How to hug a girl correctly to make her feel good

Tactile contact is important in any relationship from the very beginning and in the future, in order to warm up feelings and bring the couple even closer to each other. But not all men are competent in the question of how to properly hug a girl in different situations so that she is pleased. In psychology, several types of hugs are considered, depending on the circumstances and emotional message.

Unfortunately, many men underestimate the importance of hugs, while psychologists believe that every person needs a hug every day to feel happy. For girls who are more sensitive and emotional by nature, any manifestation of a man’s feelings is extremely important. Therefore, men need to consider the types of hugs and how to properly hug the girl they love.

What is a hug

Hugs are a form of nonverbal communication. With the help of tactile contact, feelings between lovers are “warmed up” and they become closer.

Girls love guys to constantly prove their feelings to them in this way. Therefore, in order to hug a girl correctly, every man should take note of 7 basic definitions:

  1. Protection.
    This type of hug expresses the willingness of the stronger sex to protect the girl from all troubles. They are appropriate if your beloved is outraged by something or is afraid of something. In this case, tactile contact with the guy is very important for her.
  2. Support.
    There are 2 options: the guy calms down the lady of his heart, or he himself needs her to lend him a helping shoulder. As a rule, one sincere hug is worth a thousand words. If a girl is upset about something and can’t hold back her tears, it’s time to support her. When a man is upset and asks a woman for permission to hug her, there is no need to look for hidden subtext in his actions. If the young man likes him, the lady will not be embarrassed by his request.
  3. It's just nice.
    You don't have to look for any reason to hold a loved one to your heart. Some representatives of the fair sex love to hug. If a guy notices such a feature of his girlfriend’s behavior, he does not need to look for a reason for non-verbal communication; the interlocutor will be happy with a hug in any situation.
  4. A hint of intimacy.
    A young man, being with a girl in a secluded environment, shortens the distance. With the help of hugs, he tries to evoke in her a reciprocal attraction and passion.
  5. Proximity.
    When lovers feel good together, they can talk about their feelings through hugs, which reflect the degree of closeness of the young people.
  6. Inspiration.
    Being in a great mood, because a white streak has come in the guy’s life, in a fit of feelings, he strives to embrace the whole world.
  7. Emotions.
    In some situations, it is quite difficult to find the right words that would help express feelings, and hugs are an excellent alternative to eloquence.

A hug between a guy and a girl is not just a sign of attention. If between representatives of the same sex this is a manifestation of friendship and predisposition, then between a man and a woman it is a manifestation of feelings and passion.

Friendly hugs

Friendly hugs are intended for friends, family members, acquaintances with whom you have a close relationship, or even strangers to whom you simply decide to convey your emotional state. These are the most harmless hugs.

One arm hug

This is the least intimate type of hug, where you place your hand on the girl's shoulder, slightly pressing your body against hers.

Side hug

You hug the girl with both arms without being face to face with her, which is reminiscent of a bear hug.

The girl cannot hug you back.

Comfortable hug

This is a type of hug intended to be used in those moments when a girl decides to cry and requires a feeling of comfort that your strong shoulder can give.

You place one hand behind the girl's head and the other on her back. The girl's hands will most likely also be behind your back.

Types of male hugs

In an emotional and semantic sense, tactile contact can be interpreted in different ways. With one touch, a man can hug a girl so that she understands what kind of response he expects from her.

There are 3 most common types of male hugs and their meaning:

  1. Friendly strong hugs.
    They are difficult to confuse with any others. Features of friendly contact: a man presses a woman to his chest for a few seconds and immediately releases her. Typically, this form of nonverbal communication occurs when meeting or leaving. They are often accompanied, as is customary in male company, with a pat on the back or shoulder. Before such a hug, there is no need to make eye contact and conduct conversations on intimate topics.
  2. Love ones.
    Such hugs are appropriate if contact between young people has already been established.
  3. Comforting.
    They look like this: a guy carefully hugs a girl to him. Keeping your hands on her back. Thus, he lets her know that he sympathizes with her grief, the lady’s problems are not an empty phrase for him. A return hug from a woman during any of the above contacts indicates that she trusts her partner and feels safe next to him.

Types of love hugs and their implications:

  • o
    hugging a girl “by the waist” from the back - this is how the guy demonstrates to the girl that he is ready to protect her and become her support in any situation. For most representatives of the fairer sex, such contact means mutual trust. The lady feels in good hands, she is calm and peaceful;
  • a “flying” hug,
    during which a young man picks up his beloved, lifting her from the surface of the earth, sits her down or holds her in front of him. Thus, it becomes clear that he is attracted to her, there is physical attraction between them;
  • “pickpocket”
    - young people, walking side by side, keep their hands in each other’s back pockets. This behavior has one explanation - lovers feel good together, they don’t want to be apart even for a moment;
  • visual contact
    - here the position of the bodies does not play a big role. The main thing is to see your partner's eyes. In them, like in an open book, you can read the answers to all your questions. And the emotions that a person experiences at the moment bring them even closer together. This type of hug is used by couples who really love each other, their relationship is quite strong;
  • “castle”
    - lovers, in a fit of passion after reconciliation or out of fear of losing each other, press their bodies tightly together. Psychologists are sure that such hugs are typical for those couples who have a strong emotional connection and are afraid to break it.

Hug options and their meanings

A guy hugs a girl from behind, from behind

If a guy is significantly larger than a girl in terms of physical parameters, then he can grab her completely (not only by the waist, but also “grabbing” her arms), slightly pressing her to him. In other cases, it is more appropriate to hug the girl around the waist without trying to move towards her chest, unless we are talking about foreplay. The guy seems to show that he is ready to protect the girl.

Guy hugs girl from front

In this case, there may be several options for hugs, and all of them, as a rule, show a romantic mood. In the first case, your hands may be on the waist of your interlocutor. In the second, one hand is just above the tailbone, and the second is on the neck. In the third, your hands are on your back. Your movements should not be impetuous - move on to hugs smoothly. Also, slowly release the girl. If you feel that the girl is moving away slightly or your hug is a little too long, unclench your hands. Hugs should bring pleasant emotions, but not discomfort.

Guy hugs girl from side

The hug can be around the waist or shoulder. When is it appropriate? When you are communicating with friends, and perhaps the girl feels insecure. When you choose something together in a store. When you admire a landscape or some painting at an exhibition. In general, there may be many options. This type of hug is quite harmless in a friendly relationship between a guy and a girl, and will help you if you want to get a little closer to your interlocutor.

How many times should you hug?

Psychologists believe that hugging is not only pleasant, but also useful. From the contact of bodies, oxytocin is produced in the body. This is a hormone that lifts your mood, rejuvenates, and improves sleep. At the same time, the level of hemoglobin in the blood rises, and the immune system becomes stronger.

Psychotherapist Virginia Satir calculated that you need to hug 7-8 times a day, this is the average daily norm. According to statistics, regular hugs lower blood pressure, women feel happier and more secure.

A girl is taller than a guy: how to hug her correctly?

The girl is taller than the guy
There are such couples when, on the contrary, the girl is taller than the guy. How should she hug? It is best for both of you to sit on a chair - it will be more comfortable and you will feel on equal terms. A guy can hang on her neck, but this must be done gently and naturally. Another option is a hug on the stairs, for example, when he walks you home. In general, in any case, your feelings will tell you what to do in this or that case, and how to make it comfortable to hug.

It doesn't matter how tall a person is. If this is love, do not be afraid to show her emotions and feelings, expressing them with hugs. Follow your heart and don’t be shy about the opinions of others! Be yourself and follow the points above. You can use any methods and methods, regardless of a person’s height. The main thing is a higher attitude towards him and openness!

How to understand that a girl is not against hugs

Any manifestations of feelings, including tactile contact, must correspond to the moment and be appropriate. Only a loving man who, without further ado, understands the body language of his beloved can accurately determine in which cases a girl is not against hugs, and when it is better not to approach her.

The main signs that will indicate that a girl is not against hugs:

  • the girl does not look away, looks straight, smiles sweetly, warm notes prevail in her voice and intonation;
  • attracts the attention of the gentleman by adjusting details of clothing or hairstyle, which indicates that she is not indifferent to the interlocutor;
  • while walking, she gradually reduces the distance, tries to walk closer to the guy, and can react to his appropriate joke with a friendly pat on the shoulder;
  • if young people communicate while sitting on a bench, the lady of the heart leans slightly towards the man with her whole body.

When a girl is upset about something and tells a guy what caused her bad mood, it means she trusts him. This is a great reason to cheer her up.

Signs that a woman is not ready for a hug

Hugs are innocent physical contact. You will understand how to hug correctly if you learn to determine when a girl is expecting such a manifestation of feelings. Signs of this are:

  • she stays close to the guy;
  • preens himself, straightening his hair and clothes;
  • she maintains direct visual contact for a long time;
  • her mood improves from the meeting, she flirts, laughs;
  • gives signals for rapprochement in different situations, including telling a sad story.

Sometimes the girl herself avoids hugs, but this has nothing to do with the guy himself. Reasons: she is tired, not ready to have physical contact with the opposite sex, not confident in herself. Sometimes the excuse is trivial - I didn’t have time to take a shower and go through other hygiene procedures after playing sports or hard work.

How does a girl feel when a guy hugs her?

When a guy hugs a girl, she feels safe. In addition, she appreciates in a man those tactile touches that do not lead to intimacy. She is consoled by the thought that her lover really cares about her. He shows attention and care, without hoping to get her into bed in this way.

How do tall guys like to be hugged by short girls?

Tall guys love to be hugged
Many tall young men prefer short ladies. It looks beautiful. How should a girl hug her boyfriend so that he likes it? If she is loved, then it doesn’t matter how she hugs you. It is important with what feelings and emotions it will be. Naturalness plays a big role here.

  • Express your feelings. To make your loved one understand your interest in him, hug him tightly with one hand on his shoulder. Make sure your hands meet and your cheeks press together. To do this, stretch a little on your toes to reach his face, and he will respond by reaching towards you.
  • Find new ways to hug. One way is if you wrap your arms around his neck with your head on his chest. Do it sweetly and gently, stroking the back of his head.

Such romance can last more than one minute. It all depends on how long your relationship lasts.

How to hug a girl for the first time

The success of further communication between young people depends on how a guy behaves on the first date. The second factor is the circumstances under which the meeting takes place. If a representative of the stronger sex feels that it’s time to take a step forward, then you need to hug the girl gently for the first time so as not to scare her. This tactile contact should not be long.

If the girl takes the step taken positively, she does not try to pull away, you can move on to more gentle hugs.


Proper hugs bring partners closer to each other, allow you to overcome embarrassment, feel closeness and security. During “hugs,” people’s stress levels decrease and the hormone of happiness and pleasure is produced. Don't neglect touch, it helps build close, trusting relationships.

But tactile contact is not the only way to the heart of a loved one. If you want a happy relationship, visit Pavel Rakov’s trainings and courses. They examine in detail the mistakes that men and women make, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to attract and retain a worthy partner.

Do you like hugging? How do you feel when your loved ones hug you?

How to hug a girl when meeting

Greeting hugs, if the couple is not meeting, should not last longer than 2-3 seconds. Movements should be measured, delicate, unobtrusive. It is also not right to hug a girl too much when meeting her, as it may be unpleasant for her.

When parting, contact may be longer than when meeting. This gesture should be accompanied by words appropriate to the situation.

Romantic hugs with a guy who is taller

A girl hugs a guy who is taller when she meets.
There are many couples where the girl is shorter than her boyfriend. This couple looks beautiful. How to naturally hug a guy who is taller to show that you love him? Romantic hugs with a guy who is taller should be like this - descriptions:

  • Gently touch his hand or lips

Look only into the eyes of your chosen one. If this is your boyfriend, it is unlikely that during a hug you will be able to do something that will push him away. Walk up calmly and snuggle up to him. Lightly touch with a gentle hand, this will definitely develop into a sensual process of hugging. Lightly touching his hand with your hand or holding your hand in his hand, look straight into his eyes. Then step behind him and lightly embrace him. If you want to do it, go for it!

  • Linger in your man's arms

Don’t think for long about how to hug correctly or what mistakes to avoid. Surround the guy's body, connecting your hands behind his back. Hugs like this are a signal of a sincere relationship. There are several more options that will show your feelings:

  • Place one hand on his back, above his waist. And the other one is to the back of his head.
  • Place your left hand against his neck, adding other romantic gestures. Let's say you can run your fingers through his hair.
  • One hand is on his chest, and the other is wrapped around the waist of your interlocutor.

Any gestures you make will be pleasant and desirable for him at the moment.

  • Snuggle up to your loved one

After you hug your beloved man, slightly touching his upper body, move slightly closer to him. Such a hug is considered quite close, it is called a “hearts” hug. When a guy is taller, it's easier to rest your head on his shoulder.

  • When hugging - relax, get positive emotions

Hugs allow you to become closer. If you feel uncomfortable in some position, change the position of your body, arms, and neck. Then, when you feel freedom and comfort, hug, freezing for a few minutes.

How to hug a girl to make her feel good

In order for a girl to be pleased when she is hugged, a man will have to constantly comprehend this science and hone his skills. The slightest violation of the rules will lead to incorrect interpretation of hugs, and as a result, to misunderstanding.

Tactile touches are always pleasant for a girl. And if she is not indifferent to the young man, hugs give the lady a feeling of security and comfort. For representatives of the fair sex, this need is laid down in early childhood, when, as children, they were hugged by close and dear people. As a result, the realization is formed that only someone you trust can hug.

Why is it so important for girls to hug their man often?

Many girls believe that hugs give them a certain feeling of security. Moreover, representatives greatly value hugs that do not necessarily lead to intimacy. With their help, they are confirmed in the idea that their partner needs more than “just one thing” from them, and he really wants to show care, attention and affection “without consequences.”

Many women have a craving for hugs since childhood. As little girls, they notice that they are usually hugged by very close people who love them and who treat them well. They understand that a stranger will not hug them - only someone they can trust does this. This understanding is fixed somewhere at the subconscious level, and now it can only play into your hands.

For many girls, hugging their partner is of great importance - during a conversation, while watching a movie, after intimacy, and so on. In their understanding, this gesture is one of the indicators of good attitude towards them, care and love. If such physical contact is important for a girl, and a man does not take it seriously, then serious problems may arise in the couple’s relationship. Don’t forget to give hugs to your other half if it is meaningful to her - such gestures will benefit you and will only strengthen your union.

How to hug a girl around the waist

It is important to consider the environment in which the couple is located.

If a guy hugs a girl by the waist from behind, this means that he is ready to protect his beloved from all the blows of fate, putting his back to him.

If you hug a girl by the waist from the front, then in this way the man shows a pronounced interest in reducing the distance in communication with his beloved. If a young man has far-sighted intentions, during tactile contact, he must boldly look into the eyes of the fair sex. Based on her facial expressions and reactions, it will become clear how to behave further in order to develop further tactics of behavior that will help win her.

Video instruction: how to hug properly

It is important for all women to understand that a man hugs her not only for the purpose of intimacy, therefore tactile contact should be present everywhere. You can clearly see how to hug a girl correctly so that the contact brings pleasure to both partners at once in the video instructions:

You can hug a girl with whom a young man is in a relationship in any situation, while watching a movie, while walking down the street, before and after intimacy. Such gestures strengthen relationships and promote trust and emotional connection.

How to hug a girl in a movie

If a guy has far-reaching plans and wants to hug a girl at the cinema, then you shouldn’t take chips, Coca-Cola and popcorn to the movie. To establish physical contact, you just need to take the lady of your heart by the hand while watching a movie. If the girl does not resist such a gesture and does not pull her back, after a while you can try to hug her slightly. To do this, you should choose the right moment - in any picture there are melodramatic and tense scenes.

How to passionately hug a guy who is taller?

A girl passionately hugs a guy who is taller.
A close touch to the chosen one will show interest in the person. However, it can go further. Stroke each other's hands, intertwine your feet together. Such gestures indicate that you want to be closer and have a great desire for this at these moments. How else can you passionately hug a guy who is taller?

  • Press yourself against his body if you want to turn him on

Stroke your partner's back, chest, neck with your brush, so you will be closer. If the situation is right, kiss him tenderly, not limited to romantic hugs. Everyone wants warmth and affection, especially girls, to feel the state of protection, plunging into the embrace of someone who is stronger. Often, to express emotions, it is enough to show them with a firm touch. Men tend to show love more than they talk about it. And women need not to miss this moment, because every hug from a man has its own meaning.

  • Wait for a good atmosphere

The embrace of passion cannot arise on its own. First you need to start flirting a little with your chosen one. Show him that you want to play by turning him on more.

  • Eye contact is the key to the heart

In special moments, eyes can say more than phrases, even about love. If this moment has come, and you are left alone with your chosen one, your eyes will show what you will feel. Make a sincere smile, looking eye to eye, and get closer to him.

  • Attract your chosen one

Holding your hands, pull it towards you. You can carefully move it by taking it by the shirt or behind your back.

  • Wait for the right moment

Do not hurry! Give time for anticipation so that greater desire arises. Don't lose eye contact to understand his feelings. Hold hands or waist.

  • Grab it tight

Sit close to your body, breathing calmly. Act relaxed. Place your head on his chest, releasing one hand. Take your time to change positions, have fun enjoying close hugs. Listen to his breathing, heartbeat. Sometimes words are not needed, your body will say everything that is important at these moments.

  • Having shown that you are ready to loosen the hug , inhale and exhale.

Lean back slowly. At this moment, hold his hand, looking at his face. A smile plays an important role. Remember about her too.

Hugs help your health

Hugging improves both mental and physical health. During hugs, muscles relax and blood circulation stabilizes.

Benefits of hugging for physical health:

  • immunity is strengthened, recovery is accelerated;
  • myocardial function improves;
  • blood pressure decreases, hemoglobin increases;
  • pain during menstruation decreases;
  • the body rejuvenates;
  • sleep improves and muscles relax.

Mental Health Benefits:

  • a feeling of happiness appears, mood improves;
  • positive energy is generated in the body;
  • calm comes;
  • stress is reduced and depression is eliminated;
  • internal stiffness is relieved;
  • feels protected and safe;
  • fear and anxiety go away;
  • good attitude is strengthened;
  • self-esteem increases.

What kinds of hugs are there?

There are several types of hugs: friendly, comforting, supportive, tender or passionate. To understand what meaning is hidden in a gesture, you need to compare the person’s actions, facial expressions, words and gaze. A woman, due to her natural intuition and attentiveness, easily notices a man’s manifestation of special feelings expressed by body movements.

With sufficient observation of the frequency, intensity and nature of hugs, you can calculate the meaning embedded in them. Physical contact will communicate not only friendly sympathy, a desire to support and protect, but also the hidden emotions and desires of a man.

So, if a guy hugs without trying to impress and without noticing changes in the appearance of his companion, then the gesture does not carry romantic or sexual connotations. A man sees only a friend in front of him, and not a woman. It makes no sense to count on mutual romantic feelings.

Gentle hugs with stroking the back or forearms will communicate deep sympathy and spiritual closeness.

A man sees a woman as a companion for life. The emotions experienced are so strong that they result in frequent touching. A tight hug, literally pressing into a partner’s body, means passion and strong physical attraction. If a guy hugs for a long time, not wanting to let go of the ring, it means he recognizes the girl as his soul mate and will do everything possible for a future together.

Interesting facts about hugs

January 21 is dedicated to World Hug Day, which was established in 1986 on the initiative of Western European youth. Another day when people give each other hugs is December 4th.

The scientist Albert Einstein was helped in difficult times by his wife’s hugs.

French women look slim and happy because the men they love hug them in public 3 times more often than representatives of other countries do.

Professor Prigozheva’s statements say that hugging massages the chest and improves blood circulation there.

Dr. Leo Buscaglia, author of the book “Live, Love and Learn,” who set a Guinness World Record, was recognized as a great master of hugging.

An English proverb says that if you do not pet a cat, its spinal cord will dry out.

The meaning of hugs for girls

Few young people put meaning into the gesture and correctly understand this manifestation on the part of the chosen one.

By allowing herself to be touched, a woman allows a young man into her personal space. She is waiting:

  • the protection she needs under the circumstances;
  • attentiveness so that the young man understands that the gesture is necessary;
  • delicacy, which will help not to violate fragile trust.

How to please a girl: ideas for everyday and intimate life

Since there is meaning embedded in such a manifestation, it is important to guess it, since no one will talk about it openly. Try to determine by indirect signs what your loved one wants to receive and justify the desires.

Sometimes there is no special meaning attached to hugs; they are reproduced automatically, for example, when joining a company as a greeting gesture. Such beauties are more open, but in order to move to the stage of closer contact, you will have to try, so don’t relax.

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