How can a woman understand that her male colleague likes her?

There is nothing surprising in office romances, since we spend half, or even most of our time at work. And if this is a diverse group, different kinds of sympathies will arise in it, that’s how nature works. However, it is not always possible to distinguish true interest in oneself from simple politeness and good manners. And some men generally tend to win over and charm all the fair sex around them due to their charisma and gallantry. So how can you recognize the signs of a male colleague’s true sympathy for you in order to respond in a timely manner or not to harbor false hopes? First things first.

Common female mistakes in interpreting male behavior

Why do you want to start such a big topic with this question? Because we often pass off what we want as reality... Some men just emanate courtesy and charm. And although women usually feel well liked towards themselves, in some cases this feeling is still deceptive. How to avoid getting into trouble and correctly determine whether a male colleague at work sincerely likes you or is this a typical manifestation of his behavior?

So, what situations or signs of attention should be studied in more detail:

  1. Frequent compliments, emphasizing your strengths, ambiguous hints, playful jokes addressed to you. Typically, true seducers behave this way, for whom such communication with the opposite sex is the norm. You just need to observe his behavior with other female colleagues in order to understand his nature and think about your further actions.
  2. He opens the door for you, runs in to say hello, carries a heavy package, and helps with work matters. This may be regarded as sympathy from the outside, but no one has canceled the good upbringing of a man.
  3. The colleague is pleasant to talk to, listens with understanding, listens to every word, empathizes, and gets emotionally involved in your conversation. Despite the fact that women usually have higher emotional intelligence, such men exist too! This is nothing more than a combination of character with developed communication skills.
  4. Regular invitations to a cup of tea during a lunch break, where work matters are discussed, more often indicate the manifestation of ordinary business etiquette. As a rule, such tea parties and joint dinners do not have a hint of further development.

To understand whether a male colleague sincerely likes you or whether it’s just good human upbringing, you need observation. Do not immediately react by expressing your feelings, otherwise you risk ending up in an unpleasant situation. Take compliments calmly, respond to gallantry tactfully, accept invitations with restraint. This is especially true if you have been working in this team recently and have not yet fully understood the employees.

You need to take an extremely close look at your colleague’s behavior if you work in a male team. Often men display the usual rivalry among themselves, where the target (it just so happens that it is you) is pursued for the sake of the goal, and not to achieve the final result. Clicking your opponent on the nose - what could be more enjoyable?

"Flirting Triangle"

Nonverbal communication experts say that we look at different facial and body features depending on whether we like a person or not.

With unattractive or unfamiliar people, our gaze moves from eye to eye and stops at the bridge of the nose.

But if sympathy arises, people repeat the triangle, increasing its area: “eye-eye-lips.” Did you like what you saw? Even if you haven’t had time to formulate your interest even in your head, the next examination will be even broader: “eye-eye-neck”.

Well, have you already noticed what part of your body your colleague is looking at?

Showing sincere sympathy for a male colleague

It’s much easier to form relationships at work, because people are together every day for a long period of time. And for men, such situations turn out to be advantageous, because the object of adoration is always nearby.

How can a man demonstrate his interest in a female colleague?

  1. Line of sight. A man will constantly be in front of the eyes of the object of his sympathy, and in the workplace, first of all, he will look for you among other people.
  2. Violation of space. A colleague will always try to get close to you - stand next to you at the water cooler, sit on the next chair at a meeting, take an interest in something on your desk, etc.
  3. Contacting you. He constantly tries to attract the woman he likes to a general conversation, ask her opinion, ask her a question, turn to her for advice.
  4. Sight. A man loves with his eyes, so his gaze will show everything! Your colleague will look tenderly, studyingly, attentively, devouring you with his eyes. If he meets you at your workplace in the morning, his eyes will shine and smile, it’s hard not to notice!
  5. Close contact. In addition to entering your personal space, a man always tries to touch the object of his affection. When you are sitting at the computer, he can put his hand on your shoulder to look into the monitor, stand close to the side, casually touch your hand with his fingers, etc.
  6. Non-verbal communication. Hands are constantly busy with something - straightening hair, sorting paper clips on the desktop, fiddling with a pen, touching clothes. If a man simply puts his hands in his pocket, this is considered to be suppressing the desire to touch you.
  7. Tone. The timbre always changes when a man approaches a woman he likes. The voice becomes softer, maybe hoarse, with notes of depth and tenderness.
  8. Talk. During the conversation, pauses may appear due to excitement or careful selection of words.
  9. Compliments. A man will always notice a new dress, praise the performance, and emphasize his sense of style.
  10. Intrusiveness. If the character of a male colleague is assertive and firm, he will stop at nothing: he will offer his help even where you could handle it yourself, carry coffee, invite you to go have lunch, etc. He will also be added as a friend on all social networks and will comment or rate every photo, recording, audio.
  11. Jealousy. Even if the relationship has not yet begun, the man already considers you as his on a subconscious level. If other male colleagues approach a woman, he will frown, purse his lips, lose his mood, his muscles will play, and his posture will become tense.

Such signs will undoubtedly help determine that a male colleague at work likes you.

These are general points that help determine sympathy for your person. However, there are behavioral features that are inherent in certain categories of men.


The next one logically follows from the previous point. When an interesting person appears in the visual zone, both men and women begin to adjust their clothes, hairstyle, glasses and everything else.

The stronger sex tends to smooth (or fluff, depending on the style) their hair, pull up their shirt collar, tighten or, conversely, loosen their tie a little.

Showing sympathy depending on the type of temperament

The model of male behavior strategy depends on its nature. How will different male representatives show their affection?

Mentor. He will show feelings slowly, but assertively and confidently, combining cholericism with phlegmatism. Basically, such men take on the role of a thorough colleague - they will help with work, give advice, teach and guide. It gives him pleasure. You won’t get loyal looks or jealous scenes from such a colleague; he is firm and likes to keep everything under control.

Shy guy. This refers to the melancholic type of temperament. Such a man looks at you secretly, longingly and reverently. His strategy is to become a best friend, a shoulder, a support. He will invite his colleague for lunches, 5-minute cups of coffee, and at meetings he will become interested in the personal life of the person he likes. This man will always be in touch, whether for work or personal matters, and will quickly come to the rescue. At the same time, he will hide his feelings to the last - such is his nature.

Active romantic. This is a real sanguine person, whose credo is to give happiness and a smile. You won’t get bored with such a colleague; he knows how to present pleasant surprises even in a work atmosphere. In the morning you can find a cup of fresh coffee on your desktop, a cute kitten with pleasant wishes on your computer screensaver, or pleasant, funny notes about how beautiful you are today. Sometimes you can notice that a man behaves like a child when you appear. This is not out of stupidity, but out of great sympathy for you, he will get lost or express it in excessive gestures and loud speech.

Attracting attention

The man from the book on popular psychology that you read at night gives the woman he likes flowers, invites her for coffee and gives compliments. Real life men often do things completely differently.

Some of them sit in their chairs, stubbornly staring at the computer and praying that you will speak first or at least pass by his office. Others, when an attractive woman appears, take out clubs from their bosoms and begin to juggle, do handstands, or at least demonstrate miracles of sleight of hand. Both are confident that they attract attention.

Therefore, be observant and monitor any changes in behavior.

How a work colleague shows his sympathy in an informal setting

If you suspected that an employee was interested in you, then when you find yourself with him outside the workplace, you will understand everything for sure.

What should you pay attention to?

  • manner of conversation - outside the office, a male colleague can communicate in a completely opposite way;
  • During dialogue, the head leans towards the shoulder, and the body is directed completely towards the interlocutor;
  • the eyes will be directed into the eyes, maximum - into the neck area;
  • unobtrusive attempts to touch;
  • his palms are completely open (does not clench his fists, does not hide them in his pocket, etc.);
  • Broad smile;
  • fussiness;
  • constant attempts to joke (which, by the way, are not always successful).

If a man hides his feelings at work, but behaves this way outside the office, then rest assured that he is not indifferent to you!

He's jealous of you 12

This is an indirect scene of jealousy that he throws right in the middle of the workday. But when he hears mention of other guys from you or someone talks about your men, he starts to fuss and get nervous. Jealousy began to play within him.

Important! All of the above points are important only if the colleague shows attention to one person. When a man behaves this way with everyone, it means he just wants to please everyone or is a friendly and caring person, or a womanizer.

How to recognize sympathy from your superiors

This is usually the most sensitive topic. It’s one thing if a male colleague likes you, and another thing if the interest comes from your boss. There are always doubts and fears about this: after all, if you misunderstood something or the manager is simply attentive and tactful, you risk finding yourself in a failed situation.

How do you know if a male boss likes you at work?

  • will contribute to your professional growth - send you to relevant trainings, recommend advanced training, give you the opportunity to speak at important business conferences;
  • has no problem with your requests for time off, reacts with alarm to sick leave, worrying about your well-being and health;
  • will be happy to note your successes, praise you, set an example in front of your colleagues, reward you with a bonus or salary increase;
  • does not look away, on the contrary - his gaze, when meeting your gaze, carries approval, support and warmth;
  • you will always be there for important meetings, negotiations or meetings under any pretext;

So, you have grasped the essence of the behavior of a male leader. But what if the fear of confusing sympathy and ordinary business etiquette is still present?

First, under no circumstances should you go straight to a meeting. It doesn’t matter whether these are true feelings towards you or you are simply a really good employee who deserves praise and career growth. Time will be your best ally. Having an affair with your boss at work will not bring anything good except gossip and envy in the team, both for you and for him. Save your reputation in advance.

Secondly, even if you are sure of his sympathy, but you don’t like him as a man, it is better to show delicacy and a cool distance. Otherwise, you risk being fired, especially if the boss is not confident in himself or has a vulnerable psyche. Don’t be afraid to limit your boundaries - over time, the man will cool down and your business relationship will remain at a neutral professional level.

In other words, let the situation go with the flow. Let the boss steer this liner. And if the sympathy is mutual, don’t be afraid to reciprocate! First of all, you are still a woman, and he is a man, no matter how you look at it.

Nobody forbids you to fall in love with your boss, just don’t demonstrate it in the workplace. Yes, colleagues will still find out about this, but let it be at a more confident stage of your relationship.

Look and smile

If your colleague involuntarily smiles when he sees you, during a conversation leans a little in your direction and looks into your eyes, then most likely he is also passionate and does not mind spending the evening together.

However, even if he demonstratively turns away, this does not mean anything: it is quite possible that the specimen in front of you is too shy.

A person in love is betrayed by nervousness: direct eye contact is both frightening and alluring. Therefore, men often quickly look away and immediately look again: it is beyond their strength to refrain from looking at the object of desire.

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If your colleague is married

Married male colleagues who flirt with the fair sex at work always arouse suspicion. You can joke with them, they usually have a great understanding of women, but you can’t cross the line beyond easy communication. And the point is not only about morality, but also about the fact that you will not see further development of the relationship, and it is almost impossible to get out of gossip and condemnation.

How to understand that a married colleague feels more than friendship for you:

  • will not skimp on chic compliments;
  • follows with a “hungry” look;
  • will be caring and courteous;
  • the conversation will be filled with jokes and anecdotes;
  • when talking, his eyes dart over his chest, thighs and legs.

Usually such men are quite brave, so if there are suspicions that he likes you, you need to ask him directly about it and clearly indicate your position.

Interested in your marital status4

This question is not asked directly, but in some roundabout way. He may ask something, ask who is picking you up from work, who you are going with to your friend’s birthday party. He will come up with some reason to find out if you are free if this information is not freely available on social networks or on the lips of colleagues.

Sudden change of image

When a person falls in love, he is under the influence of hormones of happiness and pleasure. He sees the world around him in rainbow colors, he wants to be better and more beautiful. One who flies on the wings of love begins to change in appearance: his gait, mood, clothes may change - everything becomes more sexual in nature. The Soviet-era film “Office Romance” demonstrates this perfectly: having fallen in love, a prim and inconspicuous boss turns into a beautiful and attractive woman.

This hint, together with others, will help you understand whether the director likes you: pay attention to whether the man has changed in appearance. Perhaps he began to smell somehow differently, he changed his hairstyle or joined the gym.

Video about how a man in love behaves

I suggest watching a video from a psychologist who will talk about the signs of falling in love. Here is a completely different approach to the topic than in the article. Perhaps you will find it useful:

In any case, there is no point in rushing things. If you think about it, all the advantages are initially on your side, because you meet with your colleague every day. You have plenty of time to draw conclusions about a person and his reputation.

You will also probably have mutual acquaintances - talk to them too to feel calmer. Act guided not only by feelings, but also by the voice of reason - then everything will definitely be fine with you.


You can find out that your boss is in love by tracking the manifestations of his jealous feelings towards his subordinate. Of course, this will not be so clearly noticeable, because there are no mutual obligations between them, and therefore such emotions are at least inappropriate. You can understand that the director is jealous by certain criteria in his behavior:

  • he will listen to your telephone conversations, especially if there is a male voice on the other end. Frowning eyebrows and a generally dissatisfied face at such moments are a clear sign of jealousy;
  • Observe how the director reacts when you interact nicely with employees of the opposite sex. Most likely, in such situations you will receive stern verbal comments;
  • the manager may “casually” be interested in your marital status or personal life, as if testing the waters for further action.

He communicates with you outside of work

Source: iStock

If he calls and texts you after hours, it means that he is thinking about you in his spare time and wants to stay in touch.

An ordinary colleague can easily wait until the next day to tell the news or show a funny picture.

He congratulates you on the holidays

Follow his wishes and words - he will select them carefully, but intends to aim at the very heart.

Calls or SMS for no specific reason

As a rule, managers are busy people, and even if you have friendly communication, no one will call you every day to inquire about your health or inquire about some minor detail that you can handle on your own. A director in love behaves in such a way as to be closer to the one he cares about. By proximity we mean not only physical distance, but also calls, SMS, emails. These could be work issues that “urgently” need to be clarified on a weekend or later. A man will try to remind himself often under any pretext. And the more ridiculous these excuses are, the higher the likelihood that they want to get closer to you.

Violating your boundaries

The boss is definitely in love with you if he tries to go beyond professional boundaries in the relationship. This can be understood by the manner of communication, which clearly does not correspond to work. Irony, perhaps sarcasm, jokes with a touch of sexuality - all this is a veiled attempt to move to a more intimate level, more confidential. For example, a phrase such as “I know you” or “Yes, I know you!” talk about a person’s unconscious desire to be closer. The man thus shows - “you are under control, I am watching.”

An offer to give you a ride home or, conversely, bring you to work will also be an invasion of personal space. Offering to resolve any issues or problems outside the office is also about this. For example, the director suddenly wants to help you transport furniture or take your car to a service station. The desire to participate in your everyday life may even seem intrusive, especially when you cannot reciprocate the person’s feelings.

A man in love will try to quietly take control of your entire life in order to help, protect in time, react to the appearance of other representatives of the stronger sex and get rid of them safely.

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