How to catch your husband cheating in a cunning way: tips and tricks

It is terrible and unpleasant to suspect your beloved and dear husband of infidelity. Just to suspect! After all, imagination sometimes does terrible things, building completely unthinkable scenarios in your head. The woman suffers herself and torments her husband with jealousy. So sometimes it’s better to be cunning and expose your husband, convict him of treason, no matter how sad it may be. But hard evidence is sometimes better than guesswork.

Why you shouldn't rush things

A woman has highly developed intuition, and if there is discord in the family, she immediately feels it. If additional circumstantial evidence of betrayal appears, this fuels the emotional intensity. An offended wife strives to find out the truth at any cost, but there is no need to rush to conclusions.


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It’s easy to catch your husband cheating with the help of feminine tricks, but you need to calm down first. Finding out the truth is not difficult, it is much more difficult to figure out what to do with it. Only a sober mind and refusal of impulsive actions will help you make the right decision. You need to think about how to live further after exposure: should you break off or still maintain the relationship.

In addition, you should not rush for one more reason - you cannot scare off an unfaithful spouse. If he suspects surveillance, plans to expose him may fail. He will become much more careful, and men know a lot about conspiracy. For a deceived wife, the surest tactic is patient waiting.

No complaints!

How to catch your wife cheating? Its first “symptom” is that the woman suddenly stops pestering the man. For some unknown reason, she suddenly stops making scenes of jealousy, being bitchy, and paying attention to a man’s barbaric habit, for example, picking his teeth with a screwdriver or looking at trash cans that are not taken out.

How to recognize your wife's cheating? Of course, a man can happily assume that it was not in vain that he choked on paper during the chime of the New Year - and his wish finally came true. However, it is much more logical to explain such accommodating behavior by the fact that the woman’s focus of attention changed in a certain way, and she simply stopped paying attention to her (most likely, already ex) man.

Signs of male infidelity

Before you bring your boyfriend into the open, you need to choose an observation tactic. Infidelity seriously changes the behavior of men, so it will be easy to figure it out. There are indirect and direct signs indicating an affair on the side.

Heavy workload

A special love for work, if this has not been observed before, indicates that the husband has secrets. If he begins to regularly stay late in the office, and responds to urgent calls on business trips by improving his mood, you need to begin an active investigation using hidden methods:

  1. You can casually talk with your husband about his work, delays and business trips. If he has a secret affair, he will definitely screw up in the story.
  2. If you have the opportunity to communicate with colleagues, you can try to casually mention that your spouse is very busy at work and see their reaction.

The rudest way is to call your boss and try to find out what is causing your husband’s excessive workload. If the boss denies the active work of the spouse, this is a sure sign of the presence of omissions in the relationship.

Changes in appearance

Observing his appearance will help to expose your spouse if he denies infidelity. New love stimulates positive changes. Therefore, unfaithful husbands take more care of their appearance in order to impress their new passion. In practice it looks something like this:

  • he became attentive to his hairstyle;
  • always carefully selects the components of the image;
  • updated my wardrobe;
  • bought myself a new perfume;
  • Before leaving the house, he lingers longer in front of the mirror, assessing his appearance.

Such changes are the result of a desire to be liked. Typically, in marriage, men do not worry much about remaining attractive to their wives. Therefore, changes in attitude towards appearance are difficult not to notice.

Desire to play sports

The desire for physical activity, the desire to lose weight or get pumped up is another indirect sign, especially if the spouse has never been interested in sports. If the desire to make up for lost time appeared suddenly, and the spouses did not talk about such plans, it means that someone on the side is inspiring the husband to such positive changes.


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The desire to make your life better is not always a sign of betrayal. Therefore, you should not immediately attack your spouse with interrogations and reproaches. Often men take steps to improve their shape and health during periods of psychological crises or for company with friends. You need to understand everything in detail, and only after that make a decision on further actions.

Changes in sex life

It is worth paying attention to your husband’s behavior in bed, his preferences and level of sexual activity. There is no universal indicator for identifying infidelity, but some signs can be used as a clue. This option should be used only if you suspect that your husband has a permanent mistress.

What to pay attention to:

  • sexual appetite has changed - decreased or, conversely, increased;
  • there was a desire to experiment;
  • the man practices new poses, suggests changing something.

If he feels more than confident in new positions and techniques, there is reason to think about it. Most likely, he has already tried new techniques in bed with another woman.

An appraising look at other ladies

It is natural for men prone to polygamy to evaluate the sexuality of other women. But if a man has already managed to awaken his sexual appetite through infidelity, it is more difficult for him to hide his inclinations. His level of self-esteem and confidence in his attractiveness increases. As a result of this, he begins to look with appetite at the surrounding female representatives.

Often this happens involuntarily, even in the presence of the spouse. If a wife notices such an appraising look at her husband, she should think about it - perhaps this is a signal of existing problems in the relationship.

Changing attitude towards your spouse

The emergence of a new passion significantly affects the husband’s attitude towards his other half. There are several possible scenarios for the development of events:


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  • A man feels guilty for having an affair and becomes too attentive to his wife. Gives gifts, surprises and spends time more often than usual.
  • He becomes aggressive towards his wife. Even little things can provoke an outburst of anger and screaming. In such a situation, he tries to replace the feeling of guilt with anger, and is also guided by the principle “the best defense is an attack.”
  • There is more criticism in marriage. The husband compares his wife with other ladies, forces her to lose weight, dye her hair, or change her wardrobe. Pickiness and bias appear in relationships.

Such signals cannot be ignored if they appear against the background of well-being and harmony. You can try to talk frankly with your husband, trying to find out the reason for the changes.

Fear of looking your wife in the eye

If a husband avoids eye contact with his wife, he has something to hide. If this happens systematically in frank conversations or when discussing, for example, other people's infidelity, you can notice nonverbal impulses.

In addition, by avoiding eye-to-eye contact, the unfaithful husband becomes overly tense when topics related to infidelity are brought up in the conversation. In everyday life, you can notice that he has become more withdrawn. Avoiding eye contact is complemented by minimizing conversations. If it is possible to build a dialogue, it is only in line with the discussion of everyday issues or formalities.

Increased attention to the phone and social networks

Today, men use advances to maintain contact with their mistress. If the husband previously had no particular interest in social networks and could leave his phone anywhere, then with the advent of his mistress the situation will change:

  • He began to retire or go to a distance for telephone conversations.
  • He does not leave his phone in accessible places and always keeps it with him.
  • I became more actively interested in instant messengers and social networks.
  • Spends a lot of time staring at a phone or computer screen.

Not all men practice remote communication with their mistresses, but in some cases this may be a sign of betrayal. At the very least, the sudden changes in attitudes towards the telephone and social networks should be alarming.

Change in financial situation

Love outside the family requires investment, so financial situation is also an indicator of infidelity. The spouse will be forced to hide part of the income or spend more from the family budget. If he is unfaithful, he will keep silent about the spending or make up false excuses.

As a rule, relationships on the side take a significant toll on the family budget. If financial problems begin to arise, you can begin to take a casual interest in your husband’s expenses. If he is lying, it will still come out in one of the conversations.

"Alien" smells

I think you've already heard that most people are visual people. That is, they perceive information from an aesthetic point of view. But many women are also incredibly sensitive to smells?

If this is so, then you will definitely feel someone else’s scent on it, especially perfume.

The usual deodorants, soaps, and oils also smell very characteristic, which women themselves rarely change.

Do you notice that a man often comes home with the same smell and it’s not the smell of your homemade soap? It’s worth taking a closer look, that is, a sniff. This really looks like cheating, and regular cheating at that.

Instructions for finding evidence

You can try to find them using your phone. At any convenient time, when your spouse is, for example, in the shower, you can view the list of incoming and outgoing calls, as well as the history in the message folder. Even if all evidence is erased, the history of the numbers to which messages were sent is retained in memory. You need to have time to record them and try to call from an unfamiliar number. But this is not the most effective way; there are simpler options.


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New social network

Creating a new profile on a social network will help to convict a man of betrayal. By communicating with your husband under the guise of a stranger, you can get evidence. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to present them to the husband and do without a scandal. It’s better to try to get the password for his profile and check the correspondence history. Even if a man deletes everything, you can still find clues that will lead to the truth.

The car is your friend

A male driver will most likely disappear from home to meet his mistress by car. You can try to find traces of a woman's presence in the car or other indirect signs of infidelity. For example, reclined seats. It’s worth looking in the ashtray: if a man’s chosen one smokes, there will definitely be suspicious cigarette butts there.

It's worth looking under the rugs and under the seats. If the spouse spends time with his mistress, there may be some evidence there, for example, hairpins, rhinestones that have fallen off clothes.

Sex with a cheater

By the way, traces of someone else’s influence often appear in an intimate relationship with a spouse. Today there is an opinion that an unfaithful wife avoids her marital duty with all her might. However, this does not happen to everyone and not always.

On the contrary, a woman who has been on a spree can purposefully pay increased erotic attention to her husband in order to reduce his level of vigilance. It’s not for nothing that they say that a satisfied man is an inexperienced man.

Money is the most important indicator of male infidelity

The easiest way to identify an unfaithful spouse is to use available methods of control over the family budget. In any case, an affair on the side requires financial investments: flowers for a mistress, trips to a restaurant, gifts.

A husband who cheats on his wife will take money from the family budget, each time coming up with new excuses. You can ask him to show receipts for any services or goods that he allegedly paid for. Of course, he can easily get out of it and say that he lost it or threw it away. If this happens systematically, you can use a trick. For example, a wife might tell her husband that she plans to get serious about doing household bookkeeping. You can ask him to bring checks for accounting.

You also cannot let your guard down. It is worth paying attention to the receipts in your wallet or pockets. They can tell a lot about the leisure time of an unfaithful spouse or purchases that he wants to hide from his wife.

Turn on your intuition

Even before obvious signs of infidelity appear, every woman understands inside that something wrong is happening in the family. This is a feature of the female psyche and well-developed empathy. Therefore, intuition can be an assistant in finding the truth when you suspect treason. But first you need to calm down in order to hear the clues of your sixth sense. It is impossible to build a line of blaming the spouse on intuition alone, but it will make it possible to determine the direction for further search.

Show confidence

All spy games aimed at convicting a husband of infidelity must remain unnoticed, otherwise the truth may never emerge. During the investigation, you need to forget about sarcasm and not show your suspicions with hints, dissatisfaction and insults. The longer a man is sure that his wife does not suspect him of anything, the faster he will relax and give himself away.

Meet him after work

When he denies everything, you can use active offensive tactics. For example, unexpectedly appearing in his office before the end of the working day. This method always works if the man is consistently delayed. If he starts to get nervous, it means that his wife has ruined his plans for the evening with her unexpected visit.

But you can use another, more cunning method - to monitor his movements, for example, from a taxi. This will be difficult to do if the husband’s work is located on a deserted street, where there is no opportunity to blend in with the crowd or disguise himself.

Marks on the body and bruises

Passionate relationships outside of marriage can leave marks on a man's body. Scratches on the back or hickeys on the neck - you should not ignore such signs. But you shouldn’t start a scandal right away. To say: “I know everything about your infidelities,” more compelling evidence is needed. Therefore, you should not make decisions only because of marks on the body, this can lead to the man being justified and the conversation ending in a scandal.

Put it on his phone

There is another way to find out the truth through the phone - movement control. Mobile operators offer this service for parents so that they can monitor their child’s movements throughout the day. If you cannot get a confession out of your husband by any means, you can get one hundred percent evidence using.

Weapon XXI - information

Everyone knows that a rare man will refuse to fuck something new, but women have recently been trying to keep up.

The most important thing is to be observant of your significant other. This will help you avoid a lot of trouble and not be left in the cold. And, of course, you need to rely on your intuition.

Below are some tips on what you should pay attention to first in different life circumstances. They are divided into categories. And, as it turns out, in many cases it is easier to catch a man than a woman, since the latter leave behind more foreign objects. But since they are usually more impressionable, it is easier to notice betrayal in them by their behavior.

Useful tips

You should not take one or two signs of betrayal that appear in a relationship as a basis. To accuse your husband of infidelity, you need to be 100% sure of it.

To find out the truth, you can additionally use the following tricks:

  • hugging your husband after coming home, sniff him: the aroma of women's perfume is easy to recognize;
  • It’s worth checking your pockets discreetly, having first lulled your husband’s vigilance with a trusting attitude;
  • if the truth has become clear, the wife does not need to humiliate herself with scandals - she should decide what to do next;
  • It is undesirable to come into contact with the third party of the love triangle.

Cheating does not always become a reason for a breakup. Even if this happens, you need to maintain emotional balance and not allow resentment and hatred to have a toxic effect on your future life.

New girlfriends

How to understand that your wife is cheating? The second sign of betrayal is the appearance of new girlfriends. It was a long time ago that she had no one to go to a cafe or cinema with. Now almost all evenings of the week are occupied by incomprehensible Irishkas, Nadenkas and Olenkas. By the way, most likely this is not a cafe at all, but a pre-booked hotel room. In addition, she is not with Olenka, but with some Eduard Venediktovich.

How to catch your wife cheating? It's important to note that these could actually be new girlfriends. The fact is that the old guard most likely will not praise her for Eduard Venediktovich, especially if your couple formed a long time ago. Surely, her old friends have already come to terms with your candidacy and, most likely, have begun to sympathize with the couple in general.

How to recognize your wife's cheating? It is completely logical that she is unlikely to pay attention to men’s absences with friends and all kinds of business trips. By the way, most likely she will even like it.

How to find out if your husband is cheating with 100% accuracy

Absolute confirmation (denial) of the fact of treason is possible only with the participation of a professional private detective who will “shepherd” the suspect for a long time, photographing meetings and movements. Will provide irrefutable evidence to the customer (last name, first name, address, place of work of the mistress, address of the safe house, meeting times, photographs).

A weighty argument is a meeting, a phone call, initiated by the husband’s passion. It happens that a husband forgets his phone while leaving for work, leaves it behind while going for a swim, and the wife, answering an incoming call, hears instead of the standard greeting, “my cat, I miss you.”

Or the homewrecker specifically calls her legal half, desperate to wait for decisive action from the man, demands to “let him go,” accuses the wife of manipulating children, health, financial well-being, simply informs the spouse of her existence, provoking a scandal and a breakup.

No evidence based on found hair, deterioration of sex life, stuck on the phone, erasing browser history can serve as a 100% argument. A hairpin found in the glove compartment only indicates that the husband was giving a lift to a woman who had lost an accessory (a colleague, a friend’s wife, a random fellow traveler).

Problems of an intimate nature can be the result of poor health (inflammation, incipient prostatitis), stress suffered at work, and on the Internet the husband monitors information about a burning issue, cleaning up the history so that the wife does not find out. Men painfully endure sexual problems, not wanting to publicly declare the presence of erectile dysfunction.

At the age of 40-50, the stronger sex experiences a midlife crisis associated with the realization that youth is passing, some of their plans will remain forever dreams without a chance of implementation, they compare themselves with more successful peers and young competitors. During such a period, men become thoughtful, irritable, change their habits, begin to “look younger”, changing their style, painting over their gray hair.

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