A man does not want to communicate: reasons, signs and solutions to the problem

At the beginning of a relationship, everything develops according to an ideal scenario, and a woman can live in the illusion that the fairy tale will last forever. But after some time, questions begin to appear: “Why did the man begin to pay less attention?”, “Why do relationships become a burden for a man?” or “Why did a man stop doing things for his beloved?”

Today I will talk about those moments because of which a man can move away from a woman and lose interest in her. If you recognize yourself in some examples, pay attention to this. This will be a kind of signal to change yourself, your attitudes and programs. And these changes will lead you to creating a great and happy relationship.

Read to the end to get answers to these questions:

  • Is it true that a woman is a mirror of a man’s success?
  • How does a woman's past affect her relationships in the present?
  • What is the danger of overprotection in a relationship?
  • The “I can do everything myself” program: how to determine if you have it?
  • How to keep a man interested in you?
  • The formula for creating great relationships.

So that you can choose a convenient format for receiving information, I have recorded a detailed video for you based on the materials in this article. Therefore, get ready to carefully watch, analyze and write down insights. I hope it will be useful!

A woman is a mirror of a successful man

As you know, men are visual people, and in any case, they initially look at a woman as a beautiful flower, appreciating her external beauty. At the initial stage of the relationship, the woman spent hours “beautifying”, made a lot of effort to please the man, and looked forward to every date. And then... she relaxed.

  • I stopped wearing beautiful clothes.
  • Watch your figure.
  • I gave up makeup.

She forgets how important visual beauty is to a man. Because for him, a woman is a mirror that reflects his world, his success. That is, looking at his companion, other male rivals see his achievements. And therefore, it is very important for a man that a woman takes care of herself and maintains her beauty.

A partner can say: “I love you anyway. I don’t care what you look like.” But nevertheless, the female task is always to bring beauty to the world both through the physical body and through the inner content.

It is the harmony of the external and internal female state that will help attract a worthy man and be happy in a relationship.

She's already busy with someone

Do you mean busy? Is she a seat on a trolleybus? Thoughts that a beautiful girl should be automatically busy often do not receive confirmation. Even if she is busy, you can come up to meet her and chat without the goal of building further relationships. Just satisfy your desire, if you like it, come over. What will a person lose from this? Never mind.

Overcoming your fear is a truly masculine act that a girl will definitely appreciate. And the guy can move. Maybe she no longer loves her boyfriend, but with him out of ordinary affection. In general, it's always worth taking a risk.

“Evil content” of a woman

I work a lot with men and very often I hear: “I try my best for my woman, but she is constantly unhappy, there is always a “downward smiley” on her face. Why can’t I make her happy?” I call this phenomenon “evil content” because outwardly a woman can be a beautiful queen, but inside she has so many grievances and claims that a man simply cannot stand being next to her in the same field.

What does evil content mean? This means that inside a woman there are negative feelings: resentment, anger, guilt, pity, fears. Sometimes she can have a lot of fears: the basic ones are the fear of loneliness, loss, the evaluation of others and the fear of being unloved and misunderstood.

If a woman has negativity inside, then she will emit heavy vibrations. And it’s not the man’s fault that she had such an experience in the past: her relationships with her parents or other men were bad - and she carries all this within herself. But gradually these destructive feelings come to the surface, and they are directed at the one who is closest - the partner.

At the beginning of a relationship, everything goes well: the woman gives the man lightness, joy, and beauty. But the heaviness inside doesn’t go away! And positive emotions are replaced by heavy, dark ones. The woman begins to whine, complain, make claims, and get angry. This is very tiring and weighs down your energy.

What does every man need first? Faith that everything will be fine! And the woman, on the contrary, takes away his last strength and begins the reverse process. This is one of the main reasons why a man withdraws and loses interest in a woman.

In the free online course “Man: Honest instructions for use. Without drama and manipulation” we talk about how to see and transform your negative attitudes and programs, how to upgrade your femininity, how to become a worthy woman and attract men of the same level into your life. And if you are ready to work on yourself, follow the link and register!


It’s not uncommon for men to be afraid that a girl might suddenly be too arrogant. Her behavior and manner of speech can show this. The male ego is unlikely to be able to withstand an arrogant woman, and who even loves such people? There are probably very few such people.

Arrogance can even manifest itself at the beginning of a conversation, when a man said “hi” to a girl and she simply ignored him. Yes, maybe she's in a bad mood. But the rules of good manners say that if you don’t want to communicate, you can simply refuse the man and that’s it. And people don’t like being ignored. At all.

A woman who has “too much” in a relationship

A man should always be half-starved of emotions. This does not mean that you cannot say an extra kind word to your partner - no, it is enough not to overfeed him with your care, attention and guardianship. In such a relationship, it’s even difficult to breathe, and the man moves away just to exhale.

In this case, the woman in the relationship takes up all the space. And this begins to irritate the man and even cause aggression. Why? Because a man wants to see in his chosen one not only a mother and a housewife. He wants to see in her a woman who believes in him and that he can take care of himself and cope with everything.

If you are already starting to notice such excesses, you are taking too much care of your man, pay attention to this. There should be no oversaturation in a relationship.

Unsuccessful first meeting

As you mentally analyze and replay past dates in your head, you may remember how your boyfriend behaved. If a person does not have much relationship experience, he may make mistakes, worry, and rush things too quickly. This uncertainty sometimes leads to funny things. For example, a guy was in a hurry with his first kiss: you gently turned him off, making him understand that it was too early. For you it’s no big deal, but for a man it could turn into a slight shock.

Uncertainty sometimes leads to funny things

Such a “slap in the face” can hurt pride, shake self-confidence and even give rise to that very resentment towards the girl that was discussed at the beginning of the article. Hence the reluctance or even fear of the next meeting. After all, now the guy will associate you with that awkward moment from the past. And no one likes such memories. And the more moral damage a man suffered during that not-so-successful date, the lower his desire to remember you will be.

Of course, it’s hard to predict the course of events on a date. Any such curiosity is the man’s fault, because he deliberately takes risks. You can only try to smooth out the corners: do not react to every bold but unsuccessful attempt at rapprochement too sharply or aggressively, so as not to simply “scare off” the guy. And if this does happen and the man stops writing (and I would really like to), try starting a dialogue first. Already in the conversation, hint: nothing terrible happened and you will be glad to meet the man again.

Devaluation in relationships

Usually a man makes the following request: “I work hard, I try for my family, but I don’t hear words of recognition and gratitude in response. My woman used to give me some compliments, but now she has stopped praising me and thanking me for what I am. She takes everything for granted.”

This is devaluation. A man stops receiving admiration, gratitude, he does not feel like a hero. A woman’s daily life, work, and raising children take up a lot of energy, and she sometimes forgets to express her emotions. Although often just one smile is enough and the partner understands: “She is smiling - that means she is happy, I did everything right.”

He looks at her as if in a mirror, and if a dissatisfied face or total depreciation is reflected there, the man loses motivation, the meaning to move on. It moves somewhere to the side, stops acting, and the process of braking begins.

For a man, a woman is a great meaning for which it is worth moving, achieving results and being successful. I understand that, reading this article, you may say: “What should I admire anyway? My man lies on the couch all day and does nothing for me.” This is a signal that you are transmitting something wrong to the man; he does not have the energy to achieve.

I’m not saying that only the woman is to blame, she didn’t give something, but men are so correct. No. Men have their own stories and problems, which they usually deal with themselves. I am talking specifically about female manifestations, because we accompany men.

A woman’s task is to give a man the resource that will allow him to be happy around him and not make him want to step aside and distance himself.

Analyze the reasons

In order to try to get your loved one back, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the reasons for the separation. Be patient and try, guided by a clear, cold mind, to answer the following questions for yourself.

  1. Why did your breakup happen? Who was its initiator? Try to remember when the turning point came in your relationship.
  2. Try to honestly answer the question of whether the person you broke up with really loved you.
  3. Consider possible ways to eliminate the causes of separation.
  4. And the last, probably most important question. Do you really need someone who left you? Do you love him or just want revenge?

Program “I myself”

A couple is in the same boat, but the girl takes the oars and begins her own movement, trying to pull everything on herself. This is the women’s program “I Am Myself,” which we mainly inherit from our mother. Most likely, she had such an attitude towards life, and could only rely on herself.

Mom could say: “All men are traitors,” “You can’t rely on a single man,” “You can only trust yourself,” and so on. The girl absorbed these attitudes from childhood, and in adulthood this does not allow her to trust a man and let him be in charge.

In modern society, women have the opportunity to receive an education, participate in all social movements, and engage in self-development. But the problem is that we are trying to compete with men in intelligence.

What does this look like in practice in everyday life? A man hammers a nail. A woman comes up to him and begins to tell him how to do it correctly, or grabs a hammer and says: “Let me show you how to hammer nails.”

Or another example: a man takes a woman for a ride in a boat.

  • One will simply wave her fan and admire how beautifully the muscles play when a man rows his oars.
  • Another will constantly criticize that she is rowing incorrectly, the amplitude of movement is not the same, the boat is moving in the wrong direction.

What happens in the second case? The man’s energy drops, he simply doesn’t want to do anything for this woman because he doesn’t understand the meaning. There is a reversal of roles: the woman mentally tries to prove to the man that he is doing everything wrong. And this is a serious blow to man’s dignity!

How to check if you have this program?

Please note a few points:

  • When you approach a store, do you give the man the opportunity to open the door for you? Or you automatically pull her first, preventing your partner from showing a desire to take care of you.
  • Do you press the elevator button first if there is a man standing next to you?
  • If you're at a café, do you let your partner help you with your coat or pull out a chair?

Give the man these “oars”, give him the opportunity to prove himself. Because being a woman is wonderful. Being a smart woman is even more beautiful. But it is important that developed intelligence does not interfere with or destroy your relationship with a man.

In order to most fully see the psychological picture of the relationship between a man and a woman, I invite you to the free online course “Man: honest instructions for use. No drama or manipulation.” Spend 6 evenings with maximum benefit for yourself and your relationships! Register using the link and I’ll be sure to look forward to seeing you live!

What to do if you communicate, but he doesn’t ask for a date

The young people communicate, but it doesn’t come to a romantic “rendezvous”. This means that psychologists advise young ladies:

  • without imposing, become the one that no one can replace: praise (but not flatter), support in difficult situations, celebrate his successes at work or study;
  • do not lose your dignity;
  • learn to listen carefully to your interlocutor, ask counter questions, maintain a conversation;
  • be sincerely interested in what your friend likes;
  • make friends with his friends, but avoid criticizing them.

To interest a friend, do not be capricious and find fault, do not try to impose an opinion and dictate your terms. Following these tips will help you win over and gain the trust of your acquaintance.

How to invite yourself

The man writes every day, but doesn’t ask him out on a date, but the young lady wants closer communication. The only way is to write or call, invite to see you, otherwise you will have to wait forever for unknown things. To remain attractive without being intrusive, you are allowed to hint that you are lonely to go for a walk or attend a holiday. If the guy responds, the relationship will continue; if he remains silent, you shouldn’t hope for a serious relationship.

Another invitation option: ask for help, not one-time, but requiring multiple meetings.

How to understand the seriousness of his intentions

A man constantly writes, but does not ask for a date - a reason to think about the depth of his feelings and the seriousness of the relationship. It’s easy to check a guy: take a closer look at his behavior and actions. A serious suitor pleases with little things and surprises with unexpected gifts. Courteous, attentive like a gentleman, he will always come to the rescue, give the necessary advice and introduce the girl as a wonderful companion to friends and relatives.

The feelings of a serious lover show tenderness, admiration, respect, and sometimes jealousy. This is visible in kind words, frank conversations, warm glances, open poses. If intimate intimacy happens, although a fan with significant intentions has no need to rush, enjoying the appearance of his companion, the first thing he will do is make sure that his partner is pleased.

There are enough excuses why a man writes every day but doesn’t ask him out on a date. It is not advisable to waste time on such suitors; it is better to take a closer look at those who are truly interested and will gladly invite you to meet.


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Opinions of loved ones

A man’s own opinion can drown out the advice of a friend, acquaintance, or one of his parents. Some people are too dependent on the opinions of others. Their whole life largely depends on what their loved ones think or say. This also applies to their personal life.

Unlike other situations, in this case you will not be able to get to the root of the problem. On a date, everything could be perfect even in small things, but the opinion of a third party changed everything. Should you continue a relationship with someone so sensitive to the opinions of others?

Some people are too dependent on the opinions of others


Here is the opposite situation: the man immediately began to develop feelings for you and that is why he abruptly ended the relationship. Why? Rejection of loved ones is typical of counterdependent people. Deep down in their hearts, like everyone else, they want great and mutual love, but at the same time they do not let a person get close, and at some stage of the relationship they can begin to behave coldly and indifferently. This complex is formed in childhood, but often leaves an imprint for life.

Relationships with a counterdependent

people will be difficult. However, they can still be happy and fulfilled. In this case, a lot depends on you.

Rejection of loved ones is common among counterdependent people

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