How to persuade your wife to have a threesome: a few secrets

Thinking about bringing a man or woman into the bedroom? No worries! There is nothing crazy or depraved about this - sexual fantasies are born from our desire to eroticize the forbidden. A threesome is a healthy fantasy for couples. So how to persuade your wife to have a threesome?

Threesomes are seductive like nothing else: the taboo nature of group sex, the erotic idea of ​​being with someone other than your primary partner, the pleasurable feeling of jealousy. If you want to turn a threesome from a simple fantasy into reality, you will have to work. Especially if your partner is not attracted to this idea.

A threesome or any form of open relationship requires establishing precise rules about what, when, where and how sexual activities will occur. Avoiding jealousy and other negative feelings that can arise from a threesome requires a high degree of transparency and trust—far beyond what is required to maintain a conventional romantic relationship.

How to persuade your wife to have a threesome: communication is the key to successi

Before you try to come up with an idea for a threesome, it's important to put yourself in your partner's shoes. Even if a man is 100% attracted to and in love with his woman, most women will perceive the idea of ​​a threesome as a threat or a warning.

You should make it clear to her that this is not about her being “not good enough” or “not satisfying in bed,” but about how she can spice up her sex life. However, if the girl is the jealous type, you should hold off on the proposal. It is important to act carefully and make informed decisions.

How to lead a woman to sexual relations?


Gemini women are unpredictable, which naturally also applies to intimacy. For them, life is a string of events with bright and colorful colors.

They are attracted by the luxury of life, this is worth paying special attention to.

Important! Sexually independent and self-sufficient Gemini girls want to have a sexual partner who is not inferior to them intellectually, but at the same time they will not be comfortable with someone who is significantly superior to them. A golden mean is needed.

To lead Gemini women into sexual relations, you need to demonstrate your experience. You shouldn’t rush her and you need to remember that she is driven not by feelings, but by curiosity.


For a Scorpio girl in bed there are no prohibitions or taboos ; she wants to try everything at once, getting maximum pleasure. This type is very passionate, which can be used when introducing a Gemini girl to sex.


For these individuals, you must first weigh and verify everything, and be confident in every step you take.

Attention! A generous amount of foreplay will help lead to sexual contact. They easily give in to pity.

How to make a girl or guy who was born under the sign of Aquarius fall in love with you is described in the video:


Cancers are more romantic, and the approach to them should be appropriate - long and romantic courtship. Haste will make everything worse.

You need to charm and only then act. In this case, the key to success will be the circumstances in which the Cancer girl feels comfortable, and she feels comfortable with romantics and dreamers.


They do not like to give themselves completely, they are timid, and for them personal protection comes first.

Important! If you can provide the girl with the feeling that she can feel free and relaxed, sex will not take long to happen.


Individuals of this zodiac sign are very dependent on the opinions of others. It is important for them to be praised, then they feel important and important. It is important for them to be needed.

As already mentioned, seduction is an art. It’s impossible to learn it in a day; moreover, the most seasoned pickup artists make mistakes. Don't despair when you fail.

You can find an approach to any representative of the fair sex, you just need to carefully look, listen and analyze.

Discussion of sexual fantasies2

The first step is to discuss sexual fantasies with your partner and listen to them. Frank conversations allow both to understand each other. You can safely talk to your partner about what turns him on. Lovers should trust each other without fear of judgment from others.

Conversations will help you get closer to your dream of a threesome, opening an important path to comfort and trust in your sexual relationship. The more intense the desires, the more the partners are open to each other.

We are looking for an approach


It is worth understanding that most girls who want sexual relations, being married, may only want to play and make sure that they have not yet lost their “knack”.

They can flirt openly and make unambiguous hints themselves, but at the last moment they can retreat very quickly and not get in touch at all. The easiest way would be to seduce a girl or woman who has problems in her marriage.

The most common problems in marriage, which subsequently lead to sexual intrigue on the side, include:

1.Lack of mutual understanding between a girl and her husband:

  • A girl in such a situation will not feel a connection with a man. Of course, she will want to compensate for this.
  • She needs communication.
  • It is necessary to gradually communicate with the girl, gaining trust in her eyes, and often reduce the conversation to intimate topics.

2. Sexual dissatisfaction.

Everything here is quite simple and if a girl or woman lacks something, then she needs to act.

The surest way to seduce in this case is to purposefully excite the girl. Hints of sex, demonstration of oneself as a sexually attractive “male”.

3. Banal boredom and routine.

All people are emotional, girls especially. They need emotions and surges of new feelings.

In marriage, “that spark” often disappears, and girls begin to miss the times when fans ran after them , and they only had time to turn them off. In this case, you need to make her feel desirable again, so that her head is filled with romantic thoughts. In a word - you have to look after him.

Attention! It often happens with this type of girl that, having had a good time and received the necessary emotions, they can hide and pretend that nothing happened, or even get scared at the last moment, without ever having intimacy. No need to delay. Courtship is good, but persistence is better.

How to seduce a married girl is shown in the video:


With free girls, it’s much easier. In most cases, they are open to new acquaintances, including sexual relations.

The approach will vary dramatically, depending on how quickly the guy wants to seduce the girl:

  1. If he's interested in a one-night stand, a bar or nightclub will do the trick. You can also quickly and easily convince a girl for sex immediately after breaking up with her past man. In an attempt to forget him, she will be ready to do a lot, the main thing is to understand at what point it is better to put pressure and take pressure, and at what point to remain silent.
  2. In relation to other girls, everything is simple, you need to interest them, be unique, but at the same time position yourself as slightly inaccessible. What a person cannot get, he wants even more.

Brainstorm 4

What kind of person would have both partners? If your partner is ready to fantasize about a threesome, the next task is to figure out what kind of person both of them might like. Perhaps the wife wants a threesome with a member of the opposite sex, while the husband is imagining sex with two girls.

All these thoughts should be discussed in advance. It is important to try to reach a compromise: a threesome should be an enjoyable and positive experience for both parties. If this idea makes anyone uncomfortable, it is better to abandon it.


You invited her and she came - that’s already an achievement, which means you’ve already figured out the first part of how to quickly seduce a girl. You should not dress up too much and stand in front of the mirror for half an hour; you also do not need to give flowers - they can be given after sex. You greet her, hug and kiss her on the cheek, inhale her scent. You can give her a few compliments. Then you take her hand and take her for a walk, or you immediately put her in the car and you go to a cafe. It is very important to touch her all the time so that she realizes that the entire date will go like this
. If you go to a cafe, then you sit her not opposite you, but always next to her. The place should be quiet and cozy, without loud music, somewhere in the corner that no one really looked at you.

You start communicating without touching her. Tell her a few situations where your masculinity comes into play. Then you go on the offensive. Take, for example, her hand with the pretext that she has beautiful fingers or nails, stroke it, look at her lines on her palms, etc. Next, you should alternate touches and pause.

Who said there would be two girls?5

Some guys mistakenly believe that girls don't like the idea of ​​a threesome. Although, perhaps the problem is the presence of another girl? What if two young men took part in a sexual experiment? She might like this option. In men, this scenario can cause indignation and jealousy - this is fair in relation to the girl.

At least a man can understand what it's like for a girl to be offered a threesome with another girl. In any case, it is important to make compromises and select a “third wheel” that will suit both parties.

Why do girls like to send intimate photos?

Before you trick a girl into taking photos, think about her motivation. Why would she send herself half naked to a guy she doesn’t know well and risk the fact that you might leak the pictures online. Find something that will push her to this bold act, and use it to highlight it in the photo:

  1. She wants to be desired. Children's complexes created self-doubt. If she sees in you someone who likes her body, then she will easily trust you, and it won’t be difficult for you to trick her into taking pictures.
  2. Wants to seem brave. A little provocation is enough for her to fall for the “weak” attitude.
  3. Wants to hook you, hold you, interest you. In this case, she will use all ways to continue communication and get closer. It will be easy for you to spot her in the photo.
  4. Excitement, interest, a sense of novelty. She wants to do something bold and forbidden. You can say that you haven’t done this either and offer to send the photo to each other at the same time. Instead of yourself, you can send a funny picture or be honest and pose for it.
  5. She is trying to prove that an adult decides for herself what to do with her body and who to show it to. Use this kind of protest to make a difference in the photo.

How to persuade your wife to have a threesome: discuss boundaries in advance6

Before attempting to involve a third person, boundaries should be discussed at a detailed level. Discuss everything: the person, the position, the activity during sex, even the type of condom. Every detail must be agreed upon!

Psychologists recommend not involving people in a threesome with whom one of the partners had a close relationship. This can complicate the situation and add jealousy when it is not needed at all.

All parameters must be understood and followed. This is the only way to make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable. Threesomes are the new sexual playing field. Now is not the time for surprises.

How to do it correctly in words

Phrases that will intrigue the girl and describe a pleasant pastime for her in the near future should be said at the moment of meeting her. Pay attention to the different circumstances under which each scene takes place, and figure out how to seduce the girl in your case, and with what words.

  1. In an educational institution: “Aren’t you tired of all these lectures, notes, abstracts? I have a brilliant idea on how to spend this evening pleasantly, will you join me for company?”
  2. In a cafe or club: “Have they already told you that you are the most beautiful girl in this cafe (club)? I was instructed to fulfill 3 of your cherished desires - to buy you ice cream (cocktail), introduce you to a nice guy and have a pleasant evening with him, shall we go?”
  3. On the beach: “Girl, what have you done! I just fell hopelessly in love with your charming belly button piercing...”
  4. On the street: “Wait a minute, answer just one question - do you know that the Constitution prohibits taking away a person’s right to happiness? Let's give this right to each other!
  5. In the park: “Can I sit quietly next to you and dream that we have known each other for several years? I would be very caring and gentle."
  6. Anywhere: “It’s good that I got out of the house today, otherwise I might not have met you, and that would have been my biggest mistake.”

These phrases, of course, do not guarantee a positive answer, but it is worth trying their effectiveness. It is not fundamentally important how to address a girl - “you” or “you”. Many pick-up artists claim that there is no need to “Dig out”.

If you are more accustomed or calmer to saying “you” to strangers, don’t listen to anyone, speak as you please, and make the transition to “you” exciting and unforgettable.

She should feel special7

How to persuade your wife to have a threesome? An incredibly important aspect and perhaps the hardest part of a threesome is the challenge of making the main partner feel special. The night should be like a grand date that both were looking forward to. Even if the other girl looks like Miss Universe, it is important to focus your attention on your woman!

You need to respect her wishes, follow directions, take time and show feelings. The next day, you should also not deprive the girl of attention: it is important to show her that she is more important than the other option.

Why do guys scam girls for explicit photos?

You may have your own motivation for why you need her candid photo. This is your business, but it is better to formulate a reason for yourself so as not to be embarrassed if a girl suspects that you are collecting a collection or will admire her photos on boring nights. Most often the reasons are the following:

  1. After you see her candid photos, it will be easier for you to seduce her in person. She won’t be so shy anymore: what didn’t you see there?
  2. Opportunity to get a better look at the figure. Girls use various tricks to make their breasts appear larger and their buttocks firmer, but without clothes it is more difficult to hide what she considers a flaw.
  3. Collecting photos of girls, excitement. You may just be wondering: will it be possible or not to promote the next beauty in the photo. The collection is growing, demonstrating your luck in this matter.

Whatever the reason, if you have achieved success and know how to deceive a girl by correspondence in the photo, then do not show the pictures to other people. Yes, you will boast about your success, but the girl, her friends and many other people may find out about this, which will prevent you from receiving new photos from other girls in the future. Try not to be involved in unpleasant stories with other people's explicit photos, and also work on yourself to increase the likelihood of success.

Appearance and behavior of a gigolo man

In order not to fall into the traps set, you need to know about the following signs in a man who understands how to cheat a woman out of money.

1. Immaculately dressed.

How can a gigolo look bad? No! Otherwise, they would simply not pay attention to him. The main goal is to please a woman. Good appearance and courtesy feed him, so gigolo constantly improves this art. A hairstyle, good quality perfume, beautiful clothes - everything costs money, and a woman, not without pleasure, spends money so that a man always maintains a representative appearance. She likes such an important companion, and if she does not pay, his appearance will not be as good as when he met her.

2. Remembers manners.

During the dating period, the gigolo will always open the door for a woman and thank her for her help. And he is also very attentive. He will definitely note the presence of a new hairstyle and give a bunch of compliments. Contrary to what they say, gigolos also give gifts, only small ones that do not cost a lot of money. In addition, he will remind you that the gift was very expensive.

The following conversation options are also possible: he could not make such a beautiful lady sad, it would be better to subsist on bread and kvass than to give nothing. There were still a couple of sighs left, a few compliments and the same number of promises that he would completely cover the poor thing with gifts, provided the money appeared.

How can a woman’s heart not tremble with such behavior? In her head are thoughts about meeting the man of her dreams, and she sets about saving him. And the noose that gigolo has in store is tightening more and more. He thanks for the help, is embarrassed and adds that in other cases he would not have accepted the helping hand offered. Now he has a duty, and he will not forget it. When the opportunity arises, he will definitely return it. In the meantime...

Signs of online divorce from a man

It is generally accepted that on dating sites single people are looking for their person. However, selfish goals are often pursued here. Surprisingly, but true: it is women with dreams of personal happiness who get it from experienced scammers and womanizers. Due to inexperience and naivety, they cannot even imagine that someone will trample on their rosy dreams. We have just registered, and there is no suspicion of how this will turn out in the end.

Already at the beginning of correspondence with a possible scammer, there are nuances that can send alarm bells.

  • Someone else's photo. 99% of deceivers will not openly show their faces on the Internet. Their profiles contain photographs of unpopular actors, models and athletes. The smartest ones take rare photographs so that the victim does not recognize the celebrity by his features.
  • Politeness beyond measure. Oddly enough, but such men are courteous and polite, and in every message they will say compliments in order to divert attention and gain favor. The strategy is correct, because women love with their ears.
  • Avoiding a direct answer. A common case from practice is when a marriage swindler begins to ignore you or meander, without giving clear answers to such simple questions as family or work.

Respect the decision

If your partner is not very interested in using sex toys, you should respect his decision and understand that it is not suitable for your relationship at this time.

This doesn't mean you can't reconsider your opinion in the future. Be honest about why you think it would be good to try sex toys, and share everything you know about them. This could be a seed for future conversations on the topic and a way to leave the door open for possible changes of opinion.

Standard scheme for how men cheat women

How can men divorce women? These same womanizers, or simply gigolos, squeeze everything out of their victim. And they go in search of new adventures only when they understand that in economic terms it no longer carries value. Representatives of this kind usually have a simple and clear path. If only to know about the beating heart of a lady in love.

  1. Without bait and labor you cannot catch a fish from a pond. Step one. The potential victim needs to be brainwashed. A whole range of courtship is launched - a meeting, a trip to a cafe, small gifts. Why not spend a certain amount? He’ll come back later anyway, and he’ll still be there.

    Scammers with “work experience” already know how to nicely meet a future victim and what nice things to do after. And she already sees the prince from her dreams in front of her. An elite class car, a respectable appearance in an expensive suit... In love, as in war, all means are fair. The attributes of an expensive life can now be easily rented, but for some reason girls don’t think about it.

    3 important steps

    which every woman should go through

    Anika Snagovskaya

    Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

    I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


    Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

    You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


    Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

    I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


    Audio recording: Neuro-af

    Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

    Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

    And start a new, happy life for yourself.

    Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

    Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

    Audio recording: Neuro-af

    Take your gifts!

  2. The divorce itself, for the sake of which everything was started. Step two. How does the fraud itself occur? How does the gigolo turn things around so that the woman gives him all the money she had saved in reserve, takes out loans, and gets into debt? Very simple. Happiness, paradise, a fairy tale (call it what you want) suddenly ends, and the prince is left with nothing because of a deceitful business partner. And if you get the right amount of cash, the problem will disappear.

    The victim takes pity on her boyfriend and supports him financially. And he withdraws into himself for a long time, despondency in his head, thoughts of death appear. The naive companion can only constantly pull the sufferer out of such a state.

  3. Retreat. Step three. Alphonse retreats, and after that the victim is left in deep debt and with a broken heart. The man tries to make her seem guilty. Accuses him of nymphomania, looks for negative aspects in his character. Naturally, after the experience, the victim does not want to look for the offender and seek justice.

    Humiliation may follow. He forbids calling, looking for him, because she denigrated him, so bright and decent, how could he contact her, and let her take her dirty hands off him.

The gigolos say something like this: “Nobody needs you. It was me, stupid, who took care of you!”

Ideally, I would contact the police... No matter what! After something like this, a humiliated woman is not at all tempted to go and report to the relevant authorities, because she is ashamed, and she is afraid that she will be misunderstood. In addition, she feels absolutely crushed, and her self-esteem is low.

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