Who is a phlegmatic person: a lazy grumbler or an emotionally balanced logician?

A phlegmatic person is an analytical person. Many people wonder why some people manage to do everything and are always in a good mood? At the same time, other people, no matter how hard they try, do not manage to achieve anything and are constantly moping. It's all because of a person's temperament.

Let's take a closer look at what features are inherent in phlegmatic people? What is the character of a typical phlegmatic person? What is he good at, and what is he not very good at?

Every emotion is involuntary if it is sincere. Mark Twain

Brief characteristics and description of phlegmatic person

Their distinctive feature is slowness and equanimity in any situation , they speak little and usually try to hide their emotions.
Due to the incredibly slow speed of their reactions, phlegmatic people very often seem lethargic, always tired, or even unwilling to fulfill any requests from their superiors.

One may get the impression that they are unable to feel fear, joy, or any emotions at all, however, this is an erroneous judgment - phlegmatic people experience a hurricane of feelings within themselves, but this is not reflected in any way on their face in facial expressions or in their behavior. Phlegmatic individuals are calm and unshakable; in order to get such a person angry, you need to try very hard, and aggression can only be expected in the most urgent cases.

They are also distinguished by their balanced decisions: a phlegmatic person will never be led by his feelings

, the final verdict will be made only after much thought and weighing of all the pros and cons. It is unlikely that one will hear from a phlegmatic person that the decision was made thanks to intuition; it certainly cannot be trusted.

Such people are very serious, they are responsible and focused, and can complete any task of any complexity. Phlegmatic people avoid participating in quarrels; any conflict situation has no place in the everyday life of an absolutely non-conflict person. The most terrible and terrifying test for a phlegmatic person is leaving his comfort zone.

A person who is accustomed to the usual course of his life, which, by the way, completely suits him, does not like any changes. Change is not for him.

So how to recognize a phlegmatic person? Yes, it’s very simple - he always expresses his emotions with restraint

. It is difficult to upset him and make him cry. It is even more difficult to get an active manifestation of joy from him.

In other words, this temperament is characterized by the greatest emotional and mental stability. The biggest tragedy for representatives of this type is the rapid change of activity or the transience of any events.

We also recommend that you find out: Who is a choleric person?

Who is a phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person is a very balanced type of temperament, characterized by restraint, slowness of mental reactions and constancy. Such people are reliable, responsible, devoted. They are hardy and diligent workaholics.

Characteristics of a phlegmatic person

How to recognize a phlegmatic person in a crowd? He has a slow gait, sluggish, barely noticeable gestures and facial expressions. He speaks quietly, but clearly, with noticeable pauses, without emotional intonation jumps. Often these are overweight people, since they are not particularly active physically, but they like to eat well.

Are phlegmatic people lazy? Their slowness is not at all a desire to avoid work. They simply value their strength and energy and are in no hurry to waste it. A few more facts about phlegmatic personalities:

  • rational, thoughtful, good analysts and logicians;
  • calm, peaceful, stable in their interests;
  • conservative, have a hard time with change;
  • passive, do not approve of risk;
  • introverted, uncommunicative;
  • attentive, with good long-term memory.

Despite their external lethargy and weak expressiveness, phlegmatic people also sometimes get nervous. But the biggest stress for them will not be the scream of a formidable boss, but, for example, moving to a new apartment. Changing habits and environment is a serious problem for such people.

Phlegmatic people tolerate stressful situations more easily than other types of temperament. However, in the most emotionally charged cases, they “switch off” and stop reacting altogether.

This type also tends to accumulate dissatisfaction. A phlegmatic person will remain silent once, twice or ten times, and then “explode.” The anger of such people is very strong, crushing, and difficult to pacify. Fortunately, it is not so easy to get rid of a phlegmatic person.

You can find out your temperament type using a test on our website.

Psychological characteristics of a phlegmatic person: features of memory and emotions

Phlegmatic people need time to evaluate their environment, so a sudden change in the environment can unsettle them for a long time. However, after all the conditions have been analyzed, the phlegmatic person will begin to methodically move towards achieving his goal.

A calm, balanced character makes such people unusually productive.

They are able to remember large amounts of information and analyze it for a long time. Other people may envy the perseverance of phlegmatic people. Memory stores all learned information for a long time, which helps phlegmatic people to be successful in areas where it is necessary to analyze and manipulate information.

Phlegmatic woman

From a phlegmatic woman, one should not expect frivolity, manifestations of “female logic,” whims, or sharply changing moods. She is calm, practical and calculating. It is impossible to conquer her with a romantic surprise or a “crazy” act. In men, she values ​​not recklessness and romance, but more practical character traits. Therefore, if you are trying to win the heart of such a girl, you will have to try hard.

Keep in mind that if a phlegmatic woman lets a man into her life, she becomes very attached to him and expects a serious relationship. But don't expect her to show affection and love. She usually has these feelings and are quite strong, she is just not inclined to show them. But she is always attentive to ensuring that her loved ones are happy, healthy and well fed. This is how she shows love.

Emotions in a phlegmatic person

Usually phlegmatic people provide the most necessary and faithful support; they are ready to lend their shoulder or be a “vest”; their calmness and prudence help to look at the situation from a new perspective and offer a thoughtful solution.
As for personal experiences, in rare cases a phlegmatic person is ready to share them with someone; it is better for him to experience this in himself, without showing off his torment. Phlegmatic people are realists

, they do not believe that dreams are good, they do not create illusions, they live with clear and developed plans. Typically, such people move up the career ladder thanks to their perseverance, calmness and hard work. Bosses trust phlegmatic people, because their decisions are made thoughtfully and are never driven by emotions. But not everyone succeeds in occupying management positions, which is to blame for the slowness and isolation of such people. Often phlegmatic individuals turn out to be excellent writers or artists. They see the world in their own way. And there is something bewitching, unusual and beautiful in this vision.

Outwardly, it is almost impossible to determine what emotions are raging in the soul of a phlegmatic person. His face is most often calm and does not express emotions. This can infuriate emotional sanguine and choleric people.

Such external calm is associated with constant analysis of the environment and a slightly inhibited reaction.

If phlegmatic people get upset and start crying, it will not be easy to calm them down. At the same time, they will not cry bitterly.

Phlegmatic and relationships

In love, a phlegmatic person is laconic; he prefers to prove his feelings with deeds. However, you should not expect crazy actions and expensive gifts from him. He will express his sympathy in a more modest and practical way. For example, a phlegmatic man will be ready to do household chores instead of his wife, and he will not brag about it. A phlegmatic woman can offer help with work - analyze a database, write a report, organize documents, or something like that.

It is difficult for a phlegmatic person to get close to people , but he is faithful and devoted to those who are close to him. He rarely takes a leadership position. Representatives of a phlegmatic temperament always choose acquaintances with their minds, not their hearts. They value the following qualities in friends and spouses:

  • stability, fidelity;
  • honesty, decency;
  • education and intelligence.

A phlegmatic partner is unlikely to want to attend noisy parties or expensive restaurants. He would rather spend the evening at home, watching a romantic comedy together with a bottle of good wine.

Both in friendship and in relationships, a phlegmatic person is calm, stable, and you can rarely get a surprise from him. If he gives a gift, he first makes sure that it will be useful and will appeal to the person for whom it is intended.

Phlegmatic people do not like to lie , they are sincere, sometimes even too straightforward. But this quality has a plus - you can’t expect a stab in the back from such people.

Phlegmatic in the profession

Work for a phlegmatic person is always positive in terms of achieving career and business goals.
A slow reaction to what is happening, unlimited diligence and unlimited ability to work make phlegmatic people ideal performers. Despite a whole set of good qualities, phlegmatic people have low self-esteem; their lack of self-confidence sometimes prevents them from achieving something more that they are really capable of. Such a person also refuses some events or speeches, and tries to reduce communication with strangers both at public events and especially at work.

Work that requires frequent business trips will be immediately rejected by a phlegmatic person, because frequent trips mean that a phlegmatic person is forced to leave his home and, at least for a while, settle in a place where everything is alien.

They will cope perfectly with any routine work. Phlegmatic people are suitable for such professions as accountants, secretaries, researchers, librarians, archivists and other specialists who do a lot of monotonous work every day.

Phlegmatic people always soberly assess their abilities. Therefore, they do not take on overwhelming work. They always bring things to their logical conclusion.

When choosing a field of activity, phlegmatic women should give up social activities, constant communication with clients, and should also avoid business trips.

Benefits of being a phlegmatic person


A phlegmatic person is not the type who says one thing today and another tomorrow. He is more constant, and this makes him a devoted partner, friend, employee. You can rely on him.

A phlegmatic person is not tormented by the question of which cafe to dine at or where to buy new clothes. He has several places where he goes constantly, and visits new ones only if the old ones no longer work. He always knows what he wants and does not waste energy on what he considers unnecessary.

High intelligence and self-organization.

Phlegmatic people are distinguished by particularly good concentration and perseverance. They can continuously perform monotonous work for hours without getting tired. They are characterized by being methodical and systematic. They love to sort, put everything on shelves, and they are great at it.

Phlegmatic people are excellent analysts. They are very smart and disciplined. They are good at working with large amounts of information, studying and analyzing it deeply. They are not superficial, and if they take on something, they do it thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Stress resistance.

This type of temperament knows how to “switch off” from stress. However, he does not go into the world of fantasy and does not avoid reality. It’s just that at some point the thought occurs to him that being nervous is irrational. And then he redirects his attention to what is really important to him.


No one values ​​quality as much as a phlegmatic person. Every little thing is important to him. It will triple check the result to make sure there are no errors. However, having finished the task, he will no longer mentally return to it and reproach himself for what he could have done better somewhere.

Phlegmatic people complete things, they are persistent, even stubborn in achieving their chosen goals. They have a huge reserve of patience, they know how to wait.

Family, love and friends

By their nature, phlegmatic people are secretive and reserved people.

No wonder they find it very difficult to make new friends. They take a long time to get along with new people and have a very difficult time making contact. However, if they become friends with someone, they do so sincerely, and their friendship lasts until death. We can say that it is difficult to find more reliable friends than phlegmatic people.

Phlegmatic people are great friends and family men

. They rarely make new acquaintances; usually their friends are childhood friends with whom they have quite a lot in common, and, therefore, such people can be trusted. It is very difficult for phlegmatic people to communicate with new people, and acquaintance rarely occurs on their part.

Such people meet their soulmate among old friends or acquaintances. When it comes to proposing marriage, phlegmatic people turn on their slowness and prudence and think for quite a long period. However, this inhibition in this case is even beneficial, because the spouse is a person with whom the phlegmatic person will have to live, at best, his whole life. For phlegmatic people, family is a support, a place where it is comfortable and brings a sense of calm.

. For a phlegmatic person, the family is a reliable fortress, which they are ready to protect from everyone.

Considering how difficult it is for phlegmatic people to get along with other people, their long-time acquaintances become the other half of these people. Perhaps even fellow students or classmates.

Phlegmatic people most often get married in middle age. At home, they will not throw loud scandals with breaking dishes. If they are offended, they will prefer to withdraw into themselves and not communicate with the offender for a certain period of time.

How to recognize a phlegmatic person from the outside?

All phlegmatic people are typical introverts. They are calm and balanced, they rarely need to pour out emotions to someone. In most cases, they do not show their own emotions, and even close people often do not understand how they feel. Typically, phlegmatic people themselves are born psychologists. They observe those around them and are good at noticing when they are excited. If necessary, they are ready to listen to a loved one and help with advice.

You can recognize a phlegmatic person among your friends by their characteristic behavior:

  • Complete peace of mind
    . Even in difficult situations, a phlegmatic person behaves judiciously and peacefully.
  • Ability to resolve conflicts
    . Being a calm and good-natured person, he does not support aggressive communication. It is almost impossible to quarrel with him.
  • Discretion
    . A phlegmatic person analyzes well and correctly assesses the situation, does not draw quick conclusions and does not give in to provocations.
  • Quiet speech
    . He always speaks calmly and smoothly, does not raise his voice or change the pace of conversation under the influence of emotions.
  • Minimal facial expressions and gestures
    . During communication, the phlegmatic person maintains a neutral facial expression and does not wave his arms.
  • Knowing of limits
    . He knows how to limit himself in food, alcohol, rest and entertainment.
  • Unpretentiousness
    . He adapts well to any conditions, despite his internal dislike of change.

Phlegmatic people adapt well to their interlocutor. Therefore, being “cool” in most life situations, with a good friend a phlegmatic person begins to smile more. At the same time, he often unobtrusively imitates his interlocutor, thanks to which friendly communication with him is always comfortable and pleasant.

Phlegmatic child: how to raise

One child grows up fearless and mischievous, the other is withdrawn and shy.
Someone is slow, but all his friends are always running somewhere and in a hurry. It's all about such an innate feature of the nervous system, such as temperament. Whatever your baby is, don’t envy your friends and don’t try to re-educate him. This is impossible. The child will forever remain with the character that nature has awarded him.

  1. Firstly, each type of temperament has both advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Secondly, inept intervention can only cause harm and lead the baby to a nervous breakdown. And in order to understand how best to interact with your baby, you need to determine as early as possible what his temperament is.

Phlegmatic child

Slow, loves order, can show great efficiency and energy.
A phlegmatic child has difficulty switching to new things and takes a long time to get used to any changes. That's why:

  • Develop mobility in your child gradually
    , without rushing him.
  • Praise a phlegmatic child for his quickness
  • Do hardening exercises with him, different sports,
  • Don't let yourself sleep too much
  • Don’t leave your baby alone for a long time, involve him in outdoor games,
  • Visit more often
  • Develop your creativity.
  • Make sure that lethargy and inactivity do not harm the baby.

Signs of a phlegmatic person:

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  • Calmness, tranquility;
  • Good nature, smoothing out conflicts;
  • Reasonableness, tendency to analyze the situation;
  • Smooth, measured speech;
  • Minimal gestures and facial expressions;
  • Moderation in all your actions and actions;
  • Unpretentiousness, getting along with others.

According to the points, a phlegmatic person is an ideal neighbor, colleague, assistant. Not only will he not interfere, but “you won’t find him during the day.” At the same time, in terms of hard work and diligence, phlegmatic people come first.

In addition to behavioral qualities, some psychologists claim that this type of temperament can be recognized by external signs. For example, they are characterized by a tendency to be overweight, roundness of outlines and shapes, smoothness of gait, slowness of speech and movements . Even without problems with adipose tissue, they have a massive build.

Phlegmatic child: what games to play

By carefully observing your child, you will probably determine the characteristics of his temperament.
Depending on this, it is necessary to organize his leisure time. Even if in its pure, that is, absolute form, one or another temperament is rarely found in children, nevertheless, the predominant traits of a certain type of personality are clearly visible from the very first years of life in every toddler.

And since the predominant type of children’s activity is play, it is necessary to select games for a phlegmatic child taking into account his type of temperament. Of course, kids choose their favorite activities themselves, but you, as parents, must organize the gameplay in such a way as to help develop the positive sides of your child’s personality


Arousing interest

Is your baby a phlegmatic person who doesn’t need anything?
But often you only think so! It’s just that such children don’t like change and don’t show their emotions. Parents are perplexed: is this what a happy childhood should look like? However, under no circumstances should you “break” a baby who stubbornly refuses to leave the sandbox. But it is in your power to push him to activity. Your goal is to help your child successfully adapt to a society that he is not yet ready to join.

Start with physical activity

, free movements in themselves liberate and provoke the expression of emotions. Play catch-up and be sure to let yourself catch up - let the kid enjoy the victory. Discover for him the truth that winning by trying to overcome yourself is fun and great! Rejoice openly, showing it to your baby when he dashes down a steep hill.

Be sure to offer role-playing games to your little phlegmatic person. At the same time , inspire your baby as much as possible to make all plot decisions independently.

. Ask who you will play with - a bear or a bunny? What will they call him - maybe we can come up with a new name? Where will our hero go and what will he do?

At first, while the child is not very oriented in social roles, you can suggest the situation yourself: for example, a bear and a bunny quarreled, what should they do now? But offer to find a way out for the baby - this way he will feel like he is the master of the situation, and at the same time he will gain, albeit theoretical, but communication experience, which will be useful to him when he begins to play with other children closer to the age of three.

Whatever your baby is, he really needs parental love and affection. Give him attention, play with him, go for walks, read books at night. And then your little phlegmatic

He will surely grow up to be a truly happy person!

Health (psychosomatics) phlegmatic

The sore point of a phlegmatic person is his stomach . Representatives of this temperament more often than others suffer from gastritis and stomach ulcers. Their metabolism is slow, so foods take longer to digest, which sometimes causes intestinal problems.

Another problem is the tendency to obesity . Due to an inactive lifestyle, eating junk food or overeating, phlegmatic people quickly gain weight. Extra pounds cause diseases of other internal organs - heart, liver, kidneys, etc. Blood pressure often suffers.

If a phlegmatic person wants to be healthy, it is better for him to monitor his diet and physical activity. You don't have to exercise to the point of exhaustion—even walking will help control your weight. Such people are usually very resistant to other diseases.

Famous phlegmatic people

Is it bad to be phlegmatic?
Absolutely not, because every temperament on Earth exists for a reason! A lot of talented people were, and are, phlegmatic; they were able to overcome themselves and their character. And they managed to show their talent. After all, negative qualities of any nature can be corrected and then improved every day.

Among the famous phlegmatic people, the following personalities stand out:

  • Galileo Galilei (born February 15, 1564) - Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician;
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (born October 24, 1632) - Dutch naturalist, founder of scientific microscopy;
  • Immanuel Kant (born April 22, 1724) - German philosopher, founder of German classical philosophy;
  • Karl Ernst von Baer (born February 28, 1792) - one of the founders of embryology and comparative anatomy;
  • Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (born September 16, 1745) - commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812;
  • Ivan Andreevich Krylov (born February 13, 1769) - Russian publicist, poet, fabulist;
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev (born April 5, 1890) - philosopher, biologist, entomologist;
  • Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov (born June 26, 1944) is a Soviet and Russian political figure.

Klyushnikova Renata Apr 01, 2019

Relationships with a phlegmatic person

Anyone with this type of temperament usually feels quite comfortable with people. Significant difficulties are possible only at the first stage - it is difficult to start a relationship with a phlegmatic person, both romantic and friendly. He is reluctant to let you into his life, and even if he likes you, he will not demonstrate it. But if he decides that he needs you, he won’t let you go.

In friendship, a phlegmatic person is sincere, calm and responsible. Keep in mind that it is better to spend time with him at home or in a relatively deserted environment. He doesn't like noisy parties, but he will happily take a walk along the lake or through the forest.

In romantic relationships, phlegmatic people are supporters of trust and honesty. Thanks to their responsibility and prudence, they are almost always faithful to their “half” and expect the same from her.

Compatibility with different types of temperament:

  • Choleric
    . This is the best pair for a phlegmatic person. Being complete opposites, they balance each other perfectly. A phlegmatic person needs the energy of a choleric person, but he himself restrains his temperament.
  • Phlegmatic
    . Such relationships are also quite comfortable. Two calm, honest and faithful people can create a strong union. However, quite often such couples divorce after 20 years of marriage (when they are no longer constrained by responsibility to their older children).
  • Sanguine
    . This union is also considered successful. A sanguine person is not as explosive as a choleric person, but also has powerful energy that allows him to “stir up” a phlegmatic person without causing him discomfort.
  • Melancholic
    . This is the worst combination. In such a couple, both “halves” quickly begin to irritate each other. A melancholic person is due to the fact that he constantly whines and is hysterical, and a phlegmatic person is due to his indifference.
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