Ten signs it's time to treat your depression

Severe depression is characterized by low self-esteem, feelings of guilt and even suicidal thoughts. The physical condition is disturbed: weight decreases (less often - increases), sleep is disturbed, and unpleasant pain occurs in different parts of the body.

In the brain, although temporary, quite pronounced changes occur in the biochemical and physiological processes of nerve cells: disturbances in the ratio of excitation and inhibition processes, changes in the exchange of neurotransmitters, etc.

Getting out of severe depression requires the help of a doctor. Depressive conditions are treated by a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Only a doctor has the necessary knowledge in the field of psychology, physiology and biochemistry of the body, and knows the mechanisms of development of a depressive state.

Each person with depression has their own individual combinations of causes and mechanisms for the development of a depressive state. The doctor finds them out and accordingly selects treatment tools: medications, diet, rest, sleep, isolation from external stimuli, psychotherapy, physical therapy, etc.

Recent research in the field of neurophysiology has shown that severe depressive conditions are characterized by significant, but often completely reversible changes in brain function and mental state.

The most important thing to know is that depression (even severe) is a reversible condition!

Reasons for development

There are many reasons for long-term depression. The literature describes a group of social causes, physiological and psychological. The focus is on the physiological origins of the disease:

  • disruptions of cerebral blood flow;
  • drug use, alcoholism;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • disruptions of the hormonal system;
  • genetic determination.

The first psychological factor is childhood trauma. They are formed by the pedagogical ignorance of parents and a harsh attitude towards children. In second place among the causes are acute traumatic situations. These are separations, divorces, death of a relative, military actions, etc. The disease often develops against the background of impaired self-esteem and lack of self-esteem. At the same time, there are problems in the perception of one’s own “I”.

Psychological reasons also include unhealthy relationships. A codependent relationship or marriage is a situation where a person desires complete fusion with his partner. In such a situation, the patient begins to “experience himself” through the prism of his partner. The described dependence increases the risks of mental pathologies. The situation is especially dangerous when codependent relationships break up.

Social factors - the presence of emotional experiences that arose due to the impossibility of self-realization in the work or public sphere. The situation is aggravated by social pressure on any issue (for example, gender stereotypes, homophobia, etc.). Social problems initially increase the level of anxiety and worry. Then they gradually lead to mental illness.

In a social environment, the danger comes from cultivating success. A sensitive person watches successful people, but for some reason such achievements are impossible for him to realize. Women are more likely to pay attention to achievements in the area of ​​physicality. But the image of a slim body is not achievable for everyone. The mechanism of social comparison of oneself with others is activated, and the risks of depression increase.

What causes deep depression?

There are three main reasons:

  • psychological. Death or serious illness of loved ones, disasters, wars, long-term care for a seriously ill person, drug addiction or alcoholism in the family, exhausting work without rest, etc.;
  • endogenous. Metabolic disorder, accompanied by an imbalance in the content of nervous system mediators in the body - serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, etc. The result of these disorders is persistent low mood and depression, without external visible reasons for this;
  • symptomatic. These reasons are caused by serious illnesses, injuries, incurable ailments, disability, and the use of certain medications.

Complications, consequences

The central risk associated with the disease is suicidality. The statistics of successful and unsuccessful attempts to commit suicide due to depression is high. The disease can completely disable a person. Without therapy, the following consequences occur:

  • symptoms increase and become more aggravated;
  • psychotic manifestations develop;
  • performance is lost;
  • inability to learn;
  • lack of social contacts and adaptation.

Without treatment, a person will experience severe migraines. This excruciating sensation of pain, as if something sharp had been stuck into the eyes. Characterized by intolerance to light and loud sounds. Depression implies an inflammatory process not only from a mental understanding, but also from a physical one. Due to somatic symptoms, people with depression have a higher risk of developing arthritis and psoriasis.

Mental disorder negatively affects overall health. Changes affect all organs, systems and tissues. The disorder itself does not provoke pathologies of internal organs. However, patients with mental illnesses in almost 90% of cases adhere to an unhealthy lifestyle.

After several years of illness, a person is no longer able to cope with his previous work. Self-care skills suffer. Many patients at an advanced stage of the disease are no longer able to get out of bed in the morning.


The following are symptoms of severe depression:

  • Sleep disorders: difficulty falling asleep at night, insomnia, waking up in the morning, nightmares;
  • Feels tired during the day and performance is significantly reduced;
  • Inhibited;
  • Weight changes: the patient loses weight, or vice versa, weight gain occurs;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Hallucinations, delusions;
  • Reduced self-esteem;
  • The patient feels and behaves insecurely;
  • Blames himself and expresses self-deprecating ideas;
  • A man sees his future in dark colors and bleakly;
  • Having thoughts of suicide

If you notice these symptoms, do not delay - the disease will not go away on its own, contact a specialist.


Good treatment begins with a thorough diagnosis. The first stage is a consultation with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. The doctor pays attention not only to what the person says, but also to his gestures, facial expressions, and movements. The patient undergoes a series of psychological tests. This is necessary to assess the functionality of the cognitive sphere. Further laboratory tests may be carried out.

Treatment of depression is a combination of medication and psychotherapy. The process is long and difficult. It is strictly forbidden to stop prescribed medications on your own. In this case, the risk of suicide increases, and symptoms can worsen. In acute conditions, hospitalization will be required to monitor the patient and his health.

Medication methods

The medication method involves careful planning of a specific dosage of drugs for a specific person. Doctors make a prescription from a combination of necessary medications. In the treatment of deep, protracted depression, one cannot do without the following groups of drugs:

  • antidepressants - normalize mood, smooth out the feeling of helplessness and gloominess of the world;
  • tranquilizers - relieve anxiety, improve sleep, have a calming effect;
  • nootropic drugs improve blood flow and correct cognitive problems;
  • sometimes antipsychotics are prescribed, especially in the presence of psychotic manifestations;
  • vitamins for general strengthening of the condition;
  • mood stabilizers - eliminate sudden mood swings.

Tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are aimed at normalizing neurotransmitters in the body. Pharmacological agents are necessary to restore hormonal balance.

The doctor develops a drug treatment plan, taking into account the patient’s current and past condition, the parameters of his body, and the risks of side effects. The therapeutic effect of the drugs is not achieved immediately - it will take from 3 to 6 months. Drug therapy is a relief method that relieves painful symptoms. Then it is important to attend psychotherapy.


Lack of complexity in the treatment of depression will not give results and recovery. If a patient undergoes only pharmacological treatment, he does not develop mechanisms for coping with his own emotional state. He does not realize and does not understand the psychological reasons for the onset of the disease.

Only drug treatment leads to a rapid relapse. Therefore, psychotherapy is an important component of treatment. Psychotherapists and clinical psychologists use the following methods:

  • psychodynamic therapy helps to understand and eliminate intrapersonal conflicts;
  • family therapy - joint consultations between the patient and his family members, the psychotherapist helps to correct pathological patterns of behavior among relatives;
  • The cognitive-behavioral approach helps to return a person to real life, to understand the situation and the need for further treatment;
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is a proven method aimed at transforming patterns associated with depressive disorder;
  • mindfulness and mindfulness practices correct cognitive problems, develop observation skills, healthy reflection, and skills to monitor one’s own feelings and thoughts.

The patient is required to comply with the recommendations of the attending physician and clinical psychologist. Psychotherapy helps reduce the risk of relapse and achieve recovery.


Independent attempts to overcome mental pathologies often end in failure. Patients with depression perceive failures harshly. Because of this, the situation worsens and the symptoms worsen.

It is unacceptable to take medications on your own, based on articles on the Internet or advice from friends. Self-medication is only relevant in combination with drug therapy prescribed by a doctor and psychotherapy.

At the beginning of treatment, the patient is unable to find the strength to take care of his own well-being. But after several months of qualified treatment, a person already finds the strength to take an active position. Self-help includes:

  • taking care of proper nutrition, quality sleep;
  • taking medications prescribed by your doctor on time in the described dosages;
  • engaging in non-physically strenuous sports - yoga, walking, swimming;
  • taking care of personal hygiene.

It wouldn't hurt to educate yourself on the topic of what depression is. Reading scientific, proven sources about the disease helps. It is also recommended to try to focus on positive things. One of the simple psychotherapeutic self-help techniques: create a list of actions, people and locations that cause at least a little inner well-being. You should try to do things that have a positive effect on your well-being and exclude unfavorable people from your social circle.

It is important to try to be active: look for a new hobby, join a support group for people with depression, monitor your own feelings, volunteer.

Manifestation of deep depression

We can talk about the development of deep depression requiring treatment when there is a combination of the main signs of this condition:

  • depressed mood, which practically does not leave the patient day or night, not associated with external and internal factors, lasting more than 2-3 weeks and gradually gaining intensity;
  • loss of interest in all usual activities and close people. Indifference can lead the patient to suicidal thoughts;
  • asthenia, characterized by a general loss of strength, rapid fatigue, lack of normal rest, insomnia (due to overwork, inability to sleep).

The listed complaints are joined by:

  • diffidence,
  • low self-esteem,
  • loss of ability to concentrate,
  • doubts about everything
  • ideas of self-condemnation,
  • suicidal thoughts,
  • weight loss,
  • decreased appetite,
  • decreased or complete absence of sexual desire.

From the outside, a person looks constantly depressed.

Signs of deep depression gradually increase without treatment; the patient suffering from it loses the opportunity to work, rest and live normally. Deep motor and intellectual retardation occurs, from which the sick person can very rarely recover on his own and requires the help of specialists.

Patients experience painful sensations due to the onset of emotional emptiness and dullness of feelings.

Without treatment, deep depression can become the first sign of developing severe mental illnesses - schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis. It should be noted that the most formidable problem of deep depression can be the embodiment of suicidal ideas.

Patients suffering from this disease should undergo treatment as quickly as possible.

Socialization of patients

Because depression causes social withdrawal, reconnecting with people is part of your recovery plan. Normalization of social connections of patients takes place in support groups. It is here that a person learns openness and contact with the outside world. A support group is a therapeutic method because all participants suffer from a similar problem and understand each other.

During the conversation, those present share their experiences, discuss their feelings and thoughts. At such meetings, the patient begins to understand that he is not alone in the situation. This promotes recovery.

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