Why do people fall in love: the reasons for the emergence of tender feelings for a certain person

“Everyone becomes a poet from the touch of love”

It's nice to know the reasons why we love each other. But don't get so carried away by science and miss out on the incredible, borderline magical experience of falling in love.

Whatever the reasons we love each other, we do it passionately and we do it well, and you will never forget what it's like to fall head over heels in love with someone.

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Love is…?

Each person understands this word in his own way. It is difficult to describe what love is. You can talk about it a lot and for a long time. There can be many manifestations of this feeling, and therefore it is characteristic of everyone. For example, love between a man and a woman , for the Fatherland, for God, for occupation, for life and the world. This is one of the most beautiful feelings on Earth, but at times it can lead to negative consequences. Everything, of course, depends only on how you experience it.

Many philosophers have tried to describe love, but the explanation of this phenomenon still remains difficult. The feeling appears suddenly when you don't expect it. It begins as if from a small coal and over time, especially if the love is mutual, flares up into a real fire. It is impossible to plan, warn, program or fake falling in love. It can only be felt with all your heart.

The love between a man and a woman is incredibly strong. At the same time, an attitude towards your partner develops in which your half becomes much more important than yourself, and the whole world as a whole. It’s not just emotions that change, the very perception of the surrounding reality changes. Through love, people learn a lot of new things and realize life in different colors.

What makes you fall in love with a specific person

I wonder why, in a company of ten people of the opposite sex, two specific subjects pay attention to each other, converge, begin to date and communicate more closely? It's all about the combination of reasons that push them into embrace.

So, we fall in love with a certain person for the following reasons:

  • Equal attractiveness. Situations where beauty and the beast come together are rare. Basically, if a guy is considered handsome and wins girls’ hearts with one look, then he chooses a bride to match himself - pretty, sweet, charming. When a person is ugly, he will give preference to a girl with an ordinary or not very attractive appearance.
  • Similar to the previous partner. A person develops certain tastes and preferences, which is why it often turns out to fall in love with those who, in appearance and internal qualities, resemble their previous passion.
  • Character. Cheerful, sincere, open people are attracted like magnets. Together they are good and easy. The same can be said about people who are closed, unsociable, or too serious - they are more comfortable together, since they understand their partner and share the same attitude in life. It is unlikely that a sociable, funny guy will be attracted to a secluded girl who does not leave the house and reads books in the evenings, and does not go for walks and does not communicate in the company of friends.
  • Cat person and dog person. It may seem funny, but some people spontaneously prefer a person who loves certain animals, such as cats or dogs. This is explained by a number of features. Dog lovers are extroverts, they are friendly, sociable, energetic, and mostly family people. Cat people, on the contrary, are introverts; they are more domestic in the sense that they would rather stay at home than go to a public place. In addition, cat people are more nocturnal, love freedom and do not strive to find their soul mate, as they are comfortable alone.
  • Attitude to family values. There are people who are looking for serious and long-term relationships. They want to start a family, have children, buy a house, live calmly and happily. Others are prone to light romances and are not ready for a permanent partner. Subconsciously, everyone chooses a partner with whom they share the same views on family values.
  • Sexual attraction. Partners must be intimately attracted to each other, otherwise the relationship will not last, and sexual desire, as we know, depends on the prevailing hormones. Accordingly, guys with high potency will be more attracted to a girl who is sexually liberated.
  • Equal position in society and wealth. Again, it is a rare occurrence when there is mutual attraction between a rich man who has achieved a position in society and a poor girl. Usually people with the same or similar financial wealth come together. This provides them with a certain standard of living.
  • Walking pace. Surprisingly, even such a seemingly insignificant factor can play a certain role in the choice. This suggests that people are comfortable even just walking nearby.
  • Facial hair. If a woman loves clean-shaven men, then, most likely, the sympathy of a bearded comrade will be unrequited. But if he shave off excess hair, he will be able to attract attention.
  • A winning look and a sincere smile A guy whom the woman initially did not notice will begin to attract her attention if he looks into her eyes and smiles during a conversation. She may change her mind and start considering him as her partner.

All these signs together will give an amazing result. If people agree on almost all points, then they simply cannot help but fall in love.

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling that can make a person happy and satisfied with life or completely upset his balance. Choose the right people to live next to your beloved and dear soulmate.


Most often, families with children reach this stage. The spouses begin to understand that something needs to be done about this, since divorce traumatizes the children. And you need to change yourself . So someone begins to work with their egoism and tries to see the individuality of the second spouse. Stops making “something” out of him, tries to see his true “I”. There are also quarrels, but they are already manageable, there is an understanding that you just need to survive and wait out this moment. This asceticism always rewarded.

The stage of learning a language is the same - we stop skipping classes, suppress yawning and try to see the essence in the new language.

“Love is stronger than all passions, because it affects the head, heart and feelings at the same time”

Lao Tzu
Understanding the reasons we love each other and the underlying science behind it can help us maintain a sense of perspective when we're caught up in the whirlwind of romantic love. Especially when we have just met someone, or when the relationship seems to be going wrong.

Love is a wonderful, largely inexplicable thing, and we can't be logical all the time. That wouldn't be fun at all.

Sometimes we just need to feel, not think or try to rationalize everything.

But understanding the reasons why you feel the way you do can help keep you on your feet.

This may help you understand why it feels like the world has stopped existing when you lose romantic love, or like you can't live without the object of your affections.

This feeling can also help you get clear on what exactly you want in a romantic relationship and take control of your hormones by learning who will truly be your ideal partner in the long run.

Understanding the reasons why humans as a species fall in love can help you understand the role love plays for you personally.

If you've been trying to understand why you fall in love, read on for some explanations.

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