“I didn’t want to get off the couch. I didn’t live because I no longer had any meaning.” The honest story of how I struggled with depression

How to live on if you have no strength and don’t want anything? Determining how to live can be quite easy if you have desires and goals, but the same question is perplexing if you lack desires and motivation. Such a condition can be temporary and occur quite easily, or it can take on a chronic form called apathy - it is a medical term that reflects disorders in the mental sphere. There is no need to immediately diagnose yourself; for many people, apathetic moods are a periodically encountered norm, and these problems can be solved quite independently, without turning to doctors or medications.

It is important not to confuse the lack of desires and strength with simple laziness. This can be easily distinguished - laziness disappears as soon as a sufficient stimulus appears, followed by a surge of strength and activity, the person’s eyes light up. In a state where there really is no strength, not a single stimulus will make a person jump, and when the sphere of needs and desires is frustrated, there will simply be nowhere for the motivational component to arise.

In case of malfunction of any organs, the onset of a viral disease, or at the time of exacerbation of a chronic illness, the body’s reserve reserves are aimed at eliminating these problems, so there may simply not be enough energy for everything else. Lack of vitamins in winter and chronic lack of sleep undermine the body's strength. Moreover, it will not be possible to fight such problems by increasing motivation and working through willpower - the lack of sleep will need to be compensated by establishing a routine over a long period of time, and not just one night, and the lack of nutrients will need to be restored in consultation with doctors. Physical exhaustion from prolonged work requires rest for the body, otherwise more serious health problems will occur after a lack of strength and desire.

Often you don’t want anything and the presence of a feeling of powerlessness is due to emotional burnout, which is characteristic mainly of people in helping professions or workaholics, and is often reflected precisely in the professional sphere, without affecting the rest of life. In the case of emotional overload during communication, powerlessness in any form of contact can occur, and long-term monotonous work can completely kill aspirations and creativity. Depression and moments of crisis can plunge a person into a similar state with the same ease as physical disorders. Among the many reasons, it is necessary to single out the one that sucks all your strength and initially concentrate on eliminating it.

How to live further if there is no strength and meaning

It is the loss of the meaning of life that deprives you of your main strengths, so instead of pumping yourself up with energy drinks, it is more logical to deal with your basic life-giving meanings. Such conditions arise from crisis and traumatic moments, when a person loses loved ones, faces serious illnesses, and is forced to radically change his life. Then the previous guidelines collapse, and new ones have not yet been formed, and it becomes completely unclear how to live, and there is really no strength, since exactly as much energy appears as is necessary to realize aspirations. Some can afford to travel to deal with a change in direction, understand where difficulties came from and set a new course, but not everyone can leave their everyday life for introspection of the inner world. Then the question arises of how to live further if there is no strength and money to provide such a retreat. Fortunately, it is continuity with your usual life that is the key to overcoming this condition.

Spiritually strong people perceive everything philosophically and as temporary categories, having internal meanings of something imperishable and without an end point - this could be self-development, improving the world, helping those in need. When the meaning is limited to some specific relationships, people, type of activity, then the likelihood of its loss is high, and the more specific and stronger the attachment, the greater the crisis awaits. While continuing to perform your usual actions, consider your life for the presence of such eternal meanings that have value even after your death, even after everything disappears and changes. During this time, you can automatically go to work and cook soup, while mentally noting to yourself whether it makes sense to paint your lips or feed the homeless, go to church or buy a dress - by analyzing such little things you can come across their relevance, despite the changes that have occurred. Following this, an understanding of energy will begin to increase for the performance of such actions that you yourself assess as important - this will be the new course of your life.

If the meaning of life was lost after a certain event, then this happened due to severe psychological trauma, which the nervous system was unable to cope with. Then it will fade away and become less of a concern, but the feeling of not being completely alive may remain, so it’s worth contacting a psychotherapist to work through the situation as quickly as possible - the older the injury, the more difficult the rehabilitation will be later. If there is no opportunity to use help, then try not to hold back your negative and uncomfortable emotions - cry while you cry, scold the world order while a cry breaks out, kick the walls of the institution where it was painful. Everything is fine, as long as these emotions do not remain inside you, because it will take all your strength to contain them.

Poor decisions due to low self-esteem

Without exception, all the women interviewed agreed that they had made at least one serious bad decision in their lives. They attributed this to lack of self-confidence and mental instability, lack of social skills and low self-esteem.

Indeed, the mistake they made could be due to a distorted self-image: due to a negative image and low opinion of themselves, they were not aware of their capabilities and abilities and, as a result, lost their way. They made decisions within the narrow framework of what they thought was right.

For example, they chose men whom they did not love, but who, it seemed to them, would bring a sense of security and attention, stability and well-being - all that they did not receive in childhood and which they really lacked in adulthood. Often they used marriage to get out of unhappy love relationships. However, sooner or later they realized that the “deal” had failed.

Despite all their attempts to adapt, despite all their efforts to do everything right, they did not get what they dreamed of: security, support, satisfaction in their lives.

How to live on if you have no strength and nothing works out

There are periods when you work so hard that you no longer have the strength, but there is no result, and you get the deceptive feeling that you need to try even harder. It is necessary to slow down and do everything calmly and slowly, reducing the priority of what is being done. Shift your attention to your own condition and, above all, take care of rest, emotional relief and breaks, and only in your free time do what you so zealously strived for earlier. The secret is quite simple - the more you care about yourself, the more resourceful state you are in and then new ideas can be born to optimize the process of introducing new ways of achieving, instead of punching a wall with your forehead when there is an open door a meter away from you.

In developing a strategy for how to live further if there is no strength and money, many begin to diligently save and force themselves to work more - the system is a failure, since it leads to a deterioration in physical condition, emotional well-being, and to the cessation of any progress in business. If you are tired, then you are going the wrong way - you are wasting a lot of energy, working in the wrong places where you can be useful, and not using optimization. If you notice that it’s not working out, then it makes sense to change the strategy for achieving it or the goal itself (well, you don’t teach a parrot to swim, or you teach a dog or a parrot to talk).

Exceeding expectations and impatience can lead to such conditions, so before setting deadlines and hoping for stunning results, monitor the situation regarding what you have in mind. Even a round-the-clock effort may not be enough due to the specifics of the activity being performed; perhaps it would be more important to relax and wait in inaction (remember that you cannot pull grass out of the ground). It is better to do something constantly and in small doses than to try to complete what you have planned in one moment, because both quality and your sense of self suffer from such an approach.

Another point that leads to the draining of internal resources and a destructive result is control. The more processes you try to control, the more nervous you become about the inconsistency of small details, and you lose energy. At the same time, control over everything does not allow you to navigate the situation and change the concept of action in time; it does not allow you to rely on the opinions of others, which takes up your time for constant checks; as a result, you do not respond to changes adequately.

Relationships are a test

Interviewees described their relationships with their husbands or partners, and at work, as very stressful - they felt like a constant challenge and undermined their self-esteem. Relationships with others have become a constant source of anxiety for women, around which thoughts revolve all the time.

Here’s what one participant said: “What I experience most often is powerlessness and helplessness. Basically, I can’t say or decide anything, my emotions and needs don’t matter.”

“For many years now I have had the feeling that I am the most insignificant person in the world and everyone else is more important than me. My interests are always the last thing remembered. It doesn’t matter where - in the family, with friends, at work,” another shared.

Some of the respondents were going through divorce proceedings or had already divorced; another woman had been trying to get out of an unhappy relationship for a long time, but she couldn’t succeed: “I’m going to get a divorce, but it’s taking all my strength. I can’t do this yet, I’m just not capable.”

Women talked about their partner cheating on them: “It’s a terrible shock—like waking up from a dream and realizing that my spouse has someone else, a colleague from work. I am choked by resentment and rage. I would have killed him." Another lady, who also experienced her husband’s betrayal, said: “I feel betrayed. I was taking care of my family. He worked. But now I know that he didn't just work. He was also with another woman. And I packed his suitcase and ironed his shirts. I was his servant."

Chronic viral infection

Only some viruses, once they enter the body, immediately begin to multiply, which causes a response from the immune system. Other varieties may not be recognized by white blood cells as foreign. These viruses will be in the body under the control of the immune system, which will prevent their excessive reproduction.

Now imagine that you are tired, your nerves are on edge, and you also got your feet wet on the way home. What will happen in the body? Immunity falls, and viruses that have entered the body a long time ago begin to multiply rapidly, causing an attack of prolonged general weakness and “incomprehensible” malaise. What to do? There is only one way out: you need to go to the doctor, be sure to get tested and undergo an examination - this will allow you to assess the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood. For successful therapy, it will be important to determine why the immune system failed. Methods for eliminating the causes will differ depending on whether chronic stress is to blame or a concomitant illness.

Emotional stress

Difficult situations in life cannot be avoided. If you get a divorce, worry about a sick relative, or move, your body is under serious stress. Emotional overstrain is unpleasant because it leads to a period of prolonged weakness, apathy and despondency. And this, in turn, can lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases. And we never know in advance which organ will be the weakest. The joints will fail, an ulcer will form in the stomach - it doesn’t matter, but the problem will not go unnoticed. Therefore, conflicts must be resolved immediately and irrevocably. Even if this leads to new problems, they will cause a different reaction and will not hit the patient.

Rule out the disease

Everything mentioned above should be taken into account when diseases are excluded. But they primarily cause a decline in vital energy. What to do if you don't feel well? It is acceptable to deal with such symptoms on your own for approximately 10-14 days. If weakness, drowsiness and apathy do not go away, then you need to go to a therapist. The specialist should give a referral for a detailed blood test, urine test, and offer to take an x-ray of the lungs.

Based on this, further examination is already prescribed. You will need consultations with specialists - a neurologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, hematologist (doctor for blood diseases), immunologist (deals with problems with the immune system), psychiatrist (treats depression). By the way, any drug prescribed by a doctor can cause weakness and drowsiness during use. This should be discussed with your doctor.

Tired of monotonous life

The daily routine will drive anyone to despair. It’s very difficult to talk about how to restore vital energy when in the morning you have to get back to work that is boring to death. With its monotony, it plunges us into a depressed state. The person is not so much weakened as he is not interested, not immersed in the process. He is rather lethargic and half asleep.

In this case, most often the person says that he needs to get some sleep. In fact, he needs the opposite - an influx of forces from the outside. That is, he can draw a charge of strength from movement and new impressions. Therefore, weekends should be spent outdoors, for example, cycling. It is best to leave the city and spend a few days in a guest house.


With the onset of autumn, many begin to complain of decreased tone. I really want to crawl under the covers, pour myself a glass of tea and never leave the house. Very often we associate this condition with depression and go to psychologists to ask how to increase vital energy. Moreover, even experienced specialists sometimes follow patients’ lead and prescribe medications for depression. It's simply less energy-consuming than looking for the true cause of what is happening.

In fact, it does not occur as often as is commonly believed. An intelligent doctor will diagnose “depression” only if everything else has been refuted. Depression can also be diagnosed at home. To do this, you just need to remember an activity that you always liked. During the week, devote at least 1 hour a day to it. If you feel that it does not captivate you and only causes irritation, perhaps the mentioned disorder really exists. But in most cases, a person understands that what prevents him from enjoying life is the lack of opportunity to do what he loves. How to return vital energy? It's simple: you need to do what you love.

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