How to help a teenager cope with computer addiction?

Computer game addiction is an obsessive passion for games, which is regarded as a form of psychological addiction and manifests itself in children, adolescents and adults.

Computer addiction is a form of addiction. That is, when a person seeks to escape reality, deliberately changing his mental state and plunging into an illusory world.

Due to the loss of control over the game, spending a lot of time on games, in 2021, computer addiction was included in the International Classification of Diseases. The entry into force of the document is scheduled for January 2022.

Causes of computer addiction

If you study the research, now between 6 and 14% of Internet users are computer dependent. Children of the 20th century, compared to the older generation, do not know what yard games and festivities, Cossack robbers, tag and playing football are. Communication takes place on social networks and through instant messengers, and personal communication has been reduced to nothing.

Every student spends several hours in a row at the computer doing lessons or playing games while their parents are not looking. Is it worth saying what happens in the lives of adults (their parents)? We don't think it's worth it. You already know everything yourself. Communication and even learning (especially in connection with coronavirus infection) have moved to the Internet space. This aggravates the situation and the development of dependence on the computer and virtual reality.

Yes, it’s great that children have more opportunities and know how to operate modern devices and technology better than their parents. But it remains important not to lose touch with reality. For both children and adults.

The most dangerous thing is that there is a lot of cruelty and violence in computer games. A huge number of games are aimed at killing. How can such hobbies benefit modern society? Hardly.

Children, like adults, often begin to confuse reality and the virtual computer world. This is a psychological problem that needs to be solved by a professional doctor.

Is my child addicted or not? How to Know When to Worry

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether a child is just playing enthusiastically or is already addicted and cannot stop. In this case, you need to watch him for some time.

It is important to pay attention to the following points:


A child with addiction is often irritable, angry, and has poor control over his emotions, especially when it comes to computer games. However, he quickly calms down when given the opportunity to play. Here it is important to clarify that anger at a mother who snatched a gadget out of her hands is a natural reaction for a healthy teenager . The immature psyche works slowly, therefore, in order to avoid conflict and prepare the child for the end of the game, warn him in advance that time is coming to an end (“5 minutes left”). If after this time the child parted with the toy calmly enough, there is no problem.

Time in game

Gamers often simply cannot limit themselves to this pleasure. They are ready to give up food in favor of playing, go to bed poorly, and skip classes to sit at the computer or gadget. It happens that parents themselves provoke such a situation, initially denying their child the right to play. If the daily schedule has a clear time allotted for entertainment, the child is less worried about the game, he knows for sure that he will get what he wants on time and no one will punish him.

Financial expenses

The child begins to insist on the need to invest money in the game, in improving the technical characteristics of the phone or computer. He doesn't have enough pocket money. Theft from home is possible.

Communication with peers

The interests of a dependent child are greatly narrowed. With friends, all conversations ultimately come down to games. The gambler begins to reduce the number of walks with friends, under various pretexts being left alone with the game.

If your child is easily distracted from the game, calmly parts with the gadget, leads an active social life, and has no problems sleeping - everything is fine. Games are entertainment, one of thousands of possible ones. And it is unreasonable to scold a child for wanting to entertain himself.

Psychological computer addiction occurs for the following reasons:

  • Attention deficit. If a child or adult receives insufficient attention, is ignored, is deprived of love and participation.
  • Melancholic and choleric people are special types of people who get along more easily in new special circumstances.
  • Problem families. If violence in the family is the norm, and scandals and beatings are part of the way of life, then you can escape from problems not only physically. Especially children. They have nowhere to run, they are forced to survive any scream or scandal, parental divorce or any other psychological shock, they escape from reality into the computer world. Computer addiction in children is a heavier burden that they are forced to bear on their fragile shoulders for many years of their lives. Computer addiction in adults brings no less bitterness to the heart; many adult men withdraw into themselves and begin to solve “family problems” with the help of computer games, afraid to understand the problem in reality.
  • Time has no value. It is very important that every person, be it an adult or a child, should manage their time wisely. If you notice children, they probably rarely (or almost never) take out the trash or clean the room. Right? What about adults? Is every house and room clean and tidy? Hardly. But there will always be time for computer “freezes”, even at night, until the morning. Right? Have you noticed this?
  • Complexity. Yes, this is not a myth; there are a lot of people in the world who suffer from low self-esteem. If we talk about the older generation, the upbringing was tough. If we talk about today’s youth and children, adults often tell them: “don’t go here, don’t look here, don’t do this, you’re such and such”... and so on. This is good, if without swear words. But, as we know, anything happens in life. So where should such people go? Exactly...Into the computer world. There a person will feel like he belongs, strong, brave, skillful and generally the best on Earth. Do you agree?

What are the types of computer addiction?

  • Networkism. This is a frequent visit and “life” on social networks. When people just wake up, they pick up their phones and start scrolling through social media feeds. Sometimes people may not have breakfast or simply not take a shower. But they will spend all their free time on the Internet.
  • Cyber ​​addiction. This is a constant desire to be absorbed into the virtual world. During computer games they are cheerful, cheerful and joke, but as soon as they go out, their life becomes gloomy and dull.
  • Internet surfing. Unsystematic and constant presence on the Internet. They often do not remember information they have just seen or read.
  • Computer games.
  • Virtual communication and dating.
  • Hobbies in the porn industry and regular viewing of “adult” content.

If you spend more than 3 hours in a row at the computer and on the Internet, then it’s worth thinking about addiction treatment. At our Institute of Practical Medicine “Inpramed” consultations are held around the clock and free of charge by phone. Call .

IMPORTANT! The insidiousness of this disease is that reality is replaced by fictional worlds. Life becomes less interesting and attractive than the computer world. And detachment from the world leads to serious psychological illness.

What should parents do?

You need to act wisely, systematically and methodically. If something goes wrong, your teen may not give you a second chance. His trust is a fragile substance. Countering symptoms provides only temporary relief. The problem may return when favorable conditions arise again. Therefore, choose the path of salvation through eliminating the original causes of addiction.

The answer to just three questions will reveal a whole heap of information about the child you are raising. Try to understand your own motives and actions, make sure that you are not setting a bad example and do not create psychological discomfort in the family.

  1. What made the young man plunge into the virtual world?
  2. What does he know about alternatives in the real world?
  3. What do you personally do as parents to keep things interesting?

If your child is lonely, find the lost path to his heart.

If he is insecure, make an effort to normalize his self-esteem. For each stage of addiction, there is an optimal way to overcome the problem.

Educational conversations

And long heart-to-heart conversations. It is a confidential dialogue that will help you understand where manifestations of addiction come from. What is important and valuable hidden there, on the other side of the monitor, that the child cannot find next to family and friends?

Conduct the conversation in a calm, even tone, be sincerely interested in the answers, but do not become edifying. Use correct speech structures:

  • Fewer closed questions that require a clear “yes” or “no” answer.
  • “I” instead of “you”: “I would like to know about this game” instead of “What game do you play?”
  • Ask specific questions: “Why is this command needed in the chat?”, “Why is this hero better?”, “What weapon will be at the next level?”
  • Connect to your child’s interest: play with him, try to develop a program algorithm, watch a good, wise anime together.
  • Do not express assessments or categorical judgments, even if you notice obvious stupidity or a mistake. Better laugh it off.

Once contact is made, you can manipulate it. For a child, the contact itself is more important, and not the situation in which it is included. Therefore, it will gradually be possible to move the dialogue away from computer topics and away from the computer itself.

Child psychologist

Adolescents have a common mistake: they do not share the professional responsibilities of a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist. According to the teenager, it’s a shame to go to the “shrinks”!

Therefore, first, together with your spouse, visit a pediatric specialist without a child, tell your “case history,” and discuss ways of further cooperation. A professional will definitely give you detailed instructions. Only an individual approach will help bring a child to a psychologist.

Psychotherapy and hypnosis

A dependent teenager can get to a psychotherapist in two ways: voluntarily (through awareness of the problem in the psychologist’s office and a conscious choice) and forcibly (when parents have no other choice).

Psychotherapy requires significant financial costs and patient interest, and hypnosis does not work for everyone. As a recommendation, consider gently switching your child to “non-shameful” therapies:

  • art therapy (treatment through creativity, substitution of hobbies);
  • play therapy;
  • zootherapy (canistherapy, dolphin therapy require a change of environment, and communication with animals can become a new hobby);

By the way. Psychologically healthy children are indifferent to dogs. Lonely, unsure of themselves, and those with complexes find an outlet in an animal. Think about whether your teenager asked for a dog. She (or another animal) can help the child switch and self-realize. With the right program for working with a dog in a family, you can significantly adjust personal qualities and instill new social skills in a confused teenager. Start by visiting a dog show and talk to young handlers or athletes in the Frisbee, agility and freestyle disciplines.

  • symboldrama with teenagers (a psychoanalytic method based on the experience of images);
  • A rare but still existing type of psychologists is cyberpsychologists. These people help the child make the computer a tool, and not the meaning of life. Variations on the same theme - a programming school, a robotics club.

Important! Whoever you contact, check references and diplomas. A specialist working with addicted adolescents must have at least a higher education in psychology.

Medicines and procedures

Last resort. Don't resort to it unless necessary. Any medications can only be prescribed by a doctor (psychiatrist or medical psychologist). Drugs for addiction include quite “heavy” medications: nootropics, antidepressants, sedatives, and sometimes hormones. As additional measures, doctors use vitamin-mineral complexes and physiotherapy.

Prevention of computer addiction

Diagnostics of computer games revealed the prevention of primary treatment in childhood to improve the mental adaptation of students. Interpersonal relationships, awareness and possible consequences are necessary to inform teachers and parents. It is very important to start with:

  • Information sources, helpline, psychological service and social support.
  • Educational programs for training parents and teachers, computer clubs, training programs in schools, lyceums and colleges.
  • Provide employment through additional training and temporary employment.
  • Correct family relationships, form a full-fledged upbringing of children, the common interests of all family members, support emotionally and form psychological protection.

The next stage of prevention is identifying the risk group. Preventing the development of computer addiction and restoring social status and personal development. Only a professional psychologist with extensive experience and experience can help with this.

You can contact the Inpramed clinic and discuss treatment options by phone or in person at the address: Kondratievsky Prospekt, building 3

How to get rid of computer addiction

You can start with a personal analysis of the problem and open communication in the family. If your efforts do not produce positive results, then it is recommended to contact an experienced psychoanalyst who will help reveal the deep and true reasons for the loss of the real world. Sometimes one conversation is enough for a specialist to accurately identify problems, identify complexes and injuries. If the conversation is carried out with a child, then the presence of the parent is mandatory.

Of course, if the whole family takes on the problem and sincerely desires changes, the result will definitely be positive. How to cope with computer addiction is a question parents often ask themselves about their children. An important condition is that first of all it will be necessary for the parents to make changes in their lifestyle, character and habits. The result of all the labor-intensive work not only of the psychologist will depend on this.

How to get rid of addiction to computer games is a question that adults who have lost reality also ask themselves. To carry out treatment effectively, it is necessary to consult a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. It all depends on the degree of detachment from the world and the severity of the addiction. Anonymous consultations imply that patient data is not distributed beyond the walls of the clinic.

In some cases, one of the treatment options will be hospitalization. However, the most important thing in treatment will be psychotherapy. However, only an integrated approach can achieve a positive result. The problem is always individual. However, all are united by a violation of socialization, poor adaptation practices, avoidance of decisions and problems, and low stress resistance.

It is very difficult to cope with such addiction on your own, since the consciousness perceives the situation as normal, and the people around you rarely have the necessary competencies.

You can also learn more about gambling addiction and its treatment methods in our clinic. Just click here.

Features of treatment of Internet addiction in adolescents in our clinic

Treatment methods are selected based on the severity of the disease. Thus, severe forms of Internet addiction in adolescents require drug treatment in combination with psychotherapy. To get rid of bad habits, it must be supported by the strong-willed qualities and motivation of the patients themselves. But since most young people do not have them, the process becomes significantly more difficult.

In such conditions, specialists from the Marshak Clinic provide comprehensive psychological support and carry out fundamental work with the patient’s relatives. Treatment of Internet addiction in adolescents is strictly individual.

To schedule a consultation, call us or request a call back on the website.

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