Stress, anxiety, panic: how to get rid of it? 4 quick ways

general characteristics

Anxiety is expressed as a vague, vague fear of possible future events.
Often it occurs for no reason, that is, in situations where there is no real danger. A person anticipates trouble, but does not know how to avoid or overcome it. Internal tension is partially reduced by physical activity, so restless people cannot sit still, walk around the room, bite their nails, aimlessly turn on the mobile phone screen several times, and perform other seemingly meaningless actions. Anticipating trouble forces you to concentrate on finding ways to solve or avoid future problems. Absent-mindedness and some detachment from reality appear. Thinking becomes selective: a person pays attention to events related to the disturbing situation and ignores everything else. In this way he confirms that his experiences are justified. Sometimes the feeling of anxiety intensifies to a state of anxiety, and disturbances in the perception of time, space, people, and actions develop.

Subjectively, anxiety feels like anxiety - a combination of fear, sadness, shame, and guilt for no reason. During the most acute experiences, physiological changes begin to be realized: rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, nausea, dizziness, headaches. If there is no understanding of the connection between anxiety and physical ailment, a person looks for the cause of discomfort by turning to somatic doctors - therapists, neurologists, cardiologists.

The thinking of a restless person is directed from the past to the future - an unfavorable or dangerous event is extracted from memories, and then something similar is predicted. In this case, the previous experience can be old or just happened, personal or someone else’s. For example, after a boss reprimands, discomfort increases every time you come to the workplace, since there is a possibility of meeting the manager. Similarly, anxiety may develop before flying on an airplane if you have previously watched a movie about a plane crash.

Speaking about anxiety without a reason, it is worth noting that, as a rule, there is a reason, but it is not realized or is assessed by others as insignificant. The key function of anxiety is to encourage actions that increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome of events and prevent potentially dangerous behavior. The biological basis of this experience is the mobilization of psychophysiological processes to overcome a possible traumatic situation. The negative effect of anxiety is a feeling of fear that interferes with effective functioning.

How to get rid of anxiety if it is not associated with a mental disorder

In this case, the usual methods to control stress will help. There are dozens of them. Here are the most popular and effective.

Take a few deep breaths and long exhalations

Scientists at Stanford University have discovered Study shows how slow breathing induces tranquility in an area in the brain that links the frequency and depth of breathing and emotional state. As it turns out, the more active and shallow we breathe, the more nervousness and excitement we experience.

Play soothing music or listen to the sounds of nature

In 2021, researchers proved IT'S TRUE - THE SOUND OF NATURE HELPS US RELA: when people listen to the sounds of nature, their stress levels noticeably decrease. The same goes for calm, muted music.

By the way, here is the most soothing track recorded by scientists from the British Academy of Sound Therapy:

Switch away from the topic that's causing you anxiety.

For example, if you are nervous about the news, turn off the TV and log off from social media. Instead, watch a comedy or melodrama, read a book, play with your cat, call a friend. Your task is to occupy your head with something else, to take your mind off the stressful situation.

Keep your hands busy

There are many options. Start knitting. Plant flowers under the windows. Read a book to your child or do a couple of physical experiments with him. Wash the dishes or clean the apartment. These classes will help you switch.

Learn to tell yourself “stop”

Watch your thoughts and stop in time. If you find yourself thinking about something disturbing, become aware of this fact. Imagine taking the worrying thought into your fist and putting it aside. And then consciously start thinking about something else - about the situation that you can control.

Try also

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