Why a man falls head over heels in love with a woman: 6 reasons

In this article:
  • Stages of the emergence of feelings in men
  • 7 main stages of the emergence of feelings according to the psychology of men
  • Features of the psychology of a loving man
  • Differences between the psychology of a loving man and a woman’s

The psychology of a loving man is fundamentally different from that of a woman. Why is that? It is generally accepted among men that girls are incredibly mysterious creatures, and their logic defies explanation. However, among the fairer sex there are many who consider men themselves to be mysterious creatures. And this is not without reason, because men are “from Mars”, and women are “from Venus”.

We recommend the article “What is love and its types”

To build a harmonious relationship with your chosen one, it is important to understand the characteristics of male thinking. In addition, the stages of the birth of love in men should be clearly defined, because this process has its own structure. We'll talk about this in our article.

Psychological characteristics

It is difficult to say unequivocally how a man falls in love, since each person will have his own characteristics. Several common features can be identified. Men are also susceptible to physiological reactions, albeit to a lesser extent.

What can cause feelings of love?

To establish contact, visualization is needed. It is enough for a guy to see a beautiful girl, this will arouse his interest. However, everyone determines for themselves what exactly is attractive to them. Some people want to see a mysterious smile, others want blue eyes.

When a man is single, he unconsciously scans the crowd to identify the very lady who will charm him. He pays attention to the woman's gait. It should be light and springy - this indirectly indicates health.

The stages of falling in love in men occur in several stages. After the visual assessment, the person begins to find out the girl’s personal characteristics. To do this, he gets to know her and starts a conversation.

If a man begins to see a woman as a sexual object, then this already indicates the emergence of interest. How much time passes between stages depends on the individual’s personal characteristics. For some, one glance is enough, for others it will take months.

Can it pass quickly

Poets, artists, and philosophers argued about the lifespan of love. Some said that only a few months would pass and the feelings would fade away, others assured that love would last for many decades.

Quick interest disappears when between people there was only sexual interest and a complete discrepancy in character. In this case, it will not be possible to build strong relationships.

Strong feelings can exist for years, but for this, people need to do everything to strengthen the union: spend time together, surprise each other, provide support, etc.

Preserving passion allows you to prolong the existence of the union

It is impossible to say for sure whether love is quick. Some people need time to understand: this woman is not suitable for him. Others spend years maintaining feelings that vaguely resemble love.

Important! Each man has his own life, so measuring it with general criteria is not always correct.

Sometimes a person goes a long way through short-term romances to find that very woman.

How to help a man overcome his fears and successfully go through all stages of love

The feeling of falling in love evokes joyful emotions in people. But some people don't know how to enjoy them. If your man is one of them and finds it difficult to let his feelings out, let him get used to the new sensations and accept them. Over time, he will learn to enjoy love.

Listen to the advice of psychologists:

  1. Don't give in too quickly to a man's pressure, otherwise he will consider you too frivolous for a serious relationship.
  2. Judge a man's attitude towards you by his actions, not his words. Sweet compliments and beautiful confessions are worth nothing while he is just courting you. Unfortunately, all women fall into this rake. If you really mean something to a man, he will decide to have a serious relationship with you.
  3. A girl in love tends to see everything in a rosy light and often does not notice even the obvious shortcomings of her chosen one. He seems to her like a handsome prince, honest and noble. Try not to make hasty decisions during this period. Give yourself time to get to know your partner better and understand who you really are.

It takes a woman very little time to fall in love with a man. And for a man, this process takes as many as five stages. With this in mind, try not to rush him, but also do not drag out the courtship period for too long.

Even the best psychologists cannot say with certainty what a man will be like in a love relationship. This feeling is fraught with too many mysteries. At the heart of love is the play of opposites, and in order to achieve harmony, sometimes you have to spend a whole life.

Seven stages of falling in love

Psychologists have been able to identify the stages of development of feelings. They help to better understand what representatives of the stronger sex experience when they develop an attachment to a girl. The stages of a man falling in love are divided into 7 segments. They happen gradually; you cannot jump over them.

Attractiveness rating

Can a man love and ignore a woman - what psychology says

It all starts with visual contact with a woman's body. You don’t have to be a long-legged, slender woman to arouse interest. It is enough to look cheerful and healthy.

Important! Every man has his own ideas about beauty.

In order to attract attention, you can look bright and unusual. This way you have more chances to attract the attention of the male half. But this is just the beginning.

Identifying reciprocal interest

Few people want to meet someone and be immediately rejected. A man and a woman in love behave differently, so they may not be aware of each other’s feelings.

In order to understand a lady’s interest, you need to pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • her gaze;
  • a flirting smile;
  • desire to shorten the distance.

If these signs are there, then the girl is definitely starting to feel interested, so you can move on to a new stage.

Getting attention in return

Next, the man needs to start a conversation and find out the personal characteristics of the chosen one. You can ask about her interests, character, hobbies, work and other topics.

The guy also presents himself by showing his strengths, otherwise he will not arouse a woman's interest. In this case, she will refuse him a new meeting.

Making a good impression

In order to attract a girl on the first date, you need to look perfect. To do this, choose stylish, clean clothes, use high-quality perfume, and do a fashionable hairstyle.

Important! The first impressions of a meeting are also based on behavior.

The guy needs to prove himself to be an intelligent and gallant person. Good manners, politeness, and a broad outlook will add points of attractiveness to him.

Winning a lady's heart

In order to make women fall in love with you, appearance alone is not enough. You need to give them gifts, take an interest in their well-being, invite them to different places, and solve problems. You can maintain constant contact through correspondence.

A man goes missing

The next stage is called decision making. After long walks in pairs, the young man disappears. He doesn’t write, doesn’t call, and doesn’t show himself in any way. This is a normal process.

A short separation allows you to collect your thoughts

This condition may last several weeks or a month. It all depends on the psyche of a particular man. After a break, he can finally understand whether he was able to love a woman.

A feeling is born in a man

This is the climactic moment that indicates the creation of a relationship. After a break, the young man begins dating his chosen one again. He strives to spend all his free time with her. He wants to hug, kiss her, carry her in his arms.

Various bad and good events may happen, but they will not darken love. Some guys make original gifts: a dress, underwear, etc.

How to develop your feminine side

To develop your femininity, try to do more often what has been characteristic of a real woman since ancient times.

  • Wear dresses. Many women categorically refuse to wear dresses. But in vain - most men like it when women wear dresses, or at least skirts. If you try to change your jeans to a dress, you will notice after a while that you begin to feel more feminine. Imagine a bucket and a crystal vase. How do you usually pick up a bucket? What about the vase? How would you like to be treated?
  • Feed someone. Try to cook something tasty more often and treat your friends or relatives, you can feed homeless animals. Such care for others gives a powerful impetus to the development of femininity.
  • Do something with your own hands. Cross stitch, knit, make cards and notebooks. Any handicraft has a very beneficial effect on the female psyche. When a woman creates something with her hands, she comes into harmony with her feminine nature.

When a woman does hard work, her movements change, they become clumsy, rough, and masculine qualities develop in the woman. Even if a woman does not work physically, but, for example, manages, this also affects her femininity - her voice loses its softness, her movements become sharper.

Therefore, try to do less hard physical work and create more. It is also useful to dig in the ground, for example, in a vegetable garden, if you have one, or to tend to indoor plants.

I recommend watching a video from practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer on how to attract a man. She will tell you what a woman who can attract male attention should look like. By applying the recommendations received, you will become a real magnet for men.

Behavior and feelings during the period of falling in love

Why a man doesn’t call a woman by name - a psychologist’s opinion

Poets and philosophers have described attraction in different ways. Some imagined it as a storm of passions, others as a gradual development of feelings. If a man falls in love, then he behaves strangely and a little childishly. Even married people are subject to this feeling, but they only hold secret meetings.

In order to understand how men fall in love, psychology has studied in detail the relationships of different couples. This allowed her to identify 7 stages that are characteristic of all representatives of the stronger sex.

There is an opinion that a man chooses a companion subconsciously. He evaluates how well she is suitable for having children. Why is it important? Because representatives of the stronger sex always want to procreate.

It is not always easy to find out how a man understands that he has fallen in love with a woman. This feeling manifests itself differently for everyone, especially with regard to the degree of expression.

Why do men hide their emotions?

In the process of going through all these stages, it is important to understand that you should not rush your chosen one and try to extract from him how he feels.

Men tend to be very secretive about their emotions, this can happen for a variety of reasons. Stereotypes are one of the main ones. From childhood, almost all boys are convinced that they should be restrained and not show their emotions. And when they become adults, it is difficult for them to express their true state and they keep their experiences to themselves.

He may also simply be afraid to enter into a relationship.

If the previous ones caused him suffering, then he will most likely find it difficult to get closer and keep his distance until he is sure of his and your feelings.

Another reason is that men are afraid of being rejected. If such situations have already happened to him, then perhaps he will delay until the last minute in opening his feelings, because refusal can hit his self-esteem.

You are smiling

A smile is a powerful weapon that will help you make a man fall in love with you. More than once, scientists have conducted experiments, as a result of which it was found that smiling people look more beautiful, friendly and pleasant than gloomy ones. They showed men photos of beautiful but frowning girls, and also photos of smiling ladies with a standard appearance. And who do you think they chose? Girls with a smile, because they seemed more friendly and ready to get to know each other.

Of course, walking around with a smile on your face all the time will be a little strange. But try to keep your face relaxed and not frown as if you have the world's worries on your shoulders. And on a date, smile more - your partner will really like it.

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