How a man or woman can become stronger in spirit: useful tips

Hello all readers! Lyudmila Redkina is in touch. Have you often heard or told yourself the following phrases: “Be stronger!”, “Where is your fortitude?”, “Get ready, you’re strong!”? For example, in difficult situations I often remind myself of this abstract force. And many would like to know how to become strong in spirit and where to get this strength. We'll talk about this today.


What is true strength

True strength comes from caring for your neighbors.

Real strength does not lie in living for your own pleasure and indulging your weaknesses. No, it is to benefit people, as many of them as possible. Without caring for your loved ones, without being able to be responsible for their well-being, you cannot know true happiness. A person who has nothing to strive for will never be completely satisfied with himself. Not everything in our lives always goes the way we want; sometimes we have to find ourselves in unusual conditions and act in an unusual way. Accepting these changes is an important condition for creating a strong personality. The strong person is not the one who has never fallen or stumbled, but the one who is aware of his responsibility to society and himself. The willingness to improve, change, and grow is an important key to success.

Why is all this needed?

The development of a person’s will necessarily forces him to pay attention to certain energy-consuming conditions. Having discovered the emergence of self-pity due to deprivation or fatigue, it is easy to notice how much time and effort is spent on this feeling

By replacing it with satisfaction from fulfilling a decision, a person increases self-esteem.

Trying to avoid unpleasant actions, it is impossible to solve the problem. In some cases, it can get worse (for example, a bad tooth). But cultivating the will, as a victory over one’s own fears, allows one to carry out these actions without much strain, solve the existing problem and enjoy the result.

Often a feeling of pride and personal exclusivity interferes with open communication. Developed fortitude, which makes it possible to adequately evaluate others, allows you to adequately relate to both their strength and their weaknesses. As a result, a strong personality gains the ability to constantly remain in a calm and confident state, without blaming others for their own failures and miscalculations. But these are precisely the traits that are characteristic of a successful individual who knows how to achieve success.

Confidence and avoiding disappointments

You need to be confident in yourself, not be afraid of failures, learn from mistakes

Self-confidence is formed under the influence of proper upbringing by parents and close circle. A child who has leadership tendencies may not grow up strong if he is not regularly rewarded for achieving his goals. Parents who do not allow the child to be independent, who constantly suppress him, can influence the fact that the little one’s spirit breaks down and he stops believing in himself.

It's important to know how to prevent disappointment. There are moments in every person's life when it is necessary to experience some kind of failure or tragedy. Then the need arises to gather all your will into a fist and stay afloat, continue to live. Sometimes you have to relearn how to do it. One gets the impression that fate is trying to test a person’s strength, points out his shortcomings, and explains how to change. Of course, when faced with some kind of grief, it is very difficult to force yourself not to lose heart and not give up. You need to learn to get rid of self-flagellation, negative emotions, and get over yourself. At such moments, it is important to have a loved one nearby who can help you cope with a difficult event. Sports or creative activities can also help ease your condition.

Don't ask for pity

Do you want to be pitied? Now think about whether a strong and self-confident person wants to be pitied. There is no need to do or act in such a way that people feel sorry for you. Undoubtedly, it is pleasant when you are sympathized with, surrounded by warmth, care and love. But they feel sorry for you, considering you a frightened, defenseless and helpless person. Is this how you want to appear in the eyes of others?

Pity does not suit a strong man. Moreover, whether you evoke pity or not, this is a clear indicator of whether you have become an independent person or not. An adult does not evoke pity for himself. He tries to cope with his emotions, problems and questions himself, since only in this way can he achieve mature responsibility, understanding of the situation and experience, which will allow him to more easily and quickly resolve any controversial situations in the future.

Pity does not suit a strong man. You are either weak, which makes you feel sorry for you, or strong, which cannot in any way cause pity, but only admiration or envy. Therefore, choose how you want to appear in the eyes of others. After all, depending on your behavior, people treat you differently. People communicate with a strong person on equal terms, ask for his help, advice, they respect and appreciate him. No one listens to the person who needs to be pitied (after all, he himself needs help), they try to communicate as little as possible (so as not to waste energy on sympathy again), and sometimes they hate him (because he demands, but does not give anything in return). Accordingly, it’s up to you to choose, and then reap the benefits of the results to which all your efforts were directed.

Strengthening spiritual strength

Spiritual practices are a great way to strengthen inner strength

You need to know that people’s desire to strengthen themselves not only physically, can be determined by a number of factors.

  1. There is a desire to meet such a person halfway.
  2. He manages his life independently, does not depend on circumstances.
  3. Can cope with any conditions, always comes out of the situation with honor.
  4. He achieves a lot in life because he is not distracted by trifles, does not waste time, and does not suffer for any reason.

To become truly strong, you need to take certain points into account.

  1. Taste of victory. Praise when achieving various goals is of great importance for strengthening the spirit. That’s why it’s so important to constantly improve, to experience positive emotions when you reach heights and achieve your goals.
  2. The value of defeat. It is important to learn to accept your mistakes with dignity. Never give up if something doesn't work out. Sometimes you just want to quit what you started and do something else. However, in order to strengthen your spirit, you need to overcome your weaknesses and move towards achieving your goal. In addition, if you have to resolve any problems, then you need to do it immediately, do not run away from them. Women are especially interested in the question of how to become stronger morally and spiritually if circumstances in life do not turn out as they would like. Every girl dreams of having a loving man, children and a friendly family next to her. But not everyone works out as planned. The value of defeats is that they allow you to look at the situation from a different perspective, draw conclusions and try on the role of a future winner.
  3. Yoga and meditation classes. Allows you to engage in self-knowledge. It is important to mentally prepare yourself for victory and regularly perform exercises to improve your breathing.
  4. A person with a strong spirit does not have unnecessary suffering, unfinished business, or attachments to the past. He knows what he wants from life and always completes what he starts.

What do I really want

If it is impossible to determine the true cause, this may indicate an existential crisis, a search for the meaning of life and what is happening in it, one’s place and the correctness of the chosen path.

The following exercise will help you figure this out.

  1. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into four parts: 1) I want and I do; 2) I don’t want to, but I do; 3) I want, but I don’t; 4) I don’t want to, and I don’t do it.
  2. Now analyze your activities in all its manifestations and write down the results under each item, from brushing your teeth in the morning to working on passing a bill.
  3. Rate the list. How much activity is there in points 2 and 3?
  4. Now drag things from points 2 and 3 to points 1 and 4.

As soon as you manage to do this in practice, your life will noticeably improve and be filled with new colors.

How to learn to be strong

A strong-willed person should live for today and not depend on other people’s opinions

There are lucky ones who already had inner strength from the moment they were born. Others have to work hard to get it. Most often, female representatives need this, because they have gentleness and need to take care of others. To achieve spiritual strength you need to do the following.

  1. There is no need to be afraid to take any action in advance. Even if something goes wrong, you can always try to overcome the situation and enrich yourself with inner strength.
  2. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself. It is important to learn to make decisions on your own and be responsible.
  3. Live for today, do not remember the past, and at the same time do not dream about the future.
  4. You need to act as your heart tells you, and not depend on other people’s opinions.
  5. Enjoy changes and perceive them correctly. Develop and improve yourself.
  6. There is no need to suffer about what you cannot fix. Experiencing negative emotions means losing your energy.
  7. React correctly to failures, treat them as experience, and learn from your mistakes.

My experience

I think nothing builds character more than fighting your own fears and psychological problems. Children's grievances against parents and classmates, dependence on other people's opinions, non-acceptance of oneself and low self-esteem, fear of criticism and failure, victim thinking, aggression, isolation, embitterment, problems with understanding and expressing one's emotions (ironically, the shutdown of this area occurred just under the motto “Be strong, be patient”) is a small part of what I had to fight with.

I can no longer remember what happened at the very beginning, and where the character building and development of fortitude began. But I remember for sure that it was not easy, slow, sometimes painful, and within the framework of the framework that we have already considered. And why was that? It continues. I think this path is endless. Every person has a dark side, and there is a lot of stress and negativity in the world, so you can’t stop - you need to maintain a given level and gradually raise it.

Is it difficult to be a person with a strong spirit? Only at the beginning of the journey, when you break and rebuild the foundations of your personality.


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A strong-willed man or woman does not immediately become like this; it takes time, a lot of effort, and you have to go through a lot. However, the result is worth it.

  1. Form your view of things correctly. Never listen to other people's opinions, do not depend on them. It is important that individual thinking is maintained.
  2. Oddly enough, but playing sports plays a big role in developing a strong spirit. Because a person who has become physically strong is able to more easily comprehend spiritual strength. You don't have to go to the gym; you can go jogging in the morning or do exercises at home.
  3. Set goals for yourself. A person should not live simply, going with the flow, but performing some task necessary for personal growth and self-improvement.
  4. The key to success lies in self-love. A strong-willed woman must love herself for who she is or strive to achieve better results and soon receive them.
  5. You need to read as much as possible and train your brain. This way you can not only gain new knowledge, but also experience in how to behave in certain life situations.
  6. You cannot blame others for your problems and failures. If something doesn't work out, blame yourself. Next time try to improve.
  7. Much attention is paid to self-education. You don’t need to think that after graduating from university, you don’t need to develop further. A person needs to do this constantly as long as he lives.
  8. Do not forget about fantasy and a well-developed imagination. Sometimes she helps to cope with seemingly unsolvable matters.
  9. There must be a hobby in your life, something that will bring you pleasure, help you relax, and get away from life’s problems and workdays.
  10. You need to learn not to agree to all people’s requests, not to indulge everyone. Also, you shouldn’t take on several things at once, but choose those that are really important at the moment.
  11. Psychology believes that a person can become strong in spirit if he is surrounded only by the right people. Therefore, it is important to rid yourself of enemies or friends who, in essence, are energy vampires. Your social circle should bring only positive emotions.
  12. A strong person should always have a dream to strive for and realize it.
  13. Do not allow pessimistic thoughts to arise, try to be an optimist. Try to see the good even in bad situations.
  14. Do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness if you are really to blame for something. This is not humiliating, this way you will only enrich your spiritual world.
  15. Help people who need it. Don't wait for a response, do everything selflessly.
  16. Never try to take advantage of your position or power, treat people as equals.
  17. Don’t repeat your mistakes, always learn from them, analyze what happened.
  18. Get rid of envy in any form. You don’t need to look up to anyone, you need to live your own life.

Now you know what you need to do to become stronger in spirit. We all strive for this, but we are not always able to achieve spiritual harmony. Make every effort, use the recommendations outlined in this article.

Example 1

Ship, storm, rocks. Of the team of ten people, only one survived. He was thrown ashore on a small shore in the middle of a huge salty sea, so he was doomed to a long, painful death (unlike his comrades, who died quickly and almost painlessly).

What would a person do in such a situation? Someone, for example, would wait for help, hope for the quick arrival of someone from the “mainland” and would not make attempts to find the tools necessary for survival. But not our man. He began to think about what to do and how to escape. Thanks to his developed fortitude, the situation did not break him, so instead of hysteria and sitting on a deserted shore, the man moved deeper into the island, into the forest, to find food and drink. He soon discovered a stream and a small waterfall with fresh water, as well as some fruit. He lasted the first day.

A month has passed. During this time, most people would have come to terms with the situation. Our man quickly learned to make a fire, and therefore every day in the evening he lit a fire

When it got dark, he increased the size of the fire to attract the attention of potential saviors. He learned to hunt, created homemade weapons and built a home

He did not give up, but continued to act and believe in the best, and one fine day his hopes came true. The man survived thanks to himself and his inner core, his strength of spirit.

Avoid unnecessary connections.

We often surround ourselves with people who negatively influence us. We feel awkward around them and want to leave the company as soon as possible. Or maybe we're just annoyed by their endless whining and complaining. Remember what they say: “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.” We often adopt our behavior from those around us, so it won’t be surprising if you soon start complaining too. Surround yourself with people you truly enjoy spending time with and you will immediately notice the difference.

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