How to increase stress resistance in an adult, at work, how to train, how to develop

No matter how offensive it may sound, stress is the norm in our lives. But many do not know that stress is created by Mother Nature so that we adapt to instant changes and events occurring in the environment. If you constantly receive small portions of stress, the level of adrenaline in the body increases, which is very useful. At these moments, an innate property is triggered - human stress resistance, that is, there are functions that prevent the effects of stress. It may vary from person to person. Some have increased function, others have decreased function. It all depends on various factors. But there is an opportunity to develop stress resistance. Before we start working on ourselves, let’s find out what the characteristics of a stress-resistant person are.

What a stress-resistant person he is

Unfortunately, not everyone is like this; as we have already said, it all depends on a set of factors. But you can discern this quality in a person, that is, an increased ability to withstand stress.

  1. Able to predict the situation. This means that you are prepared both physically and mentally for stressful situations.
  2. Can take on multiple tasks and complete them successfully. Thus, he can focus on the crisis and quickly solve it by mobilizing all his forces.
  3. Has experience in overcoming stressful moments. Once upon a time he already experienced difficult emotions and one can say that he was “hardened.” Now he knows what this means, what can happen next and controls his emotions.
  4. A special type of psyche and nervous system. There are character traits in which a person endures any difficulties, including stressful situations. His internal forces seem to redirect the influence of stress to stimulate certain qualities. For example, someone, very nervous, eats a lot, sings, writes poetry, music.
  5. He has the motivation to endure stress. For some, such moments are a way to achieve something, to move forward.

To overcome stress, you need to fight it. However, the body has to resist the changes that occur to a person and the world around him. And here the complex of qualities that each of us has “accumulated” over the past life is of enormous importance.

If we have fundamental qualities, courage, wisdom, willpower, then we will be able to more easily survive stress and look at it from a different perspective. All this can be cultivated in your character, the main thing is to have the desire, and this is already half the battle. If you add to everything the ability to keep everything under control, an understanding of how a certain process can end, then everything will be fine. That is, we need to cultivate in ourselves that same stress resistance, consisting of various factors.

Psychologist's advice

Finding time to recover and relax with your family is an investment in your health and well-being. To support children in developing mindfulness, it is worth starting an independent practice, such as yoga or meditation. This will help shape your personality and teach you how to deal with irritants.

How to increase medication endurance and self-control?

Stress resistance and self-control do not develop in one month. In such a case, you will have to be patient before finding the right answer. In some cases, drugs are used to bring the nervous system of an adult in order. They should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Popular medications include:

  • metabolism regulating glycine,
  • Valocordin, which has a sedative effect.

You can also take the medications Novo-Passit and Persen during treatment.

How to develop resistance to stress

Someone wise said that you should not be afraid of stress, because this phenomenon does not only occur to dead people. You just need to learn to manage it, manage your emotions. And stress will become a very normal and manageable moment in our lives.

When we hear that a particular person has increased resistance to stress, we understand that he knows how to keep his emotions “in his hands.” But not only this, a person is able to control them, this is what can generally be called the talent of self-control. Is it difficult to cultivate such qualities in yourself? No, you just need to want and try. But to understand how we can resist stress right now, let’s take a test, sort of analyze the situation at the start of work.

Below are phrases, the choice of which corresponds to a certain number. Then we summarize and find out what we are like in the fight against stress. If you perceive the following situation as stressful in rare cases, give yourself 1 point, often - 2 points, and constantly - give yourself 3 points. So, let's begin.

  1. You are late for your plane or train.
  2. The management calls you to the carpet.
  3. You have been instructed to do a new job.
  4. There was a quarrel with a close friend.
  5. There were financial difficulties.
  6. It seems to you that you are not fulfilling your obligations and work well.
  7. You feel that the disease is beginning.
  8. Behind your back, your work colleagues, friends, and neighbors talk badly about you.
  9. We witnessed a terrible car accident with victims and mangled cars.
  10. During urgent work, you get distracted.
  11. The TV and computer were broken.
  12. A friend, husband (wife) was fired from work.
  13. You find yourself in a time pressure situation.
  14. Competition arose at work, in school and in personal life.
  15. You don't sleep well and suffer from insomnia.
  16. You have an evening planned, a weekend, and your boss asks you to work overtime.
  17. We witnessed a conflict in a store where we dropped in after work.
  18. A loved one betrayed you.

Now, having given your answers, count your points. Up to 36 points - you are a person who can withstand stress. Only out-of-the-ordinary, exceptional moments can knock you out of your normal state. You have excellent intuition and excellent control over your behavior. Use your willpower wisely, be attentive, and don’t worry about trifles.

From 22 to 44 points – are you nervous too often? Although, there are times when you can pull yourself together. Therefore, you need to foresee in advance that accumulated problems can explode like a volcano.

From 45 to 54 points - you often panic. Stress controls your life, and for all sorts of trifles. Stop and take a break. Think about it: is it worth getting so upset, worried and worried about other people’s bleating? And our own people, too, are not so terrible as to suffer like that. You have a minimum threshold of resistance to stress. We should work on ourselves!

What does it mean - stress resistance?

First, let's take a look at the definition of the term by psychologists. According to them, stress resistance is the ability, formed by someone or independently, to competently, without hysterics and fear, react to unforeseen, foreseen situations and the ability to keep negative types of emotions under control. In psychology, there are several types of people who are stress-resistant.

  1. Stress-tolerant - have difficulty enduring problems, and even trivial situations. They are not able to adapt to newly created circumstances and at the first occasion they become irritated and nervous. These include psychologically unrestrained, inflexible individuals who immediately fall into panic.
  2. Stress-trained - this type may be ready for minor stress and experiences it calmly, but if the blow is intensified, that is, the stress is more powerful, the person becomes limp. People cannot make decisions, are very nervous, and are afraid to take responsibility.
  3. Stress-inhibitory people react to situations more calmly, but the reason for this is not work on oneself, but a phlegmatic type of character. Such people generally don’t give a damn; they treat everything with indifference and coldness. Only powerful stress can affect their condition and make them depressed.
  4. Stress-resistant - this type is characterized by an excellent protective function of the psyche and they react better than others to various acute situations. For some, excellent quality may be innate, for others it can be the result of training and self-improvement.

Levels of stress-resistant behavior

Depending on the individual characteristics of a person, there are three levels of resistance to stress: high, medium and low. Let's give a description of each of them.

High level of stress resistance

A person remains calm under any circumstances, even those in which most of us would panic or, at a minimum, experience mental confusion. This does not mean that a person is made of iron, he also has feelings and emotions. Due to experience and work on oneself, such a person has learned to cope with stress in any form.

The main signs of a person with high-level stress resistance:

  • The ability to navigate and make instant decisions in critical situations.
  • The ability not to be influenced by the provocative actions of others, adequate (not painful) perception of criticism.
  • Control of emerging emotions, their rationalization, subordination to reason.
  • The ability to abstract from unnecessary, unnecessary external factors (information about disasters, rising prices, complaints from neurotic individuals, etc.).
  • Maintaining the possibility of activity in an irritating environment (people criticize, shout, distract).

It is much easier for such people to minimize the consequences of shocking or unpleasant events. It is known that panic blocks the mind; in a state of panic, a person makes mistakes that do not solve the situation, but only aggravate its negative impact. Maintaining endurance is the path to success.

Average level of stress resistance

There are not very many of us among us who have cold-blooded individuals whose muscles will not tremble at the sight of a sinking ship, although they are the ones who can save all those drowning from this ship.

A person with an average level of stress tolerance is able to withstand problems and troubles, albeit after a certain time, but lets go of critical situations: loss of a job, breakup of a relationship.

He does not act like a hero, but he does not panic either, he is able to soberly assess the problem, and looks for ways to overcome difficulties.

Low degree of stress resistance

The level under consideration is typical for anxious individuals with a heightened emotional background. Such people perceive most stressful situations as threatening their safety and comfort.

Externally, such reactions manifest themselves in the form of anxiety, mental and physical stress, and nervousness. Reactive anxiety is accompanied by impaired ability to analyze and reflect, and a low degree of concentration.

A person may behave inappropriately: start crying, screaming, conflict: emotions get out of control. Experiences occur over the most insignificant reasons for other people.

The individual does not see a way out of the situation and struggles to take action to minimize the consequences of stress. This level of stress resistance is dangerous due to the occurrence of various psychosomatic diseases.

The presence of one or another level of stress resistance is determined by the following factors:

  1. Physiological features. Features of the body that are given from birth or acquired in early childhood. Belonging to a certain type of higher nervous activity, temperament (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic).
  2. Characteristics of the personality itself. Tendency to irritability, anger, rage, and unreasonable anxiety. Open and friendly people with a sense of humor cope with stress more easily.
  3. Level of self-esteem. A self-confident person who has experience in solving complex problems is more stress-resistant.
  4. Social factors (activities). Poor working conditions, lack of elements of creativity in work, time pressure, lack of sleep, lack of rest, and fussiness reduce stress resistance.
  5. Environment. Family and loved ones play a big role in the development of emotional stability. We are talking about both education and the presence of support, the understanding that there are people who will help.

In addition, the level of stress resistance can change throughout life as a result of work on oneself and acquired experience. For example, a person experienced stress when he was first subjected to harsh accusations from management. The second time, the reaction may be less pronounced, since he realized that such criticism did not entail negative consequences (dismissal), while his self-confidence as a specialist increased.

What are the advantages of people who are resistant to stress?

We cannot live our lives without stress. And if you are a sociable, sociable person, work surrounded by people, then it is truly simply impossible to avoid them. Otherwise, you need to close yourself within four walls and not let anyone in. We hasten to disappoint, even in this case you can be exposed to stress, for example, if you have an illness or remember bad things. In short, it is easier to start fighting than to avoid!

  1. Individuals with a high threshold of stress tolerance have a lot of advantages in such situations. They, as a rule, have excellent health - they know everything, you worry less, which means you live longer. After all, problems with the body most often arise against the background of nervous experiences, depression, and stress. As a result, problems arise with the gastrointestinal tract, the condition of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and liver. In addition, the quality of sexual life deteriorates by an order of magnitude.
  2. Those who are stress-resistant live in peace. They perceive life's ups and downs wisely, understanding that everything in life passes, and this too will pass. There is no point in reacting irritably to various little things and trifles. Thanks to this quality, a person calmly, without problems, fulfills his functional obligations. Does not create problems in family or work relationships.
  3. The world is getting better. Understanding that stress is a moment that comes and goes, a person never stops admiring the world and enjoying his life. If you react painfully to everything, are afraid of everything, worry, get upset, be stressed, then the world turns gray and black. Cats are scratching my soul. A person becomes depressed, and he perceives each new day as another portion of troubles. They are unable to breathe deeply, they are afraid to take new steps and make new acquaintances.

Research has been conducted on how stress affects human health. It turned out that more than 60% of people who are exposed to stress at work suffer from allergic reactions, more than 50% cannot get enough sleep, their sleep is disturbed, about 25% suffer from somatic diseases.

You need to understand that an intelligent and sensitive person will always face stress. If he is a “thick-skinned”, phlegmatic type, for whom there is nothing valuable or sacred, then he will not care about stress. But these are mental characteristics, few people have them, and, thank God! We know that our readers are intellectually developed people who need to learn to curb their emotions. And treat stress wisely, with restraint and manage it.

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Options for solving the problem

There are no exercises that will help develop this important quality and will suit absolutely everyone without exception.

  1. Stress resistance is greatly influenced by all kinds of human diseases. Sick people are the most exposed to stress, but healthy people have strong immunity and, accordingly, good resistance to stress. Therefore, it is worth providing yourself with painkillers, in case your head or any other organ suddenly starts to hurt.
  2. Be sure to adjust your diet.
  3. To increase your stress resistance resources, you can go in for sports. Physical exercise, such as jogging in the morning or exercise, will have a positive effect on the body's resistance to stress.

Why is it important to develop resistance to stress?

The famous psychologist Selye noted that there are two types of stress - negative and positive.

  1. Negative ones are capable of destroying the human psyche.
  2. Positive - they can excite, disturb, but do not affect the state of our psyche.

Let's look at specific examples of positive and negative stress. You have decided to jump with a parachute. There is no denying that this is a very stressful situation. But it is positive because it does not destroy your psyche; you yourself want to get a portion of adrenaline.

Negative - the news of the death of a loved one whom he loved, cherished, could not imagine his life without him. This type of stress is also dangerous because it has long-term negative consequences. As a result, the psyche will be destroyed, a moment of despair, hopelessness, and dead end will arise.

As we already know, small doses of stress are good for our body. After all, we receive a kind of “shake-up”, an incentive for decisive further action. After this, we seem to “wake up”, “awaken” from sleep. And this is understandable, a little more adrenaline enters our blood - a hormone that prevents a person from constantly sleeping.

What benefits does stress give a person?

We understand that a person who knows how to withstand stress is confident in himself, he is ready for any development in the course of events. In any case, in difficult and acute moments, he is able to pull himself together and control his emotions. Such people are not subject to hysterics or nervous breakdowns. And what’s remarkable is that many of us don’t know what strong qualities we have. On the contrary, we consider ourselves weak and slack.

Here's a very interesting example from real life. A work colleague told me this story. Since childhood, she had been friends with a certain Larisa Ivanova. She grew up as a beautiful but sickly girl. She constantly had to miss school because of hospitals, boarding houses, and sanatoriums. But by the age of majority, the body gained strength, and Laura became a very beautiful girl.

I tried to apply but did not pass the competition. But she didn’t worry and went to work. There I met a guy, got married, and gave birth to a child. So far everything is the same as with people. But after about 3 years, she noticed that her husband was coming home in a strange state. Then he decided to quit and did not want to get a job again. And at a certain moment it became clear that he had become a drug addict.

Larisa fought this scourge for several years, but his parents did not react at all. Instead of scolding their son, they kept giving him gifts. Our heroine could not stand it and left. It was difficult for her with a small child, but it was okay, she lived slowly. She opened her own business, took out loans and became successful.

After about 6 years, she already had an excellent reputation in her area. But in the same area, another businessman decided to open his own business. To get his competitor out of the way, he simply pointed the tax police at her, who strangely discovered a disk with pirated copies. In one of the computers, again, in a strange way, there were films of a pornographic nature, with scenes of violence.

You understand - this is a real crime. Larisa understood that this was a natural “set-up”, but she could not prove the opposite. In short, law enforcement officials did their dirty work. Larisa had to close herself and for several years go on a subpoena to the office of an arrogant and cunning investigator. Then there was a trial, and she was sentenced to 2 years probation and paid a large fine.

But we said that our unfortunate heroine had loans and had a child in middle school. What should I do? She was in complete despair. There even came a time when Lara started drinking. And it is understandable, everyone reacts to stress in their own way. But Larisa found strength from somewhere and decided to fight the troubles. What she did was sell her apartment, buy a house in a small town, and open exactly the same business there.

At first it was hard, but little by little more and more new clients began to appear. Its services were used by small companies, then large ones. Eventually, she rose to her feet. So, without expecting it from herself, our Laura dealt with stress and won.

So what does stress resistance give us? Yes all! Even hiring using modern methods is carried out with the study of a person’s resistance to stress. He needs to pass a certain test, like the one we presented above. After all, company managers need just such workers. They will see things through to the end in any situation because they can mobilize, not waste their energy, and make the right decisions in critical moments. If you want to have a good job, respect from people and a life filled with positivity, learn to manage your emotions.

Definition of stress resistance

The concept of stress resistance is not known to everyone. Stress resistance is a set of different qualities thanks to which our body reacts to various problems as calmly as possible. A person solves problems by weighing the pros and cons. This is a psychological feature of self-regulation, the so-called resource of patience, the ability to remain calm in any situation.


There are external and internal factors:

  1. External: bad habits, excessive workload, loss of loved ones, divorce, emotional problems, environmental problems.
  2. Internal: diseases, poor metabolism, poor nutrition, allergic diseases, lack or deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and hence depression.

Any person, regardless of status, internal resources, gender characteristics, psychological portrait and lifestyle, experiences stress and negativity from time to time. A person's level of resistance to stress depends on the number and complexity of the problems that caused stress. It is impossible to remove signs of a negative situation, such as anger, resentment or disappointment, on your own, but you can change your attitude towards it. It is important to be able to navigate a stressful situation and decide what is important to you and what you can isolate yourself from, not worry about trifles and protect your psyche. The concept of personal stress resistance implies the correct behavior of a person under stress, helping to overcome it without harmful consequences for the person, his personality, health and others.

Many may have encountered a situation where a slight stress causes a headache, loss of strength, lethargy, and drowsiness. All this affects the efficiency of life in general. If we consider the situation from a medical point of view, then during the period of worry the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, rises.

It is because of an increase in the level of this hormone that a breakdown of the nervous system occurs. Those people who have high resistance to stress have good health and practically do not get nervous. Their psychological feature is that they know how to control their emotions, remain calm and get out of a stressful situation without negative consequences for health.


There are several levels of stress-resistant behavior that show a person’s psychological endurance in a given situation and his ability to cope with stress on his own. The level of stress resistance is an individual characteristic of any person. The effectiveness and mechanisms for solving problems depend on the following levels:

  • high;
  • average;
  • short.

High-level characteristics: confidence, firmness and quick decision-making. People with a high level have a strong character, ensuring calm and equanimity in any situation and increased resistance to stress.

The main distinguishing qualities of the average level include fortitude and the ability to deal with possible difficulties normally. Troubles in life happen to every person, and you need to treat them normally, say to yourself: “it was good, but it will become even better.” People with an average level are looking for the best way out of the current situation.

A low level of resource is observed in people who have experienced some kind of strong shock; they get lost even in minor problems. Such a person needs to try hard to adapt to sudden changes in life.

It is necessary to develop resistance to surrounding negative factors.

A stress-resistant person has good health and a calm character.

Components of stress resistance

Stress resistance is a fickle phenomenon. A number of components of stress resistance are represented by congenital elements (they may well be passed on from parents to a child genetically, but such an “inheritance” makes a person vulnerable), inherent in each person individually. Another series of components are represented by acquired elements that can be developed and trained. This concept includes the following components of stress resistance:

  1. The ability to predict the development of life situations.
  2. The ability to control emotions, developed volitional personality traits, and possession of self-regulation skills.
  3. Ability to withstand longer and stronger stress.
  4. Ability to withstand peak loads in extreme conditions.


Psychology divides all people into types based on differences in reactions to stress:

  • Stress-resistant - they cannot adapt to the outside world, do not change their behavior, and cannot quickly make the right decision. Any event or even the thought of it leads such people to stress.
  • Stress-trained people are ready for changes, but small ones. If the problem cannot be solved, they become irritable and depressed. But as similar stressful situations are repeated, they get used to them and react to them more calmly.
  • Stress-inhibitory - ready to change suddenly and once. But if the stress is of a sluggish nature or stress follows one after another, you lose heart and do not control your emotions.
  • Stress-resistant - they calmly accept changes and know how to make the right decision in an extreme situation. Only the most difficult events in life are stressful for them.

How to cope with stress

Many psychologists have found an interesting association for people who are stress-resistant. They were compared to the Phoenix bird, which always rises from the ashes. You understand that specialists cannot deceive, they know what they are talking about. Let us also become the same bird that is able to recover from any difficult situations.

  1. Be a professional in your field. The higher your level of knowledge and experience, the less problems you will have with underestimating your self-confidence. But a person who knows his business will not worry, get upset, get irritated and expect bad things from his own actions. He's confident!
  2. Be patient. In any situation you need to remain calm and not try to do everything at once and lose your calm. Be patient and don’t rush to solve problems at once. Sit down, think, take 10 deep breaths. Do not join those who spoil the “general atmosphere”, be smarter, weigh every expression.
  3. Treat everyone with respect, no matter how the situation turns out. Remember once and for all - there are no people without shortcomings, because perfection does not exist. Accept your environment as it is, don’t try to re-educate everyone. Take all this into account when cultivating a restrained character.
  4. Don’t forget about yourself, constantly pay attention to your body and organism. Be active. Run, swim, do race walking, yoga, shaping. Walking, easy walks in the fresh air near your home, in a park, or in a public garden are very helpful in gaining good health and self-confidence. Visit the bathhouse and improve your health.
  5. Find time to relax - go out of town, to the river, into the forest. Spend time there with your loved ones and close people - relatives, friends.
  6. Enjoy life, enjoy every day. Don't give in to negative emotions, they surround us everywhere and all the time.

    It is important to be able to relax. Learn proper breathing techniques and meditation. There are a lot of such practices on the Internet; you can devote one hour every day to practicing Kundalini yoga. 7 Chakras for a week, allowing you to gain health and strengthen your inner spirit. Right now we offer a simple exercise: as soon as a stressful situation arises, start breathing correctly - 10 deep breaths and exhalations. As you inhale, count to 6 and hold your breath, then exhale, count to 6 and hold it again. Repeat this 10 times.

  7. If you have bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes - give them up. It is impossible to talk about the stress resistance of a person addicted to nonsense. In addition, alcohol, nicotine from tobacco, and harmful impurities negatively affect the human psyche. As a result, he becomes angry, irritable, and hysterical.
  8. To avoid stress, you need to plan your day correctly, treat your obligations responsibly and not create conditions for acute moments to arise.
  9. Establish only good contacts with your work colleagues and they will come to your aid at any time.
  10. Please don't take work home. Rest, because you have been fiddling with these papers and reports all day. Let your eyes and brain rest.
  11. While working in the office, try to be distracted for 5-10 minutes every 40 minutes. Read interesting jokes, chat with colleagues, drink a cup of coffee.
  12. Be sure to get involved in something besides work, this will allow you to switch and “dilute” your attention. Let it be what you like best - hunting, fishing, skiing, games, knitting, embroidery, cooking.
  13. Learn to analyze every situation that has already occurred. Think about why it arose, what caused it. This way, you will know what actions you should not do and what words you should not say. Stress is easier to anticipate than to deal with later.

Don't be afraid of stress, let it be afraid of you! Look troubles straight in the face. And don't worry, everything will be fine if you don't start to panic. But you won’t start, because we have taught you how to easily and without harm to your health resist stress and become a stress-resistant person!

Development and increase of stress resistance in adults

The ability to withstand stress must be increased to the highest possible level. Constant anxiety and fear of change negatively affect well-being, appearance and performance. We suggest choosing suitable techniques for developing stress resistance for yourself.

Stress resistance exercises

  • You should master the techniques of a positive attitude; the expectation of trouble attracts them. Every person has problems every day, but they should not become a barrier to feeling the fullness and joy of life. All disturbing, especially groundless, thought forms need to be cleared from the head.
  • Try to accept the nature of change as a given. This is the law of the Universe: everything is born and everything dies, one phenomenon is replaced by another. Wise people say: “Everything that happens is for the best,” and no matter how difficult it is to believe in the beginning, it happens. Take life easier!
  • To strengthen your psychological state, learn to let go of emotions and control them. As soon as you feel fear, anger, anxiety, find a way to get rid of them. You can reflect and understand that there is no reason to worry, you can jump and scream, everyone has their own way. Alcohol doesn't count!
  • Learn meditation techniques and proper breathing. Ten deep breaths and exhalations can get rid of the first (unpredictable) reaction to stress. And you can’t say too much in a critical situation.
  • Maintain your physiology. Stable sleep, physical exercise, taking vitamins (D and B, magnesium and potassium) and healthy food strengthen the nervous system and it will be much easier to cope with stress.
  • Engaging in creative activities that bring pleasure helps; any kind of creativity helps improve mood and relaxation.
  • To gain confidence, you should increase your self-esteem and focus less on the opinions of others. Frequently thinking about other people's assessments is also stress, taking away strength and energy.

Methods for stress resistance

"Preparation" (T. Robbins)

This exercise will require you to set aside 10 minutes a day for yourself. During the first three minutes, you need to relax well with your breathing and turn on light, pleasant music.

You need to spend another three minutes thinking about what three things you are grateful to the Universe for. For example, these could be global things: having a family, your own home. Or you can remember the delights of the current day. Let’s say your bus arrived quickly, or your boss praised you for your work, or your colleague treated you to delicious cookies, and your son gave you an excellent grade. Don’t take even such little things for granted, take them as a gift. As a result, you will realize what a lucky person you are!

You should pray for the next three minutes if you are a believer. If not, send your most cherished wishes and requests to heaven for the health and well-being of people dear to you. This technique, if followed sincerely, allows you to strengthen your spirit, calm down, feel strong and happy.

"Change of Hands"

Look at your hands. Imagine that in one of them (for example, in the left) all the negative situations that you are afraid of appearing in your life: dismissal, illness, collapse of a relationship with your loved one. And put everything you want and desire into your right palm: health, a new home, peace of mind, love.

As soon as you start to worry, shake off your left hand, releasing all the negativity and focus on your right palm. This is a well-known NLP technique that allows you to create awareness and control stress levels.


When faced with a stressful factor, we always evaluate it from the negative side. But every phenomenon has two sides. Try to be objective and look at failure without emotion.

Find something good in adversity that allows you to benefit. Honestly answer the question: “How will this affect my future life. Will I remember this in a year?

You can make a list of small daily “stressors” that exhaust you and take away your energy. Next to each point, write a positive or neutral definition and re-read it every day. Attitudes towards irritating factors will change towards positive over time.

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