By controlling your thoughts, you control your reality! How thoughts shape our reality + video

Most people perceive thoughts as something separate, chaotic, beyond their control, existing as if by itself. They cannot control the flow of their thoughts. However, this skill is the most valuable for a person who intends to create his own life. Vadim Zeland, author of books on Reality Transurfing writes:

“You can only control reality if you learn to control your thoughts.”

Realize that thoughts directly affect your reality! After all, thoughts are the energy that you broadcast, and energy never disappears without a trace. It leaves certain energetic traces that sooner or later manifest themselves in your physical reality.

Often you don't see this connection. For example, you yelled at someone at work, came home, and suddenly your loved one lashed out at you, and you quarreled. This is a short “ligament”, but there are also long ones. A negative thought that you have been stewing in for a long time can manifest itself even after several years.

, for example, in the form of an unexpected illness. And you don’t understand how this happened, why did this suddenly happen, I play sports and feel great, where did the disease come from? Remember what happened to you a couple of years ago, how you behaved and what thoughts, what energy you transmitted to the world - and you will see cause-and-effect relationships.

That's why it's so valuable to realize how thoughts affect your life and learn to consciously manage them!

Those people who regularly practice Transurfing have this ability, and gradually notice how their thoughts are incomprehensibly translated into reality. Reality literally changes its appearance before our eyes. For example, people around them, for unknown reasons, begin to treat them with more sympathy. Doors that previously seemed hopelessly closed are opening. How to come to such results?

What are we capable of?

Each of us is the creator of our own life, our own happiness and, unfortunately, not happiness, too. The power of thought is a mechanism that actually operates and exists.

How does this happen? What are we really capable of? How can you use the power of thought to force your life to be built according to your scenario? What do we know about this?

After all, with our ideas about ourselves and other people, we create our lives, bring what we start to the end, and achieve success. Before any action in your life takes place, it will acquire a thought form, that is, it will appear in your head.

What this very thought form will be will determine what your attitude towards life will be: positive or full of gray and black tones. Our future depends on the quality of these ideas. What are you thinking about at the moment? How to buy a new house? Find the one and only? Or how to pay off debt faster?

The power of thought is so obvious and strong that it can either destroy your dream or help you achieve everything you want in life. We'll talk about the law of attraction later. Now I will only say that according to this law, what you dream about and what you want most strongly will be attracted.

This can be explained simply. If you want it most, then you do the most to achieve the result. You focus on some problem, on a personal failure, and this thought begins to weigh on your life.

What is a thought? This is what determines your mood and state. Again, everything is bad and attracts negativity and negativity. There are kind and nice people around – take a closer look – there are kind and sympathetic people! The law of attraction in action.

Trainings, recommendations

You can increase the effectiveness of suggestion through training, as well as following a number of simple recommendations. It is worth paying attention to all this even before the first attempts to hypnotize someone.


Many despair and do not understand how to mentally influence a person who is very far away. If attempts to instill your idea do not bring success, it is worth practicing using special methods. They will teach you to have a more stable and strong effect on the suggerent. It is recommended to do the exercises daily, but it is important not to overexert yourself to avoid negative consequences.

The most effective training options:

  1. Figurative representation. You need to remember any friend you know and try to focus as much as possible on his appearance, actions, thoughts, feelings. All this must be done with your eyes closed, without being distracted by anything. You can complicate the task by choosing a stranger for the image.
  2. Training on nearby people. You should try to concentrate on the person nearby. You need to feel it as much as possible and start giving orders. For example, “come to me, you have to do this, get up and come here.” The phrases in your head can be anything, but they must remain short and clear.

Such simple exercises are enough to learn how to manage people. You just need to adhere to the correct execution, making them a mandatory part of your day.


If you follow simple recommendations, you will be able to achieve results much sooner. But these tips will be useful even for those who have already learned how to influence people. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to them.

Basic recommendations:

  1. During the suggestion procedure, the environment in the room should be as calm, quiet and comfortable as possible. The lights should be dimmed.
  2. You need to believe that soon the result will be achieved, and the order will reach the suggestor. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of suggestion.
  3. When making suggestions, you need to breathe slowly, taking deep breaths and exhalations. Moreover, as you exhale, you should imagine how thoughts come out of the 3rd eye, going to the suggestor.
  4. It is best to carry out hypnosis at a distance in the evening or at night. During daytime training, performance will be slightly lower.
  5. You should try to influence some person every day. You should not skip training, allowing your mind to be distracted from your goals.
  6. You cannot show negative emotions when suggested; you need to give up thoughts of dissatisfaction with yourself or the results.
  7. Free time should be diluted with yoga classes. She will teach you how to breathe correctly and also concentrate on one thought.
  8. The person to be suggested must be chosen correctly. You should not take for training the image of a strong person who has achieved great success or has a strong psyche.
  9. Light relaxing music should be played in the background during training. Its volume should be kept moderate.
  10. Special training in imaginative thinking using classical exercises will have a positive impact on the final result of suggestion.

Those who decide to achieve maximum results in a short time should follow all 10 recommendations. For the rest, you can exclude from the list advice on doing yoga and training in creative thinking. Other points are extremely important to implement.

Suggestion is hard work that exhausts the suggestor. Therefore, it is very important to regulate the frequency of hypnosis by allowing yourself to rest.

Positive thinking and positive mental images

What is a thought, and how to learn to manage it? Some are born with the ability to control their thinking and correctly place emphasis, while others are able to learn all this by reading special literature and using practices in life.

Let's look at some exercises to help develop your abilities:

  1. It is necessary to visualize everything, that is, mentally imagine how and what will happen. Naturally, it is better to take something pleasant and inspiring to visualize. The power of thought can transport you to a desert island with the object of your love. Every day, try to create a positive story for yourself about what you want. Imagine what and how will happen in the smallest detail. This is called visualization of thoughts.
  2. Always switch from a bad thought to a good one. Learn this first. Many people visualize negative mental images. About illness or accident. This makes them panic or despair. Remember: nothing bad will happen and nothing bad should happen. Immediately try to switch to something positive and see the point above.
  3. Create your own wish map, for a year or five years. Practice visualizing your desires according to this map as often as possible. Imagine the points from it as already implemented and get positive emotions from it.
  4. Try to occupy your head with something useful and important. How? A book, a movie, an exhibition of contemporary artists, literature about the power of thought, for example. As soon as emptiness reigns in your head, sad thoughts immediately come, or, even worse, sad thoughts about yourself. We calmly switch to the thoughts of other people, preferably smart ones: Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Chekhov.
  5. Clear your mind of negativity. Just as Exupery’s little prince began every day by tidying up his planet, so every morning you should put your thoughts and experiences in order.
  6. Learn to let go of your desires. We have drawn up a map and are moving towards our intended goals. There is an obstacle on the way or the desire simply no longer seems important and relevant to us. Don't knock your head against the wall, let go of your desire. Without the slightest regret. Find a new direction. With the power of thought and words, it is impossible to come to a dream that is no longer needed.

Communicating with your subconscious

Transferring thoughts from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind is difficult because it has to happen through emotions. Only thoughts that are conveyed with sincere emotions remain in the depths of the soul. And only thoughts, supported by strong emotion, remain.

Unfortunately, this applies to both negative and positive emotions. Unfortunately, negative emotions are usually stronger than positive ones. If you are interested in more information on the topic of emotions, you can also read the article: “ Emotional Intelligence and How to Improve It .”

Fulfillment of desires through thought

Many of us are unaware of the powers that lie within the power of our thoughts. Without delving into the influence of thoughts on each individual person in any case, I will say that successful people think positively about life and always generate positive and optimistic thoughts.

This is the use of a person’s mental power to bring the desired result to life. It's like creating a movie in your mind from your dreams and desires.

Seeing what you want in your mind means materializing it in reality. This is precisely where this strength lies. This control of your own life through the power of thought and word is called visualization.

Visualization has several positive properties, namely: it promotes the emergence of good and positive thoughts. We receive the greatest amount of information about the world through visual information.

That is, when we look at an object, we perceive it mainly with our eyes. Visually, mentally imagining a picture of a successful and happy life, each of us is able to significantly speed up this process and create a successful scenario for our life.

Scientists have proven that thought has a material component and has physical parameters - it can be measured with instruments. When you think about something, you emit elusive streams of energy that can influence your life as a whole and the achievement of your desires.

Description of the phenomenon

Suggestion of thoughts is understood as an external influence on the human brain, in which personal beliefs, views, attitudes and desires are replaced. The most significant influence of this nature is those close to you. This is due to the fact that relatives and friends are always open to each other, which is why they perceive information uncritically. It is for this reason that a kind of instillation of different thoughts and attitudes occurs between close people. The only exceptions can be people who have insufficiently developed communication skills, which makes them more closed, and their perception of information is very critical.

A striking example of suggestion is the relationship of a child with his parents. The baby easily accepts absolutely everything that adults say. There can be no question of any critical perception. Therefore, scientists note the importance of healthy relationships within the family for the development of the child’s psyche and intelligence.

Impact at a distance

Few people have the ability to suggest something from a distance. They are the ones who understand how independent thoughts and desires can be. Such people can easily exert the necessary influence; they can influence the subconscious of a person who is very far away. Distance is not a problem for them.

This mental method of one-way communication is explained simply: each person is a receiver who can catch thoughts intended for him, sent using energy impulses of a certain frequency. Most often, such messages are mistaken for their own ideas.

Suggestion is considered a type of hypnosis. When exposed at a distance, it becomes telepathic. Moreover, the latter has much greater power if we compare it with the first. The person being influenced is called a suggestor, and the hypnotist is called a suggestor. The process itself is called “suggestion”.

Law of Attraction by Thought: How it Works

Many books have been written on attracting money, millionaires, country villas and a carefree life. Of course, you should treat such things-works with skepticism.

What is a thought? Of course, this is our desire, embodied in different shells.

It is impossible to achieve something with the right mindset about money and success, but without doing anything. Those who say otherwise are disingenuous, fraudulent, or simply making money by selling books.

The Law of Attraction only says that the power of thought can help you attract good or bad into your life. But this good cannot come without working to realize your desires and aspirations.

In the old children's cartoon about Khoma and the Suslik, Khoma scared the Suslik before sending him home by telling scary stories. The gopher repeated the same phrase all the way home: “The gopher walked and walked and didn’t meet anyone.” And Suslik didn’t care at all. He was not afraid, did not fantasize. But Khoma couldn’t fall asleep, he was so frightened by his own stories! This is what the power of words and thoughts does. Thinking that nothing would happen, Suslik imagined absolutely nothing and he was not afraid of any predatory animals.

The power of attraction of a thought appears in a more effective light if the thought is spoken verbally. Transform it into a thought form. Even any fabulous desire was verbalized.

A word is not only a grammatical and lexical construction, but also a form with the help of which we think. Thus, psychologists say that if you constantly repeat a verbal formula, it will become fixed not only in consciousness, but also in our subconscious.

For the law of attraction to work, you need to learn to appreciate what surrounds you and what you have. Anyone who does not appreciate even the little that he has will never be happy. Learn to appreciate what you create, and you will become happier and want to create even more.

Dreams are the key to solving problems

Mind control according to the Silva method involves a special attitude towards dreams - it is not just a state of rest, a transition to another state of relaxation, but also a way to obtain the necessary information from the subconscious. To use the method, you first need to learn to remember dreams, before going to bed, convince yourself that I will remember the dream well. And when you wake up, immediately write it down.

The next stage is to ask yourself, your subconscious, before going to bed, how to solve the problem? And after waking up, be sure to write down the dream and analyze it, there should be a hint. Similar dreams often come to inventors, scientists, even unconsciously - the periodic table, for example. Musicians and composers create musical compositions, hear music in their dreams, and, having memorized it, can then reproduce it (Beethoven).

However, Silva found that you can take an active position and not wait for the mercy of fate with a possible answer, but look for it yourself and find it with the help of dreams, which are surprisingly connected with the subconscious mind, and some researchers argue with the higher mind.

Jose Silva's students were often lucky - they won the lottery when they dreamed of certain numbers, and they independently resorted to using the method more than once to solve material issues and other current problems.

There is an expression: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find.” Perhaps this statement referred to similar questions, searching for truth, solving problems and creating new discoveries?

Reality of thought

Some people have the amazing gift of healing or predicting the future, looking into the past or communicating with people long gone.

There are few such people, but they exist. And we always watch with interest what they will say or reveal to this world.

Unfortunately, there are now a huge number of scammers trying to make money from someone else’s grief or desire. And such people will always exist. This should not make you doubt the power of thought.

The gift of such people, first of all, depends on their strong energy and the immutability of what they are trying to communicate. They work not with matter, but with energy. Maps, mirrors, coffee grounds, whatever - everything is secondary. Such people are able not only to convince anyone of something, but to reshape a different life.

Another example of the power of thought is the recovery of patients with cancer or other serious illness. In the final stages of inoperable cancers, only a few survive. One person out of thousands of others who gave up.

And it's not about pills or doctors. They are the same for all sick people. But the point is the desire to live, to overcome the disease. Recovery for such people occurs first mentally, and then turns into the thought form: “I want to live!” There is nothing stronger than such a desire. The power of thought makes the most severe forms of cancer recede.

Recent research by scientists has shown that not a single disease lives in an emotionally and physically healthy body; it dies and retreats before the immune system of our body.

The power of thought is the kind of immunity that you should develop in yourself. The effect of the power of thought on health is that happy and optimistic thoughts produce positive results for cellular biochemistry: through the endless renewal and regeneration of cells, the body displaces and expels disease.

The task of doctors is to help with this, and our task is to expel all negative thoughts from our heads. No matter how scary it is and no matter how much you want to give in to panic, you should control your emotions and believe that the disease will recede.

Protection from suggestion

If the slightest suspicion arises of attempts to interfere with thought processes, it is worth thinking about how to defend against this threat. Methods for preventing external suggestion are even suitable as prophylaxis for people who want to reduce the risk of possible contact with a suggestor in the future.

You can protect yourself from effects on the human brain at a distance by following these rules:

  1. Avoid contact with suspicious people, do not communicate with strangers of unpleasant appearance.
  2. Do not look into the eyes of a stranger during a forced conversation, prevent any touching on his part.
  3. Refuse to visit crowded places and do not attend controversial trainings.
  4. Stay calm in any situation, learn to suppress stress and anxiety, and be cool-headed.
  5. Learn to say “no” to people, refuse to make decisions under external pressure from others.
  6. Subject to critical analysis absolutely everything that strangers say, do not take everything on faith.
  7. Limit communication with unfamiliar people, do not share important information about your life.
  8. Train your resilience by instilling iron discipline and doing exercises to develop willpower.

Those who are especially afraid of being influenced by hypnotists can resort to a simpler method of protection. Its essence is simple: whenever you go outside, you need to wear sunglasses, a hood and headphones. However, it is worth considering that even with such protection, trained suggestors will be able to exert their influence.

The main signs that a person has been subjected to suggestion are unusual thoughts or actions and increased sleepiness during the daytime.

Putting it together

Point by point, the process of connecting everything into a test bench looked like this:
1. Install the necessary software for Emotiv from here

. From the entire set we need a connector and an Emotiv BCI.

2. Connect Insight to your computer

and test the connection.

3. Install Node-RED

. This is such a wonderful thing that allows you to conveniently process data and signals. Using the huge number of modules available, you can put together some kind of utility in a couple of minutes: send yourself a telegram notification about upcoming rain, process a bunch of raw data, and all that.

4. Add to Node-RED Emotiv Toolbox

as a module. Here it is described what it is. Installed in a couple of clicks.

5. Assembling Hicat.Livera.

It is assembled so-so: if everything is done according to the instructions, the battery will constantly fall off, one of the screws will block the rotation of the camera, and so on. This requires a little creativity.

6. Connect the robot to the computer.

This does not require any additional software; it is controlled via WebSocket; all you need to do is be on the same Wi-Fi network. True, it’s not so simple here either: it turned out that not all files were written to the memory card by the manufacturer, so I had to figure it out, download it from the repository and rewrite it. In general, the classic brilliance and poverty of Kickstarter projects.

7. Mastering Flow in Node-RED.

We take signals from trained commands in Emotiv BCI, clear them of noise at a threshold and send the resulting power value to the robot. A third of a second after each signal, we reset the voltage on the motors. It turned out like this:

The map itself for Node-RED can be downloaded from here and imported into your Flow.

Then all that remains is to practice and try.

Method No. 2: projection method

This technique is recommended to be used after mastering the first one, since it is more difficult, requires more concentration and takes a lot of energy. Of course, the response from the object of suggestion will follow faster than in the first case. The essence of the method is to project the body of a specific person onto yourself and mentally perform the desired actions for him. Thus, a certain program will be written in the invisible shell of a real subject, and he will unconsciously begin to follow it.

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position. Place your palms together in a prayer gesture and place them at the level of your solar plexus.
  2. Think about the person you need, while simultaneously feeling the warmth in your palms. Spend 5-7 minutes on this step.
  3. Begin to slowly spread your arms to the sides, imagining the hands of the target instead of your own. Project his image onto yourself, but do not copy him, but try to become what you think about. This may take 10-20 minutes.
  4. Mentally perform the actions that a real subject should perform in reality. For example, imagine dialing a specific phone number, saying certain words, etc.
  5. When you want to finish the exercise, smoothly return to your shell. The projection should disappear gradually; do not rush to abruptly break off the connection. After this technique, a short-term loss of strength is possible.

Rada Cherny Expert in the field of spiritual practices

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Basic rules of happiness

Silva Mind Control identifies ways to experience joy and happiness in life. The rules are simple and effective, let’s take a closer look:

  1. Learn to enjoy life and the things you like. Everything is clear, but not everyone can reveal their interests, feel the joy and pleasure of life, communicating with loved ones, playing sports, music, love. And it is important to feel every moment of life.
  2. Avoid unpleasant things and people. The rule presupposes a feeling of inner freedom - we can change a job we don’t like, find a calling, stop communicating with unpleasant people, if we don’t look for excuses, but concentrate on finding a solution and improving the situation. It's more complicated, but much more effective.
  3. Change what cannot be eliminated from life. It is always difficult for a person to change something - lifestyle, relationships, learn new things, it is easier to go with the flow. But the result will be zero or negative. Only a conscious, responsible attitude towards life will allow you to breathe deeply, create your own world and build a life.
  4. Accept what cannot be excluded or changed. This is more difficult - having relatives with speech impediments or parents with character traits - you have to put up with it, a person is created this way, and you need to be able to adapt, accept it with all its pros and cons.
  5. Accept what you cannot rule out by changing your perspective on the issue. It's not easy, but it's possible. All situations in the world are neutral, only people paint them in positive, bright colors or dark, depressive ones. It’s worth looking for the positive side in everything, continuing to live and finding incentives. Even if you lose your finances, set new goals and strive for more. It all depends on attitude and mindset; you can change any situation by changing your point of view.

A person cannot be in a state of happiness all the time - there are ups and downs in mood, but following these rules will allow you to feel joy more often and be less upset. After all, we can influence life actively (by changing actions, work, hobbies) or passively (by changing our attitude towards life events).

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