How to become cold-blooded and indifferent, and is it necessary?

Composure is the innate or independently developed ability of a person to choose the logically correct line of behavior in extreme conditions. This trait involves making decisions that will help overcome a negative situation, while a person regulates his judgments with the help of common sense, devoid of emotional overtones.

Because of this trait, cold-blooded people may appear reserved, closed, and have a high level of self-control, but this does not mean such a permanent state. Human nature is changeable and everyone has their own limits of patience and control, which is why composure is not a static indicator - someone who is faced with a crisis situation against a background of well-being will have a higher level of restraint than someone who has already gone through many stressful moments.


Indifference is the absence of reaction, purpose, desire to act .

This state of mind is characterized by pronounced apathy and inertia.

Indifference is synonymous with indifference, melancholy and apathy and characterizes the degree of mental activity, which in this case is minimal . An indifferent person can be in this state in relation to some specific objects or phenomena or to a group of them.

Selective indifference is effectively used as a way of protecting against negative emotions or influences. Widespread indifference is a more formidable symptom of possible mental disorders.

This condition can manifest itself in different areas of human life. The emotional reaction is sharply reduced. Losing interest in something means indifference to it.

For example, to a hobby or type of professional activity. At the same time, the person does not experience any emotions about the previously interested object. This is the most important distinguishing feature of this condition.

Indifference is also characterized as being indifferent to people and being cool about their problems or dire situations.

Remaining indifferent to the sight of others suffering means indifference in the soul or an attempt to distance yourself from what is happening .

True indifference penetrates deeply into consciousness; a person does not worry about this under any circumstances.

This condition is often a person’s own and conscious choice in favor of saving nerves, strength, and time. Indifference helps the individual to use available resources economically.

Lack of communication skills

When people are unable to communicate well or understand body language, they become rude, even if they didn't intend to be so. The way we perceive things is not always as intended. A person simply does not know how to voice his desires, so he acts as he is accustomed to. He begins to get angry, rude and insult other people instead of calmly explaining what he needs. In fact, try not to take everything to heart, because not everything is as deep as it may seem.

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Who is this indifferent person?

How to understand indifferent and what does not indifferent mean? Indifferent means not interested. That is, significant signs or situations have lost relevance for a given individual for some reason.

All actions regarding this object or phenomenon are no longer considered by the person as worthy of attention . This allows the indifferent to feel a certain degree of freedom. This is the positive aspect of indifference.

This concept also includes inaction in relation to something . This may be a lack of response to an insult (indifference to the offender or the situation in general), or a decrease in attention to the problem or issue.

An indifferent person is unlikely to help in a difficult situation, because he does not consider this important in human relationships.

This method of avoiding responsibility can be effective when dealing with people who are trying to shift the care of themselves onto the shoulders of others.

Indifference manifests itself in the form of insensitivity to people's problems .

This allows the individual to avoid these problems and the difficulties associated with them.

Often, expressed indifference extends to other aspects of a person’s activity: his motor skills, range of interests and people.

The movements of indifferent people gradually become slow and unhurried, and the circle of interests and communication gradually narrows.

Not indifferent means exactly the opposite. Such a person is active in relation to the subject that interests him and actively manifests himself in relation to it. He is concerned about the state of an object or situation, as well as measures to influence them.

Why can a guy lose interest in a girl?

The first six months of a relationship almost always fly by unnoticed and beautifully; he wants to carry you in his arms, talk to you from morning to evening, please and surprise. At the end of the candy-bouquet period, everything can change dramatically: a man often becomes cold in communicating with his soul mate. One of the reasons for this behavior is that the guy stopped loving the girl. Our other article will help you understand this or that. In it you can find the main signs of the disappearance of feelings.

The attitude of a young man (hereinafter referred to as MCH) can change even after he understands that you have a lot of shortcomings. Any little things can irritate him: the fact that you speak quickly, smoke, laugh strangely, bother you with your calls, raise your voice, etc. There may also be complaints about your appearance: according to his ideas, it turns out that you are not at all the slender person you used to be were considered, and your breasts are no longer large, and your hips are too wide, and it’s time to get rid of cellulite...

  • be rude to him;
  • not listening or hearing your partner;
  • act like a man in a skirt;
  • do not consult him;
  • do not show how significant it is or go too far with it;
  • restrict his freedom;
  • be constantly jealous;
  • stop paying attention to your appearance.

You should also not forget about the importance of intimate relationships, if you have them. Maybe the guy is bored with the monotony, or he’s tired of waiting, or he’s no longer attracted to you sexually... It’s also likely that the guy could have cooled off if the girl just got too attached to him

Men feel this, and such an attitude can only frighten and bore them. In this case, try to relax and pay more attention to yourself

It is also likely that the guy could cool down if the girl simply became too attached to him. Men feel this, and such an attitude can only frighten and bore them. In this case, try to relax and pay more attention to yourself.

Why is indifference dangerous?

Lack of emotional response to what is happening and ignoring other people's troubles can lead to social isolation .

Indifference often becomes a stumbling block for loved ones as part of a lack of understanding of the difficulties of one person by another.

Indifference at the same time gives a person an imaginary feeling of abstraction from these problems and allows him to enjoy only pleasant things.

This quality can be regarded as a manifestation of emotional rudeness . This sounds especially harsh towards women.

It is assumed that the female sex has a great capacity for empathy and compassion , however, in conditions of an indifferent attitude, such a girl can be perceived as dry and insensitive.

In addition, indifference does not allow you to enjoy life in all its colors.

By getting involved in some process to which a person becomes partial, he acquires new life experience and knowledge , and also exchanges them with other individuals. Indifference makes the process of accumulating such information impossible.

This condition also leads to a decline in moral standards in society . The lack of reaction to shocking events makes them closer to the norm, and over time even transforms them into the category of habitual.

For example, the lack of response to the prevalence of gadgets among schoolchildren encourages further use of phones and tablets instead of face-to-face communication.

has a particularly negative impact on the upbringing of children.

Indifference encourages others to take harsh and atypical actions , which can cause conflict.

For example, in a company of friends, people are indifferent to the manifestation of cruelty of one of them towards animals.

In the future, this can lead to the formation of sadistic tendencies in a person and even to their implementation.

Control your breathing

During sleep, a person breathes evenly and calmly. To stay balanced and calm, do the same during times of stress.

In critical situations, a person loses his or her breath. Some even stop breathing out of anger or indignation. Take long breaths, raising the diaphragm:

  • inhale deeply through your nose (so that your stomach rises and falls with each breath);
  • hold your breath for a couple of seconds;
  • slowly exhale.

In just a few minutes, this breathing technique will help your body and brain relax. During this time, you will be able to regain control and answer your interlocutor calmly.


An indifferent attitude towards people creates many problems. The first of them is the elementary loss of loved ones and friends when their needs are ignored. Indifference makes a person cold and calculating, which is not conducive to the development of friendly relationships.

Within the framework of insensitivity to other people's troubles, this state gives the right to other people in the future to ignore the difficulties of a person who was previously indifferent to them.

Also, this process forces a person to lower his moral and ethical qualifications , reducing his critical attitude towards immoral and wrong actions.

Within the framework of professional activity, indifference can become a reason for rapid emotional professional burnout.

Some professions are directly related to a person’s ability to empathize, for example, a doctor or a teacher.

Change your perspective on things

There is no universal method that will help you stay calm. According to Irina Udilova, the easiest way to become more balanced is to change your perspective on the situation. A relationship expert recommends looking at the world positively:

  • love yourself and others;
  • forgive people minor shortcomings, oversights, mistakes;
  • show patience to others;
  • Less pressure and reproach.

Learn to stop your irritation and negative reactions. If a stressful situation is inevitable, look at it through the eyes of a wise grandmother. Mentally model the possible development of events. Consider the appropriateness of your behavior: what will change if you become worried or angry.

Have you thought about it? Then breathe out, relax and do something more important.

How to Become a Calm and Balanced Person: Pexels

Advice from psychologists: how to become indifferent?

How to become a more cold-blooded and indifferent person?

To all

First of all, you need to decide what you need it for .

If the goal truly deserves desensitization, then change should be made.

We need to remind ourselves of the benefits of an indifferent attitude towards many unimportant aspects.

This is expressed in a reduced reaction to minor quarrels and misunderstandings. However, you should not go too far and cultivate an indifferent attitude towards loved ones.

To create such a state, you need to downplay the significance of the exciting object, and give as few of its positive characteristics as possible.

You need to remember this for yourself and repeat it regularly. To make it easier to get used to this idea at first, you should try to remove the exciting subject away . Then you should focus your attention on its negative aspects.

You can even write them down on paper to visualize your approach. You can then begin searching for an alternative or switching target.

Everything is simple here: if a girl is on a diet, then it is better for her to buy a variety of low-calorie foods that will supplant her addiction to unhealthy but tasty food. This attitude needs to be formed for yourself on an ongoing basis.

Minimize anxiety factors

If constant anxiety interferes with staying calm and balanced, learn to calm down. For this, psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky recommends:

  • stop watching crime chronicles;
  • get enough sleep;
  • relax more;
  • change jobs;
  • If possible, remove everyday causes of alarm.

Play some sports

Regular physical activity will help you stay calm in stressful situations. This could be yoga, dancing, running, tennis, gym classes or Nordic walking.

According to research, exercise helps:

  • normalization of sleep;
  • relaxation and lowering the threshold of irritability;
  • reducing the level of cortisol (stress hormone);
  • the production of neurotransmitters responsible for a good mood.

After vigorous physical exercise, people tend to praise themselves for the work they have done, thereby increasing self-esteem and reducing stress levels. At the same time, the electrical activity of the muscles decreases, and the person feels calmer.

How to Become a Calm and Balanced Person: Pexels

How to learn self-control and find inner peace

The head of a huge, worldwide organization has spent many years developing a program through which you can learn self-control and find inner peace. Since 1958, he has been the head of the Catholic Church under the name of Pope John XXIII. His “ten rules of calm” apply to only one day - the one you have to live today. From the Rules of John XXIII you can gain tools for personal effectiveness and self-motivation. Previously learned skills do not last a lifetime. You must always confidently and cheerfully move towards your goal. Some quickly give up and fall back into their old familiar state of business rush.

The head of a huge, worldwide organization faced the same problem. He has spent many years developing a program through which you can learn self-control and find inner peace.

The leader in question was named Giuseppe Roncalli (1881-1963). From 1958 until his death, he was the head of the Catholic Church under the name of Pope John XXIII. This man called joy and inner peace the pillars on which his life rested.

His “ten rules of calm” apply to only one day - the one you have to live today. From the Rules of John XXIII you can gain tools for personal effectiveness and self-motivation.

These are the rules.


Today I will try to live the day simply - without trying to solve all the problems of my life at once.

2. Concerns

Today I will especially take care of my behavior and try to be honest with others. I won't criticize anyone. I will not correct and strive to make others better - only myself.

3. Happiness

Today I will be happy from the knowledge that I was created for happiness - not only in another, but also in this world.

4. Realism

It is today that I will adapt to circumstances without demanding that circumstances adapt to my desires.

5. Reading

Today I will devote 10 minutes of my time to reading a good work. Just as food is essential for the body, quality reading is essential for the mind.

6. Action

Today I will do a good deed. And I won’t tell anyone about this.

7. Overcoming

Today is the day I will do something that I don't like. If I get hard, I'll make sure no one notices.


Today I will create for myself a clear program of action for this day. I may not be able to complete it completely. But I will write down what I haven’t done, and thereby save myself from two evils - haste and indecision.


Today I will stop being afraid. And especially - to be afraid to rejoice in what is beautiful - and so I will believe in goodness.

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