How to take revenge on a guy beautifully? 10 trouble-free ways

Revenge is a useless and draining thing. People take revenge on others for mistreatment. Many girls, after a painful breakup with a guy, first experience disappointment and pain, and after a while they have a desire to take revenge for everything that they experienced. Such plans for revenge often do not leave their heads, and some girls still take active action and bring them to life. If a girl has decided that the relationship will not have a common future, and she has not lost the desire for revenge, then she can arrange a “fun life” for her ex-boyfriend. This article will look at how to take revenge on a guy beautifully?

Harm the toy

Guys are grown up children. They all have toys, especially their favorite one. It could be a car, a computer, all sorts of trinkets. And a girl can harm these things with the help of tools (hammer, axe, bat), pour paint on them, but there is also a downside. This idea of ​​how to beautifully take revenge on a guy can end sadly for the girl herself. The guy could sue and she could be punished for the damages caused. A less risky option is to sprinkle grain on your car to attract birds.

Evil brings no satisfaction

When you do something evil, you make it clear that you are empty and emotionally dependent.

Vicious revenge may bring short-term satisfaction, but it is definitely not the best solution, since by doing so, you are holding yourself back from moving forward and healing from the resentment.

When you seek revenge, you dig two graves. Confucius.

Put in an awkward situation7

You can call a delivery service for pizza, sushi, medicine (anything), place an order on an Internet site with some large equipment and indicate delivery of the order to the guy’s address. If your ex is spending time with a new flame, he won't want to look awkward. In order not to seem like a beggar and a miser, he will most likely even buy back the first few goods, but in the end this will lead him to real hysteria. You can also, if you know your new passion personally, start communicating with her, make friends, tell her that you had an experience with a bad guy who greatly offended you, and then suddenly say that this person is her boyfriend.

How not to do something stupid in a fit of anger

When deciding to take revenge on a man, it is important not to do anything stupid under the influence of emotions. First of all, as revenge, you should not choose the idea of ​​damaging his property (for example, pouring paint on him or hitting a car) - this is a legally punishable undertaking that can backfire on you. Also, the possibility of injuring a man would not be the best idea - you should not take revenge by “accidentally” pouring boiling water on him or dropping something heavy on his head. If it turns out that this was not an accident, you will also face liability. And if a man is aggressive and takes everything with hostility, then mutual revenge in your direction is not excluded.

To summarize the above, we can say with confidence that revenge takes place if otherwise a woman’s negative feelings from betrayal or resentment on the part of her beloved man cannot find another way out. At the same time, revenge must be taken in such a way that it does not become a violation of the law and does not harm the life and health of the man. It is enough just to hurt his feelings and male pride for revenge to have the desired effect.

Communicate with the guy's relatives8

If his mother treats the girl well, then he needs to continue communicating with her. The ex will know through his mother that the girl is doing well, has a new boyfriend, found a good job, and is successful.

The ex-boyfriend will bite his elbows, it will hurt him that everything turned out great for the girl without him.

The best revenge is to live well

As cliché as it may sound, the best revenge is to forgive, live well, and succeed.

There will be no immediate gratification in this case, but in the end you will definitely be rewarded.

Many people say that “living well is the most effective method of revenge,” and this is true. Focusing on living your life will bring better results. Although this is a more difficult and longer path than banal revenge, which will only lead to even more anger and disappointment.

Make you regret9

This method is the most time-consuming and complex, but the most useful for the girl as an individual. While the girl is thinking about how to beautifully take revenge on the guy, she can make radical changes at this time, and this applies to both appearance and internal content. You can get rid of the goal of revenge by engaging in free time: enrolling in interesting courses, a gym or a dance school. When, after some time, the ex sees a girl in excellent shape with a radiant smile on her face and realizes that he has lost her forever, this will bring him such suffering that can hardly be compared with a damaged car or a cut expensive shirt.

How to take revenge on your ex-husband, boyfriend, lover for insults and humiliation?

As stated earlier, revenge only makes sense when you have a really good reason for it, unless, of course, you want to do something bad to your ex just for your own pleasure. Good reasons include insults and humiliation.

  • Insults towards a woman, especially his beloved, are simply unacceptable. This behavior is not characteristic of real men - this is exactly what you need to start from when coming up with your plan for revenge.
  • You can take revenge on your ex for his attitude towards you in different ways, but all of them should be aimed at making him feel ashamed of himself.
  • Initially, you can try to take revenge on your “beloved” by doing to him the same way he does to you. In this case, try not to go too far, especially if you just want to teach the person a lesson and not break up, but make peace with him. It is important to note that in such a situation, after insults towards your partner, you should talk to him and discuss what is happening, explain to him, using his own example, how unpleasant it is for you to be the subject of his bullying. Sometimes such measures are enough to stop offensive things towards yourself.


  • If your ex did not understand such actions of yours, go to plan “B”. Tighten your measures - try to insult him among friends, in a public place, however, do it in such a way as to cause minimal harm to yourself. You shouldn’t do this with your family, especially if they have never previously known about problems of a similar nature existing in your union. It is very unpleasant for men to hear humiliation in front of someone, because it greatly affects their dignity.
  • If even after public insults your ex does not calm down or this is not enough for you to calm down, try using the following method. Record insults and bullying on camera or phone and arrange a public viewing. Invite, under the pretext, to watch a film of his acquaintances, they will probably be your mutual friends, and instead of the film, turn on a recording in which your ex or current man, if you have not broken up yet, shows himself in the “best” light. This method is very effective, however, you certainly shouldn’t expect reconciliation after its implementation, so take this factor into account.

Don't let yourself be insulted

  • Consider what was said earlier. If you have children in common with the person you are taking revenge on, try to do everything so that they do not see or hear all this.
  • If you were humiliated or insulted about your appearance or figure, then you can take revenge in the following way. Collect your lover's favorite things, don't be too lazy to go to the tailor and have them sewn up at least 1 size. The offender will be “pleasantly” surprised by your gift and will certainly understand why you did what you did.
  • Send a registered letter addressed to the boss of your abuser with a request to tell him that he must appear at a seminar where they will teach men how to behave correctly with the women they love, not to humiliate or insult them. Of course, you don’t need to arrange such a seminar for your ex. This situation will be extremely unpleasant for him, and his superiors will understand that there are some problems with the behavior of your offender.


None of the above methods will allow a girl to move forward in life. Such pranks can only give perverted satisfaction and make the girl even more vindictive. Ignoring your ex and starting your life again is the best way to take revenge on your ex-boyfriend. Or you can change your phone number, limit access to your social networks, and not show your feelings and experiences.

So, the best way to take revenge on a guy beautifully is to be happy. If a guy sees that a girl has blossomed without him, especially if the young lady has an interesting life, an ideal appearance and a strong relationship, then the ex will probably experience greater mental pain than if the girl simply stooped to his level and did outright nasty things.

The girl must let go of her ex and live in harmony with herself. You need to get rid of the need for revenge, erase it from your life.

How to take revenge on your ex-husband, boyfriend, lover: is it worth taking revenge?

Many people believe that revenge is the only and fairly good way out of the situation, but is this true? Initially, you need to figure out whether you really want to take revenge and whether you are morally ready to do it, because in fact, revenge is bad, and in principle nothing can justify such actions.

  • Figure out how badly your companion really acted. Of course, all women evaluate actions and how bad they are differently. But you need to understand that you cannot take revenge for minor offenses, just as you cannot take revenge for honesty and truth that you simply did not like. For example, if your man honestly admitted to you that he no longer has any feelings for you, that he fell in love with someone else, etc. In this case, you need to accept the situation and let your chosen one go, since he acted honestly and in this case there is, in principle, a reason for revenge No.
  • Having analyzed what happened and the behavior of your companion, ask yourself whether you would have acted the same way in a similar situation. Perhaps by your behavior you provoked a man to do some bad things towards you. In this case, revenge will also be inappropriate.

Understand and analyze

  • Ask yourself why you want to take revenge on your lover , what exactly motivates you, and what you ultimately want to get. For example, if you still have feelings for a man and hope to fix everything, to start over, then there is definitely no need to take revenge.
  • Admit to yourself honestly whether you are ready to “start a war,” because often men accept the rules of your “game” and begin to do nasty things in response, and this is always unpleasant and difficult.
  • Well, and, of course, consider whether you have children together. Taking revenge on the father of your children is not always a good idea, since your children and their interests may suffer from this, and your relationship with the man should not affect them in any way.

If, after analyzing the situation, you still want to start taking revenge on your ex, then you have really good reasons for this, however, even in this case, you need to do this wisely and without maximalism.

Does the wife of a traitor need the truth?

Whether it is worth telling about the adventures of a married lover to his wife is a sensitive issue. On the one hand, I want to take revenge on the man, but on the other hand, it will be more difficult for him to survive this situation, not for him, but for his wife and children. Even if the wife suspected her husband’s affairs, the bitter truth could kill her.

If the feelings of the spouse do not play a role for the offended woman, she can safely take revenge on the offender by throwing a couple of feminine objects into his bag or even leaving them in the apartment where he lives with his family. The aroma of perfume, traces of lipstick, a woman's hair on a shirt, an intimate note - such evidence of a wife's infidelity is noticed first.

In any situation, it is important to maintain dignity and not fall below the plinth. Don't forget about your own safety. Even if the scoundrel has already done a mischief, having felt the punishment for what he has done, he may want to annoy him in return. It doesn’t matter whether you need to take revenge on your wife’s lover, a former admirer or his wife, you should strive to act carefully and sophisticatedly, remembering to think through a plan of action in advance.

Feelings of guilt and desire to possess

Tormented by the question: “The guy left me - how to take revenge on him?” — it’s worth thinking about self-improvement and self-development. Psychologists have long discovered a characteristic of men, namely that the woman who rejected him becomes an unattainable ideal for him. Over time, he begins to endow her with non-existent qualities and experiences a strong desire to return her. Even if there was no strong passion on his part before, now it will definitely appear.

The guy will be jealous and imagine the girl spending time with someone else and how happy she is. In addition, the situation will be aggravated by the fact that the feeling of guilt will begin to gnaw at the traitor. After all, it was on his initiative that the breakup occurred. He will regret that fatal offense for a very long time. If the suffering and torment of her ex-boyfriend were the girl’s main goal, then she can consider her mission accomplished and enjoy the victory. All that's left to do is to become so attractive, confident and sexy that the guy can't think about anyone else.

Popular female techniques

In response to aggression and violence, women can counter very few behaviors. To seriously punish your husband, you can file a report of beatings at the nearest police station. Then, for beating your wife, administrative punishment will be applied under Art. 6.1.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and in case of repeated beatings - Article 115–116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

But this is an unambiguous end to family life: of course, if a woman has “victim syndrome” or other psychological abnormalities, she can repeat this scenario many times. Still, more prudent creatures act using other “homemade” methods.

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In principle, ostentatious indifference is an obvious technique for teaching a husband a lesson, which helps to “contactlessly” show his attitude, take a break and not say a lot of unnecessary offensive expressions.

Read How to decide to divorce your husband

But ignoring works effectively if the man understands the reason for the disagreement, and if the woman understands when it’s time to end “distance learning.”

If a man unsuccessfully expressed himself in response to the question: “Am I very fat?” - this is not a reason to keep him on a “starvation diet” for a month. He didn’t know how best to tell you the truth if you were really inclined to be overweight, he had no desire to offend you.

If your spouse makes retaliatory attempts to improve, you should not categorically reject them and humiliate his dignity; show that you agree to discuss the situation. For the sake of “decency,” you can be a little offended, and then graciously accept a gift or an invitation to a romantic dinner.


The “Great Migration” involves periodically packing a suitcase with things and moving the wife to live with friends or parents, or evicting the husband. A destructive method of interaction, which not only does not help to take revenge on the husband, but also adds new problems.

Sooner or later, he will have to return back and build further relationships, but at the same time, the spouse had the opportunity to think alone about how much he really needed such a family perspective.

Counter attack

“Mirror” measures are a very dangerous technique, since the man offended you, most likely impulsively, under the pressure of specific reasons. And you purposefully want to hurt him, to show your importance, which is considered a “deliberate crime”, which is more difficult to “understand and forgive.”

For example, he completely forgot about your birthday or wedding anniversary, this does not mean that you can do the same on his birthday. It's the same as if a man accidentally broke a plate and a woman deliberately broke another one to “get back” at him, a lot of noise, but no meaning.

Public Inquisition

Never sort things out publicly, and even more so, do not involve friends and relatives in this, who will begin to reproach or shame the man.

He perceives this as a betrayal, as an attack on his personal territory. If the wife is unable to punish her husband on her own, then strangers and “defenders” will certainly not be able to cope with this.

Tears, hysterics, scandals

The most primitive and most useless, senseless method of influence, which does not help at all to teach a man a lesson for inattention or aggression. If he doesn't spend enough time with you, it means he doesn't have time or doesn't have the desire to communicate with you.

After a quarrel, it will become even less, because a man is sensitive to even simulated, fake tears if he feels guilty. When a woman often abuses this technique, the partner simply becomes unresponsive and tries to avoid such a situation in the literal and figurative sense.

Threats of divorce

This technique is also often used when they want to teach a husband a lesson so that he is afraid of losing his family. It may help the first time, but if a man is unable, within the framework of common sense, to stop and not attack a woman, then she deserves it or has more patience.

You need to be prepared for the fact that divorce will happen sooner or later, because it is, in principle, abnormal when family problems are regulated in this way.

Remember! In order to reassure a woman and restore order in family life, a man is ready for any action. He can make obviously impossible promises, make insanely expensive gifts, agree to strange events, for example, repainting the walls eggplant color.

But as they say: “promised to marry - this does not mean that you got married”! Determine what your goal is - to achieve momentary recognition of wrongness or to build long-term relationships.

Refusal of intimate life

The most principled and stubborn women are capable of encroaching on a very vulnerable area in the male body and structure of the psyche. A man does not connect family problems and conflicts with his natural right to have a life partner.

For him, this is physiologically and psychologically important; refusal awakens the most base, unpredictable instincts. And it certainly doesn’t help to take revenge on a man; he will either get very angry or find a replacement, so it’s unknown how such maneuvers will end.

It’s not for nothing that a popular proverb says: “Fight, make up, but go to bed together!” A woman has the right, in the face of pressure from her husband, to express her position and say that she agrees to rapprochement if he is then ready to calmly discuss the situation. There is no need to manipulate and blackmail with your natural gift; it will be worse if a man simply doesn’t want you.

We recommend reading: 12 signs that your husband has a mistress.

Swap places

In order for a guy to understand the resentment his ex-girlfriend feels, he needs to be put in similar conditions. It is necessary to create a situation in which he will feel great disappointment and bitterness. You can promise him something and not deliver, or you can make up a story and then tell him that it’s a joke. After he expresses his dissatisfaction and grief, you need to explain to him that these are the feelings he once caused to a loved one. Perhaps this will make him reconsider his actions.

Black humor

To annoy the offender, you can put him in an ambiguous situation. For example, advertise in a local newspaper or post a message on the Internet with the following content: “Looking for a friend for pleasant meetings.” You need to leave not only his mobile phone, but also his work and home phones. The ad text can be anything, it depends on the girl’s imagination.

Social networks are not only about positive communication. By creating a “left” account and placing a photo of the traitor on your avatar, you can write to people on his behalf, making your ex-boyfriend look stupid and narrow-minded.

The following method can give a good effect. You need to call the offender at work and ask the secretary to tell such and such an employee that the results of his tests have arrived and he urgently needs to report to the dermatovenerology clinic. It is advisable to emphasize that delay is dangerous to life and health. This solution to the question of how to take revenge on a guy for betrayal is tough, but effective.

Revenge strategy

Before taking revenge on the man who offended you, look at the situation from different angles to calculate the possible outcome. To do this you need to cool down. Perhaps yesterday the partner’s action seemed like the beginning of the end, but today the offended party will perceive it differently.

Psychologists do not advise taking revenge on a man for grievances if a woman continues to be in a relationship with him, since war is a fiasco. But if simple conversations and logical arguments are not able to change anything, and the strength to resist the blank wall has run out, it’s time to choose a punishment for the negligent man. What it will be depends on the extent of the damage caused to you.

Before deciding on a course of action, think over a punishment plan. To do this, think about all the options for the outcome of your planned revenge, weigh all the pros and cons, try to predict your man’s reaction. If he has a hot temper, think twice about whether revenge will bring you serious harm.

Proceed with action only when everything is weighed and sorted.

Psychologist's advice

The pain of betrayal is one of the most powerful. In such cases, a woman almost always becomes depressed, her self-esteem drops, her mood becomes unstable and tearful. However, revenge is not the answer. It will only give temporary relief, but will not correct the situation.

To feel better, you need to start working on yourself. Change externally and internally, love yourself again. Sometimes it is even advisable to seek the help of a professional psychologist and take antidepressants. The reward for this is a happy future, new love and family. And of course, biting your ex’s elbows.

An insult always evokes a desire to take revenge on the traitor. Some people actually feel better after revenge. However, more often it completely separates people and makes them bitter towards each other. Therefore, before taking action, you should think seriously. Moreover, there are always two people to blame in a situation.

Marina, Rostov

More drastic methods

  • If one specific person interferes with the life of the entire team, you can unite and arrange a strike for him, stop communicating with him, do not respond to requests, simply ignore him, if the enemy does not try to improve, he simply will not be able to work in such a team and will very soon leave his workplace, or simply stop stressing you out.
  • You can translate a colleague’s working document into some exotic language (for example, Hindi), it is advisable, of course, to keep the original, but if you are serious about it, leave it as is and let him redo it again. You can translate simply by copying the text into the translator.
  • Using a syringe, you can fill the enemy's working mouse, and then his hands will be oily, he will wash them every time, and they will get dirty again and again.
  • Another “trick” with the mouse is cling film. Put it under your arm, and it won’t react; you need to do this as discreetly as possible, so that your colleague doesn’t immediately guess.
  • You can take a screenshot of the work screen and when a colleague leaves for a couple of minutes, open this picture, but do it so that it is on the entire screen, and there are no icons. To ward off suspicion, you can even offer your help and pretend that you want to fix something, the main thing at this moment is to hold back your laughter.
  • If your colleague comes in in black trousers (a girl, respectively, in a skirt), draw a target in his workplace with chalk, if you persuade all your colleagues, you can enjoy the funny spectacle all day long, and “send” your colleague home in this form. This method is best suited for those who have light-colored chairs in the office.
  • Of course, you can always expose your hated colleague to your boss, spoil his report, and then he will not only be forced to redo all the work again, but also lose his bonus.

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