I live in constant tension, I put off everything until later. How to learn to relax and let go of tension?

How often have you caught yourself thinking that you are tired and cannot fully rest even on the weekend? This is a consequence of constant stress and loads that the body can no longer cope with on its own. To avoid overwork, you need to understand how to learn to relax psychologically and physically without losing performance.

Even in the most difficult and difficult moments, being able to relax means giving yourself the opportunity and a way to build a defense against stress. This will help get rid of many problems of modern people. Insomnia, headaches and migraines, weakened immunity. Each of the points is most often caused by general fatigue of the body.

To understand how to give yourself the opportunity to relax and unwind, you need to understand the causes of stress. This will help you quickly learn to activate your internal forces and be calm more often. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit a specialist’s office or expensive relaxation salons. It is enough to understand how to negotiate with your own body.

What is the ability to relax

Often people forget how important it is to give yourself rest. The ability to relax physically and emotionally is a useful function of the body, which can be forgotten over time. Especially if you have been under constant stress and conflict for a long time.

Internal problems cannot find a way out if you do not know how to relieve tension without resorting to the help of a psychologist. Nevertheless, there are such ways, and there are many of them. It’s enough to find a suitable option for yourself and remember to use it from time to time.

The ability to abstract yourself from unpleasant surroundings and thoughts is the ability to relax. You can do this almost anywhere where you can retire for a few minutes. Failures, problems and other negativity will gradually recede from you.

How does exercise help relieve stress?

Aerobic exercise (moderate-intensity exercise that uses oxygen for energy) increases your heart rate, causing the body to release endorphins, chemicals that act as a natural pain reliever and improve your mood. After exercise, we experience a natural emotional uplift.

Endorphins not only relieve pain and improve your mood, they also help us sleep better. The combination of these effects can reduce the effects of stress. By exercising regularly, we get the opportunity to enjoy these benefits more often.

Regular exercise (as opposed to one-time exercise) also has a cumulative effect, which manifests itself in improving the level of physical fitness, increasing endurance and losing weight. These are all positive changes, and the fact that we are changing for the better increases our self-esteem. And with the growth of physical strength, emotional strength also increases, and mental well-being improves.

One more thing. During times of stress, it is human nature to concentrate on the problem. Under the weight of worries, it is difficult to think about anything else. And we overwhelm ourselves, feeling that this oppression is increasing. But having inserted physical exercise into our daily schedule, we will be forced to switch. And even a short-term complete redirection of attention to something else can bring vital relief and relieve stress. In addition, coming to the gym can help you find a new circle of communication and additional emotional support.

Why am I tense?

The reasons why you experience constant tension and fatigue can be very diverse. The most common of them are:

  • overload at work;
  • conflict situations on the street and at home;
  • financial difficulties and unforeseen situations;
  • stress from unpleasant news;
  • nervous tension due to constant noise;
  • frequent negative thoughts.

As a result, a lot of negative energy accumulates inside you. It puts pressure not only psychologically. Instinctively, your body tries to protect itself from the influence of negativity. As a result, you get tight muscles, poor sleep and frequent pain in different parts of the body.

Residents of megacities are more often exposed to stressful situations. This is due to the increased speed of life, which is why it is so important to be able to relax quickly without wasting precious time. Otherwise, your body will not be able to cope even with everyday activities.

In the shadow of stress

Stress can't be avoided, but it can be controlled

As they say, stress cannot be avoided, but it can be controlled.

There are many factors that contribute to the development of stress. A stressful background is created by health problems, financial difficulties, work; Even our normal reactions to everyday life can lead to increased anxiety and “feed” stress.

Statistical surveys show that almost everyone has to deal with stress. According to ROMIR, 95% of our country’s residents experience stress in one way or another. VTsIOM data differs slightly: according to them, only 9% of Russians are not familiar with stress. And 8% of the population experience stress constantly.

How many people are stressed at one time? According to the results of one of the studies (data from the Kemerovo region for 2013 were used), the prevalence of stress was 22.6%. At the same time, stress was registered more often in women than in men (28.1% versus 11.7%).

We cannot completely avoid problems. Avoiding problems is not the best tactic. But by developing a habit of regular exercise, you can add an effective stress relief tool to your arsenal.

How to learn to relax properly

To combat fatigue and overstrain, it is not enough just to sleep or lie down with your favorite book. And most often there is not enough time for such a vacation. However, there are ways to relieve stress in a very short time. It's easy to learn to relax during the workday. At the same time, you do not lose productivity and can quickly return to the ranks of your colleagues.

When you have a lot of free time, you should make the most of it to get back to normal. This way you will not only be able to fully get rid of overload, but also teach your body to deal with stress at any time. The technique of performing actions for relaxation, by the way, does not require special skills. Therefore, you can safely begin to improve your well-being and strengthen your nervous system.

Quick ways to relieve stress

Do you understand that you are having a hard time holding back the negative emotions rushing out? This is the first sign of overwork and excessive stress. If you suppress such manifestations in yourself, they can develop into depression and other mental disorders. But you shouldn’t openly express anger and fear, especially in a crowded place. There are methods to quickly deal with overvoltage:

  • identify the cause of your stress. Awareness of the cause of such an unpleasant state is the first step towards peace.
  • Try to remove all negative thoughts from your head and focus on any pleasant event in your life.
  • Do some simple exercises. For example, jumping or flapping your arms. This will help the body fight stress hormones.
  • Take a deep breath. Inhale air, filling yourself with it from bottom to top (from the stomach to the chest), and exhale on the contrary, from top to bottom.

These simple steps will not completely relieve you from overload, but they will give you the opportunity to calm down for a while. Later, at home in a calm environment, you can use a more effective relaxation method.

Psychological methods

Your subconscious mind is quite capable of coping with any stress. You just need to be able to activate defense mechanisms. Meditation and proper breathing will help you with this. It's not as difficult as it might seem.

Choose a time when you can be alone with yourself. Sit in the lotus position (if you can) or half lotus. It is important to keep your back straight so as not to prevent your lungs from filling completely with air. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and steadily. Try to imagine a calm, peaceful place, such as the sea or a field. Make yourself feel like a light wind is blowing on your face. It brings the smells of the environment, pleasant and unobtrusive.

Dealing with Negative Emotions

Most of our problems are within us. They do not allow you to fully rest and relax properly. It is very difficult to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. However, it is very important to learn how to do this in order to ensure inner harmony and peace.

Don’t look for the causes of stress in your environment and try not to think negatively even about the most unpleasant circumstances. Train yourself to be optimistic and find the good in everything. Got laid off at work? This is a chance to find something you like. Got wet in the rain and caught a cold? This means there is time to devote the day only to yourself.

Body relaxation and meditation

The opportunity to completely relax can be obtained not only during a massage session. Although this method is undoubtedly very effective. Meditation helps you achieve an optimal balance between inner peace and relaxation of the body. This significantly increases the body’s chances of resistance to environmental negativity.

To fully meditate, you should set aside at least 20 minutes a day. During this time, no one should bother you or bother you. Avoid unnecessary noise, but you can play music. It is worth choosing calm melodies, without sudden transitions. A slow rhythm will help you coordinate your breathing better.

Relieve brain fatigue

As you know, mental work leads to exhaustion of the body much more often than physical work. The reason is that the brain uses too many nerve cells to function. And the longer you don’t give your thoughts a break, the stronger the impact of stress will be. You cannot overload yourself with problems and worries every day, while forgetting to rest.

How to learn to take a break from mental work, without losing the ability to quickly respond to changing tasks? It is worth learning to protect yourself from bad thoughts. Yes, it is quite difficult to do this at first. But by practicing constantly, you will learn to let any negative thoughts pass you by without overloading your brain:

  • force yourself to switch to positive thoughts.
  • pick a few of your favorite natural scents and inhale them several times a day for a couple of minutes.
  • learn to value your opinion above someone else's, you shouldn't depend on what people think.

Three simple steps will successfully relieve your brain of stress.

Overcome the effects of stress

When faced with stress, many people are afraid of new actions and thoughts, thereby dooming themselves to constant fatigue. This problem must be solved very quickly, as it has a destructive effect on your subconscious. Researchers have concluded that females are more susceptible to stress than males. Increased emotionality and a low psychological protective barrier affect.

How can a woman facing stress relax so as not to further injure her nervous system? Give yourself half an hour of peace a day. During this time, you should use breathing exercises, drink warm tea and think about your dreams. It’s about dreams, not goals that can be easily achieved with enough money. Every emotion you have at this moment should be filled with positivity and happiness.

Schulz method

Successful practice in dealing with stress is the Schultz complex. This professor is completely convinced that every person has a certain amount of ability to hypnosis. And with its help it is quite possible to fight fatigue. This needs to be done in several steps.

  1. Feel the heaviness. You need to lie down as comfortably as possible and close your eyes. Force yourself to feel complete peace and tranquility. Then focus on feeling heavy in your left hand. Bend it at the elbow and take two deep breaths. Then repeat the same thing, but with your right hand.
  2. The next step is the same exercise, but replacing the heaviness with a feeling of light warmth. It is important to really feel the mental projection.
  3. Place your hand on your heart and confidently say in your thoughts that your heartbeat is even and calm. This should be repeated four times.
  4. Control your breathing. Just as in the previous exercise, repeat in your mind that your breathing is calm and light.
  5. Relax your abdominal muscles and feel the warmth in your solar plexus. After a while you will feel like you are in a hot bath.
  6. To finish the exercise, focus on the thought that your forehead is cool and the breeze is blowing on it.

Breathing technique

It is worth understanding how to properly relax using breathing. Yes, we breathe constantly, but only certain techniques will help cope with overexertion. First of all, remember that deep breathing should not be sharp, you should inhale and exhale smoothly and slowly.

The topic of proper breathing is well known to those who practice yoga. It is in this teaching that it is well explained how to breathe for your own benefit. Take the time to choose a few simple exercises for yourself and perform them daily.

Do a DNA test

Scientists have found that the presence of a certain set of genes provides stress resistance. It is this mechanism that allows you to relax and bypass the critical state of overstrain. To determine your level of preparation for negativity, you can do a DNA test. This will help identify possible problems in the mechanisms of defense against stress and work on strengthening them.

Where to order genetic testing

Our center offers to conduct all necessary genetic studies. Thanks to modern equipment, you can find out the characteristics of your body. Our specialists will help you accurately decipher all the data received. Based on this information, it will be easy for you to determine your strengths and weaknesses and choose the path to developing stress resistance.

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