How to manipulate a woman correctly: choosing a method and basic mistakes

Relationships between a guy and a girl are rarely ideal. In most cases, men believe that they are dominant in a couple, but most often it is the fairer sex who manipulate their other half to achieve their goals. It is quite possible that you are tired of this arrangement. In this case, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the material from this article, which will allow you to find out how to manipulate a girl. This will help you manage her actions, as well as prevent actions that will be unpleasant to you.

Be a gentleman

Girls tend to romanticize relationships. They grew up watching movies where a man plays the role of a prince on a white horse, showering his woman with compliments and doing everything to make her feel comfortable. Of course, there are also the opposite cases, when a representative of the fairer sex sees a bandit as a life partner who solves all problems, but most often this style quickly causes rejection.

Open doors for her, offer your hand when exiting a vehicle, give compliments, listen to her and do not use swear words in your speech. Believe me, she will appreciate this approach and will want you to become her man. Feel free to show your intelligence. Women love smart men, so soon she will begin to listen to your words and perceive them as the only truth.

Is it worth deceiving a woman in order to manipulate her?

You need to be careful when manipulating a girl into falling in love with you. A man in love, unexpectedly for himself, may find himself a victim of a subtle female game. In addition, the fair sex has excellent intuition, which allows you to sense even small changes in behavior, mood, and the truthfulness of words. Regular lies will sooner or later be revealed. When the truth comes out, the relationship will be at risk.

If you intend to build a relationship using lies throughout your life together, it is better to abandon this idea. You need to try to talk with your chosen one, try to explain your position. If a girl behaves inappropriately or reacts aggressively to the current situation, it may be preferable to give up trying to connect your life with her.

Change the rules of the game

It is accepted in society that a man should seek the attention of a woman. Many of them are tired of this fact, so when they notice an attractive young man who does not take the initiative, he immediately captures her attention. All you need to do is get to know her better, but don't start wooing her. Be indifferent and watch her take matters into her own hands.

This turn of events dramatically mobilizes the girl. She is used to having crowds of men chasing her, so you will become her priority. If she's really interested in you, she'll figure out how to get your attention again. This simplest method really works in most cases. Moreover, you will probably be surprised at what a woman who is trying to win a man's heart is capable of.

Become unpredictable

Another interesting way to win a girl's attention is to become unpredictable. Let's say you promised to call her during the day. After this, you should not immediately fulfill your promise. It is best to wait until the evening and only then dial the coveted numbers. To a logical question about why you didn’t make the call earlier, you can refer to urgent matters.

During your absence, the girl will build a lot of theories in her head about where you could have disappeared. After you explain the reason for the absence, she will realize that she is not in your priorities and will try to correct the current situation. When using such tactics, the main thing is not to go too far. Otherwise, you risk appearing unreliable in her eyes, which will only push the woman away.

Make her jealous

This rule was invented in ancient times, but it still continues to be relevant. Often women use this method, but no one forbids manipulating their own weapons. If you clearly understand that a girl likes you, then the best method of getting closer to her will be a feeling of jealousy. As soon as she realizes that you may be interested in other women, she will immediately try to get in touch with you.

In order for a girl to become jealous of you, you need to show that there are a huge number of beautiful women around whom you may be interested. This method is most effective in cases where she considers you her best friend. This way you can get out of the friend zone and win her affection. No girl who is considering you as a potential partner can watch you flirt with another woman.

How to make someone love you from a distance

Distance is the enemy of relationships. Many will agree with this statement. But, even if there are thousands of kilometers between you, you have the power to influence a young lady and charm her with your persona, despite the great actual distance. To please a girl of any age, if you are far from each other, you will only have to use your phone and the Internet. This makes the task much more difficult, but there is still a chance to achieve your goal. Proceed this way:

  • Call. Do not limit yourself only to correspondence in instant messengers and social networks. Call her at least occasionally so that she can hear your voice and establish contact between you. As a last resort, send voice messages. It is best to make calls before bed so that everyday activities do not distract you from the dialogue, and evening time adds intimacy to any conversations.
  • Don't write platitudes. During the day, try to write to her, but your messages should not be limited to the banal: “Hello. How are you?". Write poems, pleasant words to her, try to intrigue her. For example, write to her in the morning the following: “I saw you in a dream today. It was a pleasant and unusual dream. Very unusual." And after that, “disappear” from the network. Let her think about what you dreamed about.
  • Don't be intrusive. Keep in mind that even distance will not save her from your tediousness, so you should not write or call the lady too often. Give her the opportunity to miss you a little.

You don’t know how to make a girl who is far away fall in love with you, and do you even doubt whether you can do it? Remember: you can use pickup techniques just as effectively at a distance as you can in real life. So adapt them to the situation you are in and apply them with slight modifications.

Be confident

Confidence is the calling card of any person. The way you carry yourself in public shows what you can achieve. Confidence is the most attractive feature of a man. Even if you have a huge belly, but you carry on a conversation, joke, are not shy and do not pay any attention to your shortcomings, then you will certainly be able to win the attention of a girl.

Of course, the first thing girls evaluate is your appearance, but then your mental qualities come into play. It is not for nothing that charisma prevails over physique, gait and other factors. The main thing is that if you are unable to establish contact, then do not despair. Remember that there are millions of girls in the world who are ready to start a relationship with you, they just don’t even know about your existence.

A great way to boost your confidence is to go on dates. Sign up for a dating app and invite girls. Of course, the first couple of times you will feel extremely uncomfortable, but with the first experience, self-confidence will come. Thanks to this approach, by the time you meet that very girl, you will be fully armed and will be able to win her affection with the help of self-confidence.

What definitely should not be used during manipulation

Women can be manipulated at different levels. When a man turns from a caring partner into an egoist pursuing only personal goals, a girl may break down or refuse to build a relationship.

No need to use:

  1. Humiliation. This is a sneaky type of manipulation that involves hints of physical defects. As a result, the man will find himself next to a notorious and uptight girl, constantly fearing that she will be abandoned.
  2. The belief that she is not worthy . This manipulation is typical for family people, for example, when a man earns more. The rationale boils down to the fact that a woman needs to be grateful, stay at home, and raise children. Reproaches like “who are you and what are you without me” lead to the wife’s self-esteem falling, and the husband and the entire family life become a burden.
  3. Indifference. The manifestation of slight coldness in a relationship will not allow the chosen one to relax and will allow her to develop and improve. However, complete indifference to the girl’s efforts to impress the guy will lead to a showdown.
  4. Empty promises for the sake of sex. Vulnerable and gullible girls, having become a victim of such manipulation, subsequently cease to trust men.
  5. Accusations. You should not take an accusatory position, shifting your mistakes and failures onto your partner. For example, a wife complained that her husband did not pay attention to the child, to which she would hear in response: “It’s my own fault, I’m very tired.” There is a reproach here by the fact that the wife and child do not bring in income, and the man supports the family alone.
  6. Provoking conflict. An insidious manipulation of people who prefer to present their woman in an unflattering light. Deliberately provoking a conflict, he brings her to screaming, tears or hysterics, then replacing anger with mercy. In such a situation, the girl begins to think that she lives with a man of unlimited patience.

Depending on the intentions and ultimate goal of manipulation, relationships can be managed using innocent tricks or rather cynical and calculating techniques. However, you need to act with caution so as not to cross moral and ethical boundaries or not fall into the same trap yourself.

Have an unusual date

Absolutely all girls love pleasant surprises. Even a small gift can lift her spirits for several days to come. What can we say about an unusual date that will certainly increase her affection for you. You can find an idea for such a meeting on the Internet. It is unlikely that she had a huge number of dates for her to figure out such a simple idea. The main thing is to avoid banal options like going to a restaurant or cinema.

If you want to be alone with her, then an excellent option would be a trip to nature in a picturesque place. Please note that this approach will not work if there are a lot of mosquitoes in your region, which will only irritate you. If she doesn’t like traveling, you can organize an unusual pastime in the form of going to a quest or to an observation deck.

When choosing a place, consider those options where she definitely hasn’t been in the past. Any new impressions will be associated with you, which creates a psychological attachment. This approach is ideal, but be careful not to overdo it, otherwise you risk experiencing negative consequences. Don't choose too extravagant options that she might not like.

Shower her with compliments

Another thing that absolutely all girls love is compliments. They can be used in relation to any person, regardless of his gender and age. If you appreciate her new hairstyle, then believe that she will remember it for a very long time. Please note that you should not say the most common and hackneyed compliments. Choose an original option that stands out from the competition and it will definitely be yours.

For most girls, the main fear is losing attractiveness. Notice any, even the most minor, changes in her appearance. Tell her how beautiful her earrings or clothes are. There is no need to generalize or use classic words. The main thing is not to overdo it. Avoid phrases that can be interpreted in a completely different way to avoid unnecessary negative emotions.

“Only you can understand me!”

It is believed that strong expression of emotions is the prerogative of women. But it's also a great leverage point for girls.

A man who tells his companion about all the hardships of fate: unrequited love, shyness, uncertainty - becomes much closer to her. And adding the phrase “Only you understand me” to a tragic story will give a woman confidence that she is truly unique.

While a girl revels in her uniqueness, a man can easily manipulate her and achieve his desired goals.

How to manipulate a girl: bad and good cop

If you went on a date and everything went well, then congratulations - you are on the right track.
It would seem that now you just need to increase the pressure and try to win the girl’s heart even more, but this is far from the case. At this moment, the girl is in a state of euphoria, so you can play on the contrast. If you do not live in the same house with her, then you will disappear for a short time, explaining this by being very busy at work. Without seeing you every day, she will seriously miss compliments and gifts. A few days later you can meet again. This time you need to do everything to make the date perfect. As a result, the situation will be under your complete control. She will understand that the best moments of her life come from dating you. Therefore, she will look forward to them, becoming more and more attached to you.

How to win over a friend or colleague

Will it be possible to start a relationship with someone you already know and are close to? In principle, yes, this is possible, and such a situation will have both its pros and cons. On the one hand, during the time you met, you probably managed to study the girl, which means that it will be much easier to choose techniques that are suitable specifically for a particular person. On the other hand, it will not be easy for any person to change warm, friendly feelings to more intimate ones.

That is, here all the ideas are the other way around: we do not end up in the friend zone from an early relationship, but from a previously established friend zone we try to enter into a relationship.

Not every girl will dare to take such a step, because if the relationship fails, your friendship will most likely also come to an end. But, if you have already set such a goal for yourself, then you can try one of the techniques that will help you in this matter:

  • Give her hints that you like her. You should not immediately tell your chosen one about your feelings, this will scare her away. You have to start from afar. Try to give compliments, but they should not sound friendly. The girl must understand that you like her. Flirt and make advances to her at every opportunity. If she develops feelings and decides to have a relationship, you will feel it in her behavior.
  • Try to be close. She should feel your presence next to her. And it doesn’t matter whether she’s good or bad, in any situation you should try to be close to the girl, physically or mentally. Your task is to become indispensable so that she gets used to you.
  • Make her jealous. Girls tend to take guys, especially those who are in the status of friends, for granted. Therefore, if you want to win her heart, then you should make it clear to your chosen one that she may lose you. Did you manage to evoke feelings of jealousy? Consider it yours!

Feelings of guilt, duty and pity

Intimacy is an important part of a romantic relationship. Many guys think that girls don't need it as much, but this is an extremely common mistake. If you decide to move to a new stage of the relationship, but your friend did not appreciate this and turned on the image of being touchy, then you should choose the tactics of guilt and debt. It is enough to portray insult and tone of voice to influence the girl.

Female representatives are excellent psychologists. They perfectly sense changes in a man’s mood, so next time the girl will do everything to please you. If she really likes you, then she will want to find mutual understanding in terms of physical contact. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to seem like a touchy man behaving like a small child.


In order to learn all the subtleties about how to manipulate a girl , you do not need special skills or years of training. It is enough to master the basic principles and start applying them in practice. If you are already in a relationship, then gradually introduce the above methods into your life and soon you will see that your other half has become much more manageable and supportive. If you are just planning to find a life partner, immediately throw your entire arsenal into battle, but do not overdo it: excessive pressure can only push away a potential couple.

In addition to developing a relationship with a woman, it is important to be confident in her fidelity. This is the only way you can create long-term plans with your partner. Lovereport, a service that checks a person’s activity on social networks, can help you with this. With its help, you can understand who your girlfriend interacts with on Instagram and find out about her potential relationships on the side. A similar situation concerns profile activity on VKontakte and on various dating sites. If necessary, you can search by photo, finding profiles you may not have known about before. Using the service costs only 1,499 rubles per month. At the same time, a 2-day trial subscription is available for 49 rubles.

Strengths of manipulators

Why does a man manipulate a woman? The psychology of these actions is such that the stronger sex needs to prove their worth and be convinced of their omnipotence. And power is easier to establish over those who actively give in.

But before you master the art of manipulating women, pickup techniques and psychological techniques, it’s worth taking a closer look at the strengths of men.

The ideal manipulator is calculating and indifferent to his victim. It is impossible to pity him with prayers and tears. He is confident, well aware of his attractiveness and does not feel embarrassed.

In addition, a man should not forget about the strengths of women: beauty, femininity and softness. In order not to succumb to them and actually implement a complex plan regarding how to manipulate a woman, a man must be an unprincipled pragmatist. Every step, every word - everything must be verified. Women are greedy for balanced, independent men who can not only speak beautifully, but also listen.

However, no amount of natural charm and eloquence is enough for a woman to stay with a man who uses her. To maintain a one-sided relationship, you will have to resort to small tricks.

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