What to chat with a girl about so that she falls in love with every word. The biggest instructions for SMS correspondence

It is important to understand that for a girl, correspondence in instant messengers is a way of maintaining a relationship. They put more meaning into this communication than we do. After all, for a man, a telephone is simply a means of communication, where communication is clear and to the point.

Where a girl has cats, teddy bears, videos, emoticons, lisps and a report for every step, “here, I made eyelashes, look”, “I ate a salad”, “I’m sad” - the guy will only have “yes”, “no”, "It's clear".

Both in person and online, men and women speak different languages. And if you learn to speak the same language with girls, learn how to correspond with a girl correctly, you will get unlimited access to women’s hearts, bodies and thoughts.

I know you want this. Then let's start with the main thing

The purpose of correspondence with a girl

Remember the important rule of Akloni: every action you take must have a specific, understandable goal and work towards it. If an action does not lead to a goal, that action is screwed.

If your message to a girl doesn't work for the purpose, don't send it.

Let's see what purposes SMS correspondence with a girl serves:

  1. Maintaining contact. Let's say a girl lives in another city. Or you have a pool of girls that you go on dates with, fuck, and she is one of them. One day, when the opportunity arises, you plan to fuck her. To make this logical, understandable and desirable for her, you need to maintain contact and not let her forget about you.

    If you do everything clearly, then at your first call she will respond and will gladly go on a date or even immediately come to your home. Depends on how well you warm her up and build rapport.

  2. Warming up interest. You took a girl's phone number when you met. You have your first date ahead. In order for it to take place and be as effective as possible, it is advisable to warm up the girl. Don't spam her with messages, don't bore her with questions, but slightly intrigue and excite her. Let her think about you all the time before the date and rush to meet you as soon as possible.
  3. Keeping in touch. You are busy, she is busy, there is no time for a meeting. But maintaining contact so that the girl thinks about you constantly and - what is especially important - in an erotic way is a must! So that at the right moment - once! - and took her out on a date with a continuation.

So what do we have? The final goal of any correspondence with a girl is a date and sex.

Everything else is nonsense and stupidity. There should be no correspondence for the sake of correspondence. Only thoughtful moves. Canvases of text, mental outpourings, reasoning will not bring you results. You'll spend a lot of time and effort pointing at your phone, and in the end the girl will dump you without even going on a date. Don't turn into an eternal copycat!

First of all, you are a busy man with a billion important things to do. You don't have time to write poems to her in messenger. And if you are in touch 24/7, writing to her five thousand words a day, then the question arises: do you even do anything in your life other than jerk off?

Secondly, correspondence is only a seed. This is not an alternative to live communication, but only a means of warming up. Use it correctly.

How to create the perfect profile on a dating site

Under no circumstances should you immediately start looking for a beautiful girl after registering on the site. First you need to work with your profile, make it attractive and informative.

The first and most obvious thing to do is register. To do this, you need to look through the top sites and choose the most suitable one. Next, write the most important information about yourself:

  • tell us why you signed up
  • who are you looking for
  • about your hobbies and interests.

But you shouldn’t paint huge canvases: firstly, no one will read them, and secondly, you need to maintain intrigue.

Important! Check your spelling and punctuation, no one wants to meet an uneducated young man.

Be sure to add a photo (avatar). If you're thinking about skipping this point, congratulations, your mission to win the girl has failed. Photo is one of the first factors that the fair sex pays attention to . And you yourself, when you look through profiles, don’t you look at the photographs? It is important that the photo is of high quality; if you don’t have one, it’s time to go to a photo shoot. Or ask a friend to take a high-quality shot. The avatar should show the face and part of the physique.

It is done? Almost. Pay attention to the paid services of the site - this may be the opportunity to give gifts online or you will be added to the TOP of users. Each site has its own characteristics. If you are serious about finding a lady, this may help you. Girls like to see categorically minded guys who go towards their goal, sparing no resources.

When to text a girl: the best time for the first message

If you are the same pumped-up man as the students of the AKLONI Academy, then you can write whenever you want. However, it is logical to assume that you should not delay the moment of the first message. The dynamics of modern life are such that every person experiences a huge number of small and large events in a day.

If a girl is cool, then meeting a man for her is not an extraordinary incident, but a normal occurrence. If you remain silent for a long time, she will forget you and lose primary interest.

Therefore, it doesn’t cost anything to remind yourself about yourself on the first day after meeting. Before you start chatting with a girl, put yourself in a light, playful mood and send the first message. Something like “Hi, this is Anton! We met yesterday at the club.”

You can send a funny picture or video. This will lift her spirits and give her the opportunity to joke back or react in some way to spark further conversation.

Important! Funny pictures or videos should be really funny and understandable. Leave jokes that only a select few will understand for your friends. For a girl there should be something universal.

First message: what to write so that she responds promptly

Where to start a correspondence with a girl so that the conversation continues on its own without any extra effort on your part? There are a number of rules.

  1. You don't have to go out of your way to seem original. Of course, you are a unique snowflake, but there is nothing worse than a man who is trying to squeeze creativity out of himself, and in the end he wrote like he farted in a puddle. The simpler the better. Leave non-standard creatives for later.
  2. Don't hang around for too long. I picked up the phone and wrote, but didn’t pick it up, thought for half an hour and ended up writing something that broke the girl’s whole brain.
  3. Do not overestimate its importance in correspondence. No appeals like Princess, Queen, The most beautiful girl in the universe. She has a name, start with that.
  4. Don't curry favor or beg. “Oh, do you remember me? Is it okay that I bothered you? I hope I didn't distract you too much? I’ll just be there for a minute”... Calm down! You're a man, you're on top. Let him be glad that you remembered her at all.

What to write to a girl you like in the first message:

  1. Inspiration to action. "Hello! Let’s go get some coffee” / “I’m taking you to lunch.” Be ready at 13” / “Let’s go to the cinema in the evening.” Why spend a lot of time shuffling around when you can get straight to the point?
  2. Situational messages. “Let’s go sunbathe”, “Let’s go swimming”, if it’s summer. “Let's go build a snowman!” in winter or “Let’s go and take a photo of you in the park in a pile of leaves, otherwise you haven’t had new photos on Instagram for a long time,” if it’s autumn. In general, get attached to any current situation and go ahead!
  3. Compliment. “I liked you yesterday. I want to get to know you better.”

In any case, the first message should be light, cheerful and make you want to respond to it.

I highly recommend writing not one continuous message, but breaking it into several short ones. This will show her several unread messages from you at once, and it will be even more interesting for her to find out what you wrote there. This will stimulate the girl to open and read your messages faster.

What to chat with a girl about: top topics for messages

The main stimulus for correspondence is emotions. The more emotions a girl receives and gives in online communication, the stronger her attachment to you. Where do you get emotions?

  • Humor
  • Untrivial stories from life.
  • Sincere questions about her and comments on her answers.

And you don’t need to think long about what to talk about with a girl in correspondence! All topics and all content are already in your daily life. If you are not a complete sad piece of shit, then every day you have different events that you are not ashamed to share and discuss with your girl.

The stories are going well. In response to your stories, the girl may remember her own - this way you can very actively disconnect and find a lot of common points of contact.

If the girl is not only beautiful, but also intellectually developed, then you will probably be able to enter into a humorous correspondence, where the first joke leads to a dozen more. This will perfectly lift the spirits of both and set the mood for a light wave. The main thing is to be able to stop in time and not turn your communication into a “Full House on the Volga”.

Jokes, memes and videos from the Internet. Subscribe to a couple of public pages with good jokes and choose to communicate with girls those that will definitely not hurt her feelings and views. Use every event of your day as an opportunity to connect and flirt. For example, from a store fitting room you can send a couple of photos and ask her for advice on what to choose and what suits you best. In short, worry less and be simple and free in communication. Do everything as if you have known each other for a thousand years.

First message

Before you start communicating, decide who you will communicate with - study the girls’ profiles. Some people seem inaccessible to you and you think that you will never achieve their attention? Don't panic, add her profile to your favorites, you'll come back to it later when you're already a pickup master. First, get acquainted with pretty, but, at first glance, undemanding ladies. It’s better to pay attention to those who have recently registered and are not yet in great demand among guys.

The most important thing to understand is that girls do not rush at everyone who writes messages to them. They especially do not react to banalities such as “Hi, how are you?”, “What are you doing?” - they have dozens of such messages and they simply go down, skipping new ones ahead, simply because they are not interested.

In order for a girl to answer you, you need to add intrigue and arouse curiosity.

The first thing you need to start with is to play intrigue, write something like this: “Hi, you don’t guess, but I know something about you.” Of course, the lady couldn’t resist and immediately asked. Girls are very curious and such messages will not leave anyone indifferent. But you don’t need to turn every message into a play on words. This is necessary at the initial stage, when you need to get interested. Afterwards you can communicate on distant, everyday topics.

Stirring up interest: what questions to ask a girl in correspondence

Anyone who studies with Akloni knows: questions to a girl should not be closed, but open! Closed questions are those that can be answered either yes or no. She answered, what next? Open ones are those to which she can respond at length and with interest.

See the difference. I'm tired today? Yes. What did you do today? Oh, such a busy day, I was at the gym, then I went on business, then for coffee with a friend...

Examples of correct questions: How did you work out yesterday? What new did you learn today? How did you like the film, what emotions did it evoke in you?

And remember: feelings and emotions are important for a girl. Instead of a strict How are you? ask her about her mood, condition, experiences. Trust me, this will turn it on right away!

Stories about yourself: what to write in messages to make her fall in love with you

How to please a girl by correspondence? Be yourself. Girls are intuitive and perfectly sense any falsehood. Don't try to show what isn't there. It’s better to be willing to share what you really have.

  • There’s no need to tell you that the day was boring, that everyone at work is an asshole, and that the office smells like the system administrator’s socks. It’s better to share with her how successfully you managed to solve your work problems, how pleasantly tired you are, and how great it is to finally chat with her a little.
  • Learn to joke. Practice self-irony and learn to present even very bland stories with a sauce of irony so that it will be read with interest. Humor always helps. This is a skill that can and should be developed. And self-irony is one of the qualities of a confident man.
  • Tell me what you think about her. I like your positivity! / Love your sweet messages.
  • Take pictures and photograph what you like. Share photos with her, discuss. Girls love it very much. So she will turn on you 100%.

The topic “What to text with a girl about” is actually endless, just like the events of our lives. Just be attentive to what is happening to you and around you, then you will definitely have something to talk to her about.

Compliments in correspondence. How not to overdo it with vanilla messages

It is important to remember that you need to be able to write compliments to a girl. The compliment is made not from a position from below: you are a queen, and I am a schmuck, but from a position from above or (at a stretch) as equals: I am a king, and you are a queen to match me.

The compliment should be on topic and aimed at a specific character trait or action or property. In general, there is no need to praise, it will be clear that you gave the compliment purely for form.

Dose out pleasant words. Your correspondence should not turn into obsequious licking.

How to behave when communicating

How to communicate with a girl? Let us recall the basic rules that must be followed during a conversation.

  1. Enjoy the meeting.
    But remember, falsehood immediately catches your eye. Tune in to a wave of positivity, smile more often;
  2. Learn to maintain a conversation and show interest in the girl;
  3. Don’t interrupt, know how to listen to the end;
  4. Do not overload your chosen one with questions.
    Everything should be in moderation;
  5. Don't answer in monosyllables.
    Don't just say “yes” or “no.” Try to provide as much information as possible;
  6. But the main thing is don’t avoid communication. Practice constantly. You will become sociable and easily carry on a conversation.

Emoji in correspondence. Add emotions!

I know it's hard for a man to use those cute yellow emojis that girls like so much. We love points and clear language. But girls love emojis! They insert them every two words so that you understand exactly how funny, good, pleasant, cheerful, sad or cold she is.

Some of the girls even get offended if at the end of the message there is not at least a smiley bracket, like this) They immediately think that you wrote this phrase with a stern face. And then suddenly it turns out that you were actually joking.

In general, before texting a girl, be patient and be prepared for an invasion of hearts, smiles, laughing people, rainbows and unicorns. You don't have to give everything the same. But you can put a parenthesis at the end of the sentence so that she doesn’t worry again)

Don't make mistakes at the start

Writing an original message to a stranger so that she smiles, melts and even falls in love will not work right away. At the start, just avoid mistakes. No, if nature has gifted you with the beauty of Jude Law or the charisma of Javier Bardem, even for vulgarity you will receive a smiley face. I'm not Lowe, you're not Bardem. Make no mistake.

Platitudes and cliches

What, trying to interest a girl in a “hi-how-are-you” way? Remember duckface. “Hi-how-are-you” irritates a girl just as much as “ducky lips” irritates you. It’s easy to filter out cliches and platitudes: the first thing that comes to mind is to put it in the trash.

Not a word about sex

Even in direct style there is not a word about sex. The Internet frees your hands, but keep them on the keyboard. “Sexy babe. I want to get to know you better,” - with such a tackle you will go farther. Although….

As Yesenin correctly noted, “always and at all times, good, kind girls went crazy from hooligans.” So psychologists say: girls love aggressive, vulgar and rude guys. Good boys end up in the friend zone.

Don't load it

Writing hello to the girl and following up with a claim for IQ-150 is also not an option. The young lady will not sit in an intellectual knockout. If you see a tattoo on your shoulder, don’t write about the chemical composition of the ink. Tell me you want to stuff yourself too. Ask what tattoos girls like, where it’s best to get them (on the arm, stomach), from which artist.

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