How to understand that your relationship is really serious

Good day! In this topic we will look at what a serious relationship is and how to recognize it. As long as a person exists on planet earth, he falls in love, starts a family, builds relationships with the opposite sex to continue his own family. It is genetically inherent in a person to create a family and continue one’s lineage.

In the 21st century, the search for a soul mate has become quite complicated; not everyone can join hands and go through all the hardships of the modern world. Modern values ​​of relationships between a man and a woman are distorted, which is why it turns out that people have to meet and separate many times until they meet their only life partner.

But what signs of a serious relationship should you pay attention to in order to understand your lover’s intentions? How to understand that there is exactly the same person nearby who will protect, help, support, will always be there and will never betray? Let's try to understand this article.

You accept each other's uniqueness

We all think differently, react to events, approach problems and behave in everyday life. The other person will inevitably do things differently from you, your parents, or your previous partner. And this does not mean that you should try to remake it.

Sometimes it’s worth putting yourself in someone else’s shoes to understand how important things are to them that seem unimportant to us. The more eccentric traits a partner has, the more difficult (and more interesting) it can be. Remember how many conventions Amy Farah Fowler had to comply with in order to be together with Sheldon Cooper.

At the same time, your own characteristics also have a right to exist and your partner must accept them.

In the so-called Gestaltist prayer, written by Frederick S. Perls. Gestalt therapy verbatim by the founder of Gestalt therapy, Frederick Perls, there are these lines:

I do not live in this world to meet your expectations, and you do not live in this world to meet mine. But if we meet each other by chance, that’s wonderful.

Frederick Perls

psychiatrist, founder of Gestalt therapy

Signs of a serious relationship

One of the most common questions among men and women at the dating stage is whether their other half’s intentions are serious? When dating, people get to know each other, and at the same time look closely at the person as a possible partner for life together, assessing his prospects.

And yet, how to recognize that a partner has serious intentions, and not friendship or a one-night stand? Pay attention to certain signs that will help you understand that your life partner is serious about creating a family life. Since boys and girls look at the world differently, their signs are different.

This means that it is necessary to consider separately male characteristics and separately female characteristics.

The seriousness of men's intentions

Below will be presented the male signs when he really wants to create a family relationship.

  • If a man is serious in his intentions towards his beloved, he will be persistent. You can’t just hide from the manifestations of his attention.
  • If the intention is serious, the young lady’s refusal to communicate will not be accepted by the guy. His determination will not make it possible to stop his rapprochement with the girl he likes, even if she has a partner.
  • When you communicate, he will try to find out as much information as possible about you and your future plans for life.
  • A man with serious intentions tries to introduce his beloved to his close social circle. The girl will definitely meet the guy’s relatives, friends, and colleagues.
  • No matter how busy a man is, he will always find time to get in touch with the girl he loves.
  • A man has no secrets from his girlfriend. He is completely open and frank when communicating, wants to share with the girl everything he can in his life.
  • The guy will share with the girl his plans for the future, talk about his career achievements and hobbies.
  • Strives for frequent meetings with his beloved, even to the detriment of his own interests.
  • There will be an earlier offer to move in with him in order to get closer faster.
  • If she wants to create a family life, she will not resist meeting the girl’s parents and her close circle of friends. This gesture is more likely to be carried out from the position of showing everyone that this girl is busy with him from now on.
  • In the near future, she will publish joint photos on social networks.
  • If a girl calls and says that she has problems, he will rush at the same moment, under any circumstances, to his beloved.
  • During communication, all information received from the girl is remembered and used in the future. If during a conversation it was accidentally mentioned that a girl likes Milka chocolate, then when you come to visit him or under other circumstances, he will treat her with Milka chocolate.
  • Will insist on a taxi or personal escort home, in the dark.
  • If he has promising intentions, the guy is not inclined to think long and hard about living together. He will quickly take the initiative to live together for the rest of his life.

The seriousness of women's intentions

We've sorted out the male characteristics, let's move on to the female ones. Unlike male characteristics, female ones are much more difficult to recognize, since they are more secretive and very often hidden.

What is a serious relationship</p>

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