How to properly excite your girlfriend by getting her into the mood for sex

When it comes to the art of seducing and sexually arousing a woman, men should know that women try to avoid being seen as promiscuous or too sexually advanced, while men, haunted by fear of rejection, try to reduce their level of confidence and assertiveness, or to intimidate myself.

Result? A large number of sexually repressed women and a bunch of men destined for the friend zone.

To encourage a girl to engage in intimate procedures, you need to ignite the sexual spark, in other words, you need to excite the girl. No matter how well she treats you, if you don't ignite her passion, she won't want to sleep with you.

Become the object of her desire!

When you know how to turn a girl on, nothing else matters. Your age doesn't matter. Your appearance doesn't matter. Your job, car, amount of money doesn't matter.

When a girl is horny, she becomes much less selective and the desire for you to possess her almost drives her crazy. She often becomes quite aggressive to get what she wants.

Girl's character and excitability

Romantic relationships involve intimate intimacy between lovers, so it is useful for a man to find out in advance what kind of temperament a girl has. Astrologers claim that each Zodiac Sign is characterized by special behavior, as well as sexual preferences. It’s easier to excite a girl if you use knowledge about the character of your chosen one:

  • Aries. A passionate and proactive lady does not tolerate boundaries, embarrassment and complexes. Likes to control the process, giving his partner signals for further action. With strong arousal, a woman will do everything to satisfy her beloved man.
  • Calf. She is indifferent to acting or pretense, so she prefers directness in sex. Values ​​real feelings, without which he cannot imagine physical intimacy. Long foreplay is important for the Taurus lady, so rushing will ruin everything.
  • Twins. The representative of the air sign is ready for bold experiments, but is dependent on her mood. If Gemini is not in a good mood, it is better not to start - the refusal will be sharp and rude.

READ How to excite a guy: the most effective ways

  • Cancer. Considers spiritual unity with a partner to be a reliable foundation for an intimate relationship. Distrustful of new experiences. Before you excite a Cancer woman, you need to get emotionally close to her.
  • A lion. For a representative of the fire element, the sincere admiration of her partner plays an important role. Compliments, praise, sweet speeches are the best way to excite a Lioness. In bed, everything should be spectacular, like in Hollywood melodramas. Astrologers advise paying special attention to the setting and surroundings.
  • Virgo. In intimacy, he prefers tenderness and romance, but always pays attention to the appearance of the gentleman. Cleanliness, regular hygiene, neatness - without this, excitement for a girl is unthinkable. Desires should be stated directly, since Virgo does not understand hints or timid glances.
  • Scales. The foreplay should be as long as possible - the representative of the air sign does not tolerate fuss. She is not turned on by quick sex in the wrong place. It is important to provide a pleasant aroma in the room, a clean bed, a comfortable bed so that the lady does not refuse.
  • Scorpion. I’m used to competing with men even in the sexual field. She knows a thousand ways to properly arouse her loved one in bed, and appreciates her partner’s confidence. The passionate Scorpio lady does not neglect the elements of light sadomasochism, she loves good sex in all its manifestations.
  • Sagittarius. A brave, sensual young lady will never fake an orgasm; she will honestly talk about her own feelings and desires. You can discuss sexual fantasies, passions, and ways that will excite her with her.
  • Capricorn. The representative of the earth sign is completely focused on herself. You can caress the girl while watching her reaction - this is the best hint for further actions. Depends on moral prohibitions, so it will take more time to emancipate.

READ How to excite a guy with a kiss: the best seduction techniques

  • Aquarius. The lady is well turned on by surprise and spontaneity, and appreciates individuality in a partner. You should not follow the beaten path, following the recommendations of popular sexologists or psychologists - following the rules will push her away. Aquarius does not understand animal passions, so the lady requires a gentle attitude.
  • Fish. Despite her wild imagination and rich imagination, the girl does not like risky experiments. She prefers to have sex in familiar home conditions, where no one can disturb the couple.

Every lady has her own desires, so you need to excite your partner in a special way. There are several universal methods that will work in 80% of cases. For maximum effect, sexologists advise listening to the girl’s body language.

Fragrances for women

According to research and reviews from the fair half of humanity, the following smells excite them:

  • Expensive men's perfume
    . This speaks of the stability and solidity of a man. A bright scent is always sexy;

  • Tobacco
    . The smell of tobacco excites many women, as it is associated with the wild west and adventure, and awakens special desires and dreams;

  • Sea. Romantic people like this scent;

  • Clean smells and floral aromas will drive the romantic nature crazy
    . For such women, a bouquet of flowers is enough to feel a slight intoxication of passion;

  • Wine
    . Most of the fair sex become bolder from this particular smell. This is probably why this drink most often accompanies romantic evenings and turns girls into passionate lovers;

  • Male body odor is the most common option
    . Women react to the natural smell of musk on a subconscious level. But this does not mean that a man should smell like sweat. Deodorant is necessary and important to use, but its scent should not be so odorous that it completely hides male hormones. Women who smell musk become more aroused.

What can be used

Before arousing your beloved, you need to make sure that she is in the right mood. If she doesn’t feel well, is tired after a hard day at work, or is simply hungry, you shouldn’t take active steps. It is better to wait for the right moment, especially at the first intimacy.

Psychologists recommend paying attention to:

  1. The situation. Before you excite your beloved, you need to create a romantic atmosphere. Candles, light aromas, pleasant twilight act on a lady more effectively than caresses.
  2. An excuse for a meeting. It is unlikely that a girl will agree if a guy openly invites her home for sex. It’s better to start the evening with dinner together, a conversation about the past day, or watching a melodrama. If the lady is inclined towards intimate continuation, you can move on to the next stage.
  3. Privacy. There should be no one in the apartment, so that relatives or friends do not enter the room in the “most interesting place”. After such an embarrassment, the lady will refuse to meet again.

READ How to seduce any man: proven female tricks

Sex will be bright if you constantly take care of the girl, take an interest in her life and problems. This will allow the chosen one not to feel like an object for intimate pleasures. According to psychologists, a grateful and relaxed partner is easier to excite.


You need to start with light kisses, demonstrating tenderness. This part of the foreplay will allow the lady to conclude how careful and affectionate the man will be with her body. A kiss is considered a guy's calling card, so don't rush and act aggressively. Exploring your partner's mouth with your tongue will cause a backlash, even a gag reflex, which will completely ruin the impression of the upcoming sex. The signs of the girl’s beginning excitement will disappear without a trace, as will her hopes for a pleasant evening.

You should only use your lips and part of your tongue, leaving the drool to yourself. After each touch, it is important to observe the girl’s reaction - she will definitely make it clear what actions give her pleasure. If your partner hints that she enjoys kisses on the neck, you need to remember this. You cannot show pressure and aggression - it is better to alternate tenderness with passion, taking short pauses. You need to complete the stage with a long and beautiful kiss.


Tactile contact is one of the ways to excite a woman. Girls get real pleasure from touching, even if it's just stroking their hair. Hesitant actions indicate a partner's excitement and sympathy, which fuels desire. You can gently touch your chosen one’s body:

  • during a kiss, put your hands on the girl’s shoulders or waist;
  • touch your face or back of your neck;
  • take your hand, gently stroking your fingers.

You should gently but confidently lead your partner in a direction that will definitely lead to arousal.

Caresses and words

At the initial stage of foreplay, it is advisable to limit yourself to leisurely stroking and caressing exposed parts of the body. You shouldn’t be like an animal, tearing off a girl’s clothes in a fit of passion - even if we are talking about how to quickly excite your own wife. If your partner agrees, you can gradually undress her and begin sensual caresses. It is important to avoid sudden movements - your hands should glide gently over the girl’s skin, as if it were the finest silk.

Ladies love with their ears - this immutable truth is useful to apply in the process of seduction. A woman's arousal directly depends on how desirable and unique she feels. Nice words, compliments and passionate speeches will be good helpers at the foreplay stage. It is undesirable to speak in hackneyed cliches - it is better to find the individual qualities of the girl that you want to voice. You should start with a gentle, barely audible whisper, gradually moving to a low, exciting timbre. Affectionate words should be gradually replaced with sexual epithets, and at the peak of emotions, you can try to utter a couple of obscenities.

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Before performing an erotic massage, you should take care of the condition of your own hands. You can find a ton of information on how to get a girl, and ruin everything with a random hangnail. If a manicure is unacceptable for compelling reasons, it is advisable to adhere to the basic stages of preparation:

  • wash your hands in warm water, wipe dry;
  • moisturize with emollient cream;
  • purchase massage oil or lotion in advance.

They rarely refuse a massage, but it is better to act carefully. When your partner is wearing only underwear, you can caress the woman’s back with leisurely movements. Smoothly move to the neck, then lower to the shoulder blades and head towards the waist and hips. You should not immediately move to the intimate area - it is much more effective to return to the upper back to keep your partner in pleasant tension.

Additional procedures

If you need to find a pathogen for women with your own hands, you don’t need to walk for long. Many women really enjoy foreplay in the shower.

. A man can direct water to the most sensual parts of the body - chest, groin, changing the temperature. Combined with classic caresses, this tactic works flawlessly. Water relaxes, taking a shower together excites as well as an unusual environment, and the nerve endings react sharply to the additional mechanical impact of streams of water.

However, it is important to remember that having sex in a bathtub is not considered safe.

Firstly, it is too slippery and there is not enough room to turn around. Secondly, lovemaking itself is a big strain on the heart and nervous system, and if it is done in a room with elevated temperatures, there is a high risk of a sharp increase in blood pressure and poor health.

Erogenous zones

Married men do not have a question about how to excite their wife, since all the “tidbits” have long been studied, tested and known. You have to act carefully with a new partner, because each girl has her own preferences and erogenous zones. Sexologists have compiled a convenient cheat sheet that will help you focus on areas that are obviously promising.

Erogenous areas of low sensitivity

Even if the goal is how to arouse a girl as quickly as possible, experts do not advise rushing. Slow warming up will bring mutual pleasure to the partners, so it is better to move incrementally. Suitable for foreplay:

  • hair;
  • hands;
  • ears;
  • neck.

You can stroke your partner on the head, gently combing through her hair, or walk along the back of her head with your fingertips - such caresses will send goosebumps through the female body. It is advisable to caress the remaining parts with your lips and tongue, paying special attention to the area from the chin to the back of the head along the neck line.

READ How to understand that a guy is excited: external manifestations and psychological aspects

Moderate sensitivity areas

More responsive places are the back, lips, chest and buttocks. If you move along the line of the spine, stroking the shoulder blades, you can hear an excited groan. There are no strict rules on how to properly caress a girl - everything is individual, so you will have to experiment:

  • lightly knead the buttocks;
  • tickle the nipples with your tongue;
  • kiss the base of the neck.

Some women have sensitivity in the abdominal area around the navel, as well as in the waist and area just below the armpits. There is no need to be afraid to act - only personal experience will tell you where to move next.

Areas of strong sensitivity

The most responsive places are the genitals and the inner thighs. Oral caresses and stroking can lift a woman to seventh heaven from the pleasure it brings. If in doubt, you need to let your partner “lead” in bed - she will certainly tell you how to give her pleasure. Rapid breathing, sighs and groans indicate correct actions.

Soothing massage3

So, the exciting moment has arrived. Before arousing a virgin, it is important to achieve her relaxation. You shouldn’t get a girl drunk and drink a lot of alcoholic drinks with her. Nothing good will come of this. The young lady will get drunk, feel bad, and may vomit. However, a glass of sweet wine will help set the young lady up for sex, liberate her and give her the desired relaxation.

A gentle and skillful massage will help you tune in to a positive wave. A guy can gently and affectionately massage and stroke his partner’s body. She will like this procedure, it will fill her muscles with languor and pleasure. The massage begins with gentle touches, smoothly turning into erotic stimulation.

Signs of sexual arousal

If you know how to caress your girlfriend correctly, after a few minutes of foreplay, signals of strong desire will appear. The female body is not robotics, so there are no universal settings and characteristics. However, if at least half of the sexual symptoms are present, we can talk about success:

  • cessation of communication - answers are limited to short “yes” or “no”;
  • tension and trembling in some parts of the body;
  • redness of the skin and face;
  • dry lips and half-open mouth;
  • rapid breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • closed eyes;
  • tight squeezing of the thighs when a woman tries to please herself;
  • swelling of the nipples;
  • increased vaginal discharge.

At the peak of excitement, the girl tries to touch her partner’s genitals and directs his hands closer to her perineum.

Exciting the feet4

Foot massage is a trump card that a guy can use before arousing a virgin. Women experience unearthly pleasure when their legs are massaged. In addition, such actions lead to increasing excitement. The young lady will melt from skillful touches and get ready for more active actions.

Final stage

Even when a lady is ready for sex, there is no need to rush - additional stimulation will provide your partner with a vivid orgasm. No matter how much you want to quickly excite a woman, you need to do this slowly, gradually increasing the pace. You should caress with your lips and hands, moving along the inside of your legs to the perineum. The maximum number of nerve endings is located on the labia minora and in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina. These areas can be stimulated alternately with the clitoris, increasing the intensity of a woman's orgasm.

READ How to caress a man so that he never forgets you

How to kiss a girl to make her very horny

The ability to kiss girls correctly is a very important skill that every self-respecting man needs to master.

It will come in handy on your first date and will dramatically increase your chances of having quick sex.

One of the main reasons that men fail when attempting physical contact with women is that they have no idea what is happening and no specific plan of action.

Instead of enjoying the process, they are in a hurry to quickly complete the kissing stage and get to bed as quickly as possible.

It seems that men are forced to kiss because they are in a hurry, behave awkwardly and unnaturally.

Even a light kiss in the perfect place and at the right time can cause tremors throughout the body, the main thing is to know how to bring a woman to orgasm with one kiss.

Important nuances to consider

You can excite a girl for hours, but ruin everything with inept actions. Sexologists recommend leaving the previous experience, since proven techniques may not work for this particular partner. There are basic rules of conduct during foreplay:

  1. It is not advisable to squeeze or knead your breasts intensely. The skin in this area is very thin and sensitive, so aggressive actions cause pain.
  2. Bad mood, poor health and drowsiness are criteria due to which it is better to refuse sex. Instead of bright and unforgettable emotions, you can get ordinary sexual intercourse, and under such conditions it turns out to be a big question.
  3. You should take care of reliable contraception in advance - thoughts of an unplanned pregnancy interfere with excitement.
  4. It is important to pay attention to intimate hygiene by first taking a shower and preparing clean bed linen.
  5. Even smells can be arousing. For intimate purposes, the aromas of patchouli oil, vanilla, musk and ylang-ylang are suitable - these notes are often complemented by men's perfumes.
  6. It is advisable to clean the apartment before the date.
  7. If at some point your beloved changes her mind or refuses, it’s time to stop. There is no need to insist or reproach, otherwise this will be the last date. It is likely that the lady has started her period, or she has not properly prepared for an intimate relationship.

The last thing is to add stimulants, which allow you to quickly excite your chosen one, into food or drinks. The drugs have a lot of side effects, including stomach upset, vomiting and other “surprises” that can ruin the evening. Regular chocolate, almonds or bananas are considered natural aphrodisiacs - they can be used to create a playful mood. After sex with the use of medical stimulants, the cheating man will probably feel uncomfortable because of the deception. It is much more pleasant to take your beloved girl through all the paths of pleasure, revealing her sensuality and versatility in bed.

If a man is easily aroused by a frank pose or a provocative outfit, then the lady will have to work on the intimate desire. It will take a variety of tricks and time. Lovelaces boast of knowing ways to excite any girl from a distance, but there are no universal secrets. Every woman is beautiful in her own way, so an individual approach can set you in a sexy mood.

Hygiene comes first2

Personal hygiene is of great importance for sexual intercourse, especially if it is performed for the first time. It is necessary to make the bed with clean linen, prepare wet wipes and a towel. You need to take care of access to a shower or bath. Be sure to have condoms ready.

It’s sad if the first time brings a girl troubles and worries about an unwanted pregnancy. It is important that this evening brings positive and pleasant emotions to the virgin.

Safety precautions

The female vagina is very sensitive. Penetration of hands into it can disrupt the microflora, cause injury and cause discomfort. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow safety precautions when fingering.


Hands must be washed thoroughly. Dirty hands in contact with the mucous membrane of intimate areas can provoke the penetration of infection into the vagina and urinary canal, as a result - the appearance of various diseases (for example, cystitis, thrush, vaginitis).

Hands must be thoroughly disinfected with a special product or laundry soap. After this, treat them with chlorhexidine.


Nails must be clean. Dirt under the nails is a recipe for developing vaginal infections.

Be sure to trim them. Long fingernails are not allowed for fingering! Before starting erotic play, adjust the shape of your nails - remove angularity and sharp edges, give them a rounded shape.


Lubricant (lubricant) will moisturize intimate places, improve gliding, increase arousal and give new sensations.

The lubricant should be chosen with a natural composition, without the addition of dyes and flavors. They can cause an allergic reaction and disrupt the vaginal microflora. You can choose a lubricant with any effect - cooling, stimulating, exciting.

It is better to choose a lubricant together. This will be a great start to erotic play and will give you a special feeling of anticipation of non-standard sex.


It is advisable to protect yourself during fingering to protect yourself from scratches, injuries, the development of infections and the exchange of possible diseases. For protection the following are used:

  1. Latex gloves. The gloves are comfortable because they fit your hand tightly and will not slip off at the most inopportune moment. A large amount of lubricant must be applied to them before fingering. But latex gloves reduce sensitivity and do not deliver such powerful emotions as bare fingers.
  2. Condoms. A condom is much thinner than latex gloves, slightly reduces sensitivity, and allows you to use less lubricant. Disadvantage - it will slip off during the intimate process.

Protection is important not only during classic sex, but also during such experimental sex as fingering.

Prohibited tricks

During fingering it is strictly prohibited:

  • strong, sudden pressure, movements;
  • scratching;
  • tingling.

Such techniques will make pleasant erotic games painful, disgust and reluctance to continue an intimate relationship will appear.

If caresses involve both genital and anal fingering, it is prohibited to use the same finger during the process. When the special microflora of the rectum enters the vagina, it can seriously disrupt its structure and physiology.

Behavior after first sex12

After the first sexual intercourse, the girl needs to be hugged, stroked on the back, head and told how glad the man was to introduce her to the world of sex. You can’t immediately run to the bathroom, turn your back to the wall, or have hard sex with your newly minted “woman.” At first, the labia will feel pain during intercourse, which will soon pass.

If your partner doesn't mind having sex again, you should wait about half an hour. During this time, you can take a bath or shower together, lie in an embrace, kiss and enjoy each other’s closeness.

Why do we need physical contact3

Scientists have recently proven that all people need daily physical contact. Everyone needs touches, hugs and kisses.

Those couples who are married, or simply in a long-term relationship, are much less likely to experience stress, colds, heart problems and even cancer. Thanks to a small group of scientists, it became clear that all this is thanks to touch.

When we feel the constant touch of our loved one, the level of cortisol in our blood increases, which is responsible for stress resistance. This is why many happily married women manage to build successful careers in any field.

You can try this practice with your couple. Just touch each other more often, say nice words - just love each other and don’t forget to show it. And during difficult situations at work, hug your partner more often. Then you will notice how all the problems that previously seemed unsolvable will no longer bother you.

Touching does not always have to carry erotic overtones. To prove your love, it is enough to show your love in this way:

  • Hold each other's hands more often. It doesn’t matter whether at home or in public. Show feelings everywhere.
  • Give a light neck and shoulder massage when you see that your significant other is busy with something important and needs a short break.
  • When you sit next to him, move as close as possible. This way you make it clear that you will always be there and this makes you feel calmer.
  • Men! Place your palm on your lover's legs more often. Believe me, any woman loves to feel a strong man's hand on her legs.
  • Hugging often.

What if it doesn't work?3

If none of the above techniques can give you pleasure and lead to orgasm, don't worry. Clitoral stimulation is not a universal ritual. You will need to make your own adjustments during the process until you find the right position, pressure or rhythm that can lead to true bliss.

To do this you will need:

  • Change the direction of friction,
  • Increase or decrease pressure,
  • Change or combine several techniques,
  • Speed ​​up or slow down the rhythm,
  • Add toys to the process or change them to new ones,
  • Combine external stimulation of the clitoris with vaginal penetration.

How to caress him?2

  • Ah, that's the rub

Use your hand, fingers, tongue, or sex toy to glide up and down or back and forth over the clitoris and clitoris hood.

  • Dancing

The clitoris usually likes to be stimulated by different rhythms. Gentle tapping movements on the “button” and hood can slowly but surely pave the way to orgasm. Speed ​​up as soon as you feel the time has come.

  • Join the fight

You can stimulate the clitoris without your hands, and there is no need to take off your clothes. Caress your crotch through your clothes. Start with light strokes and gradually increase the friction. You can sit on a pillow, the back of a sofa, or rub against your partner’s body.

  • Let there be peace!

Use your middle and index fingers as if you were making a peace sign. Gently squeeze the clitoris between your fingers and gently pull up and down or run your fingers back and forth.

  • Planet orbit

This is the most common option for petting. Use slow circular movements along the clitoris and hood, while not forgetting to touch the labia.

  • Tease

While you're drawing circles, try a little teasing - focusing on the area around the clitoris, only occasionally approaching it directly. Maintain sexual arousal in this way until the peak of pleasure is reached.

  • Sensual side

Many women prefer to stimulate the clitoris on only one side, where they get maximum pleasure. Explore this erogenous zone to find the “right” side.

  • Entertainment areas

The unique shape of the clitoris allows you to become aroused and even achieve orgasm when massaging other erogenous zones. Caress the labia, vagina, inner thigh, perineum and anus. To facilitate access to all parts of the body, including the clitoris, lie on your stomach and lean back. In this position it is most convenient to stimulate the erogenous zones.

  • Infiltration station

The internal structures of the clitoris surround the vaginal canal, so penetrating the vagina with fingers, a sex toy, or a penis can be incredibly blissful. To get double pleasure, use both external and internal stimulation techniques at the same time.

  • Waves of positivity

You can use a vibrating sex toy to improve or practice any of the techniques mentioned above. Start with the lowest setting and spin speed, but gradually increase the intensity. By the way, clitoral suction cups and vibrators can also be used during penetrative sex for additional stimulation of the clitoris.

  • Oil on the fire

There are many arousal oils, creams and gels designed to tingle or warm the clitoris. Using them, you can take your experience to a new level.

  • Less rpm

In some women, the glans of the clitoris is very sensitive - to the point that direct touch becomes so unbearable that arousal immediately disappears. If you find that this is the case for you, we recommend playing with the head of the clitoris through the hood to reduce sensitivity.

  • Affiliate games

Many positions for penetration (with a penis, a toy or fingers) leave your hands free, allowing you to pay attention to the clitoris. There is no reason why penetration and clitoral stimulation should be separate. These two can (and should!) exist in complete harmony. The best positions for this are reverse cowgirl or doggy style.

Different stimulation techniques can lead to different types of pleasure, but how you stimulate your clitoris depends entirely on your desires and preferences. The only rule is that the body must be aroused. It will take some time for the clitoris to allow blood to flow to it. Start stroking the perineum, touching the labia, but not touching the clitoris, until you feel aroused and ready for this type of stimulation.

Important point10

A relaxed and excited girl will not interfere with further actions. By observing her behavior, the guy will notice when sexual desire reaches its highest point. Before deflowering, you can penetrate under the panties, slowly remove the underwear and caress the labia.

Stimulation of the clitoris will allow the girl to feel a voluptuous orgasm and relieve internal tension. After this, you can whisper to the girl of your love, say that everything will be fine and move on to the important moment.

We meet resistance8

The first sex causes a storm of different emotions. A virgin's mood and attitude can change dramatically. She can dismiss the guy, saying that she is not ready to take such a step or that today is not the right occasion. You shouldn't get annoyed, angry, or leave your girlfriend.

She is very worried and cannot cope with her feelings. It’s better to agree with her, not contradict her, and continue to excite her. A man should constantly stroke and kiss the girl, whisper gentle and soothing words in her ear. The tension will gradually go away, giving way to pleasant sensations.

Games with toys7

A more common type of clitoral caresses for single girls is caresses using various sex toys. For such caresses, the same rules apply as for all others - you need to be in sufficiently strong arousal so that stimulation brings only pleasure without unpleasant sensations.

But many girls make the mistake of immediately caressing the clitoris without proper preparation, and this leads to the fact that their orgasm is not as bright as it could be, or it does not occur at all. Therefore, you should not neglect arousal techniques in order to give yourself much more pleasure.

In erotic goods stores you can find simply a colossal number of different clitoral stimulators, which, as the name implies, are created precisely to help girls achieve such pleasure. They differ in principle of operation, design and, of course, price. What kinds of sex toys are there to stimulate the clitoris:

  • vibrators. It's simple - they have a direct effect on sensitive tissues through vibration, which brings pleasure in moments of excitement. There are a huge number of variations, from compact models comparable in size to a chicken egg, to special panties with built-in vibrating surfaces;

  • non-contact stimulators. They affect the genitals without direct physical contact, but with the help of air vibrations. Such unusual sensations often cause almost instant orgasms, if the girl, of course, has “prepared” herself for this;
  • combined devices. As the name implies, such sex toys combine clitoral and vaginal stimulators, which allows girls to caress themselves in two places at once. The sensations, of course, are simply unforgettable. Many single women prefer these kinds of sex toys.

You should not choose frankly cheap models, because they can quickly become unusable due to frequent use. It is best to take the help of consultants or sellers to choose the most suitable toy. And if a girl is embarrassed to personally visit an intimate goods store, then you can always find information on the Internet, and buy a toy in an online store and receive it by mail.

Oral sex6

One of the most enjoyable ways to caress the clitoris is oral sex. Of course, it is not available for single girls, but for those in a relationship, it is an unforgettable process. However, it is full of subtleties and secrets that not everyone knows.

Here we will consider only the most important of them for achieving a clitoral orgasm by a girl. Before you start doing it, you should make sure that both partners are in a sufficiently excited state. Otherwise, you need to turn the girl on more with the help of other caresses, and only after that move on to oral.

The very first thing guys (and, let’s be honest, girls) who want to please their partners with their mouths should know is that the tongue must remain itself. There is no need to try to make a “second penis” out of it. It is needed to perform smooth, gentle, sliding movements.

And this is exactly how it should be in practice. Some people make a mistake during such sex - they deliberately tense and stretch their tongue so that it is more convenient for them to penetrate the vagina. But the whole point of cunnilingus is not penetration, but superficial caresses.

The second thing that will significantly help them in understanding the art of oral sex is the ability to listen to the reaction of their partner. You always need to start smoothly and carefully, and intensify the caresses as the girl gets excited.

If she asks to continue caresses, then that’s what you need to do. There is no need to strengthen them, because this is not what she asked for. In moments of such pleasure, the girl has no time to come up with hints, she simply says what she wants, in simple and understandable words, without implying any hidden meaning. The guy must be obedient and to some extent even passive; he needs to show persistence only in those moments when the girl asks for it.

You will learn about the main secrets of how to do cunnilingus correctly in order to bring your girlfriend to orgasm in our next article.

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