What is happiness for a person and how to become happy: 20 opinions of great people + what does it mean to me

The article explains:
  1. What is happiness in life
  2. Scientific explanation of happiness in life
  3. Formulas for happiness in life from philosophers, scientists and psychologists
  4. 7 components of happiness in life
  5. Imaginary attributes of happiness
  6. What prevents a person from being happy?
  7. 7 Tips for Finding Happiness in Life
  8. Biochemistry of happiness in life
  9. 7 final recommendations that will help you become a happy person

Happiness in life is different for everyone: some dream of a big family, some of prosperity, some of travel. It all depends on the person’s internal value system and personal goals. It is precisely because of the lack of universal judgments that we are all considered unique individuals. One thing is for sure: everyone wants to be happy.

Today we will tell you which components of happiness are most important for most people, as well as what rules and principles allow you to make your own life happy. Thanks to our advice and recommendations, you will find harmony in life and find what you have been looking for.

What is happiness in life

There are a million different definitions for such a concept as happiness. But the most accurate understanding of happiness is the maximum degree of satisfaction with the conditions of one’s life. This is a fairly laconic and succinct interpretation that does not reduce individual happiness to some strict set of criteria; each person will have their own.

Many people mistakenly believe that the main happiness in life is wealth, material security, the opportunity to get any benefits of civilization for money and realize their whims. Therefore, a huge number of people, like obsessed people, build careers, save money and work extremely hard, just to increase the amount in their bank account and buy more expensive things.

However, even if everything goes well - goals are achieved, a career is built - then wealth is not enough to feel happy. People are very disappointed when they realize that happiness in life does not come down to the tight wallet for which they lived for many years and worked hard. Memoirs of famous rich people are filled with regrets about spending too much time making money in their youth.

The sooner a person understands one important feature of happiness, the easier it will be for him to build his life. Happiness does not last forever: even if you have achieved something and are successful now, this does not mean that you will remain happy and contented for the rest of your life. Therefore, enjoy the present moment and the work you are doing.

In philosophy, happiness is interpreted as a state of extreme satisfaction with one’s life, but with the caveat that no one can be completely happy. The majority of people constantly strive for happiness in life and sometimes reach certain points at which they experience this feeling.

Having achieved a goal, you can experience bright and intense emotions, but they do not last long: they are soon replaced by the usual state of searching for new happiness. Keep in mind that external conditions may be identical, and a person deserves the state of happiness himself, having achieved what he dreamed of, but this is an extremely short-lived state.

Philosophers say that happiness depends little on external factors and is almost completely determined by the mental state of the person himself. For some, the lack of personal life is a sufficient condition to poison any joy from success in work, business and career (even if the person really earns a lot). And for some, a modest salary is enough (enough for food and housing), as long as everything is in order in the family.

Philosophical roots of the concept

From a philosophical point of view, happiness is complete and undivided satisfaction with the way life is going. Every person, regardless of status, position in society, religious views or hobbies, does not have the opportunity to be fully satisfied with their needs.

90% of people are in a continuous search for happiness. To do this, certain goals and objectives are set and achieved, a circle of interests and acquaintances is outlined, a comfortable environment and interesting work are selected. A feeling of satisfaction - happiness can be bright, instant, long-lasting, sustainable. Often a person ceases to be happy, but outwardly nothing changes around him. One becomes accustomed to what has been achieved. At this moment, new goals and objectives are set, having achieved which you can again experience a pleasant feeling of satisfaction with life.

A person becomes happy having achieved something, but after a while he again plunges into thoughts, loses his spark, returning to his usual but ordinary life. Philosophers claim that happiness directly depends on a person’s internal state. Despite the beliefs of society, a harmonious state is not always achieved by external factors. Example: a successful and profitable business interferes with building a loving family, or a close-knit family does not have enough finances to realize all the ideas and dreams. Other people feel complete satisfaction only by knowing that they are loved and important to their own family. It makes no difference to them whether they receive a large or small salary. The goals that a person sets for himself may differ. For one of the categories, it is necessary to achieve a solution to a global task - to build an empire of successful enterprises or become famous, while for others it is enough to build a strong family.

Formulas for happiness in life from philosophers, scientists and psychologists

  • from Socrates

According to the great philosopher of Ancient Greece, happiness is the main goal to which a person should strive, the highest good. But happiness cannot be reduced to wealth, beauty, health, or pleasure. Happiness necessarily includes a moral component: an immoral person cannot achieve happiness in life, since only virtues and prudent behavior make him happy.

  • from Aristotle

This ancient thinker also considered bliss, or happiness, in inseparable connection with moral standards and virtuous actions. In addition to moral and intellectual self-improvement, happiness also consists of four other components: active citizenship, friendly communication, prosperity, and health.

  • from Epicurus

Epicurus considered love and family relationships an obstacle to achieving real (and not apparent) happiness in life. The philosopher considered such a primitive thing as love unworthy of a wise person. The formula of happiness according to Epicurus is friendship, wisdom, peace of mind, absence of torment, realization of one’s desires (but within the framework of moral principles and beliefs), detachment from society and the state.

Can medications make you happier?

Can modern pharmacology help us become happier? The new generation of antidepressants works differently. A new generation of antidepressants and anti-depressants helps those who lead an active lifestyle, work very hard and cannot cope with fatigue - a consequence of overwork. Antidepressants allow them to be calmer, look at life more soberly, react adequately to what is happening and not throw out their emotions. But do they make a person happier? It’s unlikely: not a single pill can solve the problem of the emptiness of human existence or fill your life with meaning.

Imaginary attributes of happiness

In search of recipes for happiness in life, some people find themselves on the wrong path. Usually taken for happiness:

  • Prosperity and material values. If you don’t have your own apartment and car, this is, of course, inconvenient. However, having money to buy a home, car and things in itself does not bring pleasure. So many people make this mistake: they try their best to earn more, but later realize that happiness has not happened.
  • Momentary joys and pleasures. Vivid impressions, sex, entertainment, alcohol, parties and other ways to have fun and escape from everyday life are undoubtedly important and sometimes necessary. But they should not be confused with true happiness in life.
  • Beauty. Many people hate their own body and appearance because nature has not rewarded them with canonical beauty. They think that being attractive would solve all their problems, but this is not the case. There are many unhappy handsome men and beauties and even more contented and happy people with ordinary appearance.

How to measure happiness?

One of the simplest ways to measure life satisfaction was proposed by psychologist Ed Diener. Using a scale from 1 to 7, please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the following five statements. Rate 1 for strongly disagree, 3 for strongly disagree, 5 for strongly agree, and 7 for strongly agree. Try to answer honestly and truthfully.

  1. In many ways my life is close to my ideal.
  2. The circumstances of my life are wonderful.
  3. I'm happy with my life.
  4. There are things in my life that I really need.
  5. If I could live my life over again, I wouldn't change much.

Now add up all five numbers and get a total score: it should be between 5 and 35. This test shows how satisfied you are with your life. A score of 15 to 25 is considered average, a score below 14 is considered below average, and a score of 26 to 35 means you are likely satisfied with your life.

What prevents a person from being happy?

The main obstacle to happiness is the style and habits of thinking, the existing worldview and picture of the world. For some it is optimistic and cheerful, but for others it is a convinced pessimist, accustomed to experiencing only negativity. It will take serious conscious effort to reframe your thinking.

The habit of thinking negatively not only leads a person into the abyss of apathy, disappointment and resentment, but also destroys his psyche, and subsequently his body. When driving yourself into the darkness of despondency and negativity, remember that you yourself determine your future destiny, and there is no magic pill, person or place that can save you and make you happy.

Therefore, get used to being in a positive, constructive mood and looking for joy in the present. They are very short-lived. To have more happiness in life, fill it with deep close relationships, good people, pleasant moments, good deeds and creative activities that will bring not only moral satisfaction, but also decent pay.

How to become happy and successful

In reality, becoming a happy person is a complex process. And it is obviously not aimed at achieving any material benefits or special social status.

When it comes to happiness, harmony with oneself is always assumed. Only a person who hears and understands himself can be happy. So here's what you can do:

  1. Engage in self-development. Explore your capabilities and talents;
  2. Express yourself - don’t be shy about your desires and fantasies;
  3. Try to understand and hear yourself - understand what your inner “I” wants;
  4. Work in a job that you enjoy;
  5. Surround yourself with people you like or admire;
  6. Don't be afraid to cut ties with those who make you uncomfortable;
  7. If you have injuries and post-traumatic syndrome, work through these issues with a specialist;
  8. Eliminate your complexes and internal clamps.

Biochemistry of happiness in life

Scientific research has opened the eyes of humanity to the fact that happiness is not only an elusive state of mind, but a completely material, concrete and observable phenomenon. Thus, peak emotions (joy, happiness, satisfaction) are accompanied by the release of special hormones into the blood. These hormones - dopamine, serotonin and endorphins - have different mechanisms of action. For example, endorphins, which are produced in the pituitary gland, put a person into a long-term euphoria.

The brain neurotransmitter serotonin, produced by the pineal gland, gives long-term satisfaction and contentment. Dopamine, produced directly in the brain, as well as in the kidneys and adrenal glands, generates intense joy and satisfaction with the result of efforts (and it doesn’t matter whether it was quality sex, a delicious dinner, or the completion of a difficult project at work).

The active functioning of the hormonal system not only provides a person with a feeling of happiness in life, but also strengthens his health and vitality, making him more efficient. On the contrary, such depressed states as powerlessness, indifference, apathy and fatigue, as well as depression, signal failures in the biochemical “machine”. They are caused by prolonged stress, constant stress, peculiarities of upbringing and diseases of an infectious or hormonal nature.

If you understand what factors influence the functioning of the endocrine system (which controls the production of hormones), then you can influence the level of happiness in your life.

Experts name the following factors that provoke the regular production of endorphins.

  1. Nutrition Happiness hormones will be produced in greater quantities if your diet contains a lot of hard cheeses, ice cream, rice, bell peppers, nuts, bananas and, of course, chocolate.
  2. Mindset Learn to think positively and find joy in little things, try to stay optimistic. Then the load on the hormonal system will decrease, and it will function better. Meditate, pray, say affirmations - choose the method that suits you best.
  3. Sports A surge of endorphins usually occurs after half an hour of intense running or fast walking or swimming. Physical activity and movement are not only life, but also happiness in life! Play sports and see how your emotional background improves.
  4. Sex Endorphins are released only when orgasm occurs.
  5. New experiences This could be travel, hiking, interesting walks, cultural events (concerts, performances, visiting museums), and even reading or watching a movie - in general, any sources of vivid impressions.
  6. Acupuncture No, we are not talking about acupuncture sessions! You can just sometimes lie on the Lyapko or Kuznetsov applicator for twenty minutes, and you will feel a lift in mood due to the release of endorphins - morphine-like substances.
  7. Sunbathing Ultraviolet rays from the sun promote the synthesis of joy hormones. Just the memory of the sun, the beach, the summer heat already improves your mood.
  8. Music and dancing Listening to melodies, singing, and dancing help normalize the emotional state and feel happiness.

What factors determine

The definition has been given, cut with a knife, but what is it? And here psychologists gave us the answer! Read the contents of our pie called “happiness”.

External environment

Let's start with the smallest ingredient. Only 10% of our well-being depends on the external environment. It's where we were born, what family we were born into. In short, everything that we initially have no control over and cannot change. But in adulthood, these factors are the easiest to change.


Here it will be upbringing, character, genes. Do you have friends who are always happy or always unhappy? It's all about character traits.

These factors are established at birth and are influenced by parents and the environment. You can change them by changing your environment, working with a psychologist, or working through them on your own. All in your hands.

Remember that 45% of your happiness depends on your thoughts and emotions. For some people this rate is even higher, so never ignore your individuality if you feel unhappy.

The concept of happiness is individual for each person


And the last point is approximately the same percentage as for personal qualities. Your satisfaction with your work, the results and the overall process is the key to your happiness. How can you be happy if you spend 5 days at a job that you don’t like, and on the weekends you watch TV and have no entertainment?

It doesn't work that way, think back to when you were young and dreamed of skydiving and book your spot for next weekend! Your accomplishments, your enjoyment of them, and the entire process are extremely important.

What about money?

You've probably already heard that the most frequent clients of a psychologist are rich people? There could be many reasons for this. For example, through hard work a person has isolated himself from others. Or, for example, he does not know how to hear what he wants, and simply does what his parents told him. Money is just a tool to achieve your goals.

Money alone will not make you happy. But, as the joke goes, “crying in a Porsche is much more comfortable than riding a bicycle.” And it’s more convenient to pay a psychologist without compromising basic needs. Therefore, harmony is important here.

By the way, according to sociological research, there are more happy people among poor people and people living in poor countries. Money gives you a feeling of happiness. But only as long as you strive to ensure that your physical needs are fully met - medicine, housing, education and predictable government action.

When you start earning more than you need to live, money itself doesn't bring you pleasure. It's all about what you spend it on. How many people actually have financial knowledge? To summarize, we can say that big money drowns out our more subtle needs. Or maybe not? Write your opinion!

Why does happiness matter so much?

Why is happiness such an important aspect of life?
Many people believe that happiness matters but is not the primary goal. In a sense, the world of science agrees with such statements. However, life satisfaction, meaning and well-being are often closely related to happiness. Many scientists believe that people who are simply satisfied with their lives are more common than happy ones. Happiness is not a necessary goal.

However, happiness matters because it has a positive impact on many factors. June Silner, author and personal development coach, offers 14 answers to the question “What's so special about happiness?”

What can you say about happy people:

  1. They are more successful in many areas of life, including marriage, friendships, income, professional life and health.
  2. They are less likely to get sick and experience negative symptoms.
  3. Have more friends and support from loved ones.
  4. They are more likely to do charity (and those who give money to the poor or sick feel happier).
  5. They are more likely to help others and become volunteers.
  6. They overcome difficulties with great optimism. It eases pain, sadness and grief.
  7. They have a positive influence on others, encourage, inspire and help other people become a little happier.
  8. They have deeper and more serious conversations.
  9. They smile more often, which has a positive effect on their health and the mood of others
  10. Exercise more often and eat healthier foods.
  11. They are happy with what they have and are less likely to experience envy.
  12. They are healthier. They are much more likely to remain healthy in old age.
  13. Happy people live longer.
  14. They are more productive and creative. This effect extends to everyone who experiences positive emotions.


Sources of Joy

Psychologists classify them according to several criteria: unworthy, short-term, long-term external and long-term internal. Let's see where we can get handfuls of joy to feel happy.

Unworthy Sources of Joy

They are so named because they contribute to the manifestation of base human qualities and aspirations. Gossip, discuss others, slander, intrigue, spy on, deceive... Agree, these actions can bring pleasure, but you have to pay for them, and sometimes a considerable price.

Short-term sources of joy

Graduation party, entering college, defending a diploma or dissertation, winning a competition, a salary increase, New Year or birthday, buying an apartment or a car... These events make you happy, but not for long. A day or a month passes, the feeling of intense joy dulls, and you need to set new goals for yourself and wait for the next holidays.

Long-term external sources of joy

A favorite activity that constantly brings joy, good relationships with loved ones (friends, parents, spouses), sports, hobbies... These sources do not dry up if we invest strength, energy and feelings in relationships and in what we do.

Long-lasting Inner Sources of Joy

Self-esteem (approval of one’s qualities, abilities and actions). Without this we cannot be happy. Everyone needs to know why they can respect and love themselves. Sources of psychic energy. First of all, this is meditation and creative activities, which, on the one hand, feed us with mental energy, and on the other, give us a feeling of peace and balance. Feelings - love, gratitude, sympathy, devotion help to know true, lasting happiness. It is not for nothing that the inability to love is considered almost a punishment from God.


Faith in God, in goodness, in one’s own destiny is a very powerful force. When a person feels the presence of the Higher Powers in his life, feels Their protection, his soul is filled with joy, happiness, and awareness of his inexhaustible possibilities.


Altruism, lack of selfishness, the desire to give rather than take is an eternal source of deep satisfaction. It’s not without reason that they say: the hand of the giver never fails and what you sow is what you reap. Whoever gives his strength, time, emotions, receives a hundred times more in return.

Psychology of human happiness

Happiness in family life

Now, having understood the concepts, we can proceed to the next stage.
What does psychology say about happiness?
There are many different theories, but they all fall into two categories based on the definition of happiness

(or well-being):

  1. Hedonism
    is the desire to experience more pleasure and less pain. Includes an emotional component (strong positive or negative affect) and a cognitive component (satisfaction with one’s life).
  2. Eudaimonism
    – happiness is seen as the result of aspirations and the achievement of goals, meaning, challenges and personal growth. According to this concept, happiness is based on the realization of potential and the maximum manifestation of one's own capabilities.

Some theories view happiness as a by-product of other, more important goals in life, while others see it as the ultimate goal of all humanity.
Other concepts imply that the pursuit of happiness is pointless (however, the desire to acquire other important experiences and sensations can lead to happiness). But there are theories whose adherents believe that happiness can be consciously increased and enhanced.

Despite the differences in some details, all these theories boil down to several points


  1. It's good to be happy and people like it.
  2. Happiness is not a fleeting and momentary experience, but it cannot be a stable and long-term character trait.
  3. A certain portion of our happiness is transmitted genetically, but this amount varies from 10% to 50%.
  4. The pursuit of pleasure and its achievement rarely leads to happiness.
  5. There are many resources to help you make a contribution or find happiness.

What resources help create true personal happiness?

If we consider the general meaning of these theories, several main factors

  • individual income;
  • professional contribution;
  • physical health;
  • family;
  • social relationships;
  • moral values;
  • experience of positive emotions.

All of these factors can contribute to creating a happy life, but based on the results of numerous studies and surveys, scientists have concluded that the most important component is good relationships.
If we are happy in our most important relationships (usually our spouses, children, parents, friends and other loved ones), we tend to consider ourselves happy in general. We control how our relationships work (in general), which leads to an interesting and important question: can we consciously increase our happiness?

We often think about what happiness is, imagining something complicated, but happiness is so simple...

Children's happiness and its reasons

Children cannot make decisions on their own; they live under the constant control of their parents, and perceive the world around them under their influence. First of all, it depends on them whether their child will be happy, or will begin to feel flawed, unsure of himself, and complex.

In childhood, every word heard from adults is taken seriously and remembered for life . Some parents make the grave mistake of instilling in their children that they must prove in their lives that they are worth something, otherwise they will remain “nobody” and “nothing.” This approach is dangerous because the child will develop the destructive opinion that he is incapable, weak, a real “Nobody.” Moreover, this belief can “linger” with him until adulthood. Do you think he can become truly happy?

If scandals or showdowns occur in families, it is the children who suffer from this, first of all . The child believes that he is the culprit of what is happening, and he begins to develop first a guilt complex, and then an inferiority complex. Children perceive all situations differently from adults, and therefore their happiness depends primarily on the attitude of their parents towards them.

If you instill in a child that he is capable, smart, that he is loved and cared for, then he will treat himself with sufficient self-respect, and it is quite possible for him to become happy in adulthood . A child’s happiness is to feel needed, loved, desired. If all parents understood this, humanity would have entire generations of happy people.

Two paths to happiness

Modern psychologists believe that two paths lead us to happiness: one is connected with events in the external world, the second is with our inner sense of self. When we build a house, buy a car, travel, make a career, achieve success, we follow the first path. By doing all of the above, we experience happiness, but it does not last long. After some time, achievements become habitual, and we need a new portion of pleasure. So you can spend your whole life chasing happiness, now experiencing it, now cooling down again, and in the end you understand that things are not capable of bringing true happiness.

The second path helps you find happiness in your soul. This is a very deep and complex experience that is associated with achieving inner peace, harmony and balance. This inner state gives a feeling of quiet joy from simple things, from every day, from the fact that we exist.

So, true happiness is the balance of the first and second, the balance between the external and internal world, the successful manifestation of oneself in life and the achievement of internal harmony. And this is also the joy that lives in our hearts.

Reflections of a philosopher

German sociologist and philosopher Eric Fromm gave an example in his work “The Art of Being.”

In one of his works, he stated that a gardener knows that in order for a rose to reach its most perfect potential, he must study and know the difference between certain standards or criteria that contribute to the production of the ideal rose. If the gardener's goal is to discover the highest potential for the rose bush; that its leaves are well developed and that the flower is the most perfect that can grow from a particular plant, it must follow certain criteria to obtain the perfect rose. Although plants and animals cannot consciously realize their potential as humans can, they rely on their species' predispositions and genetics. Just like a rose bush needs certain types of soil, humidity, temperature, etc. The gardener must provide these things if he is to unlock the bush's full potential to produce the perfect rose. This is true for all species, and certainly more so for humans.

And yet, if you look at it, are we making a small fraction of such efforts to unlock our own potential? Some are under the misconception that human happiness is an endless stream of joyful moments, and therefore try to keep this emotional roller coaster in motion. This condition is no different from drug addiction.

Human happiness is much more than just emotions.

Rules for the life of happy people

Happy individuals, regardless of age and place of residence, follow similar rules:

  • live in the moment;
  • avoid envy;
  • have hobbies;
  • love travel, new experiences;
  • are attentive to loved ones;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • make friends with positive people;
  • avoid comparisons;
  • set the right goals.

Happy people are not afraid of loneliness and silence. They enjoy self-discovery as much as communication, finding new opportunities where others see obstacles.

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