Brain structure
What is cerebral leukoencephalopathy: types, diagnosis and treatment
Small focal leukoencephalopathy of vascular origin is a diagnosis that is more often given to male patients who have passed the age of
Startling when falling asleep: normal or pathological? Alexey Malkov's answers on the TUT.BY portal
Many people do not regard involuntary muscle twitching as a nervous tic and believe that it will pass
I want to leave my husband: how to make up my mind and start a new life
The issue of ending a relationship becomes extremely relevant when it ceases to bring joy or minimal benefit.
Intracranial pressure
Effective tablets for intracranial pressure
Causes of high blood pressure Idiopathic form of the disease Symptoms of intracranial pressure Manifestations of liquor-hypertensive syndrome in children
Cash compensation for disabled people
How to apply for disability after the 2021 changes
Stroke is a dangerous disease with an acute circulatory disorder in the brain that develops in
Tranquilizers are classified as psychotropic drugs, since the main target of their action is the mental sphere
Lateral curvature of the foot
Friedreich's ataxia in old age and in children
Causes of Friedreich's ataxia A person can get this pathology only if both of them
what an apathetic person he is
An apathetic person: personality traits, advice from psychologists
Probably every person in his life has encountered apathy and depression. And naturally,
Neurotic disorders: causes, symptoms, treatment
Causes of neurotic disorders Classification of neurotic disorders Types of neurotic disorders forms of neurotic disorders Neurotic disorders
Strong headache
Why is a study of the blood vessels of the brain and neck performed?
Magnetic resonance imaging combines high information content, safety and non-invasiveness. MRI of cerebral vessels
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