9 signs that a bad mood may be depression

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How to distinguish temporary blues from a dangerous illness.

If we list the possible symptoms of depression, there will be more than one hundred of them, because almost any discomfort in the body or change in the psyche can be its manifestation.

We took the most common symptoms and grouped them into nine groups. They are somewhat similar to the Hamilton Depression Scale, a template questionnaire that psychiatrists, psychotherapists and general practitioners can use to screen for depression. This scale contains a minimum of standard questions that help the doctor not to forget anything and collect as much information as possible.

Remember that the most accurate way to rule out depression is to talk to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Here is a list of signs that may indicate depression.


Funny pictures are the best way to cheer up girls and boys. The following cool images are suitable for sending:

  • animals in ridiculous situations;
  • jokes with the stars;
  • jokes with bright funny illustrations;
  • unusual jokes on men;
  • cute photos of little children;
  • jokes about Russian reality, the life of young people.
  • screenshots of correspondence between a guy and a girl.

On a note! Choose the topic for a cheerful message in correspondence carefully. If you don’t know the girl’s character and possible reaction to a harsh joke, you shouldn’t hint at excess weight or women’s shortcomings.

Mental disorders

A whole range of mental illnesses affect mood.

Here are the reasons why changes can occur.

Bipolar disorder

These are no longer just mood swings, but periods of Bipolar Disorder maximum (mania) and minimum (depression). At first you are filled with energy to such an extent that you are ready to move mountains, and then suddenly you slide into despondency. Depression often accompanies thoughts of suicide.

Cyclothymic disorder

The symptoms of Cyclothymia (Cyclothymic Disorder) are the same as those of bipolar disorder, but are milder. Instead of mania, there is hypomania, also an energy surge, but much weaker. You may feel it as an uplifting feeling. Hypomania gives way to mild depression, which usually does not lead to thoughts of suicide.

Borderline personality disorder

Mood swings last from several hours to several days. Moreover, Borderline Personality Disorder changes not only the mood, but also values, interests, and worldview. People with this disorder are unable to understand who they are or what role they play in the world. Therefore, they rush from side to side and go to extremes.


This is chronic Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), or, as doctors say, persistent depressive disorder. This condition can last for years and interfere with normal life. The emotional swings in patients are unusual: not from a good mood to a bad one, but from bad to terrible. That is, you constantly feel depressed, depressed, sad and tired. It’s just that at some point these feelings are weaker, at some point they are stronger.

Mood dysregulation disorder

This diagnosis of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is usually only given to children. Tantrums, attacks of anger and irritability, and sudden mood swings affect a child’s academic performance and quality of life. To cope with the problem, you will have to contact a child psychologist.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD symptoms begin in childhood but may persist into adolescence and adulthood. Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are common signs of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, in addition to mood swings. A person cannot focus on one thing, he twitches all the time, rushing from one thing to another, and forgets or misses important details.

What to do

Of course, it is impossible to determine a disorder based on changeable mood alone. And in general, it’s better not to diagnose yourself. If you suspect something from the list, run to a psychotherapist.

In case of disorder, symptoms can be removed with the help of behavioral therapy, antipsychotics, sedatives and other treatment methods prescribed by the doctor.

Make her laugh

Laughter and positive emotions are what change a person's mood. So make your girlfriend laugh. Turn on some entertainment program, or go to a funny movie together. Tell her a funny story that happened to you recently. Make full use of your sense of humor to cheer her up. This will distract her from the problems that may be in her life. This way she will forget about them for a while and will enjoy a good mood with you.


Scientists say that frequent mood swings are more typical for women than for men.

Women are more emotional. Constant changes in mood may indicate the presence of affective disorders.

Frequent and sudden changes from one mood to another may indicate the presence of bipolar affective disorder . Bipolar disorder is characterized by the fact that a person is always in one of two phases: manic or depressive.

During the first phase , he feels a surge of strength, he has the feeling that he can move mountains. Often people with mania become fixated on an idea, they are in a good mood and smile all the time.

But here comes the depressive phase . A person becomes passive, his activity decreases to zero, familiar and favorite things no longer please him.

Such people constantly experience drowsiness, irritability, and tearfulness. They may even have a reluctance to live.

This condition cannot be ignored. This is not just a period and it will not go away on its own. It is imperative that you seek help from a specialist.

Don't bother her

If you see that something is bothering your girlfriend or wife, then go to her once and ask her what is wrong. If she has no particular desire to talk about this topic, then leave her alone and don't bother her. Give her some time to calm down. Let her deal with her emotions on her own. Constantly asking her why she's upset will only make things worse. Therefore, do not write off going to help her, but give her a little time to calm down.

Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland regulates the production of hormones that control our mood. When the balance of Changing Hormones and Mood Swings: What You Can Do is disrupted in the body, it affects brain chemistry and the psycho-emotional state changes. It doesn't matter whether too much or too little hormones are released - it's equally bad.

Mood swings are not the worst thing that can happen to us due to thyroid dysfunction. Hormones affect What to know about hormonal imbalances on the reproductive system, body temperature, blood pressure and pulse, weight, growth and development of the body, metabolism and much more. It’s impossible to count everything. Imagine the damage a hormonal imbalance can cause if the entire body is controlled by these substances.

Mood swings in themselves do not indicate thyroid disease. But if along with them you find other signs of imbalance, this is a reason to visit an endocrinologist.

Here are the common symptoms of What to know about hormonal imbalances:

  • excessive sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • dry skin;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • constant fatigue;
  • strong thirst;
  • headache;
  • hair loss;
  • swelling in the neck;
  • menstruation disorders - delays, heavy bleeding, severe pain.

What to do

See a doctor, take a blood test for hormones and undergo a course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. There is no other way here. Self-medication is not only useless, but also dangerous.

Even such a minor symptom as mood swings can be a sign of serious disorders in the body. Don't ignore him.

Compliment her

Mood swings in women can occur when love and mutual feelings disappear in a relationship. So make her feel loved and wanted by showing her affection and complimenting her as much as possible. The woman will receive this loving impulse that she is missing and it will change her mood. So kiss your girlfriend more often, say words of love and show attention. As a result, you will notice that her mood swings will not be as frequent. Just don't make your compliments intentional. First of all, they must be natural. Otherwise, this may cause another conflict.

Emotional lability

Mood lability is an anomaly of the nervous system, which is characterized by unstable mood and its sudden, causeless changes.

Can occur at any age.

A person can react acutely to both positive and negative stimuli. Some experiences are abruptly replaced by others . The background mood of such people is extremely unstable.


  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • brain tumors;
  • affective disorders.


  • changeable mood for no apparent reason, or for minor reasons;
  • strong impressionability, suspiciousness and vulnerability;
  • a person goes from one extreme to another;
  • he has bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction);
  • euphoria changes into depression and vice versa.

Severe emotional lability can be eliminated. You need to seek help from a specialist who will determine the causes of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment .

Psychotropic medications (antidepressants, stabilizers) may be prescribed, and a visit to a psychotherapist is mandatory.

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How to treat depression during menopause

Severe depression is defined as feeling depressed or losing interests and pleasures for two weeks or more. Signs of depression include: daily low mood for most of the day, significant changes in weight or appetite, changes in sleep patterns, feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest in previous activities, persistent thoughts of death or suicide, inability to concentrate, fatigue or loss of energy.

According to research, if you feel constantly depressed, exercise and talking to an endocrinologist who can prescribe hormone therapy can help.

Keep in mind that yoga and meditation may only reduce stress or anxiety if you have mild depression. If you have severe depression, consult an endocrinologist, as this may require medication.

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