Inexplicable sympathy. Why does a girl fall in love with a woman?

Why do women love women? Love between women has become a fairly common phenomenon and no longer causes much condemnation, although it still makes many people think about such a choice. The phenomenon of lesbianism cannot be considered a tribute to fashion, since it has always existed, now the veil of mystery and censure is only falling away. In the same way, attitudes towards women have changed, starting from gaining the right to significant career growth. All this influences and transforms interpersonal and intimate relationships, in which men increasingly take a driven and passive position. It starts with the active desire of women to get married, but that is not the goal. Every woman wants and seeks love and understanding, and if she cannot get it using the usual standard method, then her search takes on new horizons. The search for tenderness and romance can contribute to this. After all, it is much easier to build a relationship with a person who wants such a pastime than to constantly nag a man and be offended by rudeness or lack of understanding of the candles and roses on the table.

There is also the concept of innate homosexuality and now it is no longer condemned, and accordingly, many women, instead of suppressing their true desires and doomed life with a man, can afford to be in a comfortable relationship with a woman. In many ways, this is a balanced decision aimed at revealing one’s personal nature, as well as caring for other people. In this aspect, an established married couple is no different from a heterosexual one, since what is important for building relationships is not gender and the combination of gender characteristics, but the ability of people to hear the other and build relationships. But there are cases when women choose women after numerous traumas received in relationships with men. With such a development of events, negative consequences, ruined destinies and retraumatization are likely, since the choice of female relationships is not a continuation of the personality itself, but rather an escape from reality. Unhealed traumas will always surface in new interactions, no matter who is involved.

Choosing any orientation is not a deviation or violation, unless the behavior is a consequence of a traumatic experience. Initially, all people are bisexual and each personality contains both feminine and masculine traits that require implementation to the same extent.

Dances to choose from

“Sex with a woman is more sophisticated, refined, leisurely. And although I love a man’s body more than a woman’s, I find what I need only in a woman’s arms.”

Even the erotic dances of lesbians are different from the way women who love men move. But dance is a kind of imitation of sexual intercourse. The movements of traditional women are more conservative and rhythmic; among lesbians, languor and smoothness prevail, they focus on the chest and hips. If a woman sometimes has sex with a woman, it means she needs it, this is evidence of her bisexuality. She is unlikely to become happy in life: such a “split” of desires is a difficult test, because a person always strives to make a decision. Even the great bisexuals, such as Marlene Dietrich or Madonna (who eventually settled on men), were not looking for diversity, but trying to understand themselves.

Like clockwork

“I get the impression that half the female population of the world has decided that not trying sex with a woman is a sign of cowardice and narrow-mindedness.”

Fashion has a great influence on hobbies. Young people especially obey her. And homosexuality is relevant today. It is no coincidence that the Tatu group, whose soloists have nothing to do with sexual minorities, successfully exploited the theme of same-sex female love. By the way, true lesbians treated the work of this once popular duo with contempt. Although his success was precisely calculated. The desire of young people to be shocking, to imitate (kiss girls, take off their T-shirts, like on stage) does its job. So the mass character and peculiar popularity of same-sex relationships are to a large extent children’s games, which cynical adults invent for them.

Unhappy love

“My relationships with women began from the moment when one fine day I shaved my head. She did this out of banal, unhappy love for a man. It was then that we discovered that the girls were very close.”

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This is perhaps the most common reason for leaving for another love. The inability to build relationships with the opposite sex, resentment, a feeling of loneliness and one’s own unattractiveness, which is typical for many teenagers, can force one to look for love where the competition is not so high. This is the path of least resistance, which will sooner or later lead to disappointment if a person is controlled not by true desires and drives, but by considerations of spiritual comfort. It is better to go through unhappy love alone; a love experience with a woman can lead to such a wall growing between men and you that it will not be possible to destroy it even in a few years.

All men are...

“Women in my family did not see anything good from men. Grandmother to the question: “Who was grandfather?” she invariably answered: “It burned, and there was no smoke.” My dad got the nickname “cyclist”: he was constantly riding somewhere, and always farther from home. Maybe it’s not surprising that I decided to choose a woman. And I didn’t regret it. We feel good together: we honestly share all responsibilities, even those that men usually run away from.”

Women who treat men poorly pass this feeling on to their daughters. The image of a parasite on the sofa, a “goat” who only needs one thing, who “sails and abandons” is one of the reasons why a woman chooses a woman. Fear, a feeling of disgust towards “animal” men - this is what sometimes becomes the reason for unconventional choices. So, if you want to raise a heterosexual girl, don't hold it against men.

And one more thing: don’t do a man’s job! In pursuit of equality, the woman herself tears the initiative and work from the hands of the man; he has no choice but to lie quietly on the sofa. Due to the heavy workload, a woman becomes nervous, becomes embittered towards the entire male family, and as a result, she either passes on her attitude to the younger generation or leaves the man for the woman.

What the treatises suggest

Our society is full of all kinds of stereotypes. Most of them are introduced by the science of the human soul, which focuses on statistics and is based on general information. What does a loving woman mean according to psychological theory?

Its first and main characteristic is mastering the art of the golden mean. She knows how to find a consensus between two main forms of relationships: either the gentleman holds her in his fist, or the lady pushes him under her heel. The so-called carrot and stick theory also applies here.

About her character and characteristics

We have no doubt that your beloved has a lot of positive qualities that delight and inspire you. Did you guess it? So tell her about it!

26. You have the inner strength that helps me stay calm when my life feels like chaos.

27. You always keep your promises.

28. You help me understand something new without being condescending.

29. You have the ability to calm me down with just your touch.

30. You are always the first to apologize, no matter who is wrong.

31. Your amazing work ethic and determination inspire me.

  • M+F 8 cool compliments not about appearance that all your friends are waiting for Allow yourself to be a little more frank than usual.

32. You have the most contagious laugh in the world!

33. Because, no matter what, you always remain calm and fortitude.

34. You always treat everyone well and take care of those around you.

35. You have a gentle and soothing voice that I love listening to.

36. Your willingness to always try something new makes my life full of adventure.

37. You are smart and dedicated to your work.

38. You always have ideas on how to have fun.

39. You always give up your seat to older people.

40. You boldly and courageously go towards your dreams.

41. You tell wonderful stories.

42. You are great at complimenting people.

43. You're not afraid to be funny with me.

44. You always send me funny memes that make me smile.

45. Your pies (or scrambled eggs) are the most delicious in the world!

46. The coolest science fiction writers may envy your creativity and imagination!

47. You have the superpower to turn even the most ordinary day into an unforgettable one.

48. With your amazing memory, you could win any intellectual show!

49. I admire your ability to always find the right path and I know that I will never get lost with you.

50. No one else in the world can dance such fiery dances as you!

Her beauty

Compliments on appearance are usually not original, but if you spend a little time thinking, we are sure that you can easily name the most stunning features of your girlfriend that make you delighted.

51. Sometimes it seems to me that there are magnets hidden in your eyes - how else can they constantly attract so much.

52. I'm ready to kiss the dimples on your cheeks until dawn.

53. It seems that the fairy tale “Rapunzel” was written specifically about your hair.

54. I love touching your amazingly smooth and soft skin.

55. I love the way your hand fits perfectly into mine.

56. I know your moles better than the constellations in the sky.

57. Pianists may envy your thin and long fingers.

58. Your delicate neck constantly demands kisses from me.

59. The smell of your skin makes me dizzy.

60. I want to write a poem about your grace.

Who are the good guys and why girls don't like them

First, let's figure out why good guys lose compared to bad guys in a girl's eyes. You're polite, caring, kind, but instead of trying to get you, she tells you that you're a great friend. But she will buzz her ears about how much she likes the guy from the next office who is rude and ignores her. Good guys work hard for relationships; they are “excellent” in love. They are warm, reliable and... boring!

The guy is afraid of ruining everything, so he avoids risks, scandals, and in the eyes of the girl he quickly becomes a “rag.” He will watch melodramas with her, look sympathetically into her eyes when she openly goes too far with her claims from scratch. A bad guy will not allow himself to be humiliated and his feet wiped all over him. He will be able to define the boundaries of what is permitted and show “who is the man” in a relationship, and girls like it.

Fight for a woman

“Recently, on the subway, two girls waved their hands at me and expressed admiration for my appearance with loud exclamations. The mood lifted - so what, girls. I need attention, and it doesn’t matter from whose side.”

This is a problem of seeking comfort and low self-esteem. Among lesbians, traditionally male behavior patterns such as fighting for a chosen one are more common today than among men. For a young girl, deprived of male attention, lesbian knightly tournaments in her honor are a pleasant surprise. Self-esteem grows, overwhelming all other instincts and feelings.

Stages of development of relationships between girls

Lesbian relationships are in many ways similar to traditional ones, because first of all we are talking about spiritual, moral and moral closeness; physiological closeness is a pleasant addition.

According to the observations of sexologists, in opposite-sex couples, less than half of the women enjoy intimate life. Whereas in lesbian sex, almost everyone experiences satisfaction.

  1. Acquaintance means getting closer, getting to know personal traits that are invisible or unimportant to others. The girls share biographical details and life experiences, checking compatibility on various aspects of the relationship.
  2. Interest is targeted attention to this particular person, the study of a psychological type, the desire to understand the motives and preferences of this particular woman.
  3. Courtship is a clear sign of attention aimed at showing your interest and inviting you to get to know each other more closely.
  4. Rapprochement is a sensual stage of a relationship, the most frank and responsible. Usually it is initiated by a more mature, experienced woman who is ready to teach her friend all the nuances of same-sex relationships.
  5. Reflection, introspection – a period of “cooling”, when everyone remembers and checks their own feelings, determines their significance and the need for further communication.
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