15 simple and crazy things in bed that drive men crazy

The main secrets of successful relationships

These secrets are actually not secrets at all - everyone knows or suspects them, but not everyone is in a hurry to put them into practice. To diversify your family life, do not forget about the following:


It would seem that there is nothing difficult about regularly taking an interest in the affairs and mood of a loved one, but often many of us forget to do this or simply do not consider it necessary to ask such questions, believing that they already know everything. However, your spouse will probably appreciate it if you show him that you care about his well-being.


Often, lovers try to defend their rightness in quarrels to the last, and only after that can they think about how their other half feels. In happy relationships, conflicts are resolved differently - your goal is not for your loved one to admit that you are right, but for each of you to come out of a controversial situation with the least losses.

Words of love

Some people, due to their natural shyness or other reasons, rarely say words of love to their partner, believing that everything has already been said and frequent repetitions are useless. And yet this is not so. Any person, even if not everyone admits it, is pleased if they say pleasant and affectionate words, and, most likely, your beloved is no exception. Show him your tenderness through words, and this will have a beneficial effect on your relationship.


Of course, words alone are not enough, and sometimes the best confirmation of love are pleasant surprises. You probably know your lover’s tastes and preferences well, so it won’t be difficult for you to please him. Another thing is that there is not always time and desire for this. Still, if you want to build a happy relationship, find moments to express your feelings. These could be various little things: brewed coffee in the morning, cooking your favorite dish, a new razor, tickets to an expected movie, and the like.


Sometimes, in the heat of anger, we can say many unpleasant and offensive words to our loved ones, which we later regret. It even happens that we ourselves forget what we said, but it hurt a loved one, and he remembers the unpleasant emotions he experienced for a long time. Subsequently, this does not have the best effect on overall relationships. Even if the partner does not remember the unpleasant words, the offended party may unconsciously remember the offense and demonstrate it in the most unexpected situations. There are phrases after which the relationship will never be able to return to the previous stage, so it is important to restrain yourself in critical situations.

How to spice up your family life and make it interesting

Comfortable life and cozy hearth

First of all, it is in your power to make your beloved man feel comfortable in your shared home. Some houses are devoid of comfort, and this is felt immediately after you cross the threshold. But the opposite situation also happens - the house has a very cozy and warm atmosphere, and this does not depend at all on the size of the room and the high cost of the furniture. Comfort lies in various little things: funny cups or a night light, a painting with a good story, a soft rug by the bed, a pot-bellied teapot, flowers in a vase, interesting figurines and much more. Of course, all this will not create the desired atmosphere if you neglect cleaning. Of course, this point should not rest only on women’s shoulders, but this is a topic for another article.

Pleasant surprises for no reason

Perhaps they only dislike unpleasant surprises - there are still many who like various pleasant surprises. If you know that your husband does not have any negative feelings regarding surprises, then do not forget to spoil him with them from time to time. It is best to do this not on the eve of a holiday or your personal date together, but on a completely unremarkable day. Surprises can be both small and large. We are used to receiving serious gifts on our birthdays, New Years or other significant holidays, but you can give them on any other day, and the emotions will be much greater! You don't need to look for a reason to please your loved one!

Joint holiday

If you periodically go on vacation together, then you have a much better chance of living a rich family life than those who prefer separate leisure time. Of course, sometimes it can be useful to rest separately from each other if the spouses categorically do not agree on how they should rest, but if you always do this, it will alienate you from your husband. It is for this reason that it is important to find compromises - there is probably a place in which both of you would be interested.

To each his own personal space

In order for a marriage to be happy and harmonious, it is not at all necessary to spend all your free time in each other’s company, use common pages on social networks, talk on the phone with friends on speakerphone, and so on. You don't have to be involved in every aspect of your husband's life, just like he doesn't have to know every little thing you discussed with your girlfriends and the like.

From time to time, each of you has the right to relax as he likes, without asking permission from the other half, if this has nothing to do with treason or something illegal. Respect your loved one's right to sometimes fulfill their little desires. In marriage, people should not become a prison for each other. You should also make sure that everyone can have a zone at home where they can retire and take a break from communication or just mind their own business (for introverts this is a mandatory condition).

Talk about what you love

Surely, your spouse knows that you love him, but this does not mean that sometimes he would not like to hear it from you personally. Some women are quite stingy with declarations of love, and this is not always their fault (the problem may stem from childhood), and if you belong to this category, then most likely you understand that for personal relationships such a quality is more a minus than a plus. It may also be that you simply believe that your husband does not need such confessions, since he himself is a rather stingy person with emotions. However, this is not true! Any person needs words of love, even if he doesn’t talk about it, and if your husband is stingy with emotions, it means that in childhood, most likely, this was the custom in his family, and now you are continuing this trend. Give your loved one your warmth - he will be grateful to you!

Reasons for bringing souls closer together during sex

Any intimacy is accompanied by foreplay. At this moment, a feeling of happiness and protection arises. This strengthens the relationship on both sides and increases the level of trust. Partners who understand each other as deeply as possible decide to watch porn films, have threesomes, etc.

Sleeping together in the nude especially helps improve reciprocity. Proximity provokes the production of oxytocin, the hormone of happiness, which improves the emotional background.

How to diversify your sex life with your husband

Try new positions, do it not only in bed

Most often, boredom in family life begins precisely when a couple begins to feel a certain insipidity during intimate intimacy. Naturally, over time, passion tends to fade away, however, if you wish, you can change everything and learn to experience excitement again, being alone with each other. First of all, don't be afraid to experiment! Even if it seems to you that you have found your “ideal position,” this does not mean that others will not give you pleasure - make intimate intimacy more varied. Study books on this topic, you can watch erotic films to get inspiration from there. Of course, lovemaking can take place not only in bed. Of course, this is the most comfortable option, but do people overwhelmed by passion think about comfort first? Surprise your spouse by joining him in the shower or sitting in the chair he's in watching a movie. If this is unusual for you, then perhaps your husband himself will be embarrassed in the first minutes, but in the end he will probably be delighted.

Delight with unusual sexy images

Monotony can become boring to a spouse not only in poses, but also in the image of his wife. To avoid this, many women prefer to periodically change the color and length of their hair or style of clothing, but it is not necessary to go to such extremes if you yourself do not have a craving for this. Intimate life can be diversified with various images, and without drastic changes in the image. You can simply buy several seductive negligees of different colors and spectacular underwear. If you are quite liberated, then pay attention to costumes for various sexy images that can be ordered on the Internet - these can be images of a seductive nurse, maid, student, Snow Maiden, and so on. Surely, your man will not forget the evening when you appear before him in such attire with the appropriate mood.

Talk about intimate deepest desires with each other

Some spouses feel dissatisfaction in their intimate lives due to the fact that they are unable to fully realize their erotic fantasies. Often it is for this reason that people commit physical infidelity, being embarrassed to tell a loved one about their secret desires, and realizing them with random partners. Over a glass of wine during a romantic dinner, confess to your spouse the intimate dreams that you would like to fulfill, and challenge him to respond with openness. Please note that even if his fantasies seem wild to you, do not rush to indignantly tell him about it - tell him that you are glad that he admitted them to you, and you will think about it. It is possible that after reading the information on this matter, you yourself will be eager to make his dream come true, or at least be able to offer some similar alternative.

Send each other pleasant SMS and erotic photos

Of course, passion can and should be maintained at a distance. Periodically send your beloved man messages with declarations of love, compliments and other pleasant words. You can also mention that you still can’t forget the “recent night”, or are looking forward to meeting him. Don’t forget that most men “love with their eyes,” so you won’t go wrong if from time to time you send your beloved man pictures in which you appear in seductive outfits. It is better to avoid photos in which you are completely naked - they could accidentally fall into the wrong hands (phone theft, etc.). This kind of correspondence during the day (not every day, but periodically) can be very useful for intimate life - do not doubt that your spouse will definitely be overcome by exciting thoughts about you.

If there are children in the family, look for opportunities to be alone more often

The sex life of many married couples moves to a new level (worst) when children appear in the family. The living conditions of some families force them to constantly be in front of their children, and intimacy becomes possible only when kids or teenagers go to bed. Often by this time all desire for sex has disappeared, giving way to fatigue and drowsiness. If this happens year after year, then this is already a very alarming sign. No matter how much you love children, it is important to be alone with your husband from time to time. If a child has a grandmother, then do not deprive her of the opportunity to communicate with her grandson from time to time. If the child is already old enough, then you can leave him at home alone for several hours, going with your husband to a spa hotel. A reliable nanny can look after small children if the option of a grandmother is excluded. Look for opportunities for privacy with your spouse!

Sex positions

Learning the secrets of sex, enjoying the process of intercourse, it is worth discovering new positions. In addition to traditional options, there are several original ones.

  1. Butterfly. Variation of the missionary position. The guy is between the girl’s legs, completely controlling what is happening.
  2. Missionary special. During intimacy, the penis slips out, touching the clitoris. Both will have a pleasant feeling.
  3. The man is standing, the woman is lying on the surface of the table, wrapping her legs around his body.

Ways to diversify your married life without money or with minimal costs

5 ways to diversify family life at home:

Prepare delicious dishes both for your loved one and with him

It's probably no secret that most men love to eat delicious food. Undoubtedly, you know which dishes your lover gives the greatest preference - do not neglect the opportunity to please him with them. By the way, pay attention to the fact that many spouses are brought together by cooking together - of course, this should happen without nervousness and haste! Prepare a dish that you two love and have a romantic candlelit dinner! Although, some couples may prefer to eat their favorite dishes in front of the TV screen while watching a great movie.

Breakfasts and dinners in bed, especially on weekends

Pamper your loved one with delicious breakfasts and dinners in bed. Buy a nice and comfortable tray in advance. Of course, if you do this every day, then there will be no “zest” in such surprises. Let this happen from time to time - for example, on weekends. Naturally, in the morning, choose light meals or just coffee (tea), and in the evening you can show more imagination.

Pleasant baths and massages

Let taking a bath in your family be not only a hygienic procedure, but also a method of relaxation. You can take it together - some couples really like this kind of pastime. However, you can also simply provide your lover with the opportunity to relax alone - add sea salt and aromatic thick foam to the bath, thus allowing your lover to relax after a hard day. After water treatments, offer your man a massage - master the massage technique in advance by studying video tutorials online.

Watch your favorite movies

Watching films together will also have a beneficial effect on your family life. In many couples, over time, a period comes when the spouses stop watching most of the pictures together, preferring to watch what each of them likes best at the same time in different rooms. Of course, this is a good solution if the tastes are completely different, but from time to time it is worth looking for compromises. If your lover is lying on the couch and watching a movie that is not to your taste, you can also lie down next to him, if only just to spend time together. Who knows, maybe in the end you will be captivated by what is happening on the screen. In any case, the man will be pleased with your presence.

Play games with the whole family

If you have children, play with them together - it can be very fun and interesting, becoming one of the happiest and most memorable moments in your family life. However, even if you live together, this is not a reason to refuse entertainment - choose, for example, board games!

5 ways to diversify your family life outside the home:

Walking around the city

Even if you are an avid homebody, you still find time early to periodically leave the confines of your apartment or house to walk around the city. If you live in a small province where you are not particularly interested in walking the streets, take the time to get out to the nearest big city. Visit parks, walk along alleys, squares, go to cafes (in summer, choose establishments with a convenient outdoor area for tables).

Going to free exhibitions and concerts

It is very useful to sometimes “feed” yourself culturally - attend various exhibitions and concerts. In many cities, such events are often held free of charge, so such “outings” will not affect your family budget at all. In addition, the evening spent, if it does not bring you even closer, will at least give you a new topic for conversation.

Fishing, picnic

Do not deny yourself a vacation in nature! If your spouse likes fishing, then periodically offer to go on it with the whole family, even if you don’t like such a pastime. While your husband fishes and, perhaps, introduces the younger generation to this activity, you can sit comfortably on the blanket with an interesting book on the sidelines. You can have a picnic afterwards. However, a picnic is good on its own, so sometimes have a sit-down with your loved one around the fire or go out with a group of people to relax in tents.

Hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries

It's also quite a fun activity. Subsequently, you can make jam from the extracted berries, and preserve and dry the mushrooms. The time will come for cozy winter evenings, and you will prepare dishes with the gifts of the forest and remember your family “outing”.

Rest at the dacha or with relatives in the village

In good weather it is very pleasant to relax in the provinces. If you are city residents, then be sure to find time for this - you can go to your own dacha or visit close relatives who will definitely be happy about your visit. However, you can also rent a house with a plot for the desired period - from several days to seasons!

What do men like in sex? Pleasant smell from a woman12

This is what men love most. Before sex, a woman must take care of her hygiene, both intimate organs and all others. Plus, men like it when a girl smells of freshness, berries or floral notes. Add to this a pleasant perfume and any man will be crazy. The main thing is not to overdo it, because if a girl smells as if several bottles of perfume have just been poured on her, such a smell can distract a man from the main process.

Decorate your personal life in marriage

Take care of yourself

Even if you are convinced that your husband loves you “anyone,” you can be sure that in a well-groomed state you are still nicer to him. Do not forget about such phenomena as depilation, face masks, skin creams and oils, pedicures, manicures and the like. Periodically visit a cosmetologist or hairdresser - this can greatly facilitate hair and skin care if you forget at home or do not always have the opportunity to do this.

Have a hobby

Men like women who are passionate about something. Moreover, many husbands proudly boast of their wife’s successes in one field or another, considering this a reason for pride. It’s not difficult to choose a hobby you like; the main thing is to decide what you really like. This could be cooking, yoga, dancing, embroidery, knitting and much more. If you can’t decide on a hobby now, remember what you liked as a child - perhaps then it will be easier to make a choice.

Play sports

Don't ignore the benefits that regular exercise can bring you. A woman who attends workouts at the gym, swims in the pool or goes to group fitness classes most often looks fit and younger than her peers who neglect such pastimes.


Now we are not talking about real violence, because it is a crime. And when you resist just a little, in a playful way. A man is a conqueror by nature, and if he understands that before he can get you, he needs to achieve this, his interest in sports will begin to go off scale. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise, if you resist for a long time, the man may think that he is not interested in you.

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