How does a man's temperament affect his behavior during sex?

Positive qualities of a temperamental man

If you hear about such a man, then immediately thoughts arise about Mexicans and Spaniards. Men of this nationality are passionate, active and emotional by nature. But we should not forget that people are different and a person is greatly influenced by upbringing, environment, and lifestyle. Therefore, men of other nationalities are also not deprived of such qualities and they can well be called temperamental. Such a man is the head of the family, he copes with all the problems that arise. He is distinguished by his intelligence and intelligence. A temperamental man always has his own opinion and point of view, which he can competently justify.

Also, aggression and temperament cannot be equated. The reaction to some situation may be calm, but decision-making and subsequent actions are instantaneous.

If a girl is dating a temperamental man, then she may not worry about being at home around the clock. A young temperamental man has a large number of suggestions on how to spend a day off, what to visit in the evening, what to do in his free time. Every date will become bright and memorable.

Such men climb the career ladder quite quickly and occupy successful and productive positions. These are mainly management positions. Their word is a significant opinion for the authorities. Such men are the center of attention of managers and can provide them with any necessary information. Temperamental men want to be aware of the situation and try to have influence over all important areas.

Sexual temperament vs libido

When it comes to sex, one of the main concepts is “libido” ( libīdo

- “lust, desire, passion, desire”). The term was developed by Sigmund Freud in the theory of psychoanalysis to describe various manifestations of sexuality. In modern sexology, “libido” is used precisely in the context of sexual desire, when we talk about a person’s desire to have sex.

Sexual temperament is a relatively new concept; you can read about it in the second chapter of “As a Woman Wants” by Emily Nagoski. Using this phrase, Nagoski describes human behavior and attitudes towards sex largely from the perspective of psychology and culture. Sexual temperament includes social attitudes, traditions and norms. Its formation is influenced by the character of the person himself, and how sex is talked about in his family, environment, and media. Mentality also plays an important role. It depends on a person’s sexual temperament how he demonstrates desire to his partner, what sexual practices he considers acceptable and which ones cause rejection. It will also depend on how a person shows feelings for a partner while in a relationship. Today, a variety of online tests offer to determine your sexual temperament, and the media offer “folk” methods - they suggest determining a person’s potential by the size of their nose or legs. However, both approaches should be questioned equally.

There are usually three types of sexual temperament:

Strong, or hypersexual, temperament, the owners of which are easily aroused, and external stimuli or stress can hardly reduce their desire to have sex. Such a person does not care what he/she/partner wears during sex, what he/she/partner wears, whether contraception is used, and so on.

According to statistics, the vast majority of people (about 80% of men and women), who are endowed with a moderate sexual appetite, have an average temperament. At the same time, external and internal stimuli can to some extent influence the desire and ability to have sex.

Those with a weak sexual temperament easily refuse sex. At the same time, they may experience sexual desire, but too many extraneous factors can limit them from enjoying the process.

“As a practicing psychotherapist and sex therapist, at the beginning I would say that any classification both gives us more understanding of the issue, but also simplifies the “personality” of the person whom we write down in this classification. The classification does not take into account that each person has his own personal history, his own emotional traumas (the nature of which will directly affect the sexual sphere of life), his own key emotional needs (including those that may be in short supply since childhood, and therefore in adulthood). In life, a person will strive to close them at any cost; most often with the help of other people), his goals in life, his beliefs and internal limitations.

Sexuality and sexual desire are very complex issues and depend on many factors. When we talk about sexual temperament, it sounds like a constant. However, sexual desire in one person can change significantly in different periods of life and during personal development (when a person resolves his internal conflicts, becomes more mature and self-sufficient, works with his level of anxiety, etc.).”

,” comments Kristina Kostikova, psychologist, psychoanalytic psychotherapist, sex therapist and business coach, member of the Association of Psychoanalytic Coaching and Business Consulting, author and expert at Psychologies, Lifehacker.

Negative qualities of a temperamental man2

If he has developed such qualities as wisdom, the ability to control himself, and willpower, then negative qualities can be avoided. However, not everyone succeeds; temper and haste interfere with this.

Temperamental men are stubborn. They are always confident that they are right and do not decide to take into account the opinions of others. The wishes of others are rarely taken into account. A temperamental man will stand his ground to the last.

Sometimes a man's temperament is not characterized by restraint and high emotional etiquette. Therefore, an immediate reaction will not always be rational. It can be accompanied by outbursts of rage, anger and thoughtless actions.

A temperamental man can be compared to an active volcano. At any moment he can “explode” and not every girl is able to withstand and understand such male behavior.

He wants all women's attention to be directed only to him, and if he suddenly feels that he is not receiving the maximum amount of attention, he will become suspicious. The man will doubt his partner’s feelings and begin to look for a rival or other reasons that led to such female behavior.

If a man with a temperament occupies a leadership position, they may say unnecessary things and make a decision without thinking through its consequences in advance.

But if a man knows how to control his emotions and behavior, then it is quite possible to learn to turn negative qualities into positive ones.

Four types of temperament

Psychologists distinguish four types of temperament:

  1. Choleric. He is characterized by hot temper, determination, and an emotional reaction to what is happening. He has a sharp tongue, but he is not touchy and knows how to forgive quickly. Falls in love quickly, is overly jealous, makes scandals.
  2. Sanguine. He is a notorious optimist, joker and the life of the party. He gets along with people easily, is reasonable and businesslike. Although in love he can sometimes be frivolous, he loves to pamper his other half and makes surprises.
  3. Phlegmatic person. He is distinguished by calmness, measuredness and prudence, and always acts according to plan. Has difficulty making contacts. He is touchy and breaks off the relationship once and for all. At the same time, he is a reliable, loyal person, a wonderful family man.
  4. Melancholic. A sensitive, vulnerable type. Does not tolerate quarrels and aggression well. Cautious, delicate, unsure of himself. It’s hard to get to know each other, and it worries a lot and for a long time. In relationships he is very romantic and is ready to do anything for his partner.

Experts explain which partners are best suited to each other in temperament. But first, let's look at a real story that had a sad ending.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20)

Capricorn: Pixabay
Responsible and executive Capricorns are highly self-organized. Phlegmo-sanguine people are distinguished by a calm and reasonable temperament. In a difficult situation, they will not conflict, but will try to discuss everything.

But you shouldn’t cross the path of Capricorns. Then qualities such as cunning and toughness may appear. The following traits predominate in their character:

  • punctuality;
  • stubbornness;
  • pragmatism;
  • determination.

Capricorns do not like to waste time, so they organize their day in advance, following a clear schedule. Although they take a long time to swing, they always achieve their goals.

Compatibility and incompatibility in sex: how does it manifest itself?

Already at the stage of romantic meetings, the compatibility or incompatibility of a couple in sex becomes clear. If one partner wants more than the other, then it may be due to increased libido, if other options are excluded. In this case, you should not force your body, since sex is an area of ​​spontaneity in which coercion can lead to complete sexual dysfunction in men and frigidity in women.

A sexologist will help determine the type of constitution and understand how to increase the libido of one of the partners if the key to the problem lies in the loss of desire from constant coercion. If a couple is categorically incompatible sexually, then sometimes the best way out of the situation is to break up in order to find a partner with whom they will be completely compatible.

With absolute compatibility, partners are satisfied with the nature and frequency of sex in a couple. This state is called balance, the achievement of which promises satisfaction and a sense of confidence in yourself and your partner.

The sad story of a choleric woman and a melancholic man

Irina is a creative person, a choleric person with a stormy temperament, creative ideas and an extraordinary flight of imagination. She wants fun, celebration, beautiful gestures from her partner, unusual surprises. But often her emotions went wild, and she believed she needed a calmer, more reasonable partner. When Irina met Valery, she thought that he was exactly the person who was right for her.

He is shy, delicate, but at the same time an incorrigible romantic who paid a lot of attention to the girl, gave her unusual gifts, and admired her. Everything would be fine, but for the melancholic type of man, constant changes in the mood of the chosen one, her violent expression of feelings and frequent quarrels over trifles are contraindicated. And the partners, sad as it may be, had to separate, although they managed to become attached to each other.

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Virgo (August 22 – September 23)

Virgo: Pixabay
Is it possible to understand a person's character by their zodiac sign? Yes, astrology describes the common features inherent in certain signs. Thus, Virgos have a phlegmatic temperament. They are calm, reasonable, patient.

However, there are representatives who combine other types of temperaments. The earth sign is characterized by dexterity and rationality, as well as the following qualities:

  • pedantry;
  • criticality;
  • responsibility;
  • hard work.

Individuals who were born under this zodiac sign gradually complete their assigned tasks, which almost always guarantees successful completion of the task. Virgos are sensitive to troubles, which can plunge them into despondency.

Why does libido decrease?

In a long-term relationship with a partner whose sexual constitution does not match yours, a decrease in libido may occur due to frequent pressure, both from yourself and the partner.

Many people ask the question “Why don’t I want sex?”, being fully confident that they love their partners and are ready to spend their whole lives with them. The answer lies in the fact that their spontaneity, their libido, is stifled by constant pressure when they force themselves to have sex with a partner who needs more than them.

People with weak constitutions often force themselves to have sex so as not to offend their partner with constant refusals. But they harm themselves, because in the end they end up with zero libido and a complete lack of affection for their partner or, in general, for all people of the opposite sex. You should not demand from your body to exceed its capabilities, because you can quickly exhaust the entire supply of resources in this area and end up with prolonged disappointment, frustration and depression.

Middle 2

The golden mean is an average temperament in sex. It has been proven that most sexually active people have it. This type does not need sex constantly, but also cannot go without sexual intercourse for a long time. When intimacy arises, not only physical contact is valued, but also the sensual side; attention to the partner and caresses preceding sex play a big role. On average, the rate of sexual intercourse is reduced to three per week, but when falling in love it can increase due to increased passions.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22)

Sagittarius: Pixabay
The nature of Sagittarius surprisingly combines the inclinations of choleric and sanguine people. For all their sociability, energy and mobility, they can be nervous and hot-tempered.

This is a brave sign, not afraid of change and difficulties. Sagittarians are also characterized by caution and a sensible approach to business. A strong spirit and belief in success help you achieve your goals.

Zodiac signs and people's character are interconnected. Here are the qualities observed in Sagittarius:

  • ambition;
  • openness;
  • communication skills;
  • moral.

Sagittarians always have their own opinion on any issue. They try not to deviate from the internal code of honor and defend justice.

Talking appearance

As a rule, the sexual constitution is combined with certain parameters of appearance. For example, being overweight and looking older than your actual age is a bad indicator. But further disappointments are possible. Because tall blondes and long-legged, busty blondes, although they look sexy, most often are not.

  • The darker the hair and eye color of a potential partner, the more reasons for optimism. True, this sign “works” only for Caucasians (representatives of colored nations always have brown eyes).
  • The length of the legs is also important. But, oddly enough, the shorter they are in relation to the body, the higher the person’s sexuality. So it’s better to choose squat, rather than tall, partners.
  • A large bust, contrary to myths, does not indicate a sex bomb, but a woman with a weak sexual constitution. But small, neat, youthful breasts are a sign of a temperamental lady.
  • Particular attention is paid to facial and body hair. A thinning crown and shaggy limbs, groin, chest and stomach are signs of a real macho. Sexy ladies often have “fuzz” on their upper lip, and a smooth body without a single hair can only be achieved with the help of hair removal.
  • For the manifestation of the sexual constitution, the sensitivity of the nervous system is also important: the longer the eyelashes and neck, the more excitable a person is. And the thicker and shorter the neck and wider the chest, the lower the sexual capabilities.

How does temperament differ from character?

Let us remember that these are two completely different concepts. Character is formed, consolidated or changed under the influence of the following factors:

  • education depending on the family situation;
  • systematic independent work on oneself (self-education, self-development);
  • the degree of acceptance of certain norms provided by the environment;
  • analysis of acquired life experience.

In order to change even slightly in character, it is not enough to meet one of the listed conditions: their combination is required.

It is impossible to radically influence temperament as a property of human nature given from birth. However, using the same conditions given above, you can take control of it. The main criterion will be the desire of the person himself, patience and perseverance: the necessary changes will not happen in one hour, a systematic approach is important here.

Strong i

Having a strong sexual temperament, a person is easy to communicate and easily finds a common language with the opposite sex. Puberty occurs quite early, as does the onset of sexual activity. Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, sex plays a vital role in a relationship, a person is dynamic and diverse, loves to experiment and get new sensations. For some women of this type, even foreplay plays a secondary role (although everyone knows that they can’t live without them), they are passionate about the process itself and receive enormous pleasure from it.

The same applies to men - they cannot go without sex for a long time and will certainly find a replacement partner if they do not receive due attention from him. This is why some men inevitably receive contempt from the fair sex, although they are simply unable to cope with their violent temperament. The percentage of such people is not large and does not exceed 10%.

But there is another side of the coin when a person compensates for his dissatisfaction in relationships or other areas by actively having sex. For example, in this way he tries to attract attention or receive support and care. To avoid this, you should understand all aspects of your relationship with your partner.

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