Why are we afraid of tickling? Ancient mechanisms whose meaning was lost over the centuries
Researchers from the University of Bristol studied the reaction of rats to tickling. They found a way to accurately measure
Psychologist's advice: how to communicate with toxic people
How to communicate with toxic people without breaking your psyche
A toxic person is a real punishment for those around him. He is assertive, arrogant, he is in
Jacob's disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (Mad Cow disease, Corticostriospinal degeneration syndrome, Spastic pseudosclerosis)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare neurodegenerative disease that has severe effects on the brain. Disease
Is a brain cyst always a dangerous diagnosis?
Definition Neuroepithelial cysts (NCs), also called neuroglial or glioependymal cysts, are developmental abnormalities that arise
How to help a teenager cope with computer addiction?
Computer game addiction is an obsessive passion for games, which is regarded as a form of psychological
Rett syndrome: how to deal with a genetic error?
Rett syndrome, what is it? Causes and treatment Rett syndrome is a progressive degenerative disease
Combat NLP: techniques and models of hidden manipulations and protection against them
Undoubtedly, neurolinguistic programming today is one of the most popular and sought-after methods
Meningioma of the brain: life prognosis, reviews of treatment
Concept, main symptoms and methods of treatment of benign brain tumor
Meningioma of the brain (ICD 10 code – D32.0) is a neoplasm that occurs
Agrammatism and its types in aphasia with examples of morphosyntactic errors
In children, speech skills develop gradually until approximately 4 years of age. Some errors
Delusions of grandeur: problem or superiority of the 21st century
Megalomania is a mental disorder in which the patient feels like a great person without having
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