishment for failure to fulfill the plan.

It is important to do all this in writing and in the future for motivation to keep the agreement in a visible place. You can also tell your family and friends about it so that they know about your obligations and can help monitor their implementation.

Enable self-discipline

How many beautiful words we hear about this concept. Especially after the intensification of fashion for early self-realization. Taking away all the grandiloquence, we declare: self-discipline is really capable of solving the question “how to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy?”

First, write down on a piece of paper all the reasons why you need to study, even when you don’t feel like it. This is what you will look into on the days when your energy levels run low.

And some more tips related to self-discipline:

  • Get a habit tracker

For example, every day before going to bed, read the file with stresses for the Unified State Exam in Russian.

  • Set up a personal timer

Build your studies into equal time periods. This will help form the habit of studying, and will also make it clear to the body that business activities do not last forever, everything ends and is replaced by a pleasant pastime.

Eliminate distractions

Before class, have a healthy snack and drink water.

Hunger and thirst can be a big distraction from mental activities, so address them early. Don't eat sweets: they will only make you hungry again faster. Have a healthy snack, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, cheese, yogurt or hummus. If you want a caffeinated drink, limit yourself to one or two cups or one can of soda so as not to overstimulate your nervous system.

Increase your concentration with physical activity

10-15 minutes of exercise or walking will relieve stress and increase endorphin levels in the body. After this, it will be easier to concentrate and remember information. You can even try to combine training and study. Bring your notes to the gym and read them while you hit the treadmill. Both your brain and body will thank you.


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