Psychology of relationships between a man and a woman: stages, weaknesses, books that are useful to read, advice from psychologists

The principles of building love and family relationships are, by and large, no different from the principles of any other social interaction. Relationships are part of almost every area of ​​life - from running a successful business to creating a happy family. Man is a biosocial being, and therefore it is vitally important for him to be able to communicate with others.

Fortunately, the skill of building and maintaining high-quality relationships is not innate and is quite easy to develop; all you need to do is apply a few key principles that we will talk about in this article.

Features of the psychology of men and women

Men and women are so different in nature that they have to constantly balance between reason, feelings, emotionality, logic, rationality, intuition, etc. This is an endless circle of grinding, resentment, rejection and acceptance.
But there are advantages here: opposites tend to complement each other, and this is the whole point of the psychology of relationships in a couple. Unfortunately, harmonious relationships between a man and a woman are very rare. Psychologists note that with each passing decade, it becomes more and more difficult for couples to achieve the desired balance on their own. This happens due to the shift in gender roles, when people, despite the nature of their psychology, are forced to solve problems that are unusual for themselves. But first things first! So, how does the psychology of a man differ from the psychology of a woman?

Male psychology in relationships

If you try to abstractly imagine a couple with their brain, then the man will be assigned the role of the left hemisphere. This half is responsible for specifics, rationality, logic, reason, analytics, consistency, isolation, etc. Men are more stingy with emotions, they are focused on the “here and now” situation, more pragmatic, and independent.

In the psychology of relationships with women, men cannot achieve mutual understanding because they think and perceive the world around them completely differently. When a representative of the stronger sex talks about his problems, he looks for ways to resolve them, while women share about painful issues simply to be listened to, supported, and imbued with her experiences. Therefore, when a man thinks that his companion is asking him to find a solution, in response he receives accusations of insensitivity and emotionlessness. The main feature of guys is to say everything directly, which is why conflicts in the family snowball. Men sincerely do not understand why they should guess the reason for a woman’s offense, but the woman, in turn, is offended: her beloved has become too cold towards her (he has ceased to appreciate, love, understand her). She tries to express her feelings, which makes her chosen one irritated, demanding specifics. Sound familiar?

Now let's look into the depths of male psychology to understand the true essence:

  1. It is difficult for a man to talk about his emotional internal state. This is a centuries-old problem, the origins of which come from the psychology of parent-child relationships, where parents teach boys to be strong (be patient), self-possessed (don’t cry), persistent (this is not a problem), stingy with words (you’re not a girl), etc. d.
  2. Independence. It constantly seems to a man that his companion is encroaching on his freedom, hence the different perception of reality. This is why guys are afraid of serious relationships, and even when entering into them, they continue to fight for the right to personal time (space, money).
  3. A man is a priori a male, this is inherent at the genetic level. He always pays attention to other women, whether you like it or not. That is why it is important for a woman in a relationship to be able to be a lover, wife, housewife, friend, mother. If any link falls out of the chain of needs, there is a chance that a third person will appear.
  4. For a man, the key goal is to succeed as a person; his self-esteem depends on this. If he and a woman change roles in the family (this is not just about making money), then the result can be a depressed, apathetic, “dry” partner.
  5. Men always abstract themselves from conflicts and showdowns. Quarrels put them into a stupor and give them a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. Therefore, anticipating a family scandal, they begin to lie, leave, shut down, and get out.

But if everything is so easy and clear, why don’t all couples overcome crises in family relationships? Because female psychology is so different that the union of two opposites can sometimes be compared to the confrontation of natural elements. What is the female psyche like?

Attitude to sex

Physical intimacy is an important component for a guy. The presence of this aspect of life is considered an indispensable attribute of success. Relationships without sex are not perceived as serious or worthy of attention. If there is no physical contact, the man actually considers himself free; for him, this relationship cannot be considered full. Rarely will a guy even consider the possibility of platonic conversations if nothing more interesting follows in the future. The difference between a lover and friendship is colossal.

Opinion on marriage

Many young people view marriage as something that cannot be avoided. This concept differs significantly from the female idea of ​​love relationships. The psychology of men is such that they consider marriage a bond, a kind of prison. They tend to take this step if the feeling for their partner is really deep and great. Only then does falling in love change a guy’s idea of ​​the world and help him understand the power of feelings. Otherwise, there is a high risk of abandoning such actions.

Some, even in adulthood, do not understand what a serious relationship is when there is responsibility to each other.

About the importance of friends

Guys want to communicate with peers - this is not surprising. There is a need to share impressions, which must be realized. Without this, it is impossible to feel confident and learn to defend your point of view. At a young age, it is difficult to do without interaction with peers. For this reason, a girl must come to terms with some manifestations of selfishness. The desire to interact with friends is natural, since this is how a person learns to understand others and realize their true intentions. Accepting responsibility occurs through understanding what is happening.

Women's psychology in relationships

A woman by nature is assigned the role of the right hemisphere, where a whole emotional spectrum is collected: imagination, dreams, intuition, feelings, images, abstraction, unity. Girls in relationships with the opposite sex are destined to be keepers of the home, caring and attentive allies, passionate furies, and reasonable interlocutors. Moreover, a woman would be happy to give herself to her chosen one, but clashes and waves of misunderstanding break all desires to smithereens. Why is this happening?

It is important for a woman to surround her one and only with care, attention, affection, warmth, for them this is natural, this is how love is manifested. This stifles men; they consider it an encroachment on their personal space, for which they are accused of being selfish. Women, tired of fighting for frank family conversations, desired leisure time, endless attention, eventually begin to consider men incapable of building strong relationships, callous, insensitive and cowardly. Family psychologists note that most problems in relationships could be avoided if men were able to show their weaknesses, and women, in turn, were able to perceive their partner more objectively.

What is female psychology in a relationship with a man?

  1. A woman needs words. This is regarded as attention, love, encouragement, emotional release. It's simple: “I love you. I appreciate you. You are a wonderful, beautiful woman. I admire your charisma. I love your sense of humor. You are the goddess of culinary excellence." If men knew this secret, they would have lived in harmony long ago.
  2. A woman tends to idealize her chosen one. This has been going on since childhood, when all the girls, having read fairy tales about princes, dream of an eternal romantic relationship. You don’t have to sing serenades under the balcony, but flowers, care, knightly zeal to protect, protect, groom and cherish are a must! And when her man shows feelings differently (smacking goodbye, buying groceries instead of flowers), disappointment sets in very quickly. “You don’t love me,” she cries, to which she receives sincere bewilderment.
  3. It is important for a woman to be weak, this is their psychology. In a relationship, she must deal with the process: raising children, arranging comfort, cooking, gardening, handicrafts, caring for animals - this is how nature intended. Even though today everything has been transformed and only a few are engaged in needlework, the fact remains: a woman should be the rear, not the head! As soon as the “feminine nature” is infringed, the union collapses.
  4. A woman needs to openly express her inner state. If she is limited in this (they ridicule, devalue, brush aside, get angry, irritated), over time this leaves a negative imprint on the relationship in the couple. The companion closes down, becomes clamped, becomes depressed and melancholic.

Are joint goals an illusion or a way to strengthen relationships?

People who are even slightly interested in the psychology of relationships in couples have already repeatedly come across tons of advice on how to strengthen their relationships. And among these tons of advice, the recommendation to have common interests and common goals ranks high. This is, in general, correct, but a thoughtful reader and attentive observer still gets a feeling of either understatement or inconsistency. Why is that? Yes, because the concept of “joint goals” is much broader than advice to start learning English together or going to dances. In this article we will try to consider this issue as objectively as possible. Read more…


Why are relationships needed?

The desire to find your soul mate is primarily driven by the desire to procreate. I want to start a family, give birth and raise children.

Besides this, there are other reasons:

  • It’s easier to live together and experience life’s difficulties;
  • It’s more joyful to experience pleasant moments together;
  • In difficult times you can rely on someone;
  • There is someone to care about and someone to turn to for advice;
  • To have someone to meet old age with.

The reasons are different for everyone, but, in any case, it is much more difficult to live alone than with a loved one.

Top 7 sure signs that they are trying to take advantage of you

In this life, one way or another, we all use someone for our own purposes. Bosses use workers as hired labor, suppliers use customers as a source of money, wives use husbands to carry heavy loads, husbands use wives to cook food and wash shirts. In all these cases there is some kind of mutual exchange. So, just if no exchange occurs, it’s time to suspect that they are trying to use you in the worst sense of the word. How to recognize manipulation? In this article we will talk about the most striking and common signs. Read more…


Types of relationships between the sexes

Having set out to build a strong family union, you should know what kind of relationships exist between representatives of different sexes. These are not necessarily marital or intimate relationships. The diversity of human relationships leads to various forms of interaction - from friendly to professional or spiritual. There are a number of shades and nuances in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Types of relationships between a man and a woman can be as follows:

  • friendly relationships - people have recently met or occasionally meet in a common company;
  • friendship - they communicate a lot and often, turn to each other for help and support;
  • love - the presence of strong feelings and the desire to constantly be near;
  • relationship between spouses - partners live together and run a common household;
  • spiritual - love and mutual respect, personal development in a couple.

The difference between friendships and friendships is a deeper level of interaction, degree of trust and openness. The strongest union turns out to be in family ties, when partners become family to each other, and the relationship will develop in the future.

Relationships between girls and boys can begin for various reasons: love, awareness, logical choice, etc. In any case, the union should bring joy and pleasure, a feeling of happiness and movement forward. If a couple is focused on development and creation, then they have a bright future. A man is warmed by a woman’s attention and warmth if he provides his partner with protection and takes care of her. Overcoming difficulties, crises and solving problems together will ensure a strong bond.

Working on a relationship means that everyone is willing to invest time and effort into it, openly discuss problems that arise, and look for a solution that satisfies both. Respect, love, the desire to hear and listen to each other is the key to the success of a future or already established family.

Development of relationships between a man and a woman: psychology

Initially, we learn the rules of building a family by adopting the experiences of loved ones. Usually these are our parents, who cannot always set the correct guideline and vector of relationships.

Development of relationships between a man and a woman, psychology:

  • With a high degree of probability we can conclude that if a girl’s father was an alcoholic, then most likely her partner will not be indifferent to alcohol. This is due to the fact that, in fact, the girl has not seen other relationships and does not know other men.
  • In her understanding, almost all representatives of the stronger sex are alcoholics and partial to alcohol. Even if a man is not like that, and is absolutely indifferent to alcohol, the girl still perceives him as a potential alcoholic. The man doesn’t like this, he doesn’t want to feel like someone he’s not, and breaks off the relationship.
  • Thus, like attracts like. What to do in this case? It is necessary to change your attitude towards the men around you, and not line everyone up in one phalanx, hanging certain clichés and labels.

How to tune your brain for harmonious relationships

Why is communication necessary even for an introvert? What prevents us from building harmonious relationships? How can you learn to enjoy meetings with friends, relatives and colleagues? Psychiatrist Amy Banks answers these questions in her book On the Same Wavelength. But if you don’t have the opportunity to read it yet, our article will help you. We will briefly look at the author's main ideas: we will talk about neural pathways of communication and talk about the importance of such things as acceptance, calmness, resonance and energy. We think that after reading the article, at a minimum, your knowledge base will be replenished, and at most, your perception of relationships and even your partner will change. Read more…


Healthy relationships between a man and a woman: Eastern psychology

According to Eastern psychology, from the point of view of bioenergy, a woman gives, and a man receives. Only in this way are normal relationships possible. Most women may not be satisfied with such an interpretation, since they want to receive something in return and are afraid to say goodbye to their energy.

Healthy relationships between a man and a woman, Eastern psychology:

  • A woman at birth is full of sexual energy, which she can give to her family, husband and children. A man, on the contrary, is born empty and needs to be filled by a woman.
  • For this to happen, it is necessary for one party to give, and freely. Most scandals and quarrels arise when a woman refuses to fill a man.
  • In this case, even a good family man can look for joy on the side. Therefore, according to Eastern esotericists, it is necessary for a woman to provide home comfort, take care of a man, saturating him with sexual energy.

About the fear of betrayal

And sometimes we are afraid of betrayal. What if our openness is used to our detriment? What if our words and experiences become the subject of ridicule and discussion?

Here it is worth weighing the risk that we take by opening our soul (of course, not to the first person we meet, but to the person to whom we are attracted, with whom we want to build a relationship), and the pleasure from rapprochement, the unity of souls, which leads to the creation of truly happy relationships, including sexual ones. What could be greater pleasure from a spiritual connection with another person? It's worth the risk.

Moreover, the risk is not as great as we think. If you understand the person with whom you are building a relationship as well, and even better, than he understands himself. Even basic knowledge about the human psyche, obtained through training in system-vector psychology, makes this possible for everyone.

What should you not do in a relationship with a man?

If women want to save their marriage, they not only have to know how to behave correctly with their loved one, but also understand what they should not do. There are three serious mistakes that can ruin everything. The psychology of relationships between a man and a woman is too subtle a matter. It breaks easily if people consciously or unconsciously do the wrong things or say unnecessary words.

What not to do in a relationship with a man:

  1. Saying he's a loser. Constantly remind him of his mistakes. By plunging a person into a feeling of inadequacy, you can forever discourage him from winning. A man will get used to the idea that he is a loser and will stop achieving high goals.
  2. Reject help from a man and do everything yourself. If a woman does not ask her partner to help her, she risks being left alone. A man feels useless and leaves for someone who cannot do without his support.
  3. Take on the role of a man. In any couple, one person should be strong and the other should be weak. If a woman wants to take a dominant position in a marriage and earn more money, she becomes like a man. The stronger sex does not like a subordinate position. Men want to see weak women next to them who need their care.

A happy family and a strong marriage are the dreams of many couples. The psychology of relationships between a man and a woman is a topic that needs to be studied in detail in order to create a harmonious union. After all, to have a friendly family and a loving partner, love alone is not enough. You need to know psychological rules and techniques that will help two loving hearts make life happy.

Online program “Building Relationships”

In 4 weeks on this program, you will learn how to build a relationship in which both partners will be happy and satisfied, learn to help cope with difficulties and develop together, find mutual understanding and live in harmony with your partner. The program will help you live a happier and more vibrant life, unlock your potential and expand your boundaries, as well as save time and protect your health, because healthy and strong relationships help you overcome obstacles and solve problems faster and easier. Find out more...

Don't underestimate the importance of the topic of building relationships. In the end, there is nothing more important than the people who are with us. And our whole life may depend on how skillfully we build interaction with them. Good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Secrets of a happy relationship: a selection of useful materials
  • Causes of problematic relationships
  • Conflicts in relationships: a selection of useful materials
  • Joint goals and top 12 ways to look for them
  • Practical benefits of self-knowledge
  • Anger management: a selection of useful materials
  • Why does a person need a relationship: answers from psychologists
  • Best of the year. Part four
  • Top 7 sure signs that they are trying to take advantage of you
  • Are joint goals an illusion or a way to strengthen relationships?

Key words:1Relationships

Psychology of mutual understanding between a man and a woman - 5 main rules

Mature, long-term relationships take a lot of work on both sides. There is a foundation on which happy couples rest. It consists of five simple truths.

My winner

The girl has incredible power to give inspiration and energy. Sincere support can take a relationship to a previously unseen level. It is important for the chosen one that his beloved believes in him, notices even his smallest victories and reminds him of how strong he is. Don't underestimate your importance. One hint that you doubt his idea can make him abandon it.

Be the catalyst for his success. Come up with a few suitable phrases that help increase his testosterone and motivation. The more often you remind him of how smart, strong and charismatic he is, the deeper this thought will sit in his subconscious and the more important you will become to him. A man will always cherish a woman who inspires him to achieve achievements and is his powerful support. Feeling the flow of energy from the girl, he himself will want to become better, to achieve new heights. A certain energy exchange takes place, on which happy relationships are built.

What destroys relationships?

Now on TV screens and in any advertisement you can hear about how to build happy relationships. In fact, the main goal of such videos is to sell more of your own products. Therefore, the family model that is shown on television does not always correspond to ideals. Most often, such models are simply imposed on family people.

What destroys relationships:

  1. Total family budget. As the experience of many families shows, the family may not have a common budget at all. The fact is that each family member must have their own finances in order to purchase gifts and allow themselves to buy some new things, even if not very expensive ones. It is best to build a family budget in shares and contributions. Each family member invests his own money to cover certain types of necessary services and purchases. These include paying for utilities, a basket of groceries, in order to prepare food. We can discuss a few more categories in which family members should invest money. Part of the money remains with each participant and partner.
  2. From TV screens we can see that a strong, good family is one that spends all its time together. It doesn't actually work. You can fill your time with each other only in the initial stages. Usually, when people meet, they are interesting because they are independent and very unique. This is what allows people to get to know each other, and every day is full of surprises. When people live together for a long period of time, the novelty goes away and everyday life appears. To prevent it from becoming monotonous and boring, it is necessary to dilute it. To do this, it is necessary that everyone has their own personal space and time that they can spend at their own discretion.
  3. Lack of self-development. People stop being interesting to each other if they are not interesting to themselves. A person can be interested in the opposite sex only if he constantly develops.

How understanding is born in dialogue: he and she

When starting a dialogue, a girl often encounters male misunderstanding. Men are pragmatic; they prefer to express their love and affection not with words, but with gestures and actions in everyday life.

You need to understand that society teaches representatives of the stronger sex to hide their feelings and not talk about them. Everyone wants to see a man strong, in control of his emotions in any circumstances. This leaves an imprint on the man’s personality, his manner of conversation and communication. He was so used to hiding his own feelings that he forgot about their existence in the woman he loved.

A man cannot trust and open up, because he considers it his duty to hide his feelings. A woman is given a great opportunity to show intuition and the ability to compromise. She must understand this property of male nature, brought up by society.

It is a woman who can and should take the first step towards creating a serious relationship - learning to communicate in confidence together.

From now on, you must set yourself a goal: to fully and completely understand your partner, especially to understand his differences from you.

This is the key to a serious relationship, the foundation for creating a family. You need to be aware that what is done for her is done for the other half, for the general happiness of the couple.

How to assess the seriousness of a man's intentions

We figured out how a relationship with a guy should develop step by step. Ideally, normal couples go through all these stages. But it happens that lovers break up at some stage. Or one partner moves to the next stage, and the other is not ready or does not want to. It turns out that there is no harmony and no further development.

Women intuitively feel how a serious relationship should develop. If you analyze the man’s behavior, everything becomes clear. However, a girl in love often refuses to believe in what is visible to the naked eye from the outside. And yet, if your chosen one delays the marriage proposal for a very long time, behaves strangely, take a closer look at him.

Formula for ideal relationships and scientific approach

Hans-Werner Bjerhoff, a well-known and respected doctor from the Ruhr University in Germany, stated that he was able to derive a formula for ideal relationships. He claims that every harsh remark must be compensated with at least five compliments. It turns out that compliments make relationships stronger and more durable, and also do not allow love to fade away.

Bierhoff says, “Everyone feels great when they receive compliments, which means they feel happier.”

Elk Rokhman helped the doctor conduct the survey. He interviewed approximately one thousand couples in love.

German scientists also talk about problems that can lead to separation. The most dangerous among them is job loss, betrayal, and illness. All this can lead to the destruction of the fragile balance in the relationship, and then to separation.

Different ideals

From early childhood, absolutely every person develops an ideal image of their soulmate. Often this image is borrowed from one’s family, if harmony, mutual understanding, respect and love reigned there. Many men dream that their wife will cook as deliciously as their mother, so that she will give all her warmth only to him. But it also happens that, for example, women want to choose a gentle, kind man, because their father was extremely aggressive.

Also, as each person grows up, he has his own needs, which he wants and strives to realize in his family. To identify them, it is enough to ask yourself the following questions: “Why do I need a family? What will I get from this relationship?

Strong relationships will only exist in a family where the ideal ideas and needs of the spouses coincide.

Types of men in relationships

The following classifications have been identified. For example, the classification of compatibility among the male sex: man-father, man-man, man-son. And among women there is also a very similar classification: woman-mother, woman-woman, woman-daughter.

  1. Male father. He always strives to be the head of the family and wants his authority to be recognized by all family members without exception. He wants to keep everything under his strict control, take care of all family members and be responsible for them. The most suitable woman for him would be a daughter. She is the one who does not seek to be responsible for anyone; she needs a strong man who can protect her from all troubles. She may also be somewhat dependent on him, compensating for this by the fact that she is completely protected next to him.
  2. Man-man. For a man, the experience of his chosen one, her strength and capabilities are very important. He also really expects someone to take care of him and look after him. Often his woman must take responsibility for making important decisions. The most suitable woman for him will be a mother, because she has a huge potential for care and energy. She strives to give, share her accumulated experience and be extremely active.
  3. Man-son. A typical “eternal child” is an infantile goof with his head in the clouds. The man-son is charming, fun to be with, he is the soul of everyone. At the same time, he is almost unable to provide himself with a tolerable existence on his own: he does not stay in any job for a long time (it’s boring and the boss is certainly an idiot, but of course), he prefers to live with his parents or in a rented apartment in the company of the same goofballs.

What is psychological comfort?

A person is essentially an egoist and first of all takes care of himself. Subconsciously, everyone is afraid of being used, so they pull the blanket over themselves. And only after understanding and realizing that love is, first of all, giving, a person begins to experience comfort and satisfaction from communicating with his soulmate.

Why can't you build relationships?

Sometimes it happens that a beautiful and smart woman cannot build a relationship with a man.

The reasons can be very different, but the main ones are:

  • Bad example of parents. It is very important to understand that all people are different, as well as situations. It is quite possible that your life will be more successful than that of your relatives;
  • Demands on men are too high. Give free rein to your feelings, not your mind. Treat men more easily;
  • Takes on the male role. You shouldn’t do this and make decisions for men. This scares them away. Be feminine, gentle, defenseless;
  • Idealization of a partner. Accept your partner for who he really is. Do not idealize him, do not attribute to him the qualities that you would like to see in him. Otherwise, you will have to be disappointed in him later;
  • Self-dislike. Love yourself, be confident, smile more often. Do something you enjoy.

But very often a woman cannot build a relationship with a man because he:

  • Womanizer;
  • Egoist;
  • Gigolo;
  • Despot;
  • Alcoholic.

If a woman has nevertheless linked her fate with such a person, it is better to end the relationship with him as soon as possible and try to find a worthy match. There is no need to dwell on negative experiences. Live, rejoice and believe that very soon everything will be fine for you.

Sternberg's three-part theory of love

We invite you to get acquainted with the extremely interesting three-component theory of love by psychologist Robert Sternberg. He identifies three fundamental components of love and several of its forms, based on different combinations of these components. These components include intimacy (meaning a sense of unity, belonging, cohesion, connectedness), passion (meaning sexual attraction and accompanying romantic relationships) and commitment (in the short term, the desire to stay with your partner, and in the long term, the creation of joint plans ). Do you think all the components are present in your life? What is your form of love called? Read more…


Indifference of a man towards a woman

Surely, there is not a girl who has not ever encountered such a problem. Many women regard their partner's indifference as a temporary phenomenon. But this opinion is wrong, because sooner or later these relationships will end, as a rule, at the request of the man.

What are the reasons for this behavior of a man? Every relationship between a man begins with him looking for a sexual partner.

If he likes a woman, he begins to change his attitude and sees in her not only a partner in bed, but a lover with whom he strives to build a relationship.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Very often a man finds a woman who is ideal for intimacy, but he doesn’t want anything more with her. Therefore, such a man does not strive to do anything to develop the relationship.

Of course, such behavior worries a woman very much, but she simply comes up with a thousand reasons to justify her partner. Should not be doing that.

If a man does not immediately strive to build a relationship, he will not do so further. Often a man himself cannot even understand why this woman does not suit him.

Psychologists unanimously say that you shouldn’t even try to tie a man to you who doesn’t want it. After all, it is unlikely that a woman will succeed, and even if she succeeds, the man will still leave her soon.

Every woman should know exactly what to look for in her partner’s behavior in order to understand that he has lost interest in her.

Such signs include the following little things:

  • rare calls due to constant employment;
  • indifference and lack of interest in your gifts;
  • discussion with friends about intimacy with you;
  • his absence in those moments when he knows for sure that there will be no intimacy;
  • reluctance to introduce you to his family;
  • open flirting with other females;
  • lack of psychological intimacy and conversations;
  • rejection of any of your requests.

Despite all of the above, every couple should understand that these are just general principles. After all, every couple is individual and special. Accordingly, in order to build a relationship with a partner, you need to try to find mutual understanding.

Features of communication with a representative of the anal vector

In some cases, an attempt to talk about intimate things can end in conflict. Men for whom the first experience, purity of relationships, and fidelity are important (these are the owners of the anal vector), as a rule, react very painfully to frankness about their beloved’s previous relationships. Although they are often the ones who are interested in this. This happens because they want to be the best, but are not always confident in themselves.

A woman who decides in this case to go for this kind of frankness risks falling into the trap of her own gullibility. As Yuri Burlan’s Systemic Vector Psychology says, the psyche of a person with an anal vector is turned to the past, which is preferable to him than the present. He is ready to admit in advance that everything that happened before is better. Having learned about the “ex”, the anal man, having a very good memory, will never be able to forgive her for her past lovers, because, in his opinion, they are a priori better than him. He will reproach her with this at any opportunity.

Such a conversation has its own characteristics that are best taken into account in order to make communication as pleasant and fruitful as possible for both partners. System-vector psychology gives us very precise recommendations on this matter.

Tips to help maintain feelings for a long time

Falling in love is a feeling that needs protection. Not everyone manages to preserve it for many years. Too many circumstances interfere with a person's life. They can have a serious negative impact. It is important to maintain mutual respect. Love also needs to be constantly maintained. Interpersonal conflicts are inevitable if both cannot communicate. The relationship between a guy and a girl can be judged by the following points:

  1. Personal boundaries. We must try not to invade the territory of the chosen one. Even if two people live in the same apartment, each needs individual space. To love means to strive to give and demand nothing in return. Respecting the characteristics of your other half will help you get rid of conflicts. Your own territory is the psychological basis of a happy life. You need to accept the interests and hobbies of your chosen one, without trying to change him.
  2. Mutual respect. It is necessary to abandon judgment and expressed dissatisfaction. If you pester your partner with moral teachings, it will only push him away and offend him. Accept your other half for who she is. Constant quarrels and scandals do not strengthen relationships. It is better when the union of two loving hearts overcomes any reproaches. Only acceptance, sincere participation and dedication make life together bright and fulfilling.
  3. Constant development. Relationships should not stand still, otherwise they will deteriorate and be destroyed. Each partner should strive to improve their character and reconsider their views on life. This will allow you to get closer to understanding how to make your future together comfortable. The obligations of the husband and wife depend on the desire to save the marriage and escape from difficult experiences. The efforts made are worth trying for the sake of the man or woman you love.

Thus, the psychology of relationships between a modern man and a woman is always dedication. You have to learn to listen not only to your own desires, but also to take into account the needs of your partner. Hard work requires patience and the ability to find compromises in a timely manner. Then any decisions will make sense. You can always find a way out of a difficult situation when people in the family show understanding and respect. It’s just important not to focus on the problem, but to try with all your might to solve it.



Love is…

In this article, I presented a version of what a healthy, harmonious relationship should look like. But I didn’t talk about what most relationships actually are like, and how to move from them to “healthy” ones. Relationships can be codependent; infidelity, betrayal, resentment, and scandals can occur in them. Some have to live with their parents, and it also happens that as many as three generations live in the same apartment. Many people unknowingly copy the behavior model of their mother or father, thereby destroying their family. The problems can be completely different, and each of them requires a separate article. Or better yet, have a separate conversation with a psychologist. Because your problem is not like anyone else's, and I can't cover it and break it down for everyone in an article or video.

My name is Lara Litvinova, I am a psychologist and I provide consultations via Skype. Together with you during a consultation, we can understand your situation and decide how it can be changed. You can sign up for a consultation with me via VKontakte, Instagram @litvinova_lara or by filling out the form on the website. You can find out about the cost of services and the scheme of work here. You can read or leave reviews about me and my work using the link.

I work with relationship problems as well as the personal problems that trigger them. I will help you understand yourself and your partner, build a mature, warm and happy relationship that will last for many years.

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