The yin and yang sign: image of the symbol, where it came from, essence, projections, our life in the yin-yang style

“Unity is in diversity,” says one famous aphorism. What does it mean? This means that perceiving the world as imperfect and thinking that there is something superfluous, disturbing and harmful in it is, to put it mildly, the initial level of development. Moreover, such a position, if a person is stuck in it for a long time, closes the path to further development. Because thinking that there is something in the world that hinders development is not constructive. You can say that mosquitoes are evil and start exterminating all mosquitoes. But if they exist, then someone needs it. At a minimum, they serve as food for other forms of life, and the disappearance of mosquitoes will cause the extinction of other species of living beings. Therefore, any fight against evil is initially doomed to failure.

It is about the principle of harmony that the “yin-yang” symbol tells us. This is one of the most recognizable symbols - a circle divided into two halves. One of them is black and the other is white. What does this symbol say, where did it come to us, what secret meanings might it contain? Let's try to figure it out.

  • Meaning of yin-yang
  • What is yin-yang
  • What meanings does the yin-yang symbol contain?

We will try to understand these and other issues and find out how the yin-yang principle can be applied in real life and how this can help on the path of development.

The meaning and essence of yin yang

The Chinese interpretation explains in simple terms what yin and yang essentially mean. We ourselves and all the things around us carry masculine and feminine principles.

The masculine principle is Yang. It represents activity, white light, warmth, life. This concept includes such qualities characteristic of men as prudence and rationalism.

The feminine principle, which personifies Yin, is associated with the soul, moonlight, death, and dark color. The feminine principle includes everything soft, spiritual, passive, compliant. This concept includes female intuition, rationality, observation, and wisdom.

There is also a division of numbers. Odd numbers refer to the Yang symbol, and even numbers refer to the Yin symbol.

This division has its roots in the fact that Chinese philosophy has two directions. The first of them is Confucianism, reflecting masculinity, rationalism, and activity. The second is Taoism, personifying femininity, intuition, and mysticism.

Each half has a dot of the opposite color. This means that every light side has a little bit of dark in it, and every dark side has some light in it.

The dividing line is not straight for a reason. Its waviness indicates a smooth transition from the light side to the dark side, and vice versa. Thanks to this, each of the opposites is able to penetrate each other.

Enemies and Hazards

These are the enemies and hazards of Yin Yang. Most enemies can be removed by jumping on them or pushing a box into them.

  • Spikes
    – Spikes are found in almost every level and will remove all of Yin or Yang's hearts upon touching.
  • Worms
    – Worms move slowly around the area. Worms can be found on ceilings and will fall as soon as Yin or Yang move under them.
  • Birds
    – Birds bounce on the ceiling and floor. They cannot be removed, only avoided.
  • Pigs
    – Pigs move along the floor. Unlike Worms, Pigs can jump onto and over things. They will also fall into pits.
  • Spike Heads
    – Spike heads are stationary and also cannot be removed. They are heads with spikes surrounding them. Unlike regular spikes, touching a spike head will only get rid of one heart.
  • Dragons
    – Dragons will copy Yin and Yang's movement from the opposite dimension. They can be tricked if the player only moves while swapping between Yin and Yang.
  • Bees
    – Bees will chase Yin and Yang. They can swap dimensions. They will chase whoever is currently selected.

Yin and yang energy concept

The symbols of yin and yang represent the interaction of two strongest energies that cannot exist without each other. The fusion of these energies fills the entire universe. These opposites constitute unity. The meaning of each symbol determines the type of energy inherent in them.

A person who wants to comprehend all the mysteries of the surrounding world, including himself, must master the science of competent use of this energy and help control its flow.

From an astrological perspective, feminine energy is ruled by the Moon. Yin energy is fluid and flexible. Women are more soft and tender. They tend to understand and forgive. Yin energy, in its formlessness, resembles water. It fills all objects throughout the world. The yang energy also extends to the earth. This allows the seeds that fall into it to germinate.

Masculine energy is protected by the Sun. It gives dynamics, fire, leadership qualities, and categorical judgment. This energy is intelligent and motivating, giving you the desire to achieve your goals.

The ideal state is a balance between the calm, judicious energy of Yin and the active creative energy of Yang. The change of one period to the opposite will contribute to an active and creative life.

Interactive Objects

These are the objects of Yin Yang.

  • Symbols
    – Symbols boost the player's score by 25 each.
  • Exit Flags
    – There are two exit flags on every level. The level is completed when they are reached.
  • Boxes
    – The boxes can be pushed and pulled by Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang can travel through boxes of the opposing world.
  • Signs
    – Signs occasionally to explain new elements of the game. Pressing “Control” while in front of them will cause their text to be displayed.
  • Ladders
    – Ladders are found around the game. Yin and Yang can climb them.
  • Gravity Switches
    – Gravity switches can change gravity for Yin or Yang to reach certain areas.
  • Moving Platforms
    – Moving platforms can be used to ride on top of, or can be used as a tunnel to travel through for the opposite dimension.
  • Key Switches
    – Key switches remove lock blocks in the opposite dimension for as long as Yin, Yang, or a box is on top of one.
  • Lock Blocks
    – Lock blocks are removed by key switches.
  • Changing Blocks
    – Changing blocks change from black and white and can also be used as platforms or tunnels.
  • Box Passers
    – Box passers move boxes placed in them to the other world, changing the boxes' color.

What will help you achieve harmony?

Appearance is a reflection of a person’s inner world. No one can be only good or only bad. Harmony between these components is necessary. Every person needs an alternation of active periods and times of calm in his life.

The signs of yin and yang have different effects on a person's life. To avoid a violation of harmony, Yin energy should prevail in women, and Yang energy, respectively, in men. This imbalance will create the necessary balance. If violated, irreversible consequences may occur. Negative emotions may appear, which significantly impair the quality of life. Chronic diseases may occur.

Energy Type Test

We invite you to take a test to determine the type of energy:

  1. Can you say with confidence that your hands and feet are almost always warm (yes - “+8” points, no - “-8”)?
  2. Would you prefer hot summer to winter (yes – “+4”, no – “0”)?
  3. Do you like winter more than summer (yes – “-4”, no – “0”)?
  4. Are you overweight (yes – “+1”, no – “0”)?
  5. Are you of normal weight or below normal weight (yes – “-1”, no – “0”)?
  6. Do you consider yourself an energetic person (yes – “+8”, no – “0”)?
  7. Does physical labor tire you (yes – “0”, no – “+4”)?
  8. Do you consider yourself a lazy person (yes – “-4”, no – “+4”)?
  9. Are you able to fall asleep in a car (yes – “-8”, no – “+8”)?
  10. Are you sexually active (yes – “+8”, no – “-8”)?
  11. Do you have a beautiful, toned figure (yes – “+4”, no – “-4”)?

Now calculate the result:

  • A minus indicates that Yin energy predominates in you.
  • If you get 1-8 points, you are a representative of Yang energy.

If, based on the test results, you see that Yang energy is literally boiling in you, diversify your diet with Yin food: eat more cereals, vegetables, seafood and fish, and also exclude too fatty, salty and sweet foods from your diet.

Yin people are recommended to include meat, dairy products, sweets in their diet, and you can also experiment with spices.

How should interaction occur between a man and a woman?

Nature divided all people into men and women, giving them the opportunity to be happy.

The yin and yang symbols represent the rules by which men and women communicate. Men are attracted to women by their softness, external attractiveness, understanding, and ability to create comfort in the home. Women are attracted to men by reliability, providing stability in life, and worshiping their beauty.

However, this can be looked at differently depending on what specific people are like. It happens that it is a woman who is active and purposeful. Then a gentler man who can support her with his understanding and tolerance will suit her.

The energy of yin and yang is not divided exactly in half. The main thing is to have a reasonable balance. For example, it is known that two leaders in the same family practically cannot get along, and separation becomes almost inevitable.

It is believed that a man and a woman cannot fully understand each other, they are so different in nature. Sometimes it is not so much understanding as it is addition that is more important. Each of them in the family performs its own function and for this we must be grateful.

If the main breadwinner is the husband, then you should not be offended by the fact that he cannot always provide his lifelong friend with full help with the housework. On the other hand, a woman who has become a mother is physically unable to pay the same attention to her husband, and this must be treated with understanding.

Correct interaction between a man and a woman will help both of them to realize themselves in life, and not only become happy themselves, but also raise healthy and happy children. No one will do this work for them, and the advice of other people will help little. There needs to be a proper understanding of how to show understanding and love to each other.

Yin colors in feng shui

According to Feng Shui, colors that have the power of Yin bring healing and relaxation. The connection between Feng Shui and flowers will be easier to understand by looking at the examples below.

Blue color

The color blue has the power of Yin. It is soft and soothing. The color blue has a special meaning in Feng Shui as it reflects love because it is healing and relaxing. Blue color is excellent for creating a feeling of peace and trust. It is the color of water and the sky, so in Eastern practice it is associated with travel and exploration. A dark shade of blue is the color of intelligence and wisdom.

Black color

Black color in Feng Shui represents monetary wealth and profit. Black, like no other color, favors career growth, can provide emotional protection and give strength.

Purple color

The color purple, which is at the very end of the spectrum, is extremely important in feng shui. This color is ideal for getting rid of mental and physical ailments. In the art of Feng Shui, it is associated with spiritual enlightenment.

Pink color

The color pink also has yin power. This color symbolizes purity, tenderness, love and romance.

Green color

Green Feng Shui promotes harmony, balance, physical, emotional and spiritual healing. The color green is primarily associated with trees, and who doesn't love trees, leaves or lush vegetation. This color is associated with growth and development, peace and tranquility.

Grey colour

The color gray is usually associated with clouds, fog and smoke, thereby giving rise to negative feelings, sadness and sadness. At the same time, according to Feng Shui, gray color can evoke a feeling of satisfaction and comfort.

Silver color

Silver is the color of trust and romantic feelings. It is the color of the moon, which is constantly changing, promoting harmony, balance and spiritual purification.

The history of the appearance of the Yin-Yang symbol

The symbol originated in Ancient China. He was the basis of natural philosophy. This symbol laid the foundation for the Chinese worldview. Used by Taoists for fortune telling and rituals.

This theory was formulated by Zou Yang in the 4th century BC. A hundred years later, commentaries on his “Book of Changes” were published. It laid out in detail the basis of this teaching.

There are versions that “Yin” was a symbol of the shadow slope of the mountain, and “Yang” - the sunny one.

Maybe that’s why it was believed that the greatest influence of Yin occurs during the winter solstice, and that of Yang - during the summer solstice.

In Ancient China, all musical sounds were divided between the principles of Yin-Yang.

Confucianism focuses on Yang, while Taoism focuses on Yin.

How to establish a balance of energies in the house?

If your home has already been built and you cannot change the surrounding

its terrain, that is, there are still ways to achieve the harmonious coexistence of the two principles. If overwhelming yin energy predominates, it is necessary to make the front door smaller or move it altogether. It would be a good idea to repaint it red, or increase the illumination in front of the entrance to the house. There is a logical reason for such actions - most of the energy enters the home through the door.

If there is an excess of yang energy, the opposite measures must be taken. Make the door dark blue, dim the light on the porch, add shade to the area by planting bushes and trees. A pond will also reduce active energy.

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