Features of the impact of brown color in psychology

The influence of colors on the mental state of people has been studied since ancient times. Each of them means something. When looking at a certain color shade, a person experiences certain feelings that affect the rise or fall of mood. Often people are inclined to choose a certain option without even thinking about the fact that this decision was influenced by color.

Why certain colors are used in different fields of activity, and how to apply color characteristics for your own purposes is described below. We're talking about the color brown.


The name of the shade comes from the word “cinnamon,” which in turn is a diminutive of “bark.” This etymology reveals the essence of brown - it resembles the color of tree bark, as well as spices.

This is one of the most common shades in nature. In addition to the bark, many types of soil, the eyes and hair of people, and the skin of many ethnic groups have this color. It is colored with various spices and spices (cinnamon, vanilla and star anise), coffee beans, tea, precious stones and minerals (jasper, carnelian, citrine, agate and tiger's eye). It is often found in the colors of mammals, reptiles, insects and birds. This is usually due to the need for mimicry, that is, camouflage.

Symbolism of brown

Brown, like any color, has its meaning in world religions and cultures:

For the ancient Egyptians, it was associated with the earth, agriculture, and the origin of life. African tribes believed that the color brown had a calming, hypnotic effect. In Ancient Greece, Demeter, the goddess who patronized fertility and agriculture, was associated with this shade. The color was highly revered and was often used in interior design and spiritual practices. In Ancient Rome they treated him negatively. It was believed that only slaves and the poor wore it. The word "plebeian", which in Rome meant members of the lower class, was derived from the word pullati, which literally translates as "wearing brown clothes". Ancient Slavic peoples revered the color brown. After all, this is the shade of the brown bear’s skin, for which it was a totem animal, the owner of the forest.

Christians were wary of this shade. For them, he was associated with dark forces, lust and indomitability. And among Muslims, color was associated with ignorance and spiritual decline.

In most cultures, the symbolic meaning of brown was associated with fertility, abundance, given by mother earth

Since the 18th century, brown fabric has been used to make military uniforms. In 1846, Indian soldiers began wearing a tan uniform, which later became known as khaki. The name comes from the Persian word for earth. The color had excellent camouflage properties and began to be used in the British army.

In the 1920s, brown became the uniform color for members of the Nazi Party in Germany. The Nazi storm troopers soon acquired the nickname Brownshirts, similar to the Blackshirts in Italy. If someone voted for the Nazis, it was called a “Brown vote.” The NSDAP's rise to power in 1933 was called the Brown Revolution.

What does it symbolize?

The symbolism of brown is quite diverse. In the modern world, it is associated with stability, comfort, and family. The color is associated with carnal pleasures, gourmet food and bodily pleasures. He has sensuality. Red is more passionate, burning, and brown means slow pleasure and enjoyment.

But there are also a small number of negative characteristics of this shade. They go back to medieval times, when it evoked associations of mundaneness, boredom, poverty and hard work. Brown was worn mainly by the poor and peasants whose work was related to the land.

Beginning in the 20th century, the shade began to be associated with military dictatorship. It evoked associations with the military uniform of fascist soldiers. To this day, fascism is called the “brown plague.”

But the negative aspects of color are insignificant and do not prevail over the positive impact on the human psyche. Therefore, most people have a positive attitude towards him.

The meaning of brown in psychology

Psychologically, brown is a serious and down-to-earth color. It means stability, stability and reliability. Brown color refers to the protection and support of the family, associated with a sense of duty, responsibility, and security. It is also associated with monetary wealth and the accumulation of material values.

The color brown is closely intertwined with the idea of ​​home comfort and family hearth. This is the color of the wood from which the furniture in the house is made. In associative terms, it evokes the following images:

tea or coffee chocolate crust of fresh bread firewood on the fireplace dry autumn leaves cinnamon and other spices warm blanket

Thus, brown correlates with a comfortable home, good food and drinks, loyal comrades and loved ones. It is the color of physical comfort, simplicity and quality. He is friendly, practical and realistic.

In color psychology, brown is associated with honesty, sincerity, and straightforwardness. It is associated with hard work, diligence, and some down-to-earthness - it’s not for nothing that the earth has this color. At the same time, it is warm, sensual, warming, and is capable of awakening a feeling of security, calm, and tranquility.

Since brown is the most common color in nature, people also associate it with naturalness, freshness of products, and with something related to agriculture, husbandry, and plant growing.

For men

Brown color is quite modest, serious and practical. It lacks frivolity, frivolity, carelessness and lightness. It is materialistic and therefore perfectly suits men and has a positive effect on them. Color is associated with quality in all its manifestations - moderation, restraint.

Brown suppresses emotions, creates a kind of quiet haven, free from the stress and anxiety of the outside world, from the problems that haunt men. He calms you down and tells you that over time everything will get better and get into the right groove.

This is the color of structure. However, it in no way encourages perfectionism. Rather, it is associated with order, clear organization, skillful planning and careful calculation.

Different shades of brown can awaken in a man self-confidence and consciousness. It does not attract unnecessary attention to itself and does not make its wearer an object of discussion. He is calm, reserved, stable, and inspires strength and respect. This color is strongly associated with self-esteem.

Brown is the color of maturity. By choosing it, a man seems to be saying that he is ready to part with his youth and enter adulthood.

For women

This color is most important for women. Traditionally, brown can be considered one of the feminine shades. After all, it is they who have the role of procreation, motherhood. It’s not for nothing that the earth is called a mother: it gives life and food, and feeds people.

Brown is the color of homeliness, warmth, comfort and reliability. It is believed that a woman has the responsibility to maintain order in the house, make it cozy and pleasant.

Brown color has a beneficial effect on the female psyche. Young girls rarely choose it, because, like for men, for women it symbolizes maturity, seriousness and consciousness. The shade helps to rise above frivolity, frivolity and negligence. It puts you in a serious mood and helps bring harmony of maturity and wisdom into your life.

Physiological and psychological effects

Light shades of brown will help warm the human body .

They give strength and improve blood circulation.

If you go into a room where light shades of brown predominate, it may seem that it is a little hot , although this is not the case.

If, for example, before an exam you focus your attention on something brown, it will improve your memory and help you concentrate.

Darker shades will help a person relax and calm down . Looking at a dark color, a person feels that his tension and excitement are becoming less; if he is angry, then this feeling will become weaker.

People who suffer from anxiety are strongly advised to surround themselves with the color brown.

It will help get rid of obsessive thoughts, alleviate stress, and give a feeling of security . Brown color helps to gain self-confidence and reduce fear of life changes.

Negative effects of color

It is obvious that brown has a generally beneficial effect on the human psyche. However, it also has its downsides, so when surrounding yourself with brown things, you need to observe moderation.

Too much color can cause boredom, depression, and depression, just like any dark shade. Although brown is usually interpreted as a way to combat stress, its excessive use leads to the other extreme. A person becomes apathetic, begins to mope, and loses the will to live.

Brown is the shade of conservatives, stable individuals, not prone to adventures. Sometimes this is good, but only when used in moderation. Otherwise, you can turn into a prude and a bore.

To avoid negative effects, it is enough to dilute brown with other colors or use it as an additional color rather than the main one.

Although the associative series of brown includes mainly positive phenomena (tea, firewood, nuts, chocolate), there are also negative associations. They include waste, dirt, excrement, and the decline of nature. This shade is inherent in life, but already frozen, passing into the phase of death, as an inevitable part of the earth’s cycle.

Shades of brown

This color is truly impressive in its variety of shades. There are 195 tones of brown in the Pantone palette - dark and light, rich and pale, with the addition of gray, purple, and gold. Let's look at a few of the most common shades. Some of the names are quite original:

Beige Light brown with yellowish or grayish notes.

Bistre Bistre is a brown pigment made from tree soot, often used by artists during the Renaissance. The shade is thick and rich.

Brown Dark shade with reddish notes.

Giraffe A combination of yellow and brown tones.

Chestnut Pleasant and warm shade with a reddish tint. Named after the fruit of the chestnut tree.

Brown Reminiscent of chestnut and brown. The most common color of human eyes.

Choice of stars

Luxurious shades of mahogany and golden brown are perfect for dresses for the most special occasions. Therefore, they are often chosen by famous personalities. For example, actress Tracee Ellis Ross chose a golden-brown velvet dress for the 2016 Oscars.

Combination with other colors

Brown color is pleasing to the eye, unobtrusive and calm. In addition, it has a rich palette. Thanks to this, it can be successfully combined with different colors and shades:


A universal color that goes with almost any other. But brown especially benefits from this combination. Firstly, it is quite dark, so combining it with white creates the desired contrast. Secondly, white helps to dilute the gloominess of brown.


This color is a variation of brown, but lighter and softer. Thanks to this affinity, any combination of two colors looks self-sufficient and does not even require adding accents. But it is worth paying special attention to the texture of the products.


Since red is already present in brown, the combination is very winning. Red is a passionate and hot color. Brown is softer and more neutral, so they complement each other perfectly.

What properties does it have?

Brown color has a calming property and has a rather positive effect on a person’s condition. Does not cause aggression or anger.

A person who finds himself in a room with brown tones can relax and unwind. They say that brown will even help resolve conflicts and come to a common opinion. Brown is the color of relaxation and even a little laziness.

This color also has the ability to inspire confidence in people. Seeing a person in brown clothes, we consider him confident, responsible and reliable.

But in excess, brown can also have negative properties . If a person has depression, it can make it worse and can also cause obsessions and increase paranoia.

Brown lovers

Oddly enough, brown is one of the least popular colors in the world. Many interpret it as gloomy and boring, which is unjustified. However, there are many fans of brown. In personality psychology, love for this color can tell a lot about a person.

Those who like him are down-to-earth, practical people who say exactly what they think and are always straight to the point. Empty chatter, nonsense and frivolity are not to their liking.

Brown is closely associated with the earth. Therefore, its lovers willingly engage in gardening or at least growing indoor plants and agriculture. Such people are not afraid to get their hands and feet dirty if it is necessary for business.

More often than not, fans of brown have a calm and even character. They are introverts, and by temperament they tend to be phlegmatic. They are not looking for attention, fame, recognition or success. At the same time, they have a fairly friendly and pleasant disposition. They are ready to help anyone in need.

Such people are characterized by a high level of responsibility, reliability, confidence, but not self-confidence. They enjoy family life, quiet home comfort, and physical closeness.

They spend their money carefully and buy only what they need. Also, lovers of brown are careful, carefully weigh their actions, and think about the essence of the problem before proceeding to a solution.

Colors and psychology

By making the right choice from the color scheme, a person can be guaranteed to achieve success in various areas of his life (at work, a romantic date, a business dinner, etc.). Understanding the meaning of shades and their combinations brings rationality and direction to the course of events. Realizing your emotions, observing the changes taking place in your environment, improving your mood and many other emotional factors are possible with the correct selection and combination of colors in your image and environment (at work and at home).

Experts have proven that some events or memories have a direct connection with one or another shade. Almost every person associates holidays and memorable events with bright colors (red, yellow, green, etc.). Sad events are painted in black and gray tones.

Perception and reaction to colors occur at the subconscious level. Since childhood, people perceive red as a sign of anxiety and prohibition. Green means confidence and security. Each color is individual and has its own characteristic properties. Shades can have a significant impact on the perception of a particular situation, and also on a person’s psychological health.

Use in clothing

Attitudes towards brown clothing have changed over the centuries. If in the past it was worn only by plebeians and peasants who worked on the land, then during the Renaissance it began to be preferred by the nobility. It was believed that the aristocracy was more suited to dark and restrained tones, while ordinary people could wear flashy colors.

Now brown is one of the most common colors in the wardrobe. It is especially often used for outerwear - fur coats, sheepskin coats, jackets. It is also suitable for shoes - boots, boots, moccasins. Brown is often used for bags, gloves, hats and scarves, and vests.

Brown color in the interior

It is present almost everywhere in interior design. Usually furniture and room doors have this color, since they are made mainly of wood. In the interior, brown tones create an atmosphere of coziness, reliability and convenience, and improve family relationships.

They look especially good in the bathroom, kitchen and living room. In the dining room, they will improve appetite, but will not lead to overeating, as they stimulate moderation in everything. A study room where all the furniture has shades of dark wood will look great.

Brown should not dominate in the bedroom: this reduces the quality of intimate relationships. Or you can dilute it with red, orange, peach and other bright tones

In a nursery you can use it within reasonable limits. It harmonizes the child’s personality and balances it. But to prevent the room from looking gloomy and austere, you need to make bright accents, just like in the bedroom.

Soft brown shades create the illusion of warmth. Therefore, they look especially good in the decoration of rooms facing north, or any rooms where it is too cool, according to the owners.

It is appropriate to use brown color in the work space. It stimulates ability to work, perseverance, attentiveness, and puts you in a businesslike mood. It is also recommended to dilute it with white or golden accents.

Who can I recommend using?

The color brown evokes a feeling of respect and trust in people. It is in demand in business casual wear .

If you want to come across as responsible and reliable when you go for an interview, add brown tones to your outfit.

But remember that brown will “grow up” .

If you want to improve your personal life, then you should be careful with brown.

The color brown is often associated with home . That's why it's so popular to use brown tones in the interior.

It creates a cozy environment, helps maintain a positive atmosphere in the family, and smoothes out conflicts.

Therefore, if you have some family problems, you may want to think about updating your interior.

What does brown color go with in clothes? Adviсe:

Use in advertising and business

In the field of advertising and marketing, brown is very popular. Like green, it is used to emphasize the naturalness of products. This applies to both food products and cosmetics, face and body care products, and pharmaceutical products. Brown and its lighter tones are especially often used in packaging.

The color is often used in food service areas. The emphasis can also be on the naturalness and naturalness of the cuisine, as well as on the cozy atmosphere of the establishment. First of all, this applies to cafes and restaurants stylized in antique style, in accordance with Russian folk traditions.

Health effects

Brown has proven itself well in the field of color therapy. It can be used as a means to improve overall health. People who treat him with disdain, as a rule, do not think about their well-being.

Color has the following effects on physical and mental health:

strengthens the immune system warms the body, relaxes muscles slows down metabolic processes, reduces heart rate and blood pressure stimulates brain function by improving blood circulation improves cognitive functions - memory, concentration, thinking has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves stress, prevents depression, helps to fall asleep relieves aggression, anger, irritation, equalizes the emotional background, reduces anxiety, restlessness, helps fight phobias
. Brown also increases the level of confidence, stimulates performance and endurance. It is believed that with its help it is possible to improve the situation in the team, increase the cooperation of people, and reduce conflict.

Workaholics should not get carried away with brown, especially dark tones. This will increase your already high performance and lead to burnout.

* * *

The color brown has undeservedly few fans. The list of its positive properties is huge. It calms, balances, harmonizes and warms.

This is the color of home comfort, care, peace and tranquility in the family and in one’s own soul. Stylish, elegant and discreet, it is perfectly used in clothing and interior design, business and marketing.

The beneficial effects of brown color on physical and emotional health allow it to be widely used for medicinal purposes.

What can you say about the person who likes him?

People who love the color brown have the following qualities : they are confident in themselves and their abilities, responsible, they have their own opinion on any situation and are not afraid to express it, you can always rely on these people, they are patient, they usually have a calm character.

Brown lovers highly value silence and their own comfort. They think well about their actions and weigh their decisions.

Such people are very careful with their things and prefer cleanliness and order . They know how to manage finances and will never spend money on something they don’t need.

Spontaneity is not their thing. They take a very long time to make decisions, but they rarely make mistakes.

You can always rely on a person who loves brown. He is a good friend and partner. When you set a goal, you are sure to achieve it.

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