How to get rid of bad luck: three magical ways

  1. How to identify bad luck and understand the reasons for what is happening
  2. Rituals to get rid of bad luck

How to get rid of failures and lack of money? This is the question asked by every person who feels that he has begun to experience a bad streak. Many of us know very well what this is. When negative events happen one after another and even simple matters are not resolved, this indicates just such a black streak. People have been asking the question of how to get rid of bad luck in life since ancient times, because such situations are known to absolutely everyone.

Experienced magicians who possess knowledge that is not accessible to everyone know how to get rid of bad luck and lack of money. Pathological bad luck is a series of failures from which, as it may seem at first glance, there is simply no way out. However, you shouldn’t think like that and tune in to the negative. By sending such energy to the Universe, it is impossible to hope that anything positive will come in response. It is possible and necessary to get rid of bad luck and lack of money. Various magical methods will help replace the black streak with a white one, create conditions that allow you to confidently move forward towards your goals and achieve the desired results.

How to identify bad luck and understand the reasons for what is happening

Before getting rid of failures and lack of money, it is important to determine and understand that such a dark streak in life must have an end. Bad luck or a whole streak of negative events can manifest itself in the form of even unexpected factors. For example, suddenly, without any reason, bread or other essential products begin to spoil prematurely. Many people don’t pay attention to such things, which is not at all surprising given the modern pace of life. However, it is important to pay attention to such things, understanding that nothing happens by chance in our lives. Such seemingly insignificant things can be harbingers of significant problems in the future. If you pay attention to them in a timely manner, you can try to resist such a streak as bad luck.

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Constant lack of money and other problems in life can result from communicating with “whiners” and losers. Such people, who constantly complain about life, spread the corresponding energy. Their listeners unwittingly become “infected” with it, which brings negative changes into their lives. To get rid of problems and lack of money, you will need to eliminate communication with such people or reduce it to a minimum as possible.

If you don’t understand the true reasons, but simply enter a query on the Internet, you can find information that constant bad luck in life can be a consequence of the following reasons:

  • boasting and self-evil eye,
  • internal negative attitude, expectation of something bad,
  • karmic predisposition,
  • damage, curse,
  • entities and settlers.

Folk methods of dealing with failures

1. Rituals with salt . Salt is made up of many small crystals. Therefore, in case of failure, it was recommended to throw it over the left shoulder and sprinkle it on the doors, corners and windows in the house.

2. Prayer to the Guardian Angel . You can add it by lighting your home and visiting church. The text of the prayer is optional. The main thing is that it comes from the soul, from the heart.

3. Making an amulet bracelet . To do this, threads of seven colors are intertwined: red (from ill-wishers), orange (from envy), yellow (from damage), blue (to increase intuition), blue (facilitate communication), green (from deception), purple (from accidents) . Then, a person close to you should tie these threads into seven knots on the wrist of your left hand.

Bad luck will become a distant memory if you set realistic goals for yourself, act, analyze the results and act again, adjusting the goals...

When to work and when to rest

What else needs to be done? Here are some specific recommendations from psychologists.

  1. You should not be lazy and complain about the lack of time. Make a list of tasks indicating the exact date of their completion - and consider each of them as another victory over failures. At the same time, do not go to the other extreme - know how to relax, enjoy your free minutes. Don't dwell on the past or spend a lot of time dreaming about the future. Live for today!
  2. If you have to do several things in a row, start with the most unpleasant one. And then tell yourself that it has already been done!
  3. Don’t feel that you are the worst, help others, feeling your strength and ability to do something positive.

Physiologists have found that in stressful situations that arise during a streak of bad luck, many people have only one hemisphere active: if the left hemisphere is used, the person works forcefully as usual; if the right hemisphere is used, he tries to do nothing. Both are bad, but there are exercises to get out of this state.

You can read poetry out loud - this contributes to the coordinated work of both hemispheres, because speech is regulated by the left, and rhythm by the right. And while talking on the phone, place the receiver either to your right or to your left ear. This way you activate both hemispheres and increase your level of vital energy.

Developing Positive Thinking

Most lucky people have one thing in common: they perceive bad episodes as successes. Here Richard Wiseman gives a textbook example of silver and bronze medalists. The first ones are upset, that's why they fell just a little short of victory. The latter are glad that they were included in the top three. This is a classic example of positive thinking. Some people have it from birth, but, as in the case of observation, it can be developed through special practices.

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Positive thinking should not be confused with the proverbial “rose-colored glasses.” In the first case, we are talking about the most adequate perception of reality and its rational analysis. The metaphor about rose-colored glasses is more about a naive perception of reality, substitution of concepts and self-deception. I would also like to note that working on positive thinking can lead to undesirable consequences, so it is better to do this together with a qualified specialist.

Looking for the positive side in any negative situation

The simplest and most effective way to deal with failure is an active life position. Even if something bad happened, try to find your positives in the echoing event and focus on them.

Scratched your car? The paint has already peeled off in places anyway, and now I’ll definitely have to take the car in for service, but it will be as good as new!

Did your boss force you to redo a poorly prepared report? I’ll have to sit on it at home, but at least I’ll grow professionally and I’ll have the opportunity to distinguish myself.

The guy didn't show up for a date? Well, a free evening has appeared, I have dreamed for so long that I would have it, and I will completely devote it to idleness. That is, you mentally turn a big failure into a little luck and try to enjoy it. According to the principle “nature has no bad weather”: in the world there is not only bad and only good, everything depends on our assessments of this or that event.

Why are you unlucky with money?

Every person sometimes has questions about why he can’t make normal money. It seems to work from morning to night, but the amount of funds only decreases. The main reason is that many of us grew up with negative beliefs related to money. They look like this:

  1. You can earn decent money only in situations where you work from morning to night. Moreover, the work must be hard and physical. If you choose a different lifestyle, you will have to starve.
  2. You can't make money if you do what you really like. This is especially true for people who are passionate about creativity. When trying to start a career in this field, a person thinks that everything is bought everywhere, and success depends on the right contacts.
  3. The whole family always worked very hard, but there was never a lot of money at home. Therefore, there is no point in trying to earn them.
  4. All rich people are unpleasant, have terrible characters, and are also very arrogant.
  5. If a person has a lot of money, then he definitely earned it through some kind of illegal fraud.
  6. Only incredibly lucky people can find money on the street, and you are definitely not one of them.

You can only break out of this vicious circle on your own. You shouldn't count on anyone's help. It is no secret that the individual creates his own world.

Openness to new things

The probability of catching luck will increase significantly when we leave the framework of the usual. For most of us, life moves at a routine pace. We get used to it, and it even seems comfortable to us. Communication with the same circle of people on the same topics, a standard daily routine, vacations in the same places - all this makes life monotonous and like a vicious circle. There is little room for surprises and spontaneous luck.

To increase your chance of luck, it is not at all necessary to destroy the usual way of things or leave your comfort zone. It is enough to be open to communicating with new people, to accustom yourself to introduce slight variety into the usual ceremonies of everyday life (for example, returning from work by different routes), and to stop being a prisoner of your schedule.

Bad luck in your personal life

Quite often, people complain not about bad luck in general, but about the fact that in their personal lives everything is not going as they would like. And with a prolonged lack of success in this area, others also suffer. Lack of love sometimes even negatively affects physical health. The most interesting thing is that the reasons for this bad luck differ for people of different sexes.

Why is a man unlucky in his personal life?

The most common reasons for bad luck in men are as follows:

  1. Not the best past experience. If a person is disappointed in the idea of ​​a relationship, then he begins to have problems with self-esteem. In the future, complexes appear, which sometimes lead to hatred towards representatives of the opposite sex.
  2. The belief that girls are only interested in material values. Usually the cause of this problem lies, again, in a bad past experience, when a man spent a lot on his chosen one, but she did not appreciate it. Although there are situations when a girl does not need expensive gifts, and her boyfriend thinks that her demands are too high. But in reality there was simply no need to try to buy love.
  3. Problems in intimate life. Lack of experience or certain failures or physiological characteristics deprive a man of self-confidence. And hence the inability to communicate with women.
  4. Reluctance to learn to live with another person. This is common for older men or widowers. There is also the so-called “fear of bachelors.”

Why is a woman unlucky in her personal life?

For some girls, the main reason for their bad luck is their high self-esteem and the demands they make on their chosen ones. But, of course, there are other nuances.

  1. The desire to see a very wealthy man next to you. When people are young and start a relationship, they often don’t have capital yet. And adult men have a family that will need to be provided for in the event of a divorce. Therefore, girls should not expect that they will easily get a “ready-made” rich chosen one who will satisfy all their desires.
  2. Failed relationships in the past. As you know, women are more emotional and sensitive. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to cope with the disappointments caused by the relationship. Before starting a new novel, you need to analyze your previous mistakes.
  3. Fear of intimate relationships. Some girls think that they look ugly and are embarrassed by their shortcomings. Some women who have experienced sexual violence cannot overcome psychological barriers. Then you need to see a psychologist.
  4. Some divorced women become fixated on the fact that they no longer need a man. They prefer to be alone and consider self-development important.

Absent-mindedness or bad luck?

We might fall, we might lose our phone, we might fail an exam. What is it, absent-mindedness or bad luck?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, but if such unpleasant incidents occur on a catastrophic scale, then most likely this is pure bad luck, or, as it is also called, a bad streak in life.

Complete bad luck complicates life and lowers self-esteem. It gets to the point where before we start doing something, we ask ourselves: “Why? It won’t work anyway.” And it doesn't work.

And all because the goal for a negative result is set.

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