Sectarianism – what is it from a psychological point of view. Signs and dangers of participation in cults

It is difficult to define a sect; experts themselves argue on this point. In general, a sect is a separate religious group of people with teachings and practices that differ from the main existing world faiths. Despite different approaches, among researchers of this issue (and the topic is studied by sociologists, religious scholars, historians, cultural experts, etc.) one can identify key characteristics characteristic of most sects.

1. Marketing . Sectarians try to attract as many adherents as possible, so sect members are usually actively involved in promoting their teachings. You should be alert to annoying calls, letters and messages with offers to attend a free seminar on spiritual growth or awakening. Charity concerts, festivals for children, and psychological trainings also often hide pseudo-religious movements.

There is a special psychological technique “sandwich”: a person is surrounded with special attention and care, two sectarians constantly maintain comprehensive contact with the recruit in order to prevent his critical thoughts regarding the teaching.

2. Hierarchy and double doctrine . Typically, sect initiators disguise their teachings as generally accepted values. The whole truth about the true ideals of sectarians is never told to newcomers. Often, to become “initiated” in the affairs of a community, one must occupy a high place in the hierarchy. Hierarchy is one of the main properties of building a religious sect. Such a device allows you to keep the entire organization under strict control, as well as encourage participants to be active in order to get to the next level.

3. Contributions . Most sects exist at the expense of their adherents. At some certain stage, contributions, donations and contributions to the common cause begin to be demanded from the sect member. Sometimes sects inform from the very beginning about the fees for their seminars and trainings, but often the newcomer learns that he will have to pay after “initiation” into their ranks. In order to dispose of the funds and property of their followers, sectarians can use various methods of suppressing consciousness, hypnosis and psychological pressure, even threatening life and health.

4 . The Infallible Leader . Sectarian teachings usually claim to be unique and indisputable. Moreover, the movement has a leader, from whose biography only those individual facts are known that confirm his “sacredness.” All knowledge that comes to the “supreme teacher” is usually obtained in a supernatural way - through communication with spirits, nature or alien intelligence. His level of "enlightenment" is unattainable for his followers, and his orders are not discussed. This is a kind of “dictator”, and subordination to him through the hierarchical levels is totalitarian in nature. Even if at the initial stages it seems to newcomers that participation is voluntary and democratic, in fact, everything in the structure is strictly regulated.

What is a sect

The word "sect" comes from the Latin sequor - "to follow someone, to obey." Initially, this was the name given to all the separated philosophical, political and religious groups. Once upon a time, the Christian Church was a sect opposing itself to pagan society.

In a broad sense, a cult is a group of people who promote ideas, teachings and practices that differ from the generally accepted norms of society. In a narrow sense, a sect is a religious group that has separated from the mainstream or opposes its ideas to the main religion of society. The sect has its own founder and its own teaching.

Based on the definition discussed, we can conclude that not all sects are destructive. This is a social stereotype that benefits, first of all, official religious movements. Once upon a time, those who chose science instead of the church were considered sectarians. They were called heretics and executed for disobedience. Fortunately, in our time, the church and science have learned to live more or less peacefully.

According to the law, any person has the right to create his own religious organization or religious group if its teachings do not threaten the life and health of people, do not infringe on their freedom and do not call for refusal to perform civil duties. In practice, most sects violate these conditions, which is why the belief has formed that all sects are dangerous and harmful.

Any sect can potentially become a religious movement and achieve official recognition. In fact, this is what the representatives are fighting for. Each sect is closed and isolated, convinced of its exclusivity and claims to be the leading church.

A sect is a society of separated people who have united with the goal of building a different way of life, detachment and salvation from the outside world that does not suit them. This is where the question arises of what the sect offers participants. Is it salvation? Let's talk further about dangerous, destructive sects.

An interesting fact: the association of a sect with something dangerous is so firmly entrenched in society that religious scholars and lawyers do not recommend using this term in its original meaning. In relation to non-dangerous sects, it is better to say “religious groups”, “religious associations”, since “sect” in their relation may sound like an insult to the feelings of believers.


At every step of the sectarian hierarchy, they appeal to the deepest experiences of a person, as well as to his ambition and curiosity. Usually they try to remove the adherent from their previous connections, explaining this need by the “chosenness” of the sectarians and their “difference” from the bulk of people who do not believe in the same thing as they (now).

They can even convince an adherent of the community that he is the messenger of God, and only he has the power to change this world. Without him and, of course, the spiritual leaders of the sect, who will help and guide him on the right path, humanity will be mired in chaos.

Signs of a sect

Let's talk in more detail about destructive or totalitarian sects. They are dangerous to the life and health of participants, are based on an authoritarian management style, and take the form of a religious, social, commercial, educational or health organization. The peak of our days is sects under the guise of personal growth courses, but they are far from the only destructive associations.

Signs of a totalitarian sect:

  1. Active advertising and propaganda: annoying calls, invitations to free seminars, growth trainings. Cult leaders are evil, but good psychologists. They use a special recruitment method: two representatives of the group are constantly close to the potential participant, not allowing him to admit a single critical thought regarding the ideas of the sect.
  2. Hierarchy, dedication. The division of the concept into levels of accessibility is a direct sign of a sect. The hierarchy stimulates participants to be active, because at a new level more secret and deeper knowledge will be revealed to them.
  3. Contributions, donations. Some sects immediately declare that participation is paid, others leave this for later. Moreover, more often than not there is no direct demand, but the person is influenced by hypnosis and suppression of consciousness.
  4. Leader, prophet, chosen one. Each sect has one main person, more enlightened than others, chosen by the highest powers themselves. His orders and words are not discussed. And although at first acquaintance it may seem that participation in the sect is voluntary, and all adherents are equal, later a hierarchy and an undisputed leader will become visible.
  5. Suppression of consciousness, reason, ability to think rationally. There is a maximum impact on emotions so that the mind does not have time to think about everything that is happening. For better suppression, sectarians control the life of the victim, trying to constantly, completely keep the person within sight. Representatives of the sect instill attitudes and beliefs that are beneficial to them. Some organizations make it easier for themselves by changing people's consciousness through ritual drug use under the guise of a traditional drug.
  6. Information control. Representatives of the doctrine overwhelm the victim with disks, books, booklets, films, and other materials. A mandatory element is meetings, meetings at which not only the value of knowledge is demonstrated, but also various types of healing, correction, and “miracles.” Meetings can be mass or individual.
  7. Opposition to the world. The idea of ​​uniqueness over the rest of the world is promoted, for example that only members of this group will be able to achieve enlightenment, be saved, or save another lost soul. The newcomer is necessarily forced to do something contrary to society, so that he is even more separated from it. Sectarians force people to show pity to other people, since they have not yet found the meaning of life.
  8. Common goal. A sect always has a goal and a plan to achieve it. Some people believe in enlightenment, some are waiting for the apocalypse, death, some are dreaming of world power. The teaching of any sect states that after reaching this point, all earthly problems will be solved by themselves.
  9. Attributes. Any identification marks dividing between friends and foes. Everything you can imagine: tattoos, brands, amulets, hairstyle, clothes, verbal signs. This is necessary so that at every point in the world and time a person remembers the sect and feels involved in it.

The sect does not tolerate irregular attendance at meetings, because then control over the person will not be constant. It fills all the victim’s time, tearing him away from his usual way of life, family, and friends. Without noticing it, a person spends all his physical, psychological strength, time, and money on the development of the sect, and not on his own development.

Aggressive proselytism

Sectarians strive not only to convert others to their faith (this is the concept of proselytism, which is the main feature of a sect), but to apply persistence bordering on aggression. At the first stage, the “recruit” is convinced by the “carrot” method, saying how chosen, necessary, and previously unappreciated by anyone he is.

Subsequently, community members collect incriminating evidence against the adept, signatures on the donation of material goods, or act with threats to honor, dignity, health, life (different levers in different societies) in the event of his departure.

In addition, in such organizations there is an imposition of one’s own faith and cult. Everything that is excellent is severely condemned. With the help of skillful manipulation on the part of the members, the inspired person abandons his principles and believes in the only correct religion.

The Dangers of Participation in a Cult

Any sect, even a positive one, isolates a person from normal life and society. Representatives of the sect are fixated on their ideas, ideals, and interests. They think and live only within the framework of their group. It is obvious that a person cannot grow and develop outside of society. Every member of society needs to work somewhere and communicate with other people. The sect member finds himself out of touch with reality. And even if the sect has a positive character, it is difficult to call its influence positive.

For example, you can create a sect that worships free work hours or barter relationships. But what is the likelihood that this sect will become the political philosophy of the entire state, the world? It is more likely that people who promote this will find themselves thrown overboard in everyday work and social relationships.

The second danger of participation is fanaticism. Any business or idea loses its value if it turns into a fanatical attitude.

Well, the third danger of sects is that a person begins to live for the sake of the sect, giving his strength and resources to it. In many closed totalitarian sects, extremist ideas flourish. In some sects, participants are bullied, beaten, and raped. Often their loved ones are also in danger.

Participation in a sect leads to psychophysiological and intellectual exhaustion of a person:

  • loss of ability to think critically;
  • malnutrition, sleep deficiency;
  • narrowing of horizons, impoverishment of the knowledge base in topics and areas not related to sectarian teachings;
  • hostile attitude towards society;
  • loss of communication skills, ability to social interaction.

The goal of the sect is to suppress a person’s will, gain control over his thoughts, feelings and behavior. The participant becomes a slave of the sect and loses psychological, material, and social opportunities to leave it.

Presence of an infallible guru and tenets of teaching

If in religion God is something unearthly, sometimes embodied in people or animals, and sometimes appearing to people to convey truths, then the sect has a total spiritual leader.

God loves all people, punishes for serious sins, but can forgive even this. To forgive, you need to repent, pray, correct your behavior, and live with the benefit of others. With sectarian gurus everything is different. This requires submission, renunciation of family, loved ones, and previous interests.

One could argue that in Orthodox monasteries there are also hermits who have renounced worldly connections and benefits. However, the difference is significant - before becoming a monk, you need to go through several stages, just try yourself in the role of a worker at the monastery. People are literally lured into a sect and their will is suppressed in a short time.

In addition, religious activity in general brings good, monks are not forced to go from house to house, recruiting people into their organization for the sake of profit. Excursions to famous monasteries give a feeling of awe and reverence. It is not for nothing that many pilgrimage trips around the country are made every year. The same cannot be said about sects.


Faith is important for every person. But the most useful version of faith from the point of view of psychology is faith in yourself, in your own strengths. A rational explanation of surrounding phenomena, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, knowledge and acceptance of oneself, working on oneself are more beneficial for psychological health and self-realization than faith in a higher power or hope in other people. Man is the author and manager of everything that happens to him.

For information on how to help a victim of sectarianism, read the article “Why people join a sect. How to avoid becoming a victim and ending up in a sect. Help for someone who has fallen into a sect."

Religious Marketing or Religious Advertising

The sect's propaganda is usually very persistent. Advertising calls for adherence to supposedly universal human values ​​(hospitality, mutual assistance, good nature, group cohesion, etc.). Propaganda materials (leaflets, posters, etc.) promise benefits that everyone needs, but not everyone has enough:

  • Love;
  • happiness;
  • material well-being;
  • respect and acceptance of others.

Sectarian techniques and techniques for taking over the mind and “wallet”

FOR GROUP PRESSURE AND T.N. “Love bombing” is an increase in the “need to belong” to a group through the use of games similar to children’s, through physical touch, flattery. The purpose of this technique is to, through super-intrusiveness, evoke in the adherent the feeling that they were waiting for him, that he is something special and that communicating with him is very interesting and pleasant for other sectarians. The newcomer is not allowed out of sight and care for a minute. This procedure, recommended by special instructions, is called a “sandwich” and requires that the newcomer must be surrounded by two experienced sectarians assigned to him, who are obliged to entertain him with all zeal.

Isolation implies the inability (or eliminates the desire) to compare the information provided by the group with reality.

Techniques that modify thinking - involve the recruit in meditation, monotonous singing and repetitive actions, which creates (induces) a state of high suggestibility .

Instilling feelings of fear and guilt, which are caused by the organization of repentance, public confessions (“confession”) under the pretext of creating intimacy and discovering secrets in order to form an emotional vulnerability through overt and covert threats, or alternating punishments and rewards.

Sleep deprivation is presented as spiritual exercises or necessary psychophysical training.

Inadequate nutrition is disguised as a special diet (minimum protein food) to improve health, or a mandatory part of a ritual.

Sensory overload, which imposes the adoption of a set of goals and definitions (definitions) of a new doctrine in order to replace the previous values ​​of a likely convert through the assimilation of a mass of information in a short time with very limited possibility of critical verification.

Cult mind control, as practiced in some destructive religious organizations, does not so much erase previous personal identification as create a new one. Scientific data allows us to assert that as a result of a sufficiently long-term use of consciousness control techniques, the personality of an adherent of a religious organization is brought to a state of mental helplessness, powerlessness and is completely discredited. Instead, a cult personality is purposefully built, capable of carrying out the will of the leader. The new personality has an illusory cult-like independence. With an intensive procedure, the result is sometimes achieved in a few weeks, but in most cases in a month or two. After psychological treatment, a person becomes a completely different person, and all the extra-cult attachments of the adept are severed.

Apostles' Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, our Lord, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary; who suffered under Pontius Pilate; crucified, died, buried and descended into hell; and rose on the third day from the dead and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from where He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; into the holy one universal Church, the communion of saints for the forgiveness of sins; to the resurrection from the dead; and into eternal life.

Total control

As a result, sectarians are invited to live in their own separate community. The work and rest schedule there is clearly regulated so that there is no time left for critical understanding of what is happening. In some cult organizations, leaders use hypnosis and other psychotechnics to subjugate sect members, as well as psychotropic and narcotic substances. In case of disobedience, the organizers resort to blackmail and try in every possible way to keep the adherent and maintain power over him.

At first it may seem that community means freedom, new life. But in the end, all sectarians come to one thing - complete submission and dependence on their leaders. The longer one stays in a dubious organization that calls itself religious, the less choice and personal resources a person has. Serving a sect can threaten the relatives and friends of adherents.

If there is at least one sign of a sect, you should not join a new community. And the brighter the future looks in this organization, the more insidious the recruiters turn out to be.

We invite you to watch a video on the topic: How to identify a dangerous sect - signs!

Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, everything visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, Begotten, Uncreated, Consubstantial with the Father, through Whom all things were created. Who for the sake of us, people, and for the sake of our salvation, came down from heaven. And he became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became a man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And he will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giving Lord, Coming from the Father and the Son, together with the Father and the Son, Worshiped and Glorified, Who spoke through the prophets.

And into one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come.


Author - Mike Bickle / Translation - Oksana Burns for

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