Qualities of a man - bad and good character traits, what to cultivate in yourself

A real man is an object of admiration for women and a model for those who want to become a worthy representative of the stronger sex. To be like this, you don’t have to have the right facial features, tall height, or a certain eye or hair color. Although appearance plays an important role, it is a man’s personal qualities that give him the right to be called “real.”

Who is the ideal man

The phrases “ideal man” and “dream man” are found so often that they are no longer given much meaning. No one knows exactly what this ideal looks like, what its character is, and what qualities it possesses. Everyone puts their own meaning into these words.

For any woman, the standard qualities of an ideal man include high intelligence, wit and respect. Everyone dreams of seeing next to her a handsome and fit chosen one who will give gifts, preferably with his own apartment and car. He must have beautiful eyes and a charming appearance. All this looks like a description of a prince from a fairy tale, but not a description of a real man.

According to family psychologists, the main qualities of a man should include:

  • Kindness is the first quality that all girls talk about when describing their ideal. A kind person will come to the rescue, love his children and value his family;
  • Reliability. This can be called a person who will not change his opinion and will do what he promised;
  • Ability to care. Everyone wants to see a chosen one next to her who will take care of her and say pleasant words;
  • Responsibility. A man must realize that he is the head of the family, the woman and his children depend on him;
  • Loyalty. Every woman wants to be sure that her husband will not leave her or exchange her for another.

Note! All girls are partly right when they describe real masculine qualities in their character, but many of them are exaggerated. For example, having a car is an absolute plus, but if a guy with a car turns out to be an infantile egoist, he can hardly be called an ideal.

Honesty and integrity

There is no need for even special explanations here. “I’m looking for an honest and decent man” is the main slogan of most marriage advertisements. But how can you understand that he is exactly like that even before the wedding? Observe carefully, pay special attention to his attitude not only towards you, but also towards other people. If a man blows away specks of dust from you, but at the same time acts unkindly towards his parents and friends, there are some suspicions of what may await you ahead... However, pay attention not only to alarm bells - appreciate manifestations of honesty and purity of character.

Bad character traits

Negative character traits - how to find and correct negative qualities

A man’s bad qualities may not appear immediately; a woman may notice his bad traits when the relationship has already gone far. The first few months of a relationship, or the “candy-bouquet” period, the girl is in a state of love and does not want to see anything bad. She may be fascinated by appearance, facial features or voice. Later, faced with everyday life, she notices that her chosen one is far from ideal.

Egoist against the background of the wall

According to women, the main negative traits of a man’s character are:

  • Arrogance and selfishness. Self-obsessed individuals who try in every possible way to show their importance do not endear them to themselves;
  • Uncertainty. Girls do not like weak men who are afraid to make decisions; they do not feel safe next to them;
  • Infidelity and hypocrisy. Lies and betrayals are what destroy any relationship. A girl will not want to connect her life with such a person;
  • Bad manners and bad manners. A rude man who uses obscene language and obscene expressions belongs to the lower social class;
  • Lack of initiative and ambition, inability to complete a task;
  • Hot temper and aggressiveness. Next to such a person, the girl feels in danger. If aggression is directed at strangers, and a man is kind and affectionate with his chosen one, there is no guarantee that he will not lose his temper later;
  • Inattention to a woman. Such a man may not notice problems, forget about requests;
  • Laziness. Slackers who like to spend their free time on the couch or in front of the computer are not attractive to women;
  • Phlegm. Girls do not like it when men react coldly and cannot sincerely rejoice or empathize.

Intelligence and broad outlook

Firstly, it’s always interesting to be with such a person. Communication with him fills and contributes to our development. Secondly, a person who has knowledge in various fields has much more abilities and opportunities to solve various tasks and problems in family life - from repairing an electrical appliance to independently resolving legal issues. Thirdly, a truly smart (and not just well-read) man understands a woman much better. And, as my mother likes to say: “You can always come to an agreement with a smart person!” This is another significant plus.

Positive traits

Positive character traits of a person - what applies to them

Every girl has her own opinion about what the character of a real man should be. Despite this, everyone agrees that a real man should have the following qualities:

  • Masculinity;
  • The ability to be there and help out in difficult times;
  • Neatness and neatness;
  • Independence, having your own opinion;
  • Diligence and determination;
  • Honesty;
  • The ability and desire to earn money.

Note! The husband’s desire to provide for his wife does not mean that his chosen one should not do anything.

Courage and determination

Women often complain that they are the ones who have to make strong-willed decisions in marriage. While their husband procrastinates... This can happen for two reasons: either we married a very indecisive person, or we ourselves constantly climb into the embrasure, pushing away our spouse with all our might. Everyone knows that a very strong and active woman can overshadow even a naturally courageous and decisive man. Therefore, it is so important for a woman to learn to yield the helm of the family ship to the head of the family, wisely retreating to second positions.

What women value most in men

Human character traits - what they are, their description and characteristics

Girls love men who care about them and who make them feel confident around them. Everyone wants her chosen one to be attentive to detail and behave like a gentleman. Such small actions as opening the door or giving a hand mean a lot to women; they form their impression based on them.

Hugs a girl

What qualities should you value in your man:

  • Decency, the ability to restrain your emotions and be reasonable. Such a person will not allow himself to insult or humiliate a woman;
  • Courage, ability to take responsibility;
  • The ability to love and show emotions. Such a man will make a good family man and father;
  • Attractiveness. A real man has charm, a girl unconsciously reaches out to him and can trust him;
  • A sense of humor is an important character trait. Girls like witty guys who can lighten the mood.

Note! The qualities that women value also extend to appearance. Representatives of the stronger sex take care of themselves and take care of themselves, this is right, but some are too passionate about their appearance. Not every woman appreciates hours-long visits to the hairdresser for the perfect hairstyle.


Another trait of a real man is fidelity. This quality means something more than sexual devotion to one partner. Ladies value fidelity in men in a broader sense, which includes:

  • care;
  • attentiveness;
  • support in difficult life situations.

A real man will always remain faithful to his beloved, lending a reliable shoulder even when she made a mistake and was wrong.

Practicing psychologist in the field of family relationships Anna Iotko writes that each woman individually determines the scope of this concept. In any case, breaking a man’s word in any area of ​​life is regarded by a woman as betrayal.

How to develop good masculine qualities in yourself

To develop positive character traits, you must first determine what qualities are currently lacking. How to cultivate a real masculine character:

  • Develop physical. Sports should become an integral part of life;
  • Develop spiritually. Read developmental literature, including about relationships;
  • Leave your comfort zone more often, fight your laziness every day;
  • Achieve success. There is no need to set unattainable goals for yourself; it is better to start small. For example, set a goal to complete work faster than usual;
  • Communicate with your chosen one, listen to her and talk to her. In communicating with his woman, a man will understand how best to act, what she and he lack.

Balance and restraint

Anything can happen in a family... And if you react to all situations extremely emotionally and unrestrainedly, you will not have enough nerves! Living like a powder keg destroys both health and relationships. A reasonable, restrained man is able to react correctly to women’s mood swings and even hysterics. It is clear that there are female specimens that can infuriate even the most imperturbable spouse.

But in most cases, male restraint is the beautiful and dignified behavior of a strong man in response to a woman’s weakness.

After all, a man hysterical and screaming in response is simply a disgusting picture.

What is meant by masculinity

Masculinity is a generally accepted character trait that everyone of the stronger sex should have. Everyone talks about this character trait, but no one knows exactly what it means.

On a gray background

Social science says that masculinity is not a separate quality, but a set of all the qualities that a real man should have. These include courage, confidence, determination and all other strong character traits.


A real man must be responsible. What does this mean? Experienced relationship psychologist Yaroslav Samoilov writes that such a person is capable of being responsible for his own words and actions.

The psychologist emphasizes that a responsible man is not one who keeps a simple promise, but one who is ready to make informed and important decisions. For example, when he invites a woman to live together, he not only demonstrates to her his readiness to share living space, but also takes the necessary steps for this (organizes moving, renting housing, arranging everyday life).

A responsible man protects a woman from worries and concerns about the material well-being of the entire family, and therefore is fully responsible for the family budget.

Qualities that women value in a man: Pixabay

Is it possible to overcome negative aspects of character?

Throughout your life you need to fight your shortcomings and make yourself better. Difficulties can arise if negative traits developed from childhood and managed to take root in the character. At first such a person will not understand why he is being condemned, and why the woman does not like his behavior.

You can overcome any negative character trait, the main thing is personal interest and desire. First you need to identify your weaknesses and begin to gradually get rid of them. For example, fight laziness, suppress aggression, and take initiative more often.

Every girl has her own ideal man and a list of qualities he should have. Everyone wants the best and kindest person nearby. Girls who are carried away by their appearance begin to forget about what an ideal chosen one should be like. Responsibility, reliability and loyalty are the qualities of a strong-willed man who will not cheat on his woman.


A man who prefers the role of a passive observer of the flow of life is of little use in marriage. Family life requires active action.

Needless to say, it is an energetic (in the right direction) spouse who is able to provide for his family and create better living conditions for it. In addition, a man full of strength and energy is very attractive. Yes, with him a woman has to keep herself in good shape, always be competitive - but that’s great! This will prevent her from blooming.

Healthy lifestyle

If a man abuses alcohol and tobacco, this not only undermines his health, but also harms his business reputation and image. It seems that this is obvious to everyone, but for some reason not everyone attaches due importance to such harmful habits, considering them trifles. And in vain.

It has been scientifically proven that alcohol impairs cerebral circulation, impedes the access of oxygen to neurons, which leads to their massive death and the disintegration of neural connections in the brain.

The heart muscle also suffers:

  • the rhythm is destabilized;
  • hypertension progresses;
  • the volume of the heart increases;
  • the risk of developing a heart attack increases.

The nervous system is also seriously affected:

  • coordination of movements is lost;
  • limbs go numb;
  • hallucinations appear.

Nothing good can be said about smoking either. Carcinogens contained in tobacco can accumulate in the body, sharply worsen the condition of the reproductive system and provoke the development of cancer.

Well, who wants to deal with a man who drives himself into a coffin? The woman will either try to disappear from his life, or simply die with him. Does anyone dream of such a “schedule”?

Men need to take care of their health in order to live a full life and enjoy it. A disregard for health is in some way a manifestation of selfishness. A sick person is unable to take care of the well-being of his family and be a support for loved ones, since he is forced to deal with his own problems.

There is no need to bring yourself to such a state. It’s enough just to eat right, wisely combine workload with rest, take care of the nervous system and try not to lose a positive attitude in any life situations.

Good manners

This does not necessarily mean an impeccable knowledge of etiquette and refined table manners. Although, of course, this is also welcome. We are talking about adequate behavior in society, which implies

  • observance of basic rules of decency;
  • delicacy;
  • tact;
  • politeness.

There is absolutely nothing difficult about not picking your nose while sitting at the table, not using foul language in the presence of others, giving up your seat in public transport, and the like. Such basic things should be instilled in a boy from childhood.

Resilience and fortitude

For many women, the first reaction to unexpected unpleasant news is very emotional. Simply put, we panic. Or into a stupor. Yes, then, of course, we pull ourselves together and begin to act. But imagine if there is a panicking and trembling man next to us? This is a real nightmare!

It is the man who should always try to maintain presence of mind and be a strong support for the family. At least in appearance!

Even if his emotions are raging inside... What we see is enough for us!


Very often girls are compared to flowers, since they also need constant attention from their companion. With its deficiency, various experiences and a feeling of underappreciation arise. Attention can be manifested in small things, so it is not at all necessary to constantly be near your beloved. It is enough to support her with a kind word or an unexpected compliment, and of course hear and notice her.

Ideal is a subjective or objective concept

It is enough to talk with 2-3 friends to understand that there is no unanimous opinion about the merits of the stronger sex. For some, the crown of creation is the sex symbol of the last century, Alain Delon; for others, the short singer-composer Serge Gainsbourg with a hooked nose, who won the hearts of the first beauties. For some, the main thing is that the house is “full,” but for others, warmth, understanding, common interests, and moral values ​​are important.

Of course, you can philosophize for a long time, indulge in arguments, convince and give examples from life. It’s hard not to agree with the fact that an ideal relationship requires mutual sympathy, invisible attraction and love, without which even a fairy-tale prince will not bring personal happiness. Trust your subjective opinion, intuition, listen to your heart, this is the only way you will know which man is your ideal.


This psychotype includes men who, as a rule, are not the first to express their point of view and do not take the initiative. They are too shy for this, tense, and unsure of themselves. Such a man rarely asks himself whether he is worthy of you, whether he is smart or interesting enough for you.

If you want to build a relationship with a man of this psychotype, you should do your best to strengthen his self-confidence and increase his self-esteem. This way you can harmoniously develop your relationship with him. Of course, you should get used to the fact that you will constantly have to take the initiative.


Self-confident men can be harsh, even rude. They are proud and arrogant because their self-esteem, as you understand, is off the charts. True, they can also be funny and interesting, but only until the moment when you accidentally offend him with carelessly spoken words regarding his abilities, capabilities, character. Nevertheless, you can be happy with such a man; if he meets his one and only and understands that it is she, he can become quite good-natured and courteous. But all the same, it’s better to try not to touch his self-esteem - it will be worse.

With men of this psychotype, I think everything is clear. They love and know how to make interesting and beautiful jokes, they know how to get a crowd going, they literally attract and win over even those who are indifferent to them. It’s easier to communicate with the soul of the company than with a shy guy or a narcissistic upstart ; it’s easier to find a common language with him. Do you want to build a serious relationship with a funny guy? Just be yourself, unless, of course, you are a tearful beech.

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