A man doesn't respect a woman. Signs of disrespect. (Part 1)

In this article we will tell you:

  1. 14 signs that a man doesn't value a woman
  2. Simple explanations why a man does not value a woman
  3. Advice for a woman on how to make a man appreciate her

Understanding what a man doesn’t appreciate can sometimes be difficult, especially if in words he remains sensitive, gentle and attentive. But he traded the anniversary evening for a get-together with the guys, and then “atone” for his sin with a bouquet of flowers and a trip to a cafe. Or, in a conversation with colleagues, he said that he was not in a relationship and was completely free, although a loving girlfriend was waiting for him at home.

For a woman, the realization that she is not valued is like a blow. Suddenly the realization comes that time and emotions were spent on this relationship, but all the words about mutual love were just a deception. When you are used, it really hurts. In order not to go through this pain, you need to learn to recognize the signs that will tell you that a man does not appreciate you.

Simple explanations why a man does not value a woman

  • You yourself allow this to happen

How to understand that a man does not value you? You need to set certain boundaries from the very beginning. You need to immediately show your character, otherwise the man will think that he can afford a lot with you. Either you don't like his behavior, but you don't say anything. All this leads to disrespect on the part of men. It is worth talking about everything openly, or the man will continue to behave inappropriately.

Many girls have this situation for the first time, and they don’t understand how to deal with it and what to do. The main thing is not to delay it and not lead it to a situation where nothing can help you. Therefore, at the first sign of disrespect on his part, be sure to tell your partner about it. Do not remain silent, but say that this behavior does not suit you. Explain to him what kind of attitude you want from him. Be bolder and talk openly about what exactly you don’t like about him.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

Knowing how he can and cannot behave with you, a man clearly understands that if he wants to be close to you, he will have to change his behavior. But keep in mind that you should not go too far and demand something unreasonable. Likewise, your behavior should be reconsidered in accordance with your requirements.

  • A man understands that you are holding on to him

You are afraid of losing a man - and this is a fairly common reason why he does not value you and your love. Men feel great when girls are afraid of losing them and hold on to them. They are not stupid, and therefore the more you cling to a man, the less he respects you. Therefore, you should not put a man on a pedestal and pray to him.

Be an independent and integral person, and then such situations will not arise in your life. Don't be afraid to break off the relationship, and then the man will understand that you need to be valued and respected if he wants to be with you. You must realize that you can and should set boundaries and rules for relationships. Or simply discuss them with your partner.

  • He has a complicated relationship behind him

Often a past relationship with a woman leaves a man with serious psychological trauma. Maybe it’s betrayal, or some ugly actions. The result of this is a bad attitude towards the weaker sex. Everyone knows men who, after failure in their personal lives, wanted nothing more to do with women. And those who decided to try again still broke down after some time and carried the grievances of the past into their present life.

What to do if a man does not value a woman, in this case? Just give him time to “heal his wounds” and pay attention to his behavior a little later. Let him know that you are not like his ex. Surround him with attention and care, and perhaps this will help him change his behavior and attitude towards you.

  • He asserts himself at your expense

Many representatives of the stronger sex show disrespect for their partner because they are not confident in their masculinity. They assert themselves by pushing away weak people. Through disrespect for the opposite sex, they show their strength and increase their ego.

You shouldn't tolerate this kind of attitude. It is worth openly telling him that you do not intend to tolerate such behavior. That you deserve to be treated differently. Otherwise, you will have to separate, because it is impossible to be together with such a person.

  • Lack of trust between you

Very often the reason why a man does not value his wife is her own mistrust. If you don’t trust your partner, constantly monitor him, control his movements, check his things, try to always be nearby, then he gets tired of you and stops respecting you. How to regain and develop trust is discussed in other articles. Here you must understand that without trust there will be no strong and harmonious relationships.


The next test is called “Does my husband respect me?” It only contains 5 simple questions. If you answer yes to at least one of them, then I can only advise you to divorce:

  1. Has your spouse hit you at least once?

He hit you for real, not just pushed you away during a quarrel or gave you a purely symbolic slap in the face to bring you to your senses during a hysteria. There can be no justification for this.

  1. Did your beloved not spend the night at home without good reason?

Respectful - his mother got sick, his car broke down somewhere near Rostov when he was returning home from a business trip, a force majeure situation, for example, he helped put out a fire at a friend’s house, and so on. Drinking with a friend who suddenly meets on the street can also be understood if this is the first incident in many years. If such parties occur with enviable frequency under the pretext “I have the right to a private life,” then this is already a warning bell.

  1. Does your man constantly insult and humiliate you, both in private and in public?

If a husband allows himself to insult his wife, that is, he sends her obscenities to distant countries, calls her offensive names, intentionally hurts her, pointing out her shortcomings (excess weight, poor eyesight, etc.), belittles her feminine and simply human dignity by any means, then neither there can be no talk of any kind of love.

  1. Have you caught your significant other cheating?

You don’t suspect it, but they got it right, that is, his betrayal is an irrefutable fact.

  1. The head of the family earns well or not, does not let you work, but at the same time does not give you a penny?

“A woman should stay at home,” he tells you, and this seems to be good, but only when the man provides for you completely, calmly allocating money not only for what is needed, but also for small female weaknesses. If your husband doesn’t let you work, but at the same time you have to beg him for pennies even for natural needs (pads, cream, shampoo, etc.), then this no longer fits into any reasonable saving framework. He is simply an owner and a miser, forcing you to sit at home and not giving you money, he completely subjugates you to his will, so that he can then mock you to his heart's content.

All the situations described above are clear signs of a man’s lack of not only love and respect, but also a lack of conscience and at least minimal upbringing. For such despots, a woman is just a toy or a thing, a rag on which to wipe their feet, a housekeeper and servant. You need to run away from them as soon as possible. Don't be deceived by the calf's eyes, pleas for forgiveness and colorful promises. Nothing will change. It will be better only the first few days after reconciliation, then the same thing will begin. And it will be even worse, because the despot, who almost lost his toy, will come up with new methods of influence, will do everything so that you can no longer or do not dare to run away.

Advice for a woman on how to make a man appreciate her

When a girl understands that a man does not respect her and does not value communication with her, that she is not in the first place in his life, then it is better not to continue this relationship.

If a woman hopes to change the relationship for the better, then you need to listen to some advice so that the guy respects and appreciates you. Never put yourself in a dependent position on your partner. If you are addicted, you should try to get out of it as quickly as possible.

For example, a girl has an affair with a married man. She loves him and doesn't want to part with him. But the man is not going to divorce his wife, and makes this clear. As a result, a woman is dependent and subordinate to a man. What to do? How to regain respect? There is only one way - this relationship should be broken.

A woman should never allow herself to be criticized or told who to communicate with and what to do. Having allowed this once, then it will be quite difficult to change the situation for the better. The psychology of many men is such that if a girl remains silent to one critical remark, then to the second, unfounded nagging and claims will begin and he no longer values ​​such a relationship. Therefore, you should immediately respond to any comment so that the situation does not worsen.

By following these rules, any woman will make a man respect her.

Is there really no respect?

The wedding day is in the past, the euphoria of the honeymoon has passed, everyday life has begun, and all sorts of difficulties have appeared. The hot passion was replaced by coolness, or even a harsh winter set in in the relationship between the spouses.

Women, being more sensitive by nature, are the first to begin to feel emotional cold. It seems to the wife that her husband no longer loves her, she looks for signs of him cooling off towards her and stresses herself out more and more. Is it really that bad and is it possible to somehow fix it? Can! But first you need to figure out whether the problem actually exists and, if so, whether something is worth fixing.

What should I do if a man humiliates me?

Even the most attractive, intelligent and interesting women can find themselves in a situation in which a man humiliates her.

First of all, you need to understand that such behavior is unacceptable, and not let go of situations in which he humiliated or insulted you. If you forgave him once, twice and three times, and your forgiveness did not cost him any effort, he will not draw any conclusion and will continue to regularly humiliate you.

Therefore, the first way to stop evil jokes and insults directed at you is to distance yourself. As much as you can. At the same time, explain to him the reason for the removal and how he can return your favor.

The more difficult it is for him to earn forgiveness, the more likely he is to draw the right conclusion. But there can be only one conclusion - you can’t be treated like that, period.

The second way to stop humiliation and insults is to increase your self-esteem and believe that you deserve much more than this man can offer you. There are many ways to increase self-esteem, choose to your taste.

It is necessary to develop confidence and self-respect, since the attitude towards oneself directly affects the quality of life. Please love yourself, take care of your peace of mind and do not surrender your personal boundaries to a man who humiliates you.

Do not agree to such an attitude, because sooner or later you yourself will believe what he says about you. Learn to value yourself so that those around you, including your partner, can begin to do the same.

Husband does not respect his wife - signs

❗ is condescending and contemptuous of a woman’s life values, goals, interests and desires, as well as people, animals and things that are important to her: kicks her cat, says that her job sucks, her family is dull, her hobbies are stupid, etc.;

❗ reproaches a woman with money, food and housing, and even with the money she herself earned;

❗ makes scandals over little things: she broke a plate, over-salted the soup, didn’t iron her laces;

❗ raises his voice, speaks rudely, swears in front of a woman, in severe cases swears at her and can easily say: I don’t give a ****, fuck off, shut up, stupid, don’t be stupid, etc.;

❗ cheats, is interested in other women, flirts with them. In severe cases, he can tell his wife about another woman: look at how gorgeous her legs are, and what a butt - mmm! In general, he is not shy about discussing the charms of other women with his wife, and in the saddest case, he adds: not like yours;


You intuitively feel that something is wrong. Even if everything seems perfect and all your friends are jealous of you. But you understand that they only see the external side of your relationship. After all, if a man really loved you, then there would be no room for doubt. When paired with him, you feel insecure, uncomfortable (at the same time, he may say that he loves you).

If you are loved, then there is always a feeling of confidence in this! And if doubts creep in, and even more than once, something is probably really wrong. We recently talked about the signs of a serious relationship, we advise you to read this material and check if these signs exist in your relationship.

An image of a woman that commands respect

Everyone will agree that, for example, a hairdresser with unkempt hair does not inspire professional trust. Likewise, a wife who claims priority positions in her husband’s life list must maintain an appropriate image. Let's talk about this in more detail:

Image and style

The inevitable fate of the fair half is that a woman should always be beautiful, stylish, neat, regardless of her status as a housewife or businesswoman. A lover always wants to see a stylish, attractive companion next to him.

Exemplary mother and housewife

These archetypal ideas are still relevant in today's gender-equal times. The husband appreciates the keeper of the family hearth; it is pleasant for him to return after a hard day at work to a clean house, in which well-groomed children are running around, and a hot dinner is waiting on the table.

Desired lover

The woman who is valued is the one who fills him with sexual energy, awakens desire, creates intrigue, and not just one who allows him to fulfill his marital duty in moments of good health.

Professional self-realization of a woman

Not a single housewife, even the most efficient one, will command as much respect as a woman who has a specialty, position, and professional responsibilities. She needs a profession to develop and become a self-sufficient person, and men are attracted to women’s independence.

Wife's desire for self-development

The second half should be interesting to his partner, he should see her obvious strengths, the desire to develop and improve herself. Few people will be interested in an overweight housewife, obsessed with sales and promotions in online stores.

How to teach your husband to be jealous and afraid of losing, and is this necessary?

Jealousy can improve relationships in the following cases:

  1. The couple have been together for a long time, the husband is not afraid of losing his wife.
  2. Having a mistress.
  3. Feelings cooled.

What to do if you decide to make your husband jealous:

  • Be unavailable. Miss some calls. Appear busy and enthusiastic.
  • Look beautiful, bright. Update your wardrobe, do your hair and makeup. Tell your husband that you are trying exclusively for him.
  • Bring the flowers home calmly , say that you gave them, do not say the name of the giver.

Advice! If the husband cheats, then the only way to awaken jealousy is the appearance of a gentleman nearby.

Reasons for disrespect

Psychologists identify several main reasons:

  • Repetition of the father's behavior pattern. We often copy the behavior of our parents. If in a man’s family the father did not respect the mother, then he will behave the same way, because he does not have a worthy example.
  • Inferiority complex. If a man does not know how to stand up for himself, and he is oppressed at work or among friends, then he can take it out on his wife. Knowing that she is weaker than him, he humiliates her in order to increase his own sense of importance.
  • Childhood trauma. If a man was subjected to domestic violence or bullying at school as a child, this could lead to aggression in adulthood.
  • Wife's disrespect. If initially the husband valued and respected his wife, and then his behavior changed, then perhaps this is the wife’s fault. If she herself treats him with disrespect, then by doing so she can cause the same attitude towards her.

Important: If the cause is his father’s model, an inferiority complex or childhood trauma, then it is recommended to seek help from a psychologist.

Why did the husband devalue his wife?

Husband doesn&#39;t appreciate</p>

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