How to learn to live simply: 8 tips from Leo Babauta

The less we keep unnecessary things in our lives, the less stress we expose ourselves to. As a result, our new life becomes easy and pleasant! Let's put things in order in our home and in our lives, let's start living simply!
What is minimalism? This is when there is nothing superfluous in life. You live and possess only what is minimally necessary for you to live. The first thing that comes to mind is the lifestyle of hippies and gypsies. But this is far from true and is a misconception. The concept of minimalism includes the concept prioritizing quality over quantity in every aspect of our lives.

Once you change your outlook and find your path in life, you will be rewarded: you will have more freedom, more money, more opportunities to meet people and much less stress .

It is known that Albert Einstein dressed as modestly as possible and simplified his lifestyle. He did not wear socks, braces, a belt, a tie, and very rarely had his hair cut. But this did not stop him from being a genius and enjoying life!

Watch your affections

Life will not be simple unless you let go of your attachments. If you are attached to old memorabilia, you will not be able to free your home from junk; if you are attached to constant activity and correspondence, you are at risk of information overload and fatigue.

Track your attachments and find out what you can’t get rid of, what you can’t let go of. Whether it's things, people or things, remember that if you don't let them go, you won't get freedom and life will always be too difficult.

Laws of a happy life

How to live happily and enjoy life? The basic laws of a happy life will help answer the question:

Live on the bright side of life

Happy people live in a different dimension and think in different categories - they do not get upset over little things, they rejoice at achievements, but do not despair in moments of failure, they continue to act and achieve the desired results; the presence of positive thinking and perseverance can move mountains and ensure success in any field.

Explore the world and yourself

The desire to learn, reading literature or listening to audio books, trainings, obtaining new information about modern technologies helps stimulate brain activity and ensures an active life and excellent health and mind. Developing personalities are not afraid of old age and illness, they are too busy and enthusiastic, there is no time to worry.

Find time for personal interests

A person cannot live like a machine, in a state of “I must”; this approach leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, depression and physical disorders. It is important to encourage yourself with interesting activities, hobbies, to find joy in life - meeting friends, going to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, playing board games. Every person can find an interesting activity to relieve stress, the main thing is to set a goal, remember childhood hobbies and interests.

A happy life is simply a search for personal fulfillment, the opportunity to do what you love.

Don't accumulate grudges

A happy, healthy life is possible if you learn to forgive. People are not perfect, they are often inattentive, they forget to thank you, if you notice all the little things, then your mood is constantly at zero. It’s better to notice the good - give compliments, thank you for your help, open your heart to people and receive reciprocity in return. In addition, grievances greatly undermine health. Learning to forgive is necessary even to take care of your own condition. It is this commandment that is often used in religions, a wise thought that has been known for many centuries.

Love yourself and the world around you

The road to a happy life opens when there is satisfaction with oneself and external life. It is important to be able to appreciate and respect your own personality. Everyone has positive and negative sides, it is worth concentrating on the advantages and minimizing the disadvantages. Awareness of one's own characteristics, attractiveness and high self-esteem are necessary for life and achieving success in it.

In addition, it is impossible to love others without respecting yourself, the result is self-denial, self-sacrifice and a state of unhappiness, lack of satisfaction with life. You shouldn’t be too strict and self-critical, all people make mistakes - we draw conclusions and move on with our lives. Excessive anxiety is detrimental to achieving inner happiness.

Share experience, help others

Each person has his own mission in life, it is important to find it and realize it. Quite often we have special knowledge, skills, and experience that can be useful to other people. By passing on knowledge, helping people, we feel happiness and make the world more beautiful. Carnegie also wrote that the best way to reduce stress and gain happiness is to help others; it is useful to do good deeds every day for loved ones or others.

A good happy life is possible with the ability to live not only in your own interests, but by caring for others.

Always find a way out, reduce emotionality

In the life of any person there are difficult situations that become important tasks and tests. The rules for a happy life involve seeing life as an adventure, avoiding dramatization. Yes, life can be puzzling, but we can find the answer, and we will search - “let's see who is stronger.”

In such cases, it is important to use logic and avoid emotionality and worry. There is always a way out! The main thing is not to suffer, but to think and decide what to do, to find ways to change the situation for the better. A positive attitude helps you believe in the best, and high self-esteem helps you believe in yourself.

What goes around comes around

Man is primary, his thoughts and actions create the surrounding reality. For a happy life, it is important to believe in the best, build good relationships with loved ones and colleagues, and radiate light. Living a happy life is easy when you radiate happiness yourself, find and create it, without expecting miracles from others. If you take a step towards happiness and people every day, life will definitely reciprocate.

Calm, just calm

The problem of a happy life is as eternal as the world itself; happiness is possible if there is internal satisfaction with oneself, life and peace of mind. This is the most difficult thing, to remain calm in any situation, to develop self-control and immunity to the troubles of life. Of course, optimism and meditative techniques help, as well as self-control - aggression will never help in a difficult situation, only reason and understanding of cause and effect.

Create a mood for happiness

Happiness does not come by chance, it lives on a certain wave. If a person is tuned in to it, then he notices and feels the happiness of life, otherwise he looks at the world, sees the positive sides of life, good people, and breathes deeply. Every day we create a new life, write a new story from scratch, what will it be like? It all depends on the colors or the mood that we set ourselves in the morning.

The lives of happy people are shaped by the people themselves; they know how to correctly create an internal mood for happiness.

We have looked at the basic laws of happiness, everything is simple and clear, but how can you become a happy person who attracts happiness into your life and good circumstances?

Fight the habit of getting distracted

We are used to being constantly distracted, interrupting our activities and feeling terribly busy. When talking with a person, we switch to messages in instant messengers. When we travel, we step out of reality to take more new photos and post them on social networks. We are distracted by phone notifications and empty conversations, and if there are none, by our thoughts, memories and fears. All this makes it difficult to concentrate on the present moment and enjoy it.

But it is important to understand that this is not a character trait or a feature of the brain, but just a bad habit that you can get rid of with effort.

Enjoy simplicity

Live by the principle “less is more”! Having gotten rid of the desire to have a large number of things, you will learn to enjoy simple things, enjoy every day without spending effort on “getting” things, and travel towards your happiness !

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Take your life to full screen mode

Imagine that any task you do - work, answering email, washing dishes or reading - is expanded to full screen. There is only this task, you see nothing except it. If you expand every task to full screen, life will be much less stressful.

When you fully concentrate on any task, it turns out much better, and you experience pleasure while doing it.

For example, try washing the dishes without being distracted by the TV, conversations or thoughts in your head. Your movements will become precise and controlled, and you will really start to enjoy it.

Breathe deeply!

Relax. Calm down. You are not now running a race with yourself; there is no judge standing at the finish line, counting every second. You are not a marathon runner, not a participant in sports competitions, and you have every right to rest. Otherwise, you definitely won’t make it to the finish line. Find a soothing melody for yourself and merge with the music, dissolve in it. Listen to your breathing, even it out, feel the waves of warmth and peace spreading throughout your body. Learn to relax and imagine that you are already in your desired future. What is it like? And what feelings do you experience? Blend with your successful self.

Photo: thetruthpreneur,

Increase pauses between tasks

Reduce the number of things on your list. Plan only half of what you think you can do. We constantly overload ourselves with tasks, forgetting about such simple things as cooking, putting ourselves in order, taking care of clothes.

We always don't have time because we try to do too much. Free up time to do everything slowly, with complete immersion in the task. Leave time between tasks to enjoy their successful completion.

Take time and pay attention to what is happening around you so that you can manage your life.

How to simplify your financial life

Money will not make us happier, but it is a tool for achieving goals. Of course, life is easier when they are. And for them to exist, you need to make efforts and study financial literacy.

Financial control

Make it a rule to keep track of your income and expenses. This will help you solve several problems at once. Firstly, you will always know where your money is going. Remember that feeling at the end of the month: “Where did the money go?” This issue will disappear once and for all. And secondly, by recording your expenses, you will see every ruble you spend, and this will motivate you to spend less.

Extra expenses

Once you start analyzing your expenses, within a month you will be able to see where your money is going, down to the ruble. Perhaps some item of expense will seem unnecessarily expensive to you - this is a reason to try to reduce costs. Perhaps you consider it necessary to exclude some expenses. Do it.

Put it off

The point is to start saving a small amount from each salary and other income. The most optimal is 10% of the amount received. This is approximately the figure that will be painless to save, but at the same time you will have capital quite quickly. How will this help make life easier? You may have sudden expenses at any time, and you should be prepared for them, without the need to take out a loan.

Optimize your purchases

Make a plan for your purchases in advance, buy everything you need for a week in advance and don’t go shopping every day. Yes, for this you will have to think through everything carefully, but how much time can be freed up! It is convenient to buy vegetables and fruits at the market once a week. A trip to the hypermarket with a list of groceries for the week ahead is not only a saving of time, but also money.

Pay without leaving home

Almost all banks offer their customers a mobile application that allows them to make financial transactions - “Mobile Bank”. To make financial management as easy as possible, install this application on your phone. Transfers between accounts, replenishing your balance, paying utilities - all this can be done without leaving your home

Figure out what you need and discard the rest.

We rarely know what we really want. All we need to do is see a photo of something cool to immediately want it and change our focus in life. Looking at others, we come up with unrealistic desires and suffer from the fact that they are not fulfilled. We want to take up an expensive hobby because we saw someone else doing it. We want a different hairstyle, a different phone, a different body and a different life.

Every time you have fleeting desires because of photos, videos or other people's stories, ask yourself if this is yours. Try to understand what inspired the desire to buy something or do something, and whether you really need it.

The more you brush aside unnecessary things, purchases and desires, the easier and better your life becomes.

Don't demand the impossible!

“Never ask for anything. Never and nothing, and especially among those who are stronger than you. They will come and give everything themselves!” (M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”).

Give up criticism, reproaches, and meaningless expectations. Accept life as it comes. She is multifaceted. And the people in it are different. They don't owe you anything, they don't have to be what you want them to be. Take life easier. Learn this, and then she will really become easier, more pleasant and happier.

Photo: 5688709,

Be happy in the present! The present is the only thing you have. The past is in the past, and the future has not yet come. Every moment of your life is unique, priceless and unique. Enjoy it!

Tags: life positions, positive thinking, attitude to life

Practice doing nothing

We are so used to doing something all the time that doing nothing gives us real pain. Try to give up all activities: don’t read, don’t look at your smartphone, don’t eat. Just do absolutely nothing.

At first, there will be suggestions in your head about what you can do, some important and urgent matters. You will begin to get bored, maybe you will be drawn to sleep. Don't give up - just don't do anything.

It would seem such a simple practice, but you are unlikely to endure it for long. Get used to it gradually - it helps to cope with tension, internal haste and fussiness.

Follow these tips and see how your life changes. Most likely, you will find a lot of beauty in the world around you and in yourself.

PS Did you finish reading this article without interruption for other things? ;)

Have a holiday!

Our stay in this mortal world is temporary, and each of us knows about it. We set goals for ourselves, strive for something, most often living our days in bustle and haste, forgetting to look at how beautiful the sky is above us, how different people are everywhere. All life is an endless miracle, and one cannot stop admiring it.

“Even though life is not tied with a bow, it is still a gift” (Regina Brett).

Therefore, celebrate your stay in this world! Celebrate your victories! Remember everything pleasant that happened to you, all your successes and achievements, you will understand that you have something to thank life for.

But this is what I love and thank life for:

I love this life for its beauty, And for the opportunity to enjoy it, For the endless heights of thoughts, And for the ability to laugh heartily...

For the light of smiles and the madness of meetings, For joys, dreams, touches, For the hands that touched my shoulders, For miracles, for bright moments...

For tears of joy, for the light of the sun, For sincere first confessions... For every amazing dawn And for this holy awareness...

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