15 realizations on how to force yourself not to be lazy and get rid of laziness once and for all

Let us examine in detail the topic of laziness and what kind of disease this is that has gripped the current generation of people.

Laziness is one of the manifestations and forms of fear.

Reasons for laziness:

  • No purpose in life.
  • Waiting for manna from heaven and who knows what.
  • Attachment to comfort.
  • Useless thoughts ahead instead of taking action.
  • Fear of losing what you have now, fear of the future.

Stop thinking about what you can do, what you can't do, what others will think of you.

When you begin to actively act right now , all fears disappear, and you no longer think about what laziness is and how to deal with it.

Don't avoid discomfort, change and fear, otherwise you will be easily vulnerable

Fear, discomfort, stress are necessary things for your growth. Don't avoid them!

We live in a society that always tries to avoid discomfort, pain and find the easy way out.

It's very easy to lose yourself using this type of thinking.

Avoiding change is a crime.

You need highs and lows to grow.

If your life is very calm and smooth, then you will be easily vulnerable and break down in a difficult situation.

The more you are inactive, the weaker and softer you become. From here you will not have the slightest idea of ​​how to find fresh strength in yourself and how to stop being lazy and start taking action.

If you sit with your hands folded all the time, you will not be capable of life.

Get out of the perception of “you need to appreciate and achieve this constant comfort.”

Devour experience by the train and know that any experience leads you to success and growth.

What is laziness

Laziness is the lack of a person’s motivation to be active. This is a refusal of one’s own success and self-development, and satisfaction of current needs. Laziness may be based on:

  • lack of motivation;
  • unrealistic expectations;
  • mental disorders and conditions (depression, apathy);
  • mistakes in education;
  • excessive demands on oneself or on the part of others;
  • emotional burnout, fatigue;
  • failure;
  • individual psychological characteristics.

Laziness manifests itself in a person’s tendency to engage in passive activity (lying on the couch) or, conversely, to spend time actively but carefree. As a rule, laziness occurs only in studying, working, developing, but not walking, playing, or drinking. Thus, we can say that laziness is a lack of activity caused by the unformation of the system of needs and life goals.

Laziness is the psyche’s response to what it subconsciously considers a meaningless pastime. So, the basis of laziness and getting rid of it is working with the motivational-volitional sphere of the individual and worldview.

Interesting fact: there is an opinion that laziness is, in principle, characteristic of Russian people. Perhaps this is partly true if we compare us, for example, with the workaholic Japanese. We tend to celebrate on a grand scale. But on the other hand, if a Russian person needs something, he will achieve it at any cost. So, if we look at it from the perspective of motives, we can hardly be called a people with a weak will.

The origins of laziness

Laziness can be congenital or acquired. True, in the first case it would be more correct to say that we are talking about a congenital disability, that is, weakness of will, motives, needs, abilities at the level of neural reactions. Acquired laziness can have several roots:

  1. Suppression of activity by parents, that is, the so-called learned helplessness. This can result from excessive care, indulgence or suppression of the child.
  2. A psychotraumatic situation where laziness acts as a defense mechanism. For example, if a person does not have the competence to overcome some life problems, then he will avoid such situations.
  3. Laziness as a protest. “I won’t do anything” or “I won’t do anything until you…”.
  4. Laziness as attention-seeking.
  5. Loss of meaning in life. You can read more about this in my article “How to find the meaning of life if you don’t want anything - advice from a psychologist.”
  6. Society's orientation towards consumption and an idle lifestyle (advertising, media).
  7. Focus on the result (product), rather than on the process of achievement. For example, a student downloads an essay from the Internet, thereby achieving his goal, but fostering laziness.

Reasons for laziness

Laziness is being stuck in your comfort zone. What could justify your reluctance to move on?

  1. Conservative. Performing habitual activities that satisfy basic needs, but at the same time drive us into a routine and stop development.
  2. Fears, concerns, self-doubt.
  3. Intolerance, misunderstanding and at the same time awareness of the remoteness of the result. It seems to us that nothing around us is changing, and that’s why we give up what we started.
  4. Long forced rest. For example, after an illness. We all know how difficult it is to get into work mode.
  5. Doubts. For example, the principle of losing weight is simple: you need to burn more calories than you consume. But due to the delayed result and the prospect of long-term work, self-doubt creeps in about the result.

Signs of laziness

Laziness as a complex of weak personal characteristics and underdeveloped areas is manifested by the following phenomena:

  1. Lack of high social needs for self-development, work, activity, self-actualization.
  2. Weakness of will and self-regulation.
  3. Lack of desire for success and competition (“this will do”, “I don’t need anything else”, that is, a boring comfort zone).
  4. Inability to think broadly, to predict, to build connections in time (life one day and primitive desires, instincts).
  5. Complete indifference to external conditions and changes (“it doesn’t concern me”).

Did you think that laziness is the lack of energy to brush your teeth in the evening? No, this is just one of the petty manifestations of global processes of stagnation or personality degradation.

Choose friends who have similar interests to you and who will motivate you to grow

If your friend is sitting on your neck, then why do you need him?

If your old friend is stupid, and he continues to deprive you of motivation to grow, pulls you back, then kick him away from you. This is not your friend.

A person who doesn’t need to explain anything, and who understands you with one look and without a word - is your true friend. It doesn’t suck your energy, it motivates you to grow and consciously move towards your goals.

Communicate with those people, looking at whom you will also want to develop. This way you can get rid of laziness and drowsiness and there will be a desire to grow.

You don’t need someone who discourages you from developing and pulls you back.

You should know everything about how to find friends with whom it will be interesting to communicate, and you will never regret your choice.

Give quality energy to the world, and you will receive even more energy back

By quality we do not mean empty chatter or meaningless chatter.

When you give quality energy , it means you share your best thoughts and express yourself as your best self and act to help others with it.

When you learn to bring something useful into this world, everything will come back to you in an even greater volume, and you will not be able to sit still.

The strength for even greater feats and adventures automatically comes to you, and you no longer worry about how to stop being lazy and start living.

Diversify your life: find your favorite activities that will give you new emotions and the desire to create

Everyone has their own tastes and passions in their lives. Find these activities.

Your hobby shouldn't end with lying on your bed and doing nothing. There are many activities, and you can choose different ones.

If you come home from work every day, then turn on the TV, eat and watch TV shows until late, and in the morning it all starts again, then this is not life.

Dullness and routine always discourage the desire to create and enjoy life.

Some people are interested in drawing, some like to jump from a parachute, some like football, some like ice skating, sledding down a hill.

All these things bring everyone their own range of new emotions and a sense of joy from life . The question of how to overcome laziness and apathy is closed as soon as you find your favorite activity.

Appreciate your youth, don’t sleep through your younger years, it’s time to cope with laziness

Your young years are the best years of your life. And if you spend them lying on the couch in front of the TV screen, then you are not living. You become a vegetable.

Appreciate your young body, the potential strength that you can develop if you work on yourself.

You can find a lot of hobbies - there is always a lot of room for your growth .

Only a fool knows everything. A wise person realizes how little he knows and how much new he still has to learn.

There are a lot of areas and vectors in which you can develop and succeed. Find them, decide, and then you can stop being lazy and start working.

Don't waste away at home. Use your potential, given by nature to everyone without exception.

Temporarily cut off escape routes

If you just sit down at your computer and try to fully concentrate on your work for 5 or 20 minutes, without removing those things that you usually use to procrastinate , it will not lead to the desired result. So ask yourself: where do I usually run away instead of doing my work? For me, this is, for example, often my smartphone and checking social networks or a random Internet browser. So I put my phone on silent and leave it on the other side of the house when I'm working. By creating this small physical obstacle, I avoid the phone trap maybe 95% of the time.

If you:

  • If you have this problem with games , move the irritant far away from you while you work.
  • If you browse Facebook or other websites on your computer, block it for the time being using special programs.
  • Watch TV - turn it off or stop watching TV completely.

Don't feel sorry for yourself, self-pity is the lowest feeling on earth

Have you seen animals that feel sorry for themselves?

Self-pity is like a disease that people deliberately get and plunge themselves into this shit.

People choose to be a victim and complain about nonsense. If you continue to take on the role of a victim and feel sorry for yourself, then you will always think about how to overcome laziness and force yourself to work.

Self-pity often turns into laziness. And the excuses for all this will be “I can’t do anything”, “I’m weak”, “have pity on me”.

If you feel like a victim or a poor soul, then you are nothing!

After all, you're not even trying to change anything. After all, you haven’t made an effort to become better and change the current state of affairs.

Some people strive to be their best selves, to become an interesting and aware person, while others choose to feel sorry for themselves and feel like a victim.

We choose who we want to be.

You can read more about mindfulness in our article about selfishness and a sense of self-importance by clicking here.

Cycle with fully focused work with short rest breaks

To make your daily work easier, take short but focused intervals of work in between.

Tell yourself: I will work 20 minutes on this task now, and then I can take 5 or 10 minutes of rest. Breaking the work down into parts makes the work seem less complicated.

And you'll feel energized and motivated longer and do better work if you allow yourself those breaks and time to surf Facebook, play a game, or just take a short walk in the park.

Then, after some time has passed, you may want to work for 40 minutes before taking a 10-minute break. But first, go easy on yourself. And if you have a deadline, use an app on your phone or a simple timer.

Set yourself a goal, live your dream and make it come true

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What exactly would I like to do?
  2. What's really stopping me?

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Conduct a written analysis and close your questions about how to kill laziness in yourself.

All that stops any person is:

  • Or fear.
  • Or a lack of understanding of why I need it or don’t need it.

Live your dream and don't be afraid of your desires.

Don't be afraid to make your dreams come true.

It's okay to have goals and work towards them. Set yourself a goal in life, especially if you are still a teenager, and you will no longer be bothered by questions about how to cope with laziness and apathy.

You have to forget about shyness and everything that stops you. Read more about how to do this in the following detailed guide.

It’s bad if you have no goals at all, and you don’t know what you are doing on earth and why you were born.

Ask yourself: “Who are you?”

Your goal should match your skill level

  • The best experience we experience is a state of flow , that is, when we immerse ourselves in the current moment here and now and forget about what is happening around us.
  • When the complexity of the task/goal matches your skill level , that's when you plunge into a state of flow!

Advice from psychologists

Let's find out what professional advice psychologists give to get rid of laziness:

  1. Introduce physical activity into your life. Movement is life. And this is not an exaggeration. Try it for yourself: make it a rule to squat 5 times at the slightest sign of laziness. The effect will not take long to appear.
  2. Learn to plan. Do you know what makes successful people different? They understand that 24 hours in a day is enough to implement all their plans. You just need to be able to manage your time wisely, keep a diary, write down tasks for the day and set an approximate time for completing each one.
  3. Set feasible goals. Most people are lazy only because their dreams are too high and they don’t understand which way to approach them. Make a wish that can be done step by step, starting right now.
  4. Get out of the habit of putting off important things. If you have long been planning to visit the dentist or remove the debris on the balcony, do it in the coming days. You will immediately feel that it has become somehow easier for you to breathe.
  5. Praise yourself often. After all, you are the person whose respect you must earn first. Just make sure that the praise is truly deserved.

Drop all excuses where you blame existing circumstances.

People shift responsibility to all sorts of circumstances. They find excuses that “the circumstances are terrible now,” “the situation is inconvenient,” “there is no suitable mood.”

All these excuses only hold you back and will never let you understand how to get rid of laziness and achieve your goals.

Realize that your circumstances will not get better over time..

People like to stay the same, they like comfort and avoid everything unknown and chaotic.

Look at your situation in life now, where you are. She is probably the same and very similar to the one she was a year ago.

Every year the circumstances will not improve, but will only get worse

Maybe a year later you entered somewhere and there was some progress in something. But you remained the same person and the same personality. Chances are, you haven't changed that much after a year and still remain the same .

Circumstances will not get better every year ! In reality, every year they become even worse.

Except if someone took a lot of action to grow.

If your excuse is “I’m tired,” then realize that every year you will get older and become even more tired .

If you “don’t have time now,” then every year, as you get older, you will have even less time .

Your questions about how not to be lazy and manage everything will never be answered if you continue to put everything off until later.

What to do

First of all, it is important to understand that laziness is inherent in the human body. It is akin to a defense mechanism or sleep. When a person works to the limit, laziness can be a sign of overwork and burnout. So it is always important to maintain a work-rest schedule.

But laziness must be fought in any case. To overcome laziness you must have:

  • perseverance;
  • developed attention;
  • formed worldview (personal stable belief system);
  • hard work and responsibility.

And also be able to resist external influences and regularly increase psychological stability, master self-regulation techniques and learn to resist manipulation.

You can overcome laziness using your strengths:

  • If you are a gambling person, then challenge yourself. Create a critical situation in which problems go from deferred to urgent.
  • If you are a responsible person, then ask someone close to you to push you, make promises, sign you up for courses.
  • Argue if you are susceptible to such influence.

In general, decide for yourself what can force you to act: carrot or stick, duty or creativity. Every person has strengths, even if they are lazy. Or, on the contrary, weak ones that will allow you to use them wisely. For example, you cannot refuse help, then ask your friends to invite you somewhere more often.

Opportunities, not obstacles

We need to change our perspective on life's difficulties. Let me remind you that laziness is often caused by fear, panic, and other primary reactions. Your task is to control these conditions, that is:

  • objectively assess the situation;
  • with the help of self-regulation, maintain a stable emotional background and relieve nervous tension;
  • identify the advantages and merits of the current circumstances;
  • ignore the experiences of other people (even if it limits them, but not you);
  • see the prospects of the situation;
  • navigate in the real moment (draw a single time thread);
  • identify what can be controlled and monitor it.

“There is more laziness in the spirit than in the body,” said the French writer La Rochefoucauld. You, dear readers, probably have no idea how strong your body is and how much it can endure if not for your mind and distorted perception. That is why it is necessary to change your worldview. Fatigue, fears, failures are born in the brain.

What kind of thinking leads to success?

How do strong and successful people differ from unsuccessful ones? They are not lazy and look at the world completely differently:

  1. They always see the result and meaning of their actions. "For what? And just like that, for fun!” – not about them. But at the same time they give an account for every step they take.
  2. Patience, perseverance and energy are the basis of success. As a rule, knowledge, skills and abilities are easier to obtain.
  3. No retreats. It is only permissible to change the strategy to a more profitable one.
  4. There's no rush. It is important to know that everything is going according to your plan and you have an answer to everything, and time is of secondary importance.
  5. No worries about trifles. There will always be deviations from the plan, you need to be calm and mobile.
  6. You can't fall into despair. You can always correct the situation or your worldview. Nothing is decided until you agree to that ending.
  7. Constant movement. They stopped - they stopped personal development, or even began to degrade altogether.


Needs underlie action. Laziness arises from a lack of motivation, that is, insufficient expression of needs or their dissatisfaction. Although it seems to be unsatisfactory, it works. But no, a person with the mentality of a sloth will cry about how bad everything is, “interrupt” and “tramble” on the same level of needs. By the way, I would like to remind you of these levels (according to A. Maslow):

  1. Lower or physiological needs (sex, food, protection, breathing, safety).
  2. Need for reliability (health, stable income).
  3. Social needs (relationships with other people).
  4. The need for respect and self-esteem (prestige in the group, marriage, achievements at work).
  5. The need for self-realization and self-actualization (global contribution, heritage).

Action in its broadest sense is not possible without higher needs. But in order to achieve the highest, it is necessary to fully satisfy the previous needs. Find out where you are stuck. By the way, the higher the level of needs a person has, the more ready he is for action. This is such a vicious circle.


“There is no worse suffering than doing nothing,” wrote the publicist Alexander Ivanovich Herzen. Have you ever noticed how quickly time passes when you are busy? And what potential of the individual is revealed, what kind of power and strength is felt? In any business, the main thing is to start, and then everything will go much easier.

There will always be problems and difficulties. They cannot be ignored or avoided, but must be faced and addressed with dignity. What does it mean to act honorably and correctly?

  1. Be energetic.
  2. Be persistent.
  3. Have relentless persistence.
  4. Make a constant effort.
  5. Be pragmatic; see perspectives, but in the unity of time.
  6. Be able to develop strategies.
  7. Have resourcefulness and common sense.
  8. Take on opportunities that present themselves.

It makes no sense to wait for a push from the outside, for ideal life circumstances. You yourself create ideal conditions if you act. It's important to keep trying. If you try, you will in any case have a new experience, several options will appear. And if you don’t try, nothing will change.

  1. The action starts small. Read the book that everyone hasn't gotten around to. Talk to the person you're afraid of (or the topic itself confuses you). Sign up for courses and training to develop the competencies you lack. Keep taking action and moving. If you want something, then it should come true. Look for loopholes. They are always and everywhere, just sometimes disguised or broken down into small steps.
  2. Be systematic, consistent and persistent. Always remember your situations in which you were a winner. If nothing specific comes to mind, then imagine how a child learns to walk and read. How did you learn this? A banal but effective example. The child’s goal is to explore the world, run, touch, grab, move, develop. He falls, but moves forward with crazy persistence. I agree that it is more difficult to overcome problems on a mental level, but in essence it is the same.
  3. Action is impossible without resistance. There will always be external unfavorable factors, people, conditions, but that’s the beauty of it. This is the interest and test of you as a person. Development of you as a person. We all know the phrase “He who does nothing makes no mistakes,” so mistakes cannot be avoided. But think again: everything that is common and personal in the world is based on someone’s mistakes. The ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them is a trait of an adult, mature personality.
  4. Make it a rule to finish what you start. Whatever it is. This is the only way to cultivate will, perseverance, motivation, and goal orientation.
  5. Keep the outcome in mind, but also be process-oriented. That is, focus on actions in the present.
  6. Plan alternative courses of action in case of failure and do not rule out failure. Don't rule it out, but don't expect it! It's a big difference.


What is will? This is the ability to be resilient to changes in the world. Assess why and how obstacles are built into our lives. This is preserving your inner world, cultivating your confidence and perseverance. How to develop will and what it means to be strong-willed:

  1. Think positively, but always be prepared for the situation to worsen.
  2. Have the courage to accept what does not depend on us and what we cannot change (bad weather, the death of someone close to us).
  3. Be realistic, especially in expectations. It’s useful to dream (“if only we could fly”), but you need to plan feasible things.
  4. Accept the life changes that occur. You are unique, as is your destiny. But remember that in many ways you determine it.
  5. Protect your inner world, values ​​and beliefs. No matter what happens, you must maintain your core.
  6. Focus on high needs (self-actualization, development, creativity). Dedicate yourself to what is above the earthly, above the biological.
  7. Remind yourself that we are all mortal (this is if it has become completely scary or passivity has overcome us again).
  8. Be prepared to go through these steps over and over again.


Volitional effort causes neuropsychic tension. The moral, mental and physical forces of the individual are activated.

Have you noticed that successful people are active in everything and also look great in appearance? The body is the carrier of your mind and soul. Everything should be in harmony. Appearance is a reflection of the inner world (scientific fact).

Take care of yourself. Don't look for excuses. Even if you look good, go in for sports. Start small again - twenty-minute exercises. There is no limit to perfection, there is no limit to the development of willpower. In addition, sports have a positive effect on brain activity. There is no other option but to force yourself. There is no other way to overcome laziness.

Success in life, activity, content and beautiful appearance are not coincidences. These are interconnected components of one system. In addition, you must be sure that your body will not let you down when achieving your main goal.

Quick Guide

Thus, to overcome laziness it is important:

  • to feel desire;
  • evaluate its realism (possibility of implementation);
  • draw up an action plan;
  • assume all possible consequences (advantages and disadvantages);
  • find resources inside and outside to fulfill your desire;
  • make your wish come true.

It is also important to always set yourself clear deadlines and highlight stages in your activities. This is the only way you can achieve your goals.

Implement good habits every day and gradually increase their complexity

Remove the words “should”, just do it and act every day. Get into the habit of taking action and being active.

You simply carry out actions without thinking about the result, without imagining the consequences. You just take action and turn it into a habit. It's just a habit.

Start small! The most important thing in all this is doing small things that gradually become habits.

This will help you gain confidence and implement small action habits. Later you can apply this to larger tasks. This is how you can overcome laziness and cure yourself of this scourge.

An example of how to implement habits:

  1. First, you develop even a stupid habit : for example, drinking tea with lemon in the morning.
  2. When this becomes a habit, you introduce a new habit of preparing a salad for lunch every day.
  3. Then you move on to a more difficult habit - you will look for a new job every day.

Habits are the bricks on which our lives are built. They are more important than results, grand schemes, prospects or big ideas.

What you do every day is what matters most. Implement these habits and stop worrying about how to get rid of laziness and apathy.

Develop good habits that will lead you to a successful life.

On our website in a new article you can find out more about how to become more confident and all about the psychology of confidence for girls.

Get rid of bad habits

The main assistant of laziness is bad habits that take up a lot of our time. Everyone has their own source of lost time: for some it is scrolling through social networks, for others it is surfing the Internet, for others it is computer games, for others it is smoking. If you spend all your free time on this and it distracts you from completing necessary tasks, then you should say goodbye to it.

Shake up your life like no one has ever shaken it before

Throw yourself off a cliff and learn to fly while falling

  • Go to a homeless shelter . Look at the children who grew up without parents.
  • Look at the homeless people surviving on the streets without a roof over their heads.

Look at these people surviving in difficult conditions. This will give you motivation to change, so you can stop being lazy and start taking care of yourself, looking at things more soberly.

Intentionally create a situation that kicks your ass..

Create a situation for yourself where you either drown or start swimming . Create a situation that will force you to learn to swim.

You have to throw yourself into the middle of the storm. And you must create this storm or hurricane yourself.

Most people wait for situations that will kick them. You must create this uncomfortable situation yourself.

It's not the nicest way. This method is not about how to get rid of laziness without effort and without investment on your part. But this is one of the most effective.

Watch the following interesting video from a social dynamics coach. This is instructor Jeffy from RSD.

This video talks about how to get rid of laziness forever and how to complete the most difficult tasks. Jeffy talks about a phenomenon of resistance in the human brain. More details in the video.

Start playing sports, develop your body

What are the main advantages of playing sports?:

  1. People feel the pleasant and strong vibrations coming from you.
  2. You are in harmony with yourself and your body.
  3. You radiate confidence.
  4. You are more centered.

If you give up sports and don’t take care of your body , then this is what will happen to you:

  • You will have little strength.
  • You will be lethargic and weak and will never close the topic of how to overcome laziness and change your life.
  • You will quickly become exhausted as soon as you have to perform difficult tasks.
  • Your body will begin to fail you at the right moments, you will not be able to cope with heavy physical activity.
  • You will lose shape further and further, and it will be very difficult for you to regain that former activity and vitality.

You can jog in the morning and evening, go to martial arts classes, and go to the gym.

Do what you like. There are a lot of different activities.

Strengthen your willpower, find your path and put all your time and heart into it, believe in yourself

You must strive to grow! You must grow.

As your sense of entitlement and deservingness grows, you change and transform.

When you put your whole heart into something that you really love, when you are willing to invest a lot of your time into it, when you want to achieve mastery, then you realize that you are on this path just to go, and you do it, to just do it.

You're doing it for no other reason than to just do it..

You don't care about the result.

When you walk your life's path, you must put all your faith and invest all your time into this adventure no matter what.

That's when amazing things happen!

How to achieve your goals and move forward no matter what

  1. Stop complaining about everything and expecting people to always be kind to you.
  2. You consider the time that you can invest in your favorite business as bliss.
  3. Focus on your journey and love it.
  4. Eradicate your shortcomings and flaws.
  5. Be aware and have clear thoughts. If thoughts in your head always haunt you, then read our article on how to learn to meditate at home.
  6. Have a sparkle in your eyes as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  7. Don't get stuck and settle on one thing.
  8. Distinguish between real happiness and fake temporary happiness.
  9. Make the right decisions in life.
  10. Look for new lessons and realizations that may unfold during your journey called life.
  11. Develop and learn from your mistakes.
  12. Learn to make the right decisions and strengthen your willpower.

Follow these tips, understand them and you will know everything about how to overcome laziness in yourself.

Why is a person lazy?

Perhaps now I’ll tell you a big secret: no one is born lazy. The state of laziness, when you don’t want to work or even do something pleasant, has its reasons. They can be divided into physical and psychological.

Physical reasons

So, what things make us lazy:

  1. Lack of sleep and rest. This is the most common reason why our body refuses to do anything. Lack of sleep, chronic insomnia, overload at work, stress - all this does not contribute to a state of vigor and inspiration.
  2. Bad habits. When harmful toxins from nicotine or alcohol enter the body, it throws all its strength into neutralizing the harmful effects. There's no time for hard work here.
  3. Muscle tone. If the only activity that is present in our lives is moving a finger on a computer mouse, it is not surprising that over time it becomes difficult for us to even lift our body from the sofa.
  4. Nutrition. Refined sugar and fast food can also contribute to muscle and body sluggishness.
  5. Dehydration. A lack of water in the body turns on an energy saving mode: vital processes slow down, activity goes into the negative.

Psychological reasons

Let's figure out what interferes with our productivity from the psychological point of view.

  • Lack of motivation

I really like the statement of one of my friends: “I’m not lazy, I’m just not motivated enough.” And indeed, if we don’t understand why we need to get up at 6 in the morning and go to the other end of the city in 30-degree frost, it’s unlikely that we ourselves will really want it. Our brain is always looking for simplified patterns. If the caveman had not risked starvation, he would hardly have left his warm lair at all. Thus, motivation is one of the most powerful tools against laziness.

  • Emotional devastation

Imagine that your emotional reserve is a bucket of clean water. When it is full, you have a lot of strength, you can easily engage in any mental activity, ideas appear, plans are made. As soon as the water starts to run out, fatigue and exhaustion appear. If you walk around with an empty “bucket” for a long time, a condition occurs that we call burnout.

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Start developing

What water is spent on from our example: strong emotions, excess thoughts, information overload. Regarding the latter, I would like to say separately. For example, if from the very morning you start bombarding yourself with tons of information in the form of memes, videos, news, etc., then soon it will seem to you that you wake up tired and have no strength left even at the start of the working day.

By the way, I recommend reading what procrastination is and what its causes are.

Don't identify with the emotions and thoughts that are holding you back

Emotions may not be on your side, they may be against you.

How your emotions and thoughts related to laziness are holding you back:

  • Emotions tell you: “Stay the same, don’t go anywhere.”
  • If you listen to your emotions, then you have fears and barriers to success.
  • If you listen to your emotions, you will remain the same.

If you identify with emotions and thoughts, then you have already lost.

Move forward despite your emotions and don't identify with them.

  1. The beauty of life is to challenge yourself, enjoy that challenge and love it.
  2. Start taking action and taking the right actions.
  3. Get yourself together and take action.
  4. You must take responsibility yourself.
  5. Don’t wait for someone else’s permission, allow yourself to achieve your goal yourself.

Follow these tips and stop worrying about how to get rid of laziness.

Why is laziness dangerous?

If laziness does not bother the person himself, then it does not annoy anyone except those around him. Although, of course, his personal development suffers. But if a person avoids something through laziness, and also understands that he does not have enough abilities to overcome a problem situation, intrapersonal conflict and nervous disorders may develop.

Awareness of your own laziness can affect self-esteem. Such people really need help, despite their negativism and stubbornness. After all, in reality, this is nothing more than fear of life’s circumstances and lack of confidence in one’s abilities.

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