Rules for communicating by phone. Example of a business conversation on the phone

Talking on the phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. They are increasingly replacing other methods of communication - personal meetings, paper correspondence. With one call you can solve a household problem or establish business contacts, saving a lot of effort and time. The key to the success of any conversation is not only a person’s internal culture, but also knowledge and observance of the rules of telephone etiquette.

Rules for communicating on the phone in business

  • At the beginning of a conversation, you cannot use the words: “hello”, “listening”, “speak”. The first and elementary rule: introduce yourself kindly when answering the call. For example: “Good afternoon. Manager Tatyana. .
  • Negotiations should be brief. You cannot discuss a transaction or other matter on its merits. To do this, you must schedule a personal meeting.
  • Passing the phone many times during a conversation is bad manners.
  • Negotiations are conducted only with decision makers.
  • The promise to call back should be fulfilled immediately, as soon as the problem is resolved, or within 24 hours.
  • If a specialist is absent from the workplace, it is possible to exchange information with the help of another employee or assistant manager. The content of the message via third parties or to an answering machine must be planned in advance, observing the rules of telephone communication. Ask the secretary to organize the transfer of data and ensure that it reaches the addressee in any case.
  • Recording on an answering machine begins with a greeting, indicating the date and time of the call. After a short message there are words of farewell.
  • Telephone calls should not be left unanswered, as any call can help obtain important information or close a deal. Pick up the handset quickly until the third ring.
  • Of course, you cannot answer two phones at the same time.

Everyday Conversation Etiquette

The manner of conducting a conversation with any person - close or unfamiliar - should always be calm, courteous and friendly.

It is advisable to mutually adapt to the rhythm and pace of the conversation. It is sometimes difficult for a slow or hard of hearing person to grasp not only the word, but also the meaning of the sentence.

If you are having a telephone conversation and guests come to you, you should apologize, indicating the reason for interrupting the conversation, and agree to call again.

If you do not recognize the voice of the person who answered your call, you should first clarify where you are.

If they call you with the wrong number, you don’t need to get annoyed and ask unnecessary questions. You should calmly and briefly inform the person about the error.

The rules of mobile etiquette dictate additional conditions:

  • When in public places, you should use the phone only when absolutely necessary;
  • when entering a cafe or restaurant, you should not put your mobile phone on the table, unless you are expecting an extremely important call (in this case, it is better to apologize to your companion and explain the reason);
  • it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of airlines, as well as hospitals, where calls may affect the operation of devices and equipment;
  • you should turn off the bell in a theater, museum or library without waiting for a reminder about this from the institution’s employees;
  • It is acceptable to use a headset while driving a car (although the horn also interferes with concentration); it is better to make a call at a more convenient time.

Taboo, or What expressions should be avoided?

Unwanted expressionRules for communicating by phone
"No"This word, especially at the beginning of a sentence, “strains” the interlocutor and complicates mutual understanding. It is advisable to express disagreement correctly. For example, “We will accommodate you and replace the product, but it is no longer possible to return the money.”
"We can not"Refusing a client right away means sending him to competitors. Solution: offer an alternative and pay attention first of all to what is possible.
“Call Back”, “Nobody’s There”, “Everybody’s at Lunch”The potential client will not call again, but will choose the services of another company. Therefore, we need to help him solve the problem or arrange a meeting, invite him to the office, etc.
"You must"These words should be avoided, using softer formulations: “The best thing to do is...”, “It makes sense for you...”
“I don’t know”, “I’m not responsible for this”, “It’s not my fault”Undermines the reputation of the specialist and the organization. If there is a lack of information, it is better to answer: “Interesting question. Can I clarify this for you?”
“Wait just a second, I’ll look (find)”Deceiving the client, since it is impossible to get things done in a second. It’s worth telling the truth: “Searching for the necessary information will take 2-3 minutes. Can you wait?
"Am I distracting you?" or “Can I distract you?” Phrases cause negativity and complicate communication. These questions put the caller in an awkward position. Preferred option: “Do you have a minute?” or “Can you talk now?”
Questions “Who am I talking to now?”, “What do you need?”Phrases are unacceptable because they turn negotiations into interrogation and violate the rules of telephone communication.
The question "Why..."The interlocutor may think that you do not trust him.

The path to your prosperity lies through the customer's stomach.

Do you know how much it will cost to repair the shuttle? In short, it's some kind of nightmare. To repair 1 shuttle, it is cheaper to build 10 new ones. This is the Western model, in short, a scam for money, everyone already knows it too. At first they fooled us, and then our people began to figure out what was what. Still, we are learning, and all these tricks come out sooner or later.

And when you communicate with a client, how to make sure that he really gets more efficiency and benefit from your joint cooperation than he will pay in money. Here it is very important to understand that you have a certain competence, you understand some equipment, products, services.

And you can really advise a person exactly what will really help him out in this situation. And it will cost him at market prices, let’s say, but it will close his problem and allow him to make a serious profit, unlike the other option. This applies to both services and the supply of goods.

You know, you are an expert in your field. And here your task is to understand the situation that the client has: to really understand what he needs at the moment. That is, the situation can be huge, but he needs a little bit from this situation.

Well, he’s not capable of more yet: neither morally nor financially. But he is ready. And you, instead of teaching him about life, that he needs to change his head there. You simply, in view of the factors that currently exist, can advise him on the most optimal solution.

When a client calls...

The client who gets through may not identify himself, but immediately begins to explain his problem. Therefore, it is necessary to tactfully ask: “Excuse me, what is your name?”, “What organization are you from?”, “Please tell me your phone number?”

The rules for communicating over the phone with clients are based on the fact that you should only convey accurate information if you have the necessary data. A client who does not wait for a clear answer will no longer contact your organization.

Sometimes you have to deal with an angry or nervous client. It is better to listen to his complaint and not interrupt. He will be capable of constructive dialogue only when he speaks out. When you hear an insult, you must hang up.

Telephone etiquette for children

Children begin to talk on the phone from early childhood; cultural communication skills should be instilled at the same time. It is necessary to explain that a telephone is not a toy, and busy people should not be distracted by calls for fun.

The basic rules should be presented in an accessible form, reinforcing them in daily conversations. It is necessary to teach a small child to hold the phone correctly, to speak clearly, but not to shout, and not to ask unnecessary questions.

A special feature of telephone communication for children is strict adherence to safety rules.

Parents should discuss the following situations with their children in advance:

  • call from an unfamiliar number (it’s better not to answer);
  • when talking, do not give your name and the names of your relatives, surname, address, school number;
  • Older children should know where to go in an emergency (rescue service, number 112).

It would also be useful to talk about telephone hooliganism and responsibility for it.

Making calls in public places or in a meeting

Meetings and business meetings are times when, according to the rules, you should refrain from calling. Live voice is a priority. Negotiations that distract the attention of those present are unacceptable.

Answering a call at a business meeting or meeting means showing your interlocutor that you do not value him and the time spent with him, that the person who called is more important.

There are also good reasons, for example, the illness of a relative, a large contract. The rules for communicating by telephone suggest that those present must be notified before the meeting or meeting and the receipt of the call must be coordinated with them. The conversation should be conducted very quickly (no more than 30 seconds), if possible in another office.

A person talking on the phone during a private meeting, in a restaurant, at a meeting looks uncultured and stupid.

Features of telephone etiquette

The main feature of such a conversation is the lack of eye contact between the interlocutors. We do not see what environment a person is in, how he is dressed, what he is doing (perhaps he is unwell, watching a TV series or taking a bath). We do not have the opportunity to look into his eyes, to enhance the impression with the help of facial expressions or gestures.

A unclear presentation of the question, monotonous slurred speech is unlikely to attract the attention of a partner. Therefore, the voice and its intonation, clarity of presentation, correctly placed accents and respectful attitude are of utmost importance.

In a personal meeting, it is easier to correct an accidental mistake or change the nature of communication. But an unfortunate phrase, and sometimes even a word uttered in a telephone conversation, can cause a negative reaction and the termination of further relationships.

Well-mannered people always take these circumstances into account and try to make the conversation friendly, understandable and as brief as possible.

Refusing a supplier with whom you have a close relationship

Most people want to be liked by others, and so we don't like to communicate something unpleasant or upsetting. But if the supplier, even after a clear warning, continues to deceive you, you may have to choose one of two things: say goodbye to him or to say goodbye to your business. Here, as with any important call, preliminary preparation is of great importance. Perhaps, to relieve stress, it is worth rehearsing a conversation with one of your colleagues. Call a colleague and play out the situation with him, predicting the possible reaction of the supplier based on knowledge of his character. The colleague imitates the most likely reaction of the interlocutor, giving you the opportunity to polish your answers. No need for long introductions - get straight to the point. You should say something like this: “I usually send a letter in these cases, but given the close relationship we have developed over the past couple of years, I felt it would be better to tell you this in person. We are going to refuse your services because...” and then list your grievances. If you don't want to engage in a lengthy discussion, use the "broken record" tactic, which involves simply repeating the basic facts over and over without allowing yourself to get sidetracked. Before you make the call, determine which of three possible goals you are going to achieve:

  1. Get rid of it forever.
  2. Give him a final warning, but be willing to give him another chance.
  3. Give a “warning shot” to his positions in the hope of improving quality or meeting deadlines.

The most dangerous trap: start with point 1 and end with point 3. The supplier will further strengthen his opinion that you are a spineless person. Summary:

  • Know what you want to achieve.
  • Rehearse the call with a colleague, role-playing it.
  • Use the “broken gramophone record” tactic to avoid being drawn into a discussion on secondary issues.

Making claims

Before dialing the number, determine for yourself what you want to achieve with this call: a refund, replacement of low-quality goods, better service, or something else. Check the facts carefully. Before you call, make sure you have all the evidence to support your point of view. A phone call is better than a letter. People are much more willing to respond to a complaint made to them personally, and, in addition, even a short conversation can be more informative than the longest letter. If you are being fooled by all sorts of excuses, use the “stuck gramophone record” tactic. This means that you will repeat your demands over and over again with polite persistence until you achieve their satisfaction. Like a record that has stuck, the phrase must be pronounced with the same intonation every time. There should be no “metal” or “poison” in the tone of your voice. Try not to get personal or lose your composure. Be polite but firm. Always talk to your boss. The higher you go, the faster your complaint will be dealt with. Summary:

  • Plan your call carefully. Check the facts and set a clear goal.
  • Be polite and don't get personal.
  • Talk to the highest-ranking manager possible.

Rule 5: “Exceed Expectations”

It often happens that you call a company and spend a long time explaining your situation. They will listen to you carefully, and then they will say “now I will transfer you to the sales department/the required specialist/your manager.” And get ready to explain everything again. A competent employee will never force the client to repeat himself; he will convey to his colleague the essence of your question. And if the manager is able to fill out an application, make changes to the current or some other work for the client, it is better for him to do it himself. This approach will save time on both sides and increase customer loyalty.

Control over emotions

Many people have a fear of telephone communication. As physical stress increases, you begin to lose concentration and your ability to communicate effectively decreases. Excessive tension in the muscles of the face, neck and shoulders changes the sound of your voice. A tense man appears to his interlocutor as old, irritable and stubborn, while a tense woman appears emotional and unpredictable. Before dialing, relieve tension by relaxing mentally and physically. Here are a few exercises that will help you do this quickly and quietly, without leaving your desk.

  • Tighten your muscles. Clench your fists, curl your toes, suck in your stomach, and take a deep breath. Hold your breath and slowly count to five.
  • Exhale slowly. Relax your whole body. Drop your shoulders, unclench your fingers and relax in your chair.
  • Take another deep breath. Hold your breath for five seconds. While inhaling, make sure that your teeth are not clenched.
  • Breathe calmly for the next five seconds. Feel how calm and relaxation permeate your entire body.
  • Finally, calm your nerves by imagining that you are lying on golden, sun-warmed sand on the shore of a clear, blue ocean. Hold this image in your mind for a few seconds.
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